
33 Reviews
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Sting (2024)
Too much wrong to fit in a headline. I suppose, "Not All Horror Films Need Drama" or "Unlikable Characters"
16 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Not really sure where to start, so I'll start with the positives, then I'll go through... the rest.

First off, I was not expecting the immediate reveal that the spider is actually an alien. Honestly at first I didn't know how to feel about it, but quickly realized that it was not only the best move to explain just how ridiculous Stings abilities are, but it also fits the overall campy nature of the film and I found myself totally game.

As for the horror elements and deaths, they are without a doubt the highlight of the movie. The titular creature often looked sufficiently creepy and nasty, brought to life by a blend of fairly decent CG and practical effects. The deaths are particularly gruesome. One in particular really stood out and I was genuinely surprised by just how far they stretched it. If only there was more of all that

Okay that's about all the good, now for the rest of the movie! Biggest problem first: THE CHARACTERS ARE INSUFFERABLE! Our main protagonist is arguably the most likable and even he is obnoxious and frustrating. The worst offender is the step daughter, aka the little brat whose fault all this is for being too stupid to realize way early on that this thing was no spider and certainly no pet. She is supposed to be a young hormonal girl who is having trouble connecting with her stepdad, so some of her attitude is definitely intended to annoy us, but as the film progresses, it gets increasingly hard to tell when the movie is trying to say she's justified in her outbursts or not. The movie tries to paint out the stepdad as an idiot who can't do or say anything right and while all that is true, they forgot to make him endearing enough to root for. And they went way overboard with the girls attitude. Then there is the wife. Similar deal as the daughter just way less severe. She just always has this sarcastic, rushed tone as if she can't wait to end the conversation and for her husband to shut up. Even the side characters are each their own brand of suck. The grandma's the exception, but the exterminator is loud and annoying and keeps popping in and out of the story just to get killed off in a second once you think he will be a part of the third act.

Speaking of the third act, particularly the climax, it was so underwhelming. I have yet to mention just how few scares are in this film and how seldom we see Sting. I understand budget limitation are a very real thing, but I say if you can't make a movie about a killer giant spider properly, maybe dont make it at all. Instead, the movie chooses to fill its minimum required runtime of 80 minutes to be a feature with "family drama." This is a whole other can of worms and maybe a hot take but I have been so annoyed with every single horror movie coming out in the last 10 years thinking they have to be some character piece with relatable character and drama. Some movies don't need that. Not every movie is Hereditary. If it works for the story of the film, and the characters and drama are good and are consistent with the themes, then it can work. But this is a movie about a rapidly growing man eating alien spider... just let it be that please.

This movie doesn't hide from its camp. It's in full display in most scenes with Sting. But in the 90% of the movie without Sting, it tries to play itself way too seriously. It doesn't help that we have established how unlikable our characters are. I miss when campy movies were allowed to be just that and not everything had to try and be "prestige horror."

All in all, I found myself bored, frustrated and annoyed throughout most of the film. The only reason I'm not ranking it lower is because of the genuinely terrific death scenes. (Now that i think about it, it's really just the one death...) I do not and would not recommend anyone watch this. Watch the best scenes on YouTube. Or do yourself a real favor and watch this years other actually great spider horror pic "Infested." Now that's a movie that success at being exactly what this film fails at being. Really, it's really good, if you have read this far, I assume you're looking for an actually good spider movie and that's the one.
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The Boys: Department of Dirty Tricks (2024)
Season 4, Episode 1
We are really just gonna brush past Homelander trial?
13 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'd like to start by saying that I quite enjoyed the episode overall. It definitely feels like the Boys are back! Regarding tone, action, characters and dialogue, this episode feels like The Boys in peak form. Lots of bad guys getting one ups that frustrate us as the audience (in the best way.) The Boys has a strong ability to get under your skin not only its hatable villains but its biting social commentary and both are on full display here as the bad guys continue to seemingly get one leg up after another on our heroes.

However!... there is one plot thread that was heavily set up in Season 3 that I was so excited to see in this season, and that is Homelander trial for murdering that dude who threw a bottle at Ryan in the last moments of S3. I was SO excited to see this plot thread explored. Homelander finally having to face some sort of consequence for this recklessness. So many possibilities to explore having him in court and how that would weigh on his already fragile and cracking psyche, as well as showing how the courts would go about something like trying someone like him in a court of law. A court he could destroy within seconds. It could lead to some very intense moments of not knowing what's coming. Instead, they just skip right to the verdict. I didn't need like a season long arc or even multi episode. But one episode dedicated to this maybe a couple eps into the season to build it up would be ideal imo. Let down about that But otherwise, this is Peak the Boys. Would be 9/10 without that one aspect.
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Them: Happy Birthday, Sweet Boy (2024)
Season 2, Episode 4
Finally they are using Pam Greer!
7 May 2024
I was wondering the whole season so far why they got the legendary Pam Greer just to have her wander around a house in minimal scenes. But finally they give her some amazing material that she of course annihilates. I'll leave this spoiler free but she sells a very heartbreaking moment.

Also, the ending? Very satisfying after some huge questions that I have had through the first four episodes. We get some answers! I think. In all cases this show continues to be thrilling, scary, intriguing and successfully shocking (without feeling like cheap shock value, which the first season dipped into a couple times.)
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Goosebumps: Welcome to Horrorland (2023)
Season 1, Episode 10
Hooooo boy... this show really tanked at the end. Major character assassination for one character in particular
14 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Major spoilers ahead. I have to talk spoilers to get across my frustrations with this finale. Readers Beware ;)

Ok so I am a fan of some of the more mature, just scary enough moments to freak kids out but not scar them, (I think we should be actually trying to scare, but not scar kids as isn't that the point of horror? I loved getting genuinely scared as a kid and this episode would do the trick.) there are stabbings, someone gets shot, there is imagery of the whole town getting burned (even though it turns out to be a fake out, it's still effective when it's happening.) so yeah, those parts were okay with me.

But the episode itself really ruined some aspects of the show. Goodness what did they do to Mr Bratt? Yeah they hinted in the last episode that he was going to side with Slappy to get his good ending to his book, but they took his stupidity too far and ended up making him pretty unlikable. When it is revealed to the kids that he is working with Kanduu/Slappy, I was thinking at that point, with the whole city being turned into half-doll-half-people servants that perhaps we would get another reveal that while Bratt may have agreed initially to help Kanduu, maybe he then was threatened or put in some sort of hostage situation or something that we hadn't yet been made aware of.

But nope. Mr Bratt just keeps on helping the super evil villain even as he is enslaving the whole town and turning them into dummy people. So at this point, Bratt totally sucks and as far I am concerned, a really terrible character which does not match up with the character we got to know throughout the season. We know him as pretty dumb most of the time, sure, but not selfish to that level. I mean it's kind of evil what he is doing, even before being told what's really going on. And then he's surprised when it's revealed that Kanduus plan is to kill all of them in a giant fire. Mind you, this is all after he saw the giant burning tower in a vision. Even his grandfather knew right when he had the same vision that something was terribly wrong, and he put a stop to it. And yes, again, Bratt is an idiot, so I guess we are supposed to believe he is THAT dumb. But even before that revelation, he was already way off the deep end.

The kids roast him a bit but then just kind of get over it when he calls himself and coward and says he's sorry. Oh okay then no worries. Our parents are about to be burned alive because of you but you're sorry so no hard feelings?? Dude what?? There is even a lame attempt at a joke when Isabella says she can't believe he would do this just to finish his book, and James says he totally can believe it. Well guess what? As an audience member, I can't believe it. So I see the whole thing with Bratt as a huge failure on the writers part.

That's definitely my main complaint. Other than that, the whole finale just feels super rushed especially in the last 10 minutes or so. Isaiah gets capped and basically dies but presumably gets revived by an incantation that I guess can just resurrect anyone, so let's just let go of any sense of real danger of anyone dying. That's great. Then it's revealed that Mr Bratt seems to be possessed once again, because you have to have a cliff hanger ending, even if it isn't set up at all. I guess a rushed cliffhanger is better than wrapping up story threads, like what happened with Lucas? Margot confesses her feelings to Isaiah's apparently unconscious and soon to be dead body, but she never talks to Lucas. Sure, they probably want to keep some story threads going for season 2, but good tv shows know that if there is a plot line that goes through one season, there should at least be some closure and if you are good writers, you will be able to continue it with new ideas in the next season. Same with movies. It is so lame when a movie doesn't wrap up a storyline just so they can keep it going in a sequel. Have the sequel run on its own storylines. Give us a satisfying conclusion to what you set up for THIS story.

So yeah. This show was never perfect and had plenty of flaws and inconsistencies but it somehow kept me entertained enough to keep watching every week. But this final episode really just tanked everything in my opinion. Seems like the writers could do a deal with Slappy to get a better ending.
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Loki: Breaking Brad (2023)
Season 2, Episode 2
I'm really confused with some of the hate for this episode
19 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This season is really impressing me so far. The writing in my opinion is pretty impeccable in 90 percent of this episode. I really love the few moments they take on this one to remind us that Loki has always been a villain. Every "anti hero" show or movie besides maybe "Joker" have treated its anti heroes like actual heroes. They leaned a bit too much into that in season one I think. So it's great to see them reminding us that they still know he has been a villain for most of the time we have known him, and I hope that they continue to develop on that. But I love how he admits that his invasion of New York was out of emotion and wasn't tactical. I found that a very interesting admittance from Loki.

Brad was a fun little antagonist, acted well. All the acting is phenomenal, especially the always brilliant chemistry between Wilson and Hiddleston. Their buddy dynamic is enough to keep me watching alone. And the writing? Seriously I don't see how people are hating so much on this episode. Both eps of this season so far have been so tightly written and craftily directed, scored to perfection and brought to life by the same brilliant set design and visuals from the first season. With the pure mediocre bilge that Marvel has been pumping out lately, this show comes off as pure gold! I'm honestly so impressed with it, it doesn't feel like modern Marvel at all and even has some notes of maturity above the good old Marvel I love so much.

Honestly, as I was watching this episode I was waiting to see afterwards if people were loving it as much as me, and I'm very confused to see some of the hate on here. The only thing I agree with in some of the bad reviews is that it's a bit hard to follow and I found myself asking a little too many questions about everyone's motivations or how certain things are connected. A lot of juggling pieces so far and I will admit that this season is certainly harder to follow than the first, but I don't mind is the thing.
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Wow everyone. The 80's sure were PROBLEMSTIC!
11 October 2023
Where do I start? I guess I'll start with the good stuff. The movie is a lot of fun, as much as it could be, with the premise that likely will make a lot of people click like I did. It's Back to the Future meets a horror slasher comedy, and for the most part, they do pretty well with that premise. It's briskly paced, if not rushed in certain scenes, and the whodunit mystery can be fun to pick a part, if not a little obvious by near the end.

Now, for what I didn't like. I love horror comedies. (I much prefer movies that are 80% horror with a dash of funny, not the other way around, which this is, but I'll take it.) They shouldn't go well together, but I think most people can attest that they do if done right. But a huge part of that of course, is the comedy being funny. If the movie isn't funny, Then all we are left with is a horror movie that's not scary because it's trying so hard to be funny, and a comedy that's not funny because, well, it's trying so hard to be funny

So why is this movie not funny? Well actually it can be. About 10% of the jokes are pretty damn decent and landed for me, simply because they didn't have anything to do with what the rest of the 90% of the jokes had to do with. Which is basically "wow everybody, the 80s sure were problematic weren't they?!" That's right people. Misogynistic people run rampant! The racists are in the streets! There is unwanted, touching everywhere at the smokers smoke indoors! And it is up to our hero Kiernan Shipka to stand up to all of it with... unfunny retorts and perplexed faces. Seriously I'm not kidding, at least 90% of the jokes are just her going "you can't say that," or "woah that's not okay!"

Before I go any further on this topic, let me be clear. I'm as progressive as the next person. I stand for all the change in the world but I think almost movie goers, progressive or not, can agree that there is a time and place for these kinds of politics and sometimes we just want to have fun at the movies and not be pandered to or talked down to. That being said, the 80s were indeed different (I know who knew??) and a couple well placed jokes about that could've been actually really funny, and do belong in a movie with this premise. But the movie makes it's whole comedy half about JUST that and it gets so old so fast. Like we get it movie the 80s were a different time! Please move on to another joke instead of repeating the same one over and over repackaged.

There is literally a joke in this movie where a female character invites some guys to a party, and when Kiernan gets mad because they're supposed to stay isolated, the other character goes "what you thought we were just going to lez out all weekend?" To which Kiernan responds with, and I'm not kidding: "gross. I mean what you said was gross. Not gay people. Gay people are amazing, your comment had homophobic undertones."

.... I mean come on guys. Really? Honestly, I would love to list word for word so many of the other jokes like this to show just how ridiculous and incessant they get, but I definitely don't have time for that and this is a review, not a total breakdown, so if you really wanna know for yourself, go watch the movie. You'll likely be annoyed like I was, but underneath all that, you'll also likely have fun like I did.

I certainly don't want my time back, I don't regret watching it, and I would recommend it to most people, but with the warning that the "comedy" might just get under your skin, and the horror will definitely NOT do that at all.
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Carriers (2009)
The most 2009 movie ever made
10 October 2023
Wow. I forgot about this movie entirely. So crazy to have all the memories flooding back upon seeing this poster while scrolling through streaming services (I have the strongest memory of checking it out of a Blockbuster video when it came out.)

The film itself is about as generic as it gets. At least we have some of Chris Pines signature charisma to get us through the short runtime. But having tried again to rewatch it, there is nothing special about it. It hits all the notes of every post apocalyptic infection/zombie movie while bringing nothing new to the table. So why am I commenting on it?

Literally because this movie is seriously just a perfect time capsule of 2009. And what is funny is that a lot of that has to do with how uninspired and unoriginal it is. It was a time of remakes and rehashing of popular plots and ideas. Every movie also looked the exact same, with that gritty look that seemed both desaturated and overly saturated at the same time, while ALWAYS looking like they filmed everything through sewer water. Even the casting is totally 2009. Chris Pine had his big breakthrough role that very year with Star Trek, and Piper Perabo is a 2000s gem, starring in a lot of other time capsule movies of the era. And again, the poster is the ultimate giveaway. I could've been completely unfamiliar with the movie and come across the poster and I would still bet all of my money it came out in '09.

So yeah, I'd you are looking for a nostalgia trip, this is certainly the movie for you.
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A genuinely funny, visually stunning blast, if a little too silly sometimes
2 October 2023
This movie is genuinely such a great time. The turtles are voiced supremely by some actual teenagers. They have great comedic timing along with their adult costars, and really hold their own, fitting their roles perfectly.

If I had one real flaw, it would be that when things are supposed to be getting serious in the story, the tone stays a little too light. There are plenty of moments when it feels like there should be some real peril and the jokes keep coming, along with the general tone just refuse to get real. It helps that the jokes land more times than not, (I found myself laughing out loud throughout the entirety of the movie.) people are comparing this a lot to the Spiderverse movies, and I can see why, even though it definitely feels like it's own thing more than I thought it would and the animation is more unique than I original thought as well. But the Spiderverse movies are great at balancing dark and light tones to make a fully fleshed movie. Peril make stakes feel real, and without it, third acts tend to feel a little underwhelming. The climax of this movie felt rushed and even still I felt like I was kind of waiting for it to wrap up, after having enjoyed myself so much in the first two acts. If it got a little more real, I could see myself getting more into it.

But really that's my only flaw I can really think of. The film is heartfelt and well paced, if not a little too short. Could've used another 10 minutes of getting to know certain characters. Visually, it is as stunning as you might assume from the trailers. All in all, it is certainly worth a watch.
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Better Call Saul: Plan and Execution (2022)
Season 6, Episode 7
The episode title takes a whole new meaning after watching it
13 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty damn shocking and heartbreaking. This episode is the culmination of so many threads and character choices that lead to the fruition of a big plan... and then an execution. Literally.

Never would I think that the word "execution" mean a real execution. It's exactly what happens to our boy Howard. Not just a killing, but an execution. Point blank right to the head. Figuratively from Kim and Jimmy, literally from Lalo.

The acting in this season is on another level and this episode is no exception. Another execution earlier in the season, that of Nacho's, has phenomenal acting as well. And this final scene showcases all of the lead actors skills on full display. Kim and Jim sell true horror, first at the sight of Lalo, then after what he does, with a dose of shock for good measure. Their reactions are so believable it's bone chilling. And Howard's actor kills it in his final exhaustive and impassioned monologue.

Even without the final shocking scene, the rest of the episode is phenomenal with Kim and Jim's plan playing out flawlessly. It's so intense and brutal to watch. Howard's fall from grace is so undeserved and we are just forced to watch it unfold. The episode just winds the tension until those fateful last few seconds. A masterclass in tension and character work. Unforgettable.
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Beast (I) (2022)
Knew after the first 20 minutes how dumb this is. (Reviewing as I watch the movie with updates scene by scene)
12 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think I have ever had a rating for a movie before finishing it, but after the first lion attack I just couldn't believe how dumb it really was. It really says something when a movie gets so stupid so fast that I find it irredeemable even with most of the movie left to go. At this point it could be a masterpiece and it wouldn't help.

The film is still playing as I'm writing this. And I'm just laughing my ass of. I'm now at the part where Idris' daughter decides to get out of the car like an absolute Neanderthal while Idris is standing on the roof like a bigger Neanderthal. And Idris then misses his shot when the lion sneaks up him and gets pounced off the car. I laughed really hard. These idiots are rolling down windows, leaving the car, running around. The first scene implies a man standing two feet behind another man gets taken by the lion with literally NO noise being made. Like it's Batman. Good lord the characters are beyond stupid. A movie like this would be so elevated by the character being smart and using resourcefulness to outsmart the lion. That is literally what would make this movie good. The premise wouldn't just be a guy and his family try to escape from a rogue lion, it would be a man is forced to use every last piece of will, strength and know how he can muster to keep his family safe from a rogue lion. They establish that Idris is a doctor which is super convenient. But it's not used to good effect. He's just able to stitch up his buddy. But since he acts like a moron the rest of the movie it just comes across as Hollywood bs convenience to further the plot instead of enhance it.

Still watching. Now to the part where the poachers have been taken out and Idris is going after the keys on one of the dead guys to steal their truck.. in the dark.... With the lion literally right outside... he doesn't even take one of the many automatic weapons with him. And then to top it all of his IDIOT daughter starts using the radio to call him to see if he's okay. Well if he is, you just fully screwed him over. And then she starts honking the horn which at first I thought was to get the lions attention, which is still dumb if it was the case, but instead she's apparently just honking to tell her dad to come back already. Through honking....unreal.

Also clearly the lion must have been shot in the nose because it can't seem to smell anything and is hunting purely off sight and sound. It goes right under Idris and doesn't smell him. Look I don't mind that the lion is acting unlike any lion would. I really don't care. Clearly that's gonna be the case in a movie like this. It can be an overly violent lion so what. But you're telling me it can't smell either? Or hear very well?

Now they've escaped with a truck and found a little house to lick their wounds. And they have left the front door wide open. I'm baffled. This could actually be a decent place to hang low for a while. But like... close the door ya know? Oh. And the lion just showed up. Hmm I wonder if it's gonna actually kill his daughters. So suspenseful. Because teenage daughters always die in these movies and don't have plot armor at all.

The dad has now decided to fist fight the lion in a last stand. He is punching the lion. I repeat idris is punching the lion. He is throwing sand in the lions face. He is losing badly. He is getting torn tf up. Keep punching idris you will get him. Oh the lions have joined the fight. Oh the bad lion dies off screen. Awesome. Awwweeesome.

Alright so i guess it was a diversion as he knew tge tamed pride would attack the bad lion if it got close enough to them. I suppose that was set uo earlier so I guess points for foreshadowing? Does not change the fact that the climax of this movie is Idris Elba fist fighting a massive lion.

Really It's the stupid characters that bring the movie way down. I'm gonna I'm finish it just to see how much dumber it gets but that's it. I'm really disappointed I was hoping for a fun survival movie filled with smart characters who rely on their human intelligence to outsmart or outmaneuver a wild animal that has them beat with raw power. But the characters are dumber than slasher movie teens. Not even exaggerating. There is a barely mentioned bit of drama with the mom dying and the dad not being there blah blah blah. Now he is gonna prove his awesome "dadness" by being a moron trying to keep them safe from a rogue lion.

It's a shame. Idris is such a great actor. He's being wasted on this garbage.
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One of the few arguably perfect movies in existence
25 June 2023
Along with its previous installment Raiders of the Lost Ark, this film makes a compelling argument for being a perfect movie. If we are talking goofs, as in the type you can find a couple tabs away including factual errors, continuity issues and other such things, even they are impressively minimal and you'll be hard pressed to try and find a single one that is really significant in any way.

But then there are the BIG flaws that you often find in movies. The kind that take you out of the experience or lessen your enjoyment. Plot holes, bad acting/filmmaking, shoddy special effects, pacing issues, I could go on but you don't need me to. We all know when a movie just isn't doing it's job all that well. And on THAT front, is where this movie truly shines, boasting it's incredible lack of really any such issues. AT ALL. I have seen this film probably well over a dozen times over the years, and I am currently rewatching it as I write this review. One of the most amazing things about Crusade is that even if the Indians Jones franchise isn't your flavor of movie, you can't deny how objectively great it is. Nor can you avoid receiving at least some enjoyment from its bombastic action scenes, mind boggling Lu epic set pieces, great dialogue, genuinely hilarious comic moments and lines, superb story, real emotional beats and familial drama, smooth and believable character arcs... I think I'll stop myself there before I write all night about the many, MANY outstanding features that make this movie the masterpiece it is.

If you ARE an Indy fan, this movie is like a little slice of paradise; endlessly rewatchable, beyond iconic, quotable as all hell and always entertaining. Basically everything I have said in this review could be said about Raiders too, which just shows how awesome this franchise is. Everyone involved with these movies were firing on all cylinders, and all we can do as an audience is sit back, relax and just be glad that we live in a world with Indiana Jones.
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South Park: Spring Break (2023)
Season 26, Episode 6
A messy and disjointed episode to wrap up an actually pretty great season
2 April 2023
Not sure what happened here. There are a lot of awkward jokes and the messaging feels a little too on the nose while at the same time being a bit confusing. I feel like there were a lot of missed opportunities for jokes as well. This show is so impressive because of how they create each episode in the span of a week and somehow it rarely feels like that. But this week it definitely felt like they had to rush an episode out. It doesn't feel organic at all, but rather stitched together with a series of mediocre jokes.

However, (despite what some people are saying) I thought this season overall was pretty great. Topical as ever and hilarious throughout, season 26 is another positive season in my eyes, although it was a bit too short.
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The Last of Us: Look for the Light (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9
People are already calling it overrated. That's how you know it's good
15 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Last Of Us as a property is always going to be seen as masterful, but damn if it isn't divisive. I think that's a testament to how great the storytelling and characters are. They followed the game pretty closely with this episode and that was the perfect move. From apocalyptic, terrifying themes to subtle but honest character work, The Last Of Us is not meant to be easy to watch. It's bleak. Because it's the closest thing to how it would really be.

I think the show was overall pretty great. My main complaints are with some of Bella Ramsays acting choices. Sometimes she is so great and others... it's hard to describe but it's not my favorite. . I feel like her "worried and in a bad situation" acting is better than her "everything is cool right now" acting. Make sense? Maybe not.

Also I thought it was great how they showed the DLC storyline because it's crucial to Ellie's character, but I didn't think it needed a full episode. Maybe half that, half present day Ellie surviving and trying to take care of a wounded Joel would have been better. I guess I just wanted to see more of how Ellie survived for however long it took Joel to heal and see her hone her skills. (Because if you have played the games, you know how badass she will be later)

Again, some of her acting was REALLY good. I.
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Velma: Family (Wo)man (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9
This one is so bad is actually frustrating.
10 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
More of the same. But somehow worse and more egregious in this episode. Especially with the questionable morals this show loves to show. In this episode, Velma and her father lie to her long missing, recently found mother about his new life with another woman and child. I mean, she was presumed either dead or to have abandoned her family, so I would personally not call it "cheating" if he moved on. But this show sure loves to call it that and further vilify Velma's dad (and Velma) by having them lie and make the waitress lie as well. Oh and if you thought Mindy Kaling has been giving a terrible performance on this show up until now, just you wait for some her line deliveries in this one.

I'm not proud to say that I "hate watch" this show, but I'm honestly curious week to week to see how much worse it can get. Or, perhaps if it might get better. If only. At this point, there is no hope for this show to ever improve. Something about it keeps me coming back though, so I guess that's something. It's not a good thing. It's just something.
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The Ledge (2022)
The acting is... blehhhhhhhhhh
18 October 2022
Okay 3 minutes in and you'll be rolling your eyes and the dialogue and especially the delivery from the actors. While the acting is horrible I definitely think the dialogue couldn't be pulled off be even Daniel Day Lewis. It's just ROUGH. The suspense isn't bad, and that's what the movie is all about, so for what it sets out to do, it does alright. But damn dude. Haven't seen cheesy acting of this caliber in quite some time. The cliches are numerous as well. You can't have a female protagonist in a climbing thriller without her having a dead husband.

There is a much better version of this movie that came out this year in the form of "Fall" which is just different enough but just enough alike that I would recommend just watching that instead.
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Succession: I Went to Market (2018)
Season 1, Episode 5
A hard watch
3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As with every other episode of this show, the writing and acting are brilliant here. But I'll be damned if I didn't admit that this episode nearly turned me off of the show. Why? Because literally everyone in this episode is just SO hateable in their own ways. Seriously, try to find someone who is acting in any way that is anything but deplorable. It's pretty genius writing that all the characters stay true to themselves and act despicably in their own way. It is a testament to this show that the only reason I somewhat dislike an episode is because the writing is too good.

Roman acts like a complete ass with his girlfriend Grace. Connor is at his cringiest, cornering his "escort" to be his exclusive girlfriend by offering to pay for her theater career. Logan is demanding and viscous and he hits a 10 year old. It just never ends.
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Better Call Saul: Point and Shoot (2022)
Season 6, Episode 8
(Heavy spoilers) My goodness... so amazing. And SO sad.
12 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If this shows continues like this, it will no doubt be looked back on as just as good if not better than Breaking Bad. As near perfect and Breaking Bad is, I can't help but feel like this show is more tightly and subtly written. It seems like the writers have simply perfected their craft as the years have gone on, rather than become jaded and lazy like most television writers, particularly those who keep writing for the same property for as many years as this. Two full 6 season shows, 14 years in the making, and somehow it just keeps getting BETTER?? How does that work? Honestly.

Anyways, now that I am done fanboying out, let's briefly dive into the episode. What I love about this show is how it drops little hints as to where the story might go. I watch it with my family every week and we are constantly pausing and picking apart what's going on and whoops I'm fanboying again. Anyway, I knew when Lalo seemed ambivalent about who would perform the assassination on Gus that he was simply trying to lure out the calvary as a distraction. There's no way he would trust such an important task to the likes of Jimmy or Kim. And as we knew they were watching the property closely, viewers were lead to believe Mike would save the day. It makes the show so satisfying when you can kind of predict where things are going. And yet somehow it does it without feeling predictable if that makes sense. It's not as much predictable as it is rewarding for those who pay attention. Fanboying. Okay reel it in.

Lalo. What a villain. He went out with just a flare. Of course he died with his signature bastard smile on his face. Being the one man army he is, he executed a nearly flawless plan and got SO close to putting the kibosh on Gus' whole operation. But we have seen Breaking Bad so we know that as smart as Lalo is, there is only one who "knocks" successfully.

I found myself getting so sad at the end when Mike is telling them what will become of Howard and his legacy. It is just so tragic how he had absolutely nothing to do with any bb of this but was in the wrong place at the wrong time all because of Jimmy and Kim. Mike seems to purposefully drive home the point to Jimmy and Kim that they are at fault for his death, with the line "just keep telling the story you've been telling." And Kim just looks devastated. I wonder where their relationship will go after this.

With such a firecracker of an episode, things will no doubt slow down a bit for the next while to focus on our two leads and how the fallout of their actions will affect not only their lives but their relationship. We know from BB that Jimmy/Saul keeps on his path into the criminal world, but we also know that Kim is not a part of it. I have a feeling that this whole event will shake the foundations of their life together and Jimmy will press on, she may have been woken up to what a life of crime can lead to.

And wow. The fact that Lalo and Howard were buried beneath the lab this whole time. My goodness. This show is perfect. It's ingenious. Fanboy fanboy fanboy okay I need to stop.
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Another superbly written episode. Heavy on character development
1 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After the explosive HEROGASM, this episode slows things down to focus on our characters before a most likely crazy finale. We get backstories for some well chosen characters that fill in some satisfying blanks. Butcher deals with his past and we get to see what actually happened to his brother. This it also sets up the theme of sons turning into their fathers, which cleverly sets up the big reveal at the end of the episode. Just as grim, yet more colorful, is the wonderful scenes of Black Noir and his "friends," a stylized and hilarious way to both give us a little glimpse of how Noir works, as well as show us how he got to be that way.

In those scenes we also get more corroboration that Soldier Boy is indeed an evil SOB. I love how the show makes you kind of like him while keeping him purposefully gross and unlikeable for a while, but slowly he is becoming more irredeemable with his actions and what we know now about his past. And with the final reveal of *SPOILERS* him bing Homelanders father, it all starts making sense. It's a great twist and they built up to it perfectly with little hints, like Meave and Crimson Countess confessing their hate in nearly identical ways.

I can't wait for the finale. I cannot imagine how this is going to turn out but it can't be good.
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The Boys: Herogasm (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
The most limit pushing episode of television I can think of. And I don't just mean with the crazy stuff
24 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Truly diabolical. Ok before I share my thoughts on this episode, just a quick shoutout to season 3 overall For just hitting on all cylinders. This season seems to streamline everything that makes this show great with each deliberately crafted scene, and it all comes to a head here.

Anyways, about HEROGASM...

I have not read the comics, but I am aware that fans of the comics have been eagerly wondering if or when the show would bring the appropriately named party to our tv screens. In the lead up to this episode, several interviews, press junket and behind the scenes videos began to surface, featuring certain actors/creators essentially warning viewers of what would be on screen. And they weren't lying.

But beyond all that crazy, the storytelling and plot convergences are some of the most insane we could have asked for. A Train gets a couple amazing character moments, as does Ashley who tells him off for only caring about anything if it happens to him, and how she always has to clean up his crap. Frenchmen gets some potent, sad backstory fleshed out, all while in a situation that demands a lot from the actor, and like people tend to do in this show, he nailed it. Homelanders Gollum-like split personality in the mirror was amazing, another scene for the actors to shine. Soldier Boy gets some much needed characterization after his presence has loomed so large over a season in which he hardly has appeared in until now. They built him up so carefully and now he really does feel mythic and larger than life, which is such a clever juxtaposition over his actual personality, that of course being a dude bro mixed with your grandpa.

So many great things, and then it tops all of that off with a pivotal, suspenseful fight scene where we get some moments we always knew we needed. And a cliffhanger with Starlight telling the world what the hell is actually going on, FINALLY. Can't wait till next week, don't even know what could happen at this point. This show really is amazing.
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Love, Death & Robots: Kill Team Kill (2022)
Season 3, Episode 5
Great old school animation and legitimately funny
8 June 2022
Not sure what the bad reviews are all about. I found it thoroughly entertaining and funny throughout. I would actually like to see more of this in a tv show of its own. I guess not everyone agrees but I really liked it.
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Moon Knight: The Tomb (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
Finally can't wait for next week
21 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show has always been good. Let's be real. Every episode is a lot of good with maybe a few week points. But I have always been pretty indifferent to see the next episode. Like yeah I am satisfied every week but this episode does what only GREAT shows do: makes you feel sad that you must wait a week for more. Everyone is talking about the crazy "twist" ending of this episode, but I think the rest of the episode deserves credit too. Hilarious performance moments from Oscar Isaac, cute moments between Steven with a V and Layla, more great dialogue from Arthur Harrow, who is turning out to be one of the MCUs best villains, more uncharacteristically but welcome violence including a mummy disemboweling a still breathing man, and yes, an amazing ending that just keeps delivering. Love the moment of Steven and Mark giving each other a "so good to see you" hug. Overall, can't wait for more. Love it.
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Severance: The We We Are (2022)
Season 1, Episode 9
Truly amazing. (Mild Spoilers)
9 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let's go Ben Stiller. This whole show has been a showcase of great storytelling, rich character dynamics, acting, artistic set design, camera movement, music, the whole thing. And this episode brought ALL of that to a new level somehow. It's a cliffhanger for sure, which I can either love or hate. In this case I thought it was perfectly executed. They let it go juuuust long enough to answer burning questions that you are begging them to address, enough to move the story forward in the way a good finale should. When the cut to credits eventually comes, you are satisfied, yet wanting more. And DUDE I want some more!

(Mild spoilers ahead)

The idea to stick with "innie" the whole episode was perfect. I kept expecting it to get cut short and perhaps the innies would go back to work and tell each other what they saw. Instead, things just keep escalating as revelations unfold like wild. I have so many questions that will have me waiting for next season. This episode brings every thread of the story to a boiling point and does it with amazing editing, music, themes, surprisingly funny moments, really intense moments... I could list so many more things. Okay one more, it's another seriously impressive acting turn for Britt Lower and Adam Scott, as they are having to confront the harsh reality of who they are, while also fake conversations with people they don't know, and remain in character as their innie personality. Bravo. Bravo indeed good sirs. All those involved.
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Severance (2022– )
Pretty Brilliant.
5 April 2022
What a show. Everyone involved is clearly bringing their A game. From the amazing lighting, set design and direction to the amazing talent in front of the camera, this show is constantly proving itself as one of the more competent shows on tv right now. Adam Scott is phenomenal. He is not just hilarious when need be, but also delivers TWO amazing performances as each version of his character. He really seems like two different people. Down to the mannerisms. Truly something to behold. John Tuturro's character is so lovable and also hilarious at times. Dylan had to grow on me but I think that's the point, as he is now one of my favorite characters. And last but NOT least is Helly, played by the wonderful (and ever so sexy) Britt Lower. Honestly I'm a tiny bit obsessed with her.

Great show all around. Each actor deserves a shoutout for their work. Can't wait for more.
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Dopesick (2021)
Excellent. Realistic. Moving.
9 November 2021
I am a recovering heroin addict, who started with Percocet because of an injury, and very soon found myself on OxyContin. This show is unlike any other in it's portrayal of addiction. Withdrawals in particular are shown here in great deal where most shows barely touch on it if at all. They just nail everything. Every plot line is so well written and acted as well as informative. Just a great show all around it will blow your mind it's a true story at times. 10 stars from me.
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Rick and Morty: Rickdependence Spray (2021)
Season 5, Episode 4
Not sure why everyone hates this so much
17 August 2021
I personally found this episode to be funny, while indeed way over the top. But I don't think it's much more crazy than some of the other plot lines on the show. The one off jokes were funnier than most I have seen this season as well. I have been let down by this season as it is beginning to feel like the writers are trying to be as smart and clever as the annoying fans of the show claim they are, while forgetting to actually be funny. But I laughed a few times during this episode.
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