
6 Reviews
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Tom Goes to the Mayor (2004–2006)
Steadily Improving
13 May 2005
The first couple of episodes of Tom were a little slow, but the show has been steadily improving. With the demise of Sealab, it becomes the second funniest show in the Adult Swim lineup, next to Robot Chicken. It has more than its share of catchphrases. It's difficult to watch for the first time because the show is so character based. But give it a try for a few episodes, and I think you'll start to come around. I've not yet seen Tim and Eric's webcomic, but Tom Goes to the Mayor has made me want to seek it out. The visual style of the show is very unusual, but not in a bad way. In fact, after a while it becomes remarkable when they switch to live action.
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About a Boy (2002)
Comedy or Drama
28 February 2003
I must hand it to the writers of this film--they were willing to strike out to new ground. Unfortunately, their mixture of comedy and drama didn't settle well on the stomach.

I felt as if I were watching two separate movies, a formulaic-but-amusing British comedy, and a disturbing drama of depression, suicide, and childhood angst. I can only compliment the writers who could manage to blend these together at all, and cajole the audience into laughing five seconds after a very disturbing and traumatic scene. But that very talent made the film very unsettling.

The climax of the film was weak and a little unnerving, but it wasn't the plot that I found enjoyable. My good memories of this film are in the small moments, the little jokes and clever lines. Perhaps that was the best that could be hoped for from the beginning.
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Doesn't Pretend to be More than it is.
28 February 2003
If you liked Kevin Smith's other movies, you'll like this one. If you liked SOME of Kevin Smith's other movies, you'll find things to like in this one. If you aren't fond of the Kevin Smith portfolio, then you'll find nothing to like in this addition. It's as simple as that.

This was a movie made for the fans. It was made for people who like locker room humor with a liberal sprinkling of profanity. It was made for people who use the internet to find out about movies, and to poke fun at those who complain about movies before they're ever released.

It is a comedy, and one that utterly fails to take itself seriously at any moment. The title characters work best in reaction to "normal" people, and the drift from scene to scene interacting with such characters. But at every moment, there is an implicit wink to the camera.

The script is pure fanboy, laden with pop culture references, especially to Star Wars and Kevin Smith's other films. Part of the fun of this movie is that the characterization of many of the supporting characters was already established in Clerks and Chasing Amy, which leaves this film to make jokes at their expense.

If you didn't like this film, fine by me. It wasn't for everybody, and it's not something I would watch every day. But don't be expecting Oscar material, and you won't be disappointed.
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Distractingly Weak
28 February 2003
Attack of the Clones is a film of wasted potential. Wooden acting by the poorly cast Hayden Christiansen doomed the first half of the film. He made Anakin Skywalker boring and unmemorable, which is a shame, since his is the most important role in the six movie story arc. As Anakin, he is nothing more than a frat boy leering at Natalie Portman's Senator Amidala, who chose a strange wardrobe for trying to discourage his attentions.

The shining star of this film (in the realm of human actors) was Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi. He gives the first half of the film its own interest, and provides both humor and action in the second half. Like Qui-Gon before him, Obi-Wan is a true Jedi Knight, and gives us our best glimpse at the Jedi in their prime.

The image that most viewers have taken away with them, however, is Yoda in action. Although tending heavily towards CG overkill, his role in the film is arguably the best moment in the prequels thus far. This is a shame, because Anakin's fall has been reduced to snippets of subpar dialogue.

I feel that Attack of the Clones is the weakest entry yet in the Star Wars saga, and the blame can be equally distributed between George Lucas' dialogue and Hayden Christiansen's inability to act. Sadly, both of these will be present in full force in Episode III. May the Force be with us all.
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Faithful and Satisfying
28 February 2003
I have been a fan of the trilogy for years, and FotR has always been my favorite volume of the series. I was initially skeptic that this movie could bring to life on screen the images in my mind. I was completely wrong. From the smallest detail to the grandest epic sweep of the camera, Peter Jackson's movie translates Tolkien to the big screen magnificently.

Be warned: this is a translation, and not an exact one. Jackson has excised the non-cinematic material, tightened the time frame of the story, and made innumerable other alternations. These changes do not distract from enjoyment of the movie, however, at least not in my case.

This film is a great introduction for newbies to the world of Tolkien, and a fun and exciting ride for the experienced. I recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind leaving our world for three hours and experiencing the magic of Middle-Earth.
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Charming and Original
28 February 2003
Those two adjectives say it all. Hugh Grant is at his best as a shy WWI era officer whose task it is to measure the mountains of Wales. He plays very well against Colm Meaney, a rogue and scoundrel who finds his better nature despite himself.

This film was crippled before an American audience because of its slow pace and long title. The humor is subdued, and often buried under accents that many moviegoers must have been unfamiliar with. But I believe this film only improves with repeated viewings. The actors do a uniformly good job, and play their characters with great heart.

The soundtrack stands out as one of the best as well. It adds to the mystery and beauty of the region and adds a unique feel to the film.

Children may find it too slow and dull, but anyone with an appreciation for a good, heartwarming story will enjoy it. I recommend it in particular to those with a love for the British Isles in general, or Wales in particular.
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