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Azazus: Onlyfans (2020 Music Video)
Save Your Money
14 December 2020
Onlyfans Is For Morons Willing To Pay 50 Bucks For A 2 Minute Video & Can Get Free Subscriptions By Credit Card Only...And That's All There Is Too It...
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The Irishman (2019)
Sweet Movie...
28 December 2019
I have to admit...I was a bit disliking of the de-aging of actors...But that was short lived...The movie is excellent and that's all there is too it...
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Split (IX) (2016)
Backstory Spoilers Only...
29 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
By now...Everyone knows the twist that pops up at the end of Split so there is no need for me to even talk about it yet again here for this review...

Instead...I wanna talk about the backstory that critics and fans keep saying didn't need to be there...And to be completely honest...It's bugging me quite a bit...

The backstory I'm talking about is that of Casey Cooke played by Anya Taylor-Joy...The story goes into her past for reasons that seem to float right pass the audience...

Question: Why did Casey tell her friend who was about to be dragged into the next room by the kidnapper to "Wet" herself..??

Answer: Because as Casey's backstory reveals...Her Uncle was/is a monster/pedophile and once that is revealed..The audience should have realized that wetting herself was a sad but somewhat useful weapon to use against her Uncle...And sure enough when her friend and fellow captor took Casey's advice...It killed the mood for the kidnapper...

There was only one scene that I wish had been edited differently...And that was the scene when a 5 year old Casey played by Izzie Coffey was pointing the shotgun at her Uncle...The fact that the Uncle was able to get the gun away from her should NOT have been used...

If the scene had played up until the point where the audience thinks she is about to shoot him but then jumps back to present time...That would have given Casey's final scene a much more powerful impact...Particularly when the police officer lets Casey know that her Uncle had arrived...

Only then should the audience have realized that Casey hadn't actually pulled the trigger because the Uncle had managed to get it away from her...

For this reason alone...I give this film 9 out of 10 stars...Other than that...Casey's backstory was extremely vital to the entire movie and I really wish people could understand that and see it as clearly as I do...

And That's All There Is Too It...

P.S...There is a brief appearance by Kevin as a child with his Mother in Unbreakable at the 53:52 minute mark...Check it out everybody...
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A Very Brilliant Film...
14 August 2016
I've heard a great deal of negative reviews for this film, but to be honest...They all need to just shut up...Because this is by far one of the sweetest movies I've seen in a very long time...

One of the many things I enjoyed about this film was how each character was introduced and how Peter Jackson was able to give each one their own unique perspective...OK fine...Apparently that's how it was done in the original novel...I don't know for sure because I haven't read the book...

But what I do know for a fact about the book is that it was way more graphic than the film actually was...And to be honest...That's perfectly fine with me...

This film had everything it needed...Great acting..Great characters...An extremely creepy villain played by Stanley Tucci...And of course, awesome visual effects...

I loved the way Peter Jackson focused on what was important to the story instead relying on shock value which is apparently what the book had a great deal of...Director Matt Reeves did the same thing with his film adaptation of "Let The Right One In"...

Not all book to film adaptations need to have every single aspect brought over from one media to another...Books and movies are two different types of medium for a reason...Because what works on paper doesn't necessarily work on screen...

And That's All There Is Too It...
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Hypocritical Storytelling...
4 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Eva Green as Artemisia was easily the best thing about this film but also the most confusing...Her back story is of her being betrayed by her own people and taken in by a guy named Persian Emissary...

The same Persian Emissary who thought it was bizarre and outrageous in the first film when a woman (Queen Gorgo)spoke in the presence of men without permission...Which by the way is part of why he got his ass kicked down the hole in the first place...

But in this film he takes in a young 13 year old Artemisia played by Jade Chynoweth and trains her so well that she becomes (sorta) the 2nd in command of a Persian army..??

Uumm...Wait What..??

So now the story wants us to hate Artemisia because she saw her family get murdered right in front of her and then made a sex slave by the Greeks...

But at the same time...We're supposed to accept the Greeks for being the good guys when they try standing up to the Persian army and then later try getting revenge on Artemisia for stopping them from being able to help out the Spartans in the first film...Which they probably would have been able to do had Themistokles actually went forward with helping King Leonidas, instead of taking the time to have sex with Artemisia in the first place...

How can the Greeks be the good guys and the bad guys at the same time..??

Artemisia was played by 3 actors in this film...Caitlin Carmichael at age 8....Jade Chynoweth at age 13...And of course Eva Green as the adult...And all 3 of these ladies did an awesome job with acting...3 stars for the 3 ladies...1 star per lady...Sorry...But that's the best I can do...

To sum it all up...A young girl is taken care of and trained by the same Persian Guy who doesn't feel that women should speak in front of men to become the leader of the Persian army...Which makes her the Villain in a story about her wanting to get revenge on Greeks because the Greeks murdered her entire family and turned her into a sex slave...

That has got to be the dumbest story ever put on film...And that's all there is too it...
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An Absolute Disappointment...
30 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This film was extremely overrated and quite silly...

For me this is one of those franchises where the odd numbered films were awesome but the even numbered ones are crap...

On a very slim positive note...Judy Greer is always a delight to see...And I did like Chris Pratt's character with how he went about dealing with the Raptors...I even liked the dark turn of Dr. Henry Wu played by BD Wong...

Other than that...This movie was basically nothing more than a remake of the 3rd film...The Spinosaurus was replaced by the genetically created Indominus Rex(check) Being able to somehow communicate with the Raptors(check)

I can't really understand why people hated the 3rd film so much when the concept was pretty much reused for this film and yet people loved it...It just doesn't make any sense...

This movie was an absolute disappointment from start to finish and that's all there it too it...
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RZA - aka - Elmer Fudd...
18 June 2016
This film had few good things to say about it...Paul Walker was fun...David Belle has moves that puts Spiderman to shame...And Catalina Denis (WOW) It's almost scary how freaking gorgeous that woman is....But other than that...This movie was a mess...

I understand that this film is a remake of a French film called District B13 which also stars David Belle...And that David Belle is simply playing the same character for this film...

That's all well and dandy...But clearly the amount of work and thought that was put into the original did not translate for Brick Mansions...

Especially when somebody thought it would be a good idea to cast RZA for the part of Tremaine Alexander...

It's bad enough that RZA's broken English is so bad that he can't even say the name of his own character without spitting all over himself...But to sound like Elmer Fudd while he's doing it just made me sick to my stomach...

This movie was completely ruined by his presence and that's all there is too it...
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Criminal Minds: Nelson's Sparrow (2015)
Season 10, Episode 13
Good Job Ben Savage...
18 June 2016
By now, I'm sure everybody knows how unhappy Mandy Patinkin was while being on Criminal Minds...But lets face it...He was still awesome when he played Jason Gideon...And I am very happy that the show creators brought back the character for this episode...

Ben Savage's performance was uncanny as young Gideon...He captured everything that was essential about the character...Everything from his expressions to his passion...The only reason I gave this episode an 8 out of 10 is because they didn't show him enough...

I really hope they make more episodes featuring Ben Savage...I would love to see the young duo of Gideon and Rossi again...My hope is that the next story takes place in Baltimore...This way they can bring back another iconic TV detective...

That being Detective Munch...That character has made appearances on many other shows on different networks including The X-Files...So him popping up on Criminal Minds would be true to form...

Imagine Richard Belzar reprising his character and then the episode goes into a flashback with Zack Braff playing the younger version of that character to team up with Gideon and Rossi...

That would be truly awesome...And that's all there is too it...
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The Most Well Edited Piece Of Crap I've Ever Seen...
18 June 2016
They should have just called this movie "The Idiots Club"....Because every male in the story had an IQ at about an 85...Each...I mean it....Every single guy in this movie has got to be the stupidest characters ever created by a screen writer....

The main story and all its character's back stories sucked....Everything in this film felt rushed.....And left very little to the imagination....

On the other hand....The way the film was Edited was absolutely brilliant....Several different characters with their own back stories....All connected in some form or another to a mysterious young girl.....

The Editor really did a wonderful job putting this film together....It was like watching someone solve a Rubix-Cube before my very eyes....

This is the most well edited piece of crap I have ever seen....And that's all there is too it....
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
Why Can't Hollywood Graduate High School..??
18 June 2016
Is it really too much to ask for some originality...OK fine...Super-Girl's story isn't much different from The Man of Steel's...But that's not the problem I have with this show...

How many times are we gonna see the same old high school mentality story lines..?? Guy #1 has a crush on girl #1, but not only is he stuck in the friend zone with her, she has a crush on guy #2...

So sooner or later, guy #1 is gonna walk in on guy #2 kissing girl #1 which of course will break his heart...But the writers aren't gonna shock us (don't make me laugh) with that scenario just yet...So how do they stretch things out so it can last a full season..??

Oh here's an idea...Let's bring in girl #2 who just happens to be in a complicated relationship with guy #2, which of course makes girl #1 all dough eyed and jealous...

A love square instead of a love triangle...Sadly that's the best angle that the writers could come up with for this show...And what's even worse is that the creators of this show really think they've accomplished something by switching networks...

As far as I'm concerned...It doesn't really matter that this show has moved from CBS to the CW...Because that tends to happen with TV shows that put out crap written by people who can't or won't graduate high school...And that's all there is too it...
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The View: Nicole Arbour (2015)
Season 19, Episode 7
Pretty Bad...But Not Because Of Nichole Arbour...
27 September 2015
I am not a fan of this show...But I watched this particular episode because I actually wanted to hear some kind of explanation to why Nichole Arbour would make a video like "Dear Fat People"...

The four host of the show certainly thought it was important enough to invite her to the show...The only problem is that with the exception of Whoopi Goldberg...None of the host would allow her to give one...

All I could gather from Nichole was the occasional half sentences and a key word or two...Like Satire or Comedy...One of my biggest pet peeves is when I'm expected to explain myself to someone who won't allow me to get a word in edgewise...

Police Officers don't put duct tape over a suspect's mouth before they interrogate them...So why are the ladies on the view trying to conduct an interview with people by making sure nobody can give them answers..??

And That's All There Is Too It....
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Get on Up (2014)
Mesmerizing & Powerful...
14 June 2015
Chadwick Boseman does an amazing job playing James Brown...His performance deserved an Oscar Nod...

But what I loved even more was the story...I never realized the kind of trials and tribulations the real James Brown had apparently gone through...

James brown always came off like this untouchable super star without a care in the world...And I guess in someways...He was...

But there was so much more to him than I ever dreamed...And this movie showcases it all in the most professional and respectful way...

Normally, I don't like it when characters in movies do what is known as "Breaking the 4th wall"...But the filmmakers even handled that with class and gracefulness suitable for The Godfather Of Soul...

From start to finish...This was an amazing film...And that's all there is too it...
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John Wick (2014)
Fun Popcorn Movie...
14 June 2015
This film surprised me...Because I didn't expect it to be so much fun...When I first saw the trailer for this film...I figured it was just going to be this really over the top action movie that will certainly be loved by animal rights activist...

What I didn't expect was for the main character, that being John Wick, to have so many layers...Nowadays, many action films tend to lean toward the protagonist being this icy and remorseless human being who wouldn't show any expressions even if he stepped on a nail...

But John Wick didn't do that...He had a difficult past, he cried when he was sad, he loved his car and he showed a great deal of affection to his dog...

The story had a few plot holes and was a bit choppy and silly from time to time...But at least the movie had substance...This is one of those films where there is no need to be concerned about character development, a well written story, or Oscar-caliber performances...

This is a good old fashioned popcorn movie to which the audience can simply kick back, relax, and have a good time...And that's all there is too it...
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Compare & Contrast...
14 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Bradley Cooper has become one the finest actors of this generation...And Clint Eastwood is an amazing director who has truly earned his place among the greatest filmmakers of all time...Both of these men did something with American Sniper that really made me do some serious thinking...

Since this film is based on a true story with a tragic ending...I decided to do a little compare and contrast with another movie based on real life events...

That film is called Foxcatcher, starring Channing Tatum, Mark Ruffalo, and a very creepy Steve Carell who plays Jon Du Pont...

The reason I am comparing the two films is simply because they are both true stories with tragic endings...And the reason I feel this is important to address is because of how those tragic endings were depicted in both films...

Foxcatcher got it all wrong...In fact...I thought climax was way too graphic and disrespectful to the real people who are attached to that film...

American Sniper does it properly...The final scene when Chris Kyle's wife is watching him about to leave with the very man who eventually murders him was handled very well by director Clint Eastwood...The audience doesn't need to see his tragic death...Simply knowing about it is enough...

Filmmakers in general really should be more careful when making a film based on true life events and people...Because it's not just about the events or the person that the story is based on...It's also about all of the lives that were effected by these events and/or people surrounding these kinds of stories...

Clint Eastwood and Bradley Cooper not only created a wonderful film depicting the life of The Legend Chis Kyle...But they also showed a great deal of respect for the many lives that were effected so deeply by him...And That's All There Is To It...
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Vig (1998 TV Movie)
Lauren Holly Stole The Show...
25 May 2015
This movie was a bit hard to find...Mainly because the title was changed without my knowledge...When I first saw it on cable TV...It was simply called "Vig"...But it wasn't until I found it on Netflix under the title "Money Kings" did I realize it was the same film...

Either way...The performances for the most part were absolutely wonderful...Peter Falk was great as a bookie working for the Mob and looking forward to retirement...Timothy Hutton was very convincing as an alcoholic unemployed father who tries too hard to win a quick buck at gambling to support his wife and children...

Tyne Daly turns in a very solid performance as an understanding wife to Peter Falk's character...And there were even a couple of actors who made good credible sideline characters...Frank Vincent as a debt collector...And Colm Meany as a police detective...I also liked the brief cameo by Tony Sirico as the head of the mafia organization...

The real stand out acting was done beautifully by Lauren Holly who delivered what was by far...The best performance in the movie...She played the wife to Timothy Hutton's character...A struggling Mother working two jobs to makes ends meet...Not only is she a hard working Mom trying to take care of her children...But also an amazing wife willing to do whatever it takes to keep her marriage from falling apart...She easily stole the show every time she was on screen...

The only major problem with this film was the casting of Freddie Prince Jr. as the new young mafia persona looking to take over Peter Falk's booking operation...I can see now why he does so many romantic comedies...Because those are the only kinds of films he can do where he can at least come off as a somewhat credible actor...

Beyond that...This was a pretty solid film with great acting and a great story...And in my honest opinion...It should have received a lot more attention than it did...Thanks to Netflix...I can say that I have a great deal of respect for this film now than when I had seen it before...

And That's All There Is Too It...
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Foxcatcher (2014)
An Absolute Masterpiece...(Re-Edited)
13 April 2015
Steve Carell's performance in this film reminded me of the late Robin Williams in One Hour Photo...It was transforming...Chilling...And just downright flawless...

Mark Ruffalo was equally powerful...His performance as Davis Schultz was right on the money...That can be said about almost all of His work...

But Channing Tatum was the one actor in this film who clearly stole the show...From what I have seen of his work...I can honestly say that he is an actor who gets better every time I see him...And so far...This is his most powerful performance to date...

And as for director Bennett Miller...I have to say that for a guy who has only directed five films...He is quite masterful...And I hope to see a great deal more of his work in the near future...

There is only one exception...The finale of the story did not need to be so graphic...After doing a little compare and contrast between this film and American Sniper...I came to realize that maybe the finale to this film was a bit too over the top...

Beyond that...This film was an absolute masterpiece...And that's all there is too it...
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Interstellar (2014)
Boring And Overrated...
3 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This has got to be one of the most disappointing films I have ever seen...I came into this thinking it was going to be as epic as everyone kept saying it was...Boy was I wrong...

The performances were alright...Jessica Chastain was the only one who truly stood out as far as good acting...In fact...She's the only reason i even bothered to finish watching the movie...

Word is that the special effects were amazing...I disagree...I saw effects that were blatantly stolen from 2001: A Space Odyssey and Mission To Mars...

Word is that the movie is quite exciting...Once again...I disagree...With the exception of a scene that has to do with a very big tidal wave...This movie was boring as boring can get...

And lastly...I was not at all impressed with the guest appearance by Matt Damon...His character was yet another blatant rip off from a film called Sunshine directed by Danny Boyle...Anybody remember Pinbaker..??

This movie is by far...Christopher Nolan's weakest work ever...Interstellar was boring and extremely overrated...And that's all there is too it...
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A Really Bad Soap Opera...
2 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This film disappointed me so much that I cannot review it without Spoilers...When I first saw the trailer for this movie...I was blown away...I thought for sure that it was going to a very well-acted and suspenseful movie...

It was kinda suspenseful at first...Right up until the scene where Alice Creed was forced to pee in a vase...Unfortunately...From that point on...The movie falls flat on its face by making three big mistakes...

Number One: Alice Creed turns out to know one of the two kidnappers...Once this truth is revealed...The suspense goes right out of the window...

Number Two: She actually agrees to go along with the whole kidnapping scam that was planned by the kidnapper she knows...This was an idiotic plot twist that makes the story become very silly...

Number Three: The two kidnappers turn out to be lovers...Another plot twist that ruined the film...Why? Because then the movie turns into a silly love triangle...

Now the one kidnapper is gonna have to make a choice between his relationship with his lover...Or should he take sides with Alice Creed...

This movie was nothing more than a soap opera with silly plot twists and a serious lack of suspense...And that's all there is too it...
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Battleship (2012)
Taylor Kitsch Should Be Given More Credit...
22 March 2015
I really don't understand why people hate this movie so much...So what if this film is riddled with a ton of clichés...This is fun popcorn film...

The only thing that this movie did wrong was calling it Battleship...If it had been given a better title then perhaps many people would not have gone into this movie with big expectations...They may have just kicked back and enjoyed the ride...

The bottom line is that battleship was just a simple action movie that I personally had fun with...And Taylor Kitsch should be given more credit for being such an awesome leading man in Hollywood...He's had a run of bad luck at the box office with films like "John Carter" and "X-Men Origins: Wolverine"...(I actually enjoyed those movies as well)

But I personally love everything I have seen him do so far...I'm talking about great films like "Savages" alongside John Travolta...And "Lone Survivor" with Mark Walhberg...

I certainly believe that Taylor Kitsch will become a household name once his bad luck fades...Some people call him a failure...Well I say that failure is nothing more than ripples in the water...Because with enough ripples...They will eventually create a tidal wave of success...

And that's all there is too it...
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The Unofficial Prequel To Mr. Brooks...
22 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
What a devilishly delightful film this turned out to be...

This movie could be placed under the category of "rape & revenge" stories...Which it is to a point...But this film is so much more than that...I would say that this film is a combination of "I Spit On Your Grave" with NONE of the graphic and disturbing rape scenes..."Raising Cain" with duel personalities instead of multiples...With a touch of "Fight Club" hints throughout the duration of the film....At least that's how I saw it...

Danielle Panabaker is a highly intellectual young Hollywood talented actress with impeccable credentials in show business...It was quite an audacious move for her to take on a film like this...Her performance in Mr. Brooks as his daughter would have more than likely led to her character becoming more dark and intense...

Unfortunately the less than stellar box office results for Mr. Brooks probably means there will be no sequel...But that's alright, because as far as I am concerned...This film is the unofficial prequel to Mister Brooks...This could be the story of what happened to Jane Brooks while she was away at college before going home to her serial killer Father...

Nicole LaLiberte was also wonderful in this movie...Nicole LaLiberte is to Danielle Panabaker what Brad Pitt was to Edward Norton in Fight Club...Only Nicole was darker...Much, much darker...This film will stand the test of time and develop a cult following...That is if it hasn't already...This is a powerful...Mind bending...And Sexy thrill ride from start to finish...And that's all there is too it...
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I, Robot (2004)
My Favorite Will Smith Film....
24 March 2012
This is one of the most fun movies I have ever seen....Action Packed....Great Special Effects....Damn Good Story....And a wonderful performance by Will Smith....

The actions sequences were quite clever....My personal favorite scene in the film involved a cat....I dare not go into it...Because I don't want to spoil it for anyone....

What I really loved about this film....Was that this was a Sci-Fi film that didn't rely completely on a human cast....The Robot called "Sonny" is in my mind....One of the best Sci_Fi characters ever invented....

I hope that they make a spin-off of this film and make Sonny the lead in a story all about him....The "I" in I Robot should stand for "Iconic"....Because an entire franchise can be created based on Sonny which can go on for decades....Especially since the character is not human....

My prediction is This: I Robot will go down in history as one of the greatest Science Fiction Films ever made....And That's All There Is Too It....
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Abduction (I) (2011)
Why Do People Hate This Movie So Much..??
20 March 2012
This film is a prime example to why certain actors are very underrated in Hollywood....I call it "The Luke Skywalker Syndrome"....One hit franchise that wrecks a young actor's career before it can really get started....

The Twilight franchise....Although successful....Isn't a franchise that is critically acclaimed or well liked by fans other than young people with out-of-control hormones....And because of this...Films like Abduction is either overlooked or totally panned by fans...

Sitting down to watch this film with Twilight in mind is going to ensure that viewers will NOT have a good time....Which is why wonderful movies like "Welcome To The Rileys" and "The Runaways" both starring Kristen Stewart didn't get nearly enough attention....

Now is this particular film original..??...No, it's not....I have seen the "My picture on the milk carton" routine used more than once....But is Abduction a fun movie..??...Yes it is...

Abduction is a popcorn movie....It's meant to simply allow the audience to have a good time....If people go into this movie expecting Oscar-like performances and a beautifully written storyline...Then those people are setting themselves up for a big let down...

But why put yourself through that when all that needs to be done is to simply sit back and enjoy the ride....And that's all there is too it...
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The Runaways (2010)
Stewart Shines As Joan Jett....
17 March 2012
I've heard people say time and time again that they have no interest in watching this film because they hate the Twilight films so much...Well I say...Perhaps I may be able to convince them to change their minds...Because this film is wonderful...

I look at Kristen Stewart the same way as I look at Robert Deniro...I know that seems like a strange comparison...But it's really not...Try looking at it like this...

Question: What kind of movies is Robert Deniro most "Famous" for..?? Answer: Mobster films..

Now just because he is most famous for mobster films...It doesn't mean that those films are Deniro's best work....For me personally...It was a film called "Awakenings"...Also starring Robin Williams....

Question: What kind of movies is Kristen Stewart most famous for..?? Answer: The Twilight films of course..

But are the Twilight films her best work..??...Oh Hell No..!!...As far as I am concerned...It's movies like "Welcome To The Rileys" alongside Melissa Leo and James Gandolfini...And of course..."The Runaways"...

Kristen Stewart should have gotten an Oscar for flawless performance as Joan Jett....Even Joan Jett herself was totally blown away by her wonderful acting job....

The only real problem I had with The Runaways is that Michael Shannon was kind of a screen hog...Other than that...I loved this movie...I can tell that a great deal of thought and effort was put into this entire production...

I highly recommend this film....Especially Joan Jett fans...After watching the film...Watch again with commentary....It has Dakota Fanning...Kristen Stewart...And Joan Jett herself....

I won't ruin anything for you by mentioning anything they've said in the commentary here....But trust me when I tell you folks....You won't hear anything bad....Especially about Kristen Stewart....And that's all there is too it...
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Jolene (2008)
I Would Follow Jessica Anywhere....
28 February 2012
This was one of those movies where it doesn't really matter if the story sucks or if the film itself was poorly made. I could care less about any of that stuff because watching Jessica Chastain on screen is just delightful in its own way.

The story was alright, although I'm not sure there was an actual story here. All I gathered from the so called plot was that this woman (Jolene) didn't know what to do with herself and just kinda wandered & winged it through life on a daily basis.

This movie should have been the female version of "The Truman Show" where the audience can just follow around a clueless human being for no particular reason. This is a wannabe reality show disguised as a feature film and the only thing missing is SNOOKI and that's all there is too it....
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Kevin Durand Steals The Show....
28 February 2012
When I first started to watch this film, I was worried that the villains in this story were not going to work. Like in "Independence Day" or the animated "Titan A.E." The villains had no substance in those films at all. The way the bad guys were introduced made me believe that they were going to be just a bunch of mindless creatures that want to kill everything and everyone in their path.

But then came the boss villain played by Kevin Durand in "The Gadget Scene." I won't dare say another word about it here, let's just say that that scene saved the movie and made it much more interesting.

Kevin Durand is the boss of all the villains in this film and does a great job. He is a very underrated actor who many people tend to overlook. If the film "Legion" hadn't sucked so bad, fans may have remembered his amazing teary-eyed performance as Archangel Gabriel. His best performance (in my opinion)is as Little John alongside Russell Crowe in "Robin Hood"

Until Kevin Durand is offered the kind of film projects that are going to show fans just how good of an actor he really is, we'll have to settle for his occasional bad guy roles. At least he plays villains with substance, and that's all there is too it...
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