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Kick-Ass (2010)
Very Surprised!
18 April 2010
Either we live in the world where a skillful marketing can make everyone's mind about the movie and sell it or... I don't know!

With quite interesting idea in its sleeve (a kid with no power becomes a 'superhero') the movie turns out to be a complete disaster. It's repetitive, boring, not that funny at all, has no likable characters (just psychos, dumb teens and even more dumb and psychotic 'villains') and is completely inconsistent in its form.

The idea is to put lots of typical clichés from different genres (teen comedies like American Pie, buddy movies, bloody revenge movies) and rip-offs from other comic-books (Batman, Spiderman, Punisher and even Iron Man) and put everything into a bag of movie sh.. as the main focus is to pack the sliced and incoherent story with never-ending bloody fight and torture scenes involving a kid stabbing, slicing and crushing people.

Hit Girl is stealing the show, right!?

It's like telling a 3-year-old to say 'F..k' and laughing because it sounds sooo funny. Then maybe he or she can kill a cat with a knife because you don't often see many 3-year-olds doing such a thing. The wise producers could do another popcorn flick set in primary school about kids killing Nazis and necrophiliacs. Sure they've never ever done that before! But should they! Is it really that funny for general audience nowadays?

Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against violence in movies if it has SOME point to the story or even if it's nicely stylized (Sin City, 300). But in times of Saws the sickening violence has no other point apart from 'pleasing the audience' and Kick-Ass might be at the top of this statement. It can really make someone feel that comic books are worthless, pointless and derivative piece of crap that base their originality on pushing the boundaries in showing the violence rather than coming up with some decent storytelling. Kick Ass is as funny as interesting. Simply awful.
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King Arthur (2004)
The reasons why The film is Bad
24 July 2004
I don't understand Franzoni - the guy has written Gladiator and now comes up with something that lacks everything that made the first one so catchy.

The problem is not only with the approach that leaves magic behind as 'there was to be naturalistic'. It has no magic but it's also not naturalistic. The battles in fact are extremely boring because they are so unrealistic. Blood only appears on the swords' blades and it looks like the actors were only preparing to the actual shot not like the 4th century great battle. Bruckheimer wanted to have everything ( not a fairy tale only dark story but also large teen audience ) and the result is it failed in box office. But the real problem is that even if the movie was R it wouldn't change much except for the fact I wouldn't yawn during the battle scenes. The movie lacks the plot (it's funny that it has much in common with Tears of The Sun - they also take the innocent group of people to safe) It can be described simply - good characters want to be free but have to complete one last mission, the bad ones are just behind them, they finally meet and while some die in the frozen lake the majority dies in the final battle at the end. The heroes, apart from some heavy, idealistic, 'heroic' lines they occasionally deliver, lack clear motivation, there is NO character development this kind of movies desperately need, the characters simply are there to fight. The story concerning Arthur, Guinevere and Lancelot leads to nowhere, there is no decent antagonist to the main character,the film is full of naive, bombastic speeches (with the most horrible one saved for the end)

Everything seems out of place here and it's clear that nobody had a real idea what to do with the movie.The characters are to fight in battles in historical epic context - that's the whole idea.Even the music by Hans Zimmer as heard in the movie seems out of place, too heroic, uninspired and repetitive. - 2/10.
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Mystic River (2003)
truly intense and anti-hollywood movie of the year
11 December 2003
I had to comment on that movie not because of the terrific oscar-worthy performances of the trio: Penn, Robbins, Bacon as this is the fact that everyone seems to notice. What is strange, many of you here don't like the ending which seems to be untrue and strange. I was even misled by the movie magazine that presented some irrational explanation of the final scene (Penn's talk with his wife and the parade)that turned out to be completely pointless after I saw the film.

It's, of course, my personal opinion but everything necessary to understand it is covered in the film's tagline: We bury our sins, we wash them clean. There is no catharsis in this movie. Nobody seems to change one's life or admit to one's sins. Everything is hidden and deliberately forgotten. The characters clearly need the feeling of stability in their life. After the storm the sun must rise. Linney's character lives with supportive husband and two daughters. The daughters need their father, the wife needs her husband. The dark days are over now - there comes a time to rest and forget. She simply defends the family from collapsing at the same time disclosing the sad but true character of humans reaction. We don't have to agree with her but there is a truth in her attitude. Penn's character in the scene of the murder also wants to believe that he has the right person despite the fact that there is no hard evidence. He immediately wants to finish everything and knows only one solution. The waiting is killing him and he wants to believe that this night everything is to end. The film comes to the shocking point of humans' emotional character - when sth beautiful - pure, strong love to the beloved daugther is the main reason of sth horrible - it leads the murder.

And the scene of parade - "light-hearted" Americans are watching the parade - children are laughing, music is playing, sun is shining and the whole afternoon seems almost idyllic. All the secrets and dark events are buried and the characters can start to pretend in front of everyone than nothing happened although it's a mystery for us what's happening in their souls.

Very pessimistic and anti-hollywood film that uses the typical themes of abuse,loss in the family and vengeance and mix them into a new, intense movie quality with deep and captivating performances. I don't believe in Academy Awards anymore but still I do hope that they will notice everything that Eastwood put into his latest effort and the film will gather the well-deserved collection of oscars.

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Signs (2002)
major disappointment in 2002
9 July 2003
Sorry to say but I see only the young talent wasted here. "Unbreakable" left me thinking that Shyamalan used the same formula known from his intense and amazing "The Sixth Sense" but,despite that, had some good scenes (like Bruce touching people and getting to know their deeds)."The Signs" recreates the same intimate atmosphere but all the elements that S. skillfully uses to create the suspence vanish when we reach to the idiotic finale.

It was like the massive orchestra with the skillful conductor after building the theme suddenly started to play Britney Spears song. All those delicate elements, development of the plot WASTED!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to scream in the cinema (not necessarily because I was scared) and certainly I moaned when all turned out to be horrible a rip-off from a class-B horror from the 50's. It was so idiotic that I was hardly able to believe what I saw. Expecting to get to know that there were no aliens (the form of the film and the "abilities" of aliens seemed to reinforce my opinion)I saw Mr. Phoenix hitting the alien (who looked like a total cliche)with a bat!!!!! All the magic vanished -only disgust remained. It's one of those movies in which the ending is paramount and decides about the quality and coherence of the film. Here we have - an intelligent suspence thriller preparing the viewers for horrible catastrophe that is the finale. That is why for me it's only 1 / 10
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The One (2001)
extremely clever "hidden parody"
7 July 2003
Sorry to say to all of you but I don't think that "The One" is really what it seems to be. I started to watch it ready to be hugely disappointed but what a relief!!!!

The movie is fantastic - so coherent in its form. Each element - the plot,acting,stunts and visual effects sequences, even choreography and costumes are so perfectly blended together in a horribly stupid movie. If I had watched it expecting some exciting sf action thriller my head would have probably exploded but right from the start the director blinks to the viewer as if he wanted to say: "don't be afraid, it's a really good satire mocking all those schematic stereotypes that are a real cancer of contemporary action movies". And it is - visual effects and fight sequences are ripped directly from Matrix and Crouching Tiger... and when some elements are original they are extremely stupid...and entertaining. All the elements that I mentioned earlier mock most typical clichés and even go beyond that. The actors have to say one of the most artificial dialogs I have ever heard in a movie. The plot and the development of the story is like it was written by a 8 year old boy who previously spend a year in front of computer playing kung-fu games and watching Texas Ranger and Baywatch Nights (or sth like that). I strongly is all made deliberately. For those unwilling to notice it from the start, the director prepared the great ending which is so unrealistic (this world with bright sharp colors - look what those people are wearing, what they look like!!!!).And of course the great sequence with Li the villain (Mortal Kombat rip) who fights with the whole colony of prisoners and the camera live him there. Outstanding, hilarious, well made and intelligent - especially because some may think that it was a serious sf/action ... something.

On the other hand I may be wrong - it can be sf/action something prepared by the Forrest Gump's brother (not offending Mr. Gump). However, I really enjoyed it and anxiously wait for the next serious "hidden parody" from Mr. Wong. 8,5 out of 10.
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Nothing Funny (1995)
not at all stupid
7 July 2003
sorry to say but it WAS funny, it WASN'T stupid and it was not at all so flat as you think dear lady from Gdynia. In fact Koterski in all his movies has the same character Adao Mia³czyñski who is a sad, tragic character not able to deal with his own life not to mention the responsibility for other things. You can say that this kind of aesthetic is not for you but you can't say it's stupid. I hate polish comedies but comparing this movie to "Road Trip" or othe American Pies movies is like comparing Truman Show to Ace Ventura.This is rather a satire on the polish movie industry and the role and life of an artist (movie director) Great thing, maybe not as brilliant and innovative as Koterski latest "Dzieñ Owira" but really stands out from all the crap served by polish producers.
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Joy Ride (2001)
total crap !!!
2 January 2003
Am I really the first who'll say this. This movie is a total crap. I'm sick of all those "original" ideas repeated over and over again which together with the low budget and no idea for the plot lead to such thing as Joy Ride. Of course everything in the formula of buddy/teen movie. I don't know why I still believe I can see a decent thriller. Maybe 1 out of 100 is worth watching. This one certainly isn't. I've just wasted 1 and a half hour of my life. In many opinions you say that it's not original, logical etc. but generally OK. What's OK here? Every single scene could be watched in other movies. For example trick with the gun and door was used thousands of times (once in Texas Ranger !!!) All of us can write such a plot. If you have no idea just watch some episodes of the most stupid crime series and the idea will come. There were thousands of similar boring, stupid, cliche movies so why the hell there is thousand and one. They should have other ideas how to spend these money. 1/10
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