21 Reviews
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Almost trash compared to Chinese version
14 April 2024
Never read the book but had some friends who did and were excited about these series.

So I watched the show on Netflix and my own impressions were: a) Didn't feel at all like a $20M/episode budget that they spent. Where did the money go?

B) Overall OK and somewhat interesting, mainly due to lack of other new Sci-Fi shows with some level of originality.

C) Lots of plot holes, logical issues, bad science that's basically magic, some facts magically appearing without taking time to solve problems and mysteries, lack of answers to many questions, and other issues that made me assume that the book was quite bad.

D) Too much DEI, with the show not driven by pure talent but by the need to satisfy political requirements.

But then I've decided to watch the Chinese series based on the same book, playing on Amazon Video. And that's when I realized how much better the Chinese version is at only $1M/episode. That one does feel like little lower budget but not big much. And is is very slow-paced at 30 episodes (for Season 1), but it does have much better story with actual mysteries being discovered and then solved, vs magically appearing facts and problems in the American/Netflix version.

Now I've lost all respect for this Netflix show, just by knowing how much better, logical and mysterious it could be. Basically I'm very disappointed with Netflix screwing this show so badly.
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Sexmission (1984)
Top Polish Comedy and a Timeless Classic
25 February 2024
1. This is a light-hearted Sci-Fi comedy, not a drama where you'd expect deep character development. Don't complain about characters being shallow.

2. Also don't complain about some charterers not noticing this or that, as it's not meant to have an amazing plot without plot holes. The plot holes aren't even bad when compared to most comedies.

3. The topic of the world without men is timeless. It will always be discussed, either seriously or satirically. The sexism is also the subject of many comedy acts. Don't be a bore who gets offended by everyone and everything , have fun.

4. Lots of naked chicks and boobs is amazing for an old film made in a socialist country controlled by church. It was liberating and crossing every boundary during those times. It's surprising this film was even made.

5. It looks old and primitive. So what. It is old. It was made when computers were a novelty and iPhones didn't exist. Yet it looks high budget due to elaborate scenes and the large number of actresses. It's not even that different in looks/style from the first Star Wars. Obviously on less than 1% of Star Wars' budget. Which is a huge feat to accomplish.

6. Sci-Fi comedies are hard to come by. And this one is decent. A lot of sci-if out there is often unwatchable.

Have fun watching!
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The Killer (2023)
Starts slow but not bad comparing to other trash
14 November 2023
I don't understand why people give this movie 1-2 stars. It's not a great movie but how do you rate it so low when 90% of movies are much worse and have better ratings. It does start slow but then turns into a quite watchable and enjoyable action flick, with minor logical holes but a gem compared to movies that don't make sense at all.

Sure; it will be a waste of time for many, but what do you expect, to be enlightened and see something amazing and original that no one ever suspected? How many of such movies are released every year?

The Killer is simply a dose of decent entertainment when you do decide to waste some time and run out of amazing truly movies to watch.
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Battle Royale (2000)
Total nonsense
30 July 2023
The premise of the story is ok and it might have great potential in the right hands. But this Japanese version was turned into total nonsense, with all the bad and fake acting, plot holes, nonsensical acts, running around for no reason, attracting attention while knowing you'd get killed, etc etc.

Even the actors are very undeveloped and difficult to care for, with many of them making nonsencial decisions. The conversations are also very shallow. It feels like a low budget indie movie made by kids, even though the budget might've been high for Japanese standards.

I truly don't understand why many people like this movie so much, but I'm guessing it may be due to a few different ways of portraying violence, even though it was sloppy and just as nonsensical.
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The Iceman (2012)
Totally made up and falsely claiming it's based on true story
28 July 2023
The movie is ok as a crime/gangster film, but it shows absolutely nothing about the real Iceman Richard Kuklinaki. While everything that's shown is totally made up. The same movie could be advertised to be based on anyone's life.

If not for false advertising, the movie looks better than various cheap nonsensical flicks, but it does lack depth and story development, with various characters showing up and going away. The acting of the main characters save the movie from total embarrassment.

It's just difficult to watch knowing that you're being duped into thinking that any of this actually happened.
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Alienoid (2022)
Cross between MCU superhero & Jackie Chan movies
16 May 2023
Basically a superhero-type movie but without specific superhero, just a lots of Asian type cheesy sorcery, magic and special effects. As well as various fights, some in style of Jackie Chan and others in style of MCU.

It can be confusing and lacking logic in various places, but I liked it for creativity, special effects and amusement factor. It feels like it could be a great film if made by / upgraded to Western standards, but at the same time I can't complain about Asian style of film-making.

The plot isn't too bad, and again, it might've been appreciated more in a western film, while in Aienoid it gets overwhelmed by fighting and sorcery.

It does feel expensive and made on very high budget.

I'd recommend it for people who've ran out of things to watch and just look for something light and entertaining, even cheesy, but less horrible than 90% of trashy movies out there.
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Citadel (2023– )
007 wannabe and so far so good
30 April 2023
Watched the first 2 episodes and so far so good. It's a James Bond style thriller series on a (decent) budget. A bit messy, not completely logical and a bit shallow so far, but so are most spy movies & shows. It's just good entertainment that's a bit better than a lot of "cheap" shows that I get bored with after a few minutes. Citadel is fairly fast paced and engaging, feels well made, and quite watchable, even more so if you like James Bond movies, this time with 2 spies instead of one. I won't be surprised by some low ratings, but when you compare it with most of other content out there, many other shows feel much more boring and dumb. At minimum Citadel can be good pick when you run out of things to watch.
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Bunch of comedians making comedy boring
11 November 2022
It tries to be a Monty Python and it has potential to be the Airplane!

In the end it's not a bad flick, but only 10% as funny (or just fun) as it could be. It had amazing potential, but all the actors who are fun in real life are actually way too serious in The Little Hours. Some of it is by design, but most of it feels more serious like an attempt to mask the sarcasm, which in the end doesn't work. You can find bits of humor and sarcasm, but definitely not enough. It feels like a wasted opportunity to make a great movie, because once you have the script and put so much time into making a movie, why not put an extra effort to make it truly great?
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
Mix of great sci-fi with great visuals , vs boring and cheesy
25 November 2021
I recommended this show to a friend whom I expected to enjoy it, but he got bored and stopped watching after 1st season. I understand why because I also have mixed feelings, and really watched this show for the lack of better alternatives, as well as due to bursts of great sci-fi with engaging stories and beautiful visuals.

One of bigger issues for me are the actors (not the acting), who either don't match the characters they play, or are forced to pretend they're much bolder than their personas, while the main character often becomes a wimpy cry-baby who just cries and cries, and worries about everything, can't make a decision, even though being a hero. The more he achieves the more wimpy he becomes, making his achievements look accidental. The pilot Alex also feels like inserted into his role due to his race, while being slow and clumsy, not someone that should pilot a spaceship. In fact, most of characters distract from the story more than lead. This cheapens the show and makes it feel like an indie film, despite beautiful high-budget sceneries and special effects.
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You (2018–2024)
Slow and boring
30 October 2021
I was quite excited after realizing this show may be similar to "Dexter" , but I just couldn't finish the 1st Season due to it being slow and filled with... fillers. Most of the time nothing happens and the guy just follows the girl around while she does nothing useful. The interesting stuff happens every 4th episode, and the whole season could easily be compressed into a movie. It's just too much waste of time, even though I'd like to know what happens in the end.
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My Name (2021– )
One of my favorite shows
30 October 2021
It's about 80% as good as my favorite show, Breaking Bad, which is way above most garbage found on TV and streaming services. It's really difficult to find great shows with great stories. This one has a really great and original story, good cinematography, and great acting despite voiceover. It does have some logical issues here and there, but less than most shows that are often filled with nonsense. The story also evolves quickly and every episode is engaging. I wanted to watch one episode per day, but couldn't wait to see what happens next and ended up watching 2-3 per day.
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Alice in Borderland (2020– )
Starts nonsensical, gets better with time
16 October 2021
The first game in the show is a total nonsense with unsolvable puzzle that can be solved only through confusing and impossible thought process that no one in the world could achieve. How do you even start a movie/series with something totally unrealistic when later more realism is possible?

There are generally a lot of logical holes with characters acting irrationally, while the whole concept of the series is based on confusing sci-fi, again with lots of logical issues and impossibilities.

However, once you get through all the issues and keep watching, you can get used to the show's weaknesses and may be able to enjoy it. In the end, there are tons of totally nonsensical & low-budget shows out there, making Alice in Borderland feel moderately smart. High-budget and decent acting also helps.
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Home video with bunch of dialog and no purpose
11 October 2021
Me and my wife are a mixed Asian/Caucasian couple and wanted to relate and like this movie, but it was so cringeworthy we had to stop watching half way. The film feels like it was shot on home video camera, and consists of possibly the worlds's longest dialog. We're just following and sightseeing Hong Kong. Acting is also very artificial and doesn't feel like a real film. The video quality and acting potentially could be justify if there was more to the story, but it's just so basic and bland that after waiting for something interesting to happen, we just gave up half-way.
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Midsommar (2019)
Refreshing and well made
25 September 2021
Refreshing not because of originality but because of bringing back concepts we've already seen while being well made, logical, and enjoyable to watch. I don't understand why many people rate this movie at 1-2 when there is so much total crap out there, without logic, and recycled dozens of times. This movie starts slow but the suspense slowly builds into nice culmination, while being decently logical along the way.
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Sense8 (2015–2018)
Somewhat enjoyable
25 September 2021
Enjoyable but slow moving, with lots of time filled with uninteresting stories. The main premise is also worn and tired, nothing too original. The whole story could be squeezed into a movie, while 2 seasons is already too many. Though the cinematography and scenery are beautiful, and the show feels expensive. Maybe too expensive for not having sufficient substance or pace.
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12 Monkeys (1995)
Movie about stupid people
25 August 2020
I can't believe that this movie has such good ratings. The premise is good, but it doesn't make any sense that scientists in the future would be dumb and they'd choose to send a dumb, incoherent, unprepared guy into the past. Come on,
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Danika (2005)
Absolute trash
18 February 2019
It looks like someone had an interesting idea for the ending of "a movie" and then fit a long, boring and confusing film into it. It's total waste of time with a "plot" that doesn't make sense even when the ending explains *some* of the plot. While the ending also isn't original, revolutionary or amazing either, just a bit interesting, and possibly could deserve a 5 min short.
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
Great start leading to disappointment
6 November 2018
Awesome and promising beginning of the series, but after just a few episodes turns into psychological/psychotic drama without making much sense. I continued to watch hoping for something making sense and becoming more engaging again, but the show just never delivered.
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Final Space (2018–2021)
Fun and refreshing
26 May 2018
I saw some people writing long analytical negative review of this show, seemingly complaining that the show doesn't meet their intellectual standards. This show is definitely not for those people. It is for people who like to watch something mildly fun and have a chuckle. Lighten up.
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Steve Jobs (2015)
The worst decision in the history of movie making
4 January 2016
How could you make a movie about someone without casting an actor that resemble that person to a decent degree. Possibly this doesn't seem important to people who watched this movie, but it's extremely important to people like me that didn't watch it in theaters. I only saw the trailer and later tried watching a few more minutes online but gave up. And like millions of others, I didn't watch this movie in theaters only for this reason. Yet I'm posting this review because this fact is much more important than anything else about this movie, as it resulted in people not watching it, and disastrous losses for Universal Pictures and other studios involved. The trailer turned me off and outraged lots of people, and this needs to be clearly stated and understood. Danny Boyle, you were given an opportunity to create a great movie for the masses to see, yet you decided to create a movie for yourself, so that you can pat yourself on the back and win a few awards, while losing millions for your backers. I am eager to see any stories ***about Steve Jobs*** and this means exactly about HIM, not someone else visibly trying to pose as Jobs and looking fake. Yet Danny Boyle's narcissistic and selfish treatment of the subject resulted in a movie about Danny Boyle and for Danny Boyle, without any consideration for people who'd love to see a movie about Steve Jobs. To me just watching the trailer was cringe-worthy to the extent that I voted for this movie by not going to theaters to see it. And I truly believe that this is one of the worst movies of all time because if watching a trailer makes you not want to see the rest of movie then it's the same as walking out after 2 minutes of seeing your best stuff. Trying to watch it later online and giving up after a few more minutes only confirmed my concerns. It cannot get any worse.
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Orphan (2009)
Should be called 'Idiot'
5 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This flick should be called 'Idiot' as it is about a clueless idiot who can't understand anything explained to him in detail by his wife, and signaled by the daughter and son. Throughout half of the movie you'll be swearing at the idiot and wondering how long it will take him to figure out simplest events. The idiot then dies without figuring anything out. An orphan is just an accessory to show how clueless the idiot is.

If you removed the idiot and put a smart character in his place this movie could be quite good. Too bad this didn't happen.

My review is cynical, but the movie was not much better at insulting my intelligence by pretending that someone could be so ignorant. Such low level of writing puts this movie in the lowest class of cheesy low budget flicks. It is a waste of time.
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