7 Reviews
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Spirited Away (2001)
13 September 2003
This film is critically acclaimed across the board,is IMDB's No1 animated film and won an Oscar for best animated feature! And for the life of me I can't think why! What a boring film, how any child has sat through this is beyond me. Every situation in the film is dragged out to the extreme. I absolutely love animation and at first I thought I was only used the the Disney and other conventional animated movies,but no,

this film is FAR too long & tedious. A major disappointment.Only good thing was the music.
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The Red Hand Gang (1977– )
Memorable kids show!
31 July 2003
Now kids are on holiday and seeing the rubbish they have to watch ,it got me thinking about 'The red hand gang' One of the best kids dramas ever! I can't believe they only made 12 episodes! It also had one of the most annoying and catchy theme tunes of all time.When is this show going to be released on video or DVD? kids of today are missing out!
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Wrong Turn (I) (2003)
Nothing new,but who cares?
1 July 2003
This movie is soooo unoriginal but I don't care, if you like any kind of horror film you'll love this piece of 'shlock' The usual line up of drop dead gorgeous young people are

stalked in the forests of West Virginia by 3 Inbred cannibals. With just the right amount of gore and loads of jumps this is

great fun. So leave your brain in the lobby and enjoy!!!!
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Secretary (2002)
Not for everyone!!!!
21 June 2003
Not as funny as I was expecting but a remarkable film anyway Maggie gyllenhaal is a revelation. The plot revolves about a girl

who is addicted to hurting herself for pleasure. But for a film that could easily be just titilation comes across quite

sad.We get to understand her upbringing probably has a lot to do

with her 'troubled mind'. And even though she meets a man (the

brilliant James Spader) who comes across worse than her you

can't help feeling they belong together!. Not a comfortable film to watch but don't let that stop you
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Someone's Watching Me! (1978 TV Movie)
GOOD tv movie
20 May 2003
One of those rare things, an enjoyable tv movie. Directed by John Carpenter this film is riddled with cliches, but that doesn't matter, Starring the gorgeous Lauren Hutton and an apartment to die for(well in the 70's anyway). a woman is being watched from across the way by a psycho who keeps sending her 'mysterious' gifts!! a great little 'time waster'
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RoboCop (1987)
sci-fi heaven
18 May 2003
A brilliant sci-fi parody, very underrated modern action film! Paul Verhoevens directing is superlative with great acting and one of the screens best vilians Clarence Bod icker. Should be on everyones top ten sci-fi lists!!!
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Classic shlock!!
18 May 2003
Just before dawn is an underrated horror film from the early eighties. I haven't seen it in years but it had a great impact when I watched it, quite original for its day, the only problem is that it has not been released on video or dvd for years. If you like horror I urge you to check this little gem out!!
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