
13 Reviews
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Under the Dome (2013–2015)
Under Something That's For Sure!
22 July 2014
How the hell is this show gets worse and worse? How is this possible? And with an outline by Mr. King? With an amazing plot like that? How?

Even though I am a very busy person I spend almost every free time watching TV shows.Yeah, kinda sad. But that's my thing and I am happy so... I watch TV series varies all kind of genre and topic from sleepy hollow to the good wife or from major crimes to being human OK? I rate them, like them OK or don't like them sometimes because you know, not everything is for everyone right? But... Under the dome? This is certainly my kind of thing however I am having a really hard time loving it.

OK let's start. Acting couldn't be any worse. And those actors, we saw them before right, they were good no? Even the camera angels irritates me sometimes and the show is all over the place, it seems like they can't keep it together. The writing is childish and the dialogs can not convince or satisfy anyone who has a little bit of drama taste. And don't get me started on the special effects. Please, do they think it's OK to have that bad CGI or something with a show like that? And the last but not least, the music. It is so bad, sometimes I wish that they just do it without it. It would be radical but it could actually be better.

Especially since the second season started, it gets worse and worse. The only good thing still is the plot. And I badly want to like the show so please, I am begging the producers now (like would they read that but hell) do something and do it fast!
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X-Men: DoFP = Not Just Another Superhero Movie
25 May 2014
I saw X-Men: Days of Future Past twice now. And man; it IS a good movie. First of all, X- Men series always weighs more than other superhero movies because it is built on very strong issues such as: discrimination, self-control, alienation, balance, racism in some level, a persons inner fight to be better... So as a result, the X-Men movies become more than just some superhero movies with people who can do interesting things in it. These are REAL movies and behind all that imaginative world, dealing with REAL things that we can all relate to.

Days of Future Past is one of the best-seller stories amongst all the Marvel stories for 20 years now. So it is normal to have high expectations from the movie. But the thing is while I was looking forward to see DoFP, I told myself to lower my expectations because I liked X- Men: First Class more than any superhero movie before (and I am quite the nerd on that end) It couldn't have been better than First Class, right? Well, sorry "me" from 3 days earlier, you were wrong...

DoFP is an ensemble movie and we know that Singer is very good at those. (I mean, Usual Suspect right?) It gathers a lot of the original cast and the younger-self cast together in a story that would make you believe. The action scenes are just enough and well-balanced with everything else. I always thought since First Class started and ended with "Magneto" and more than anyone we saw him develop through the story, it was actually Magneto's movie. And now I am sure of that cause this one starts and ends with Prof. X and he is the one who develops through the story this time and boy, did James McAvoy done a good job with it! Amazing. His acting is superb, along with the others.

The future scenes convince you on their side while the 70's look just like 70's with costumes, usage of technology of that time, with designs and with dialogs... And there aren't as much as plot holes as they say, who says that just didn't watch that movie and the others very carefully... Just some holes on the time traveling - changing the past side but hey, it is the destiny of all time traveling movies isn't it? And DoFP did a better job at this than many other.

I can say so much more about this movie but I am sure if you are a true fan of X-Men on screen, you'll feel the same way anyway. This movie will stuck with you for some time because and I repeat of its depth. It is not just a super-hero movie. It is a treat for anyone who loves a good movie but also; it is everything you could've asked for if you are a true X-Men fan on screen.
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Leap Year (2010)
Green is the color of love in Ireland I suppose - and it looks good!
13 April 2014
This is a very good movie for its genre with a good script and good cast. In general of course it was predictable but in details it even had the element of surprise a bit. I would like to see Ireland one day, one of my dreams actually so when I read the plot I thought I should check it out. However I was afraid it was a bad movie since it was down 7 in IMDb rating. But anyways I watched it and - LOVED IT. Amy Adams (some say future Meryl Streep) was absolutely good and their chemistry with Goode was amazing. The Ireland landscape scenes were drop dead beautiful - as expected. The tune of the movie was in harmony with everything in the movie, the music, colors, the staging; everything. And we were not expecting an Oscar movie with this plot so, what was the disappointment that drove this movie under 7 I wondered. When I checked out the reviews I realized it was only down 7 because Irish people (and people around UK) gave it bad points! Why? Because it was inaccurate about ferry times and that amazing landscapes whereabouts, and stereotyping about old Irish folk, and an outside February wedding in Ireland and blah blah blah... Come on! Look, I am from Turkey and I know Hollywood stereotyping really good so, let me tell you something, even if it was stereotyping, it didn't feel like it and we fell in love with Ireland! What's the big deal? The movie put a smile on my (and I believe on many's) face in the end so, it was a good movie hence - recommended for everyone!
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Sherlock: The Sign of Three (2014)
Season 3, Episode 2
one bad episode doesn't make a bad series but still, this was "a one bad episode"
6 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
As we all know, Sherlock Holmes is the greatest crime-solving imaginary person ever. We should be grateful to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle for that and the BBC series "Sherlock" is the best on screen execution of him and of his brilliant stories... or should I say "was"? This episode was totally a disappointment. Of course the acting, staging, etc. was again great but unfortunately I can't say the same for the storyline and the writing. And this is a first for this show. I can understand the writers trying to pep us for the new Sherlock that will come with the married Watson but wasn't there any other way to do it better? I mean, from the moment we saw the photo guy taking pictures of Bainbridge(or let's say Dean Thomas as we all know him)we knew it was him! So where did the unpredictability go? And what about the bank robber family in the beginning? So they went great lengths to show us how important Sherlock is to Lestrade, I get that, but shouldn't they suppose to tie up that part of the story with the storyline in the end? No? Or the drunk moments... Nice acting; other than that, not so good, too-too long. And the scenes where they all worried about Sherlock giving a speech, were they really necessary too? And the sudden appearance of Irene Adler even though in Sherlock's head; again got us some expectations for the end but Nope! He walked away with his coat and not tied up with the storyline whatsoever! Of course, just one episode doesn't make a good series bad... Let's cross fingers and wish that it'll be the only one. Afterall, we wait a year for this and we only get three episodes so: 1/3 bad of a season: acceptable but if it gets to 2/3... I am just saying.
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enjoyable 2 hours
1 November 2013
I watched this movie in the comfy - surrounding of my home, 3D. I was really sleepy when we began watching but after a few minutes in, I was OK. Watched it through the end with a smile. And then I opened its IMDb page and saw the 6,3! Come on people! 6,3?! This is a very good movie in its own way and for this genre. It takes you in, it is consistent with its storyline, funny and screenplay is awesome. For the bad reviews I must say, what did you expect? Saving Private Ryan?

There are many good things about this movie. The costumes were a 10. The writing was felt very real for such an imaginary film. The only bad thing about this movie was the lead character maybe, it wasn't as well developed as it should; but so what; It's not the "Phone Booth" either. So, watch it and have enjoyable 2 hours than be thankful eh?
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looks like a salad, weighs you like big mac
26 October 2013
In genre it also says "comedy"... well don't fall for that. It is very very dramatic. Like drama-wise; it's much more 'philadelphia' than 'the bucket list' and it should have been more like the second one. It's dark and the jokes or the dancing in the end doesn't make it any more bearable. Kate Hudson and Gael Garcia Bernal are not so bad but the thing is even though Hudson's character is dying, you wait for her to start making a list like how to loose a guy when you're dying because how is her acting here any different than that movie? Bernal is different however romance genre is not a very good fit to him yet, for me his acting is too stable.

I don't say the movie is bad, but it doesn't match to its poster, its colors, its actors... in the end: when this movie ends you feel you have been cheated. Because a movie is a whole with all its elements together (music, cinematography, casting, writing, etc.) and with the first look, you feel like you are going to eat a salad, and when you finished; nope! you just ate whole big mac with extra cheese.. that's just not you ordered! And believe me, once you ate it, you don't feel any good.
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Once Upon a Time (2011–2018)
a fairytale with more than just black and whites
10 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First we start with the obvious. If you pay attention, you'll see a lot of similarities about the storytelling between this show and long passed beloved "Lost". This is nothing but normal because these two shows share writers, producers, actors and actresses even an editor. But Once Upon a Time is one step ahead from our beloved(!) Lost so far; it doesn't raise any questions that it can't give an answer to.

The most important thing about this show is it gives your childhood characters a depth. A lot of reviews say that first few episodes were good and promising after that, and especially in second season the show is going down. I seriously doubt that. This show starts with a promising idea indeed. But than it gets better, not worse. The thing between grown up stories and tales, the most important lesson we learn growing up is that there are no blacks and whites; good and evil but grays. Reasons and history behind actions. This show is good because of that. Because it adds the fairytale evil some good and plants dark thoughts in good ones minds.

The bad thing about this show is acting... sometimes. Sometimes the acting can't catch up with the intended idea on the screen. And too many Lost references. Come on. Leading character in Lost is Jack Shepherd and here the leading man is a prince-shepherd? And Oceaic 815 with magical world starts ticking again at precisely at 8.15? We all know that Lost didn't end so well now did it? I hope they will make amends with this show. After all, no fairytale should end without a nicely told happy ending or with question marks in minds. Even the grown-up kinda fairytale.
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The Newsroom (2012–2014)
please watch the "show" and not just "the news" on the show
2 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why everyone thinks that everything on TV or movie theaters has not to be biased or not to take sides. This show obviously is biased and takes sides and it is OK people calm down. Did Aaron Sorkin himself or anyone else responsible with The NR has ever promised to create a show that's fair to American politics? I guess not. It is a show. While you're watching something, try to pause it time to time and remind yourself - it is a form of art. It can be biased and it can take sides.

I am not an American. So I am concern about its politics as much as American people are concerned about Turkish politics. Meaning: I don't care about American politics. What I care about is a good show though. Which I can say The Newsroom is one. It has a solid editing and from episode to episode it differs it ways of telling the storyline, it keeps you in the loop while surprise you by not giving you what you normally expected. It uses the right colors in the right places that makes you feel like you are in a real newsroom having an adrenalin ride with the rest of the crew and the lead actor Jeff Daniels is doing a really good job along with John Gallagher Jr. who from the first scene he appears convinces us that he is actually a good guy. But...

There are a couple of downsides of the show though. First of all Emily Mortimer's and Allison Pills' acting is kind of shady sometimes. It is too much, too theatrical and I think bothers the audience. Also, it is too American. If you are the biggest guy in a room, you don't need to remind anyone of that fact, it is just being reminded simply with your presence. So when they start and finish the first season with establishing that "America is the greatest country in the world"; it just feels like the show is trying too hard to make a point hence loses credibility.

So, should we watch the show? Yes. Should we believe what it is saying? Not quite sure. But I am sure of one thing that it kept me up until I finished the first season. So go ahead love or hate the show but give the show a try "as a show" first.
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there comes an extraordinary show
25 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First of all i should warn all the people who wants to watch this show: do not watch it just because you are a Jon Hamm or a Harry Potter fan. This is way more Bulgakov than it is anything else. So it is dark, that's for sure but also fun. You don't know whether to laugh or feel bad at the same time.

The acting is really good as well. Jon Hamm is not performing a very different character than he does in Mad Men though he is pulling off the addict quite well so far. But Radcliffe is no Harry Potter here and it is kind of a test for him. Nonetheless he is doing everything right and after a few scenes, you don't even remember him as Potter. He is a pale skinned, very successfully graduated, unexperienced young doctor. And for that he deserves a greeting.

So, I don't agree with the "not good at all" reviews. I also don't think that it is right to judge the show prejudiced by Mad Men or Harry Potter series. This is Bulgakov. You don't compare Bulgakov with modern cultures movies or shows. You don't compare it to anything at all.

I don't think this show is for everyone but for anyone who likes "quality" and "unusual".
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Person of Interest (2011–2016)
What's not to watch here?
24 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Person of Interest is not the best nor the worst show ever. I don't believe that it is up for en Emmy but i don't believe that it deserves this much bad comment either. I think what we have here is an inaccurate placement of expectations.

People see the name Abrams somewhere in a show (like Fringe, Flash Forward, Revolution...) and they directly expect a better version but nonetheless a version of Lost. When they don't get it, they start whining.

There are a lot of shows out there where some funny-genius guy/girl looking for bad guys after a murder. This is a show where two serious guys looking for bad guys -before- a murder with a little bit of mystery behind. I guess this "machine" is just an excuse for an explanation of "how do they know".(I am guessing it was either this or one of them should have had the spider senses.) As an explanation, "the machine" is quite good i might say, it gives the show the spooky aspect. It also gives the show a bottom-line story.(Like Red John in The Mentalist or the story of the mother in Castle etc..)Is it believable? If you want believable you watch the news not TV shows...

This show is handling itself with three angles. One: going deep into characters. Which is looking good because the acting is good. Two: solving cases. It gives different stories so it attracts people like me who likes case-based shows. Three: "The machine" angle. This is what gives the show depth. This is what makes the show different than the others. So, what's not to watch here? Yes, writing is bad every once in a while but i think the show is good enough to endure some bad writing in the end.
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Downton Abbey (2010–2015)
Definitely worths your time
18 October 2012
i am not a very big fan of non scientific, non action shows but downton abbey is a very beautiful exception of it. when i saw the mansion back in the poster that was the moment i started to download the show. i am so into Celtic castles and the show is absolutely just about one of them! so now, i can not be very objective about this show but i am not expected to anyway. the show is great. acting is brilliant. the costumes, the language, historical background, everything is accurate, believe me i checked (before that the show Rome was the only one felt historically real that way). not a tiny piece of good character they waste. it's about royalty and also everything not royal, it's about tradition and change (with this aspect it is kind of reminding the movie fiddler on the roof), it's about crisis and welfare, it's about the first world war for Christ sake where else do you see it!? all and all, if you are a little tired of American shows with no sense of reality, this show will feel like a mirage in desert. if nothing, they speak British English with British accent. and what they're saying is worth listening.
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one fine trilogy
28 July 2012
I am a huge fan of superhero movies and I know most of them even backwards. Batman was NOT one of them because I don't believe that Batman is a "super" hero except his super amount of money. After watching the final part, I strongly believe Nolan made a super trilogy and a hero out of Batman. I haven't been that impressed by Batman Begins but I liked it anyway. However when I watched The Dark Night, I got stunned by it. Still not by Batman character though...stunned by Nolan's interpretation of Gotham this time and the amazing performance of Heath Ledger (RIP). Maybe one of the best acts ever I might say. I was wondering how Nolan could top that with the last movie. I am gladly surprised to see that he surpassed himself quite handsomely. This movie ties most of the loose ends while gives you a perfect amount of real and imagination. You don't understand how 2 hours 40 minutes just passed. You can not make a really bad movie starring Bale, Oldman, Caine, Freeman, Cotillard, Hathaway and Gordon-Levitt anyway but it doesn't have to be this good either. The Dark Knight Rises was being awaited with great expectations...Some of them were to be a good final to a trilogy, to honor the Batman character once again, to go beyond its predecessor, to be as good as any other Nolan movie and so on... And did it manage to keep up to those expectations? Without a doubt: yes it did!
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Episodes (2011– )
Something Good, Something Different
21 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of Friends like a lot of people around the world. I always thought that Friends was a big hit everywhere because it was genuine. After ten season of watching those people, I felt like I was actually friends with them too -and I know a lot of people felt that way as well-. When the show ended, of course I looked out for everything that those 6 people did including the Cougar Town which I also liked and Mr. Sunshine. Even though those shows were good, "Episodes" is something different and something really really good. First of all, we should accept the fact that we can not watch Matt LeBlanc and not think about Joey or Friends (like any other character of friends in any other show). The difference of Episodes is that this show knows this fact, acknowledges it, uses it but also not overwhelms you with it. Also, it makes its difference by using the widely different British humor quite wisely (in Sean and Beverly characters) and mixing it with American flavor (the rest of the characters starting with LeBlanc). Besides its great humors, the show is giving us a wonderful insight of Hollywood and TV networks. Its self criticism of the "industry" makes us feel like listening to an honest, funny and a very clever person. The only complaint about this show is it lasts only 7-9 episodes in one season! I must say that having 7-9 episodes is too British for a show that is also very American. Other than that hats off to David Crane and Jeff Klarik and I highly recommend this show to everyone who needs to watch something good and different.
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