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The Terror (2018– )
Season 1 is amazing
10 February 2023
Season 1 is one of my favorite TV shows ever. The atmosphere of the time is so well done, and I was completely immersed in the story. It's basically a three chapter show, each of which could have played out entirely along it's own lines and been a great show. But each of them taken into a great direction. Loved it.

Season 2 ... I was very confused by this. It's nothing at all like season 1. It really should have been created under another name. I didn't like it and stopped watching after a few episodes. Really wasn't for me, and it was quite disappointing since i expected more after seeing season 1.
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022– )
Netflix goes woke, yet again.
26 February 2022
Netflix doing what Netflix does best. Unnecessarily ruining everything it touches with forced woke diversity. Seriously, how can you ruin a great series like this that was delivered to them on a golden platter? It's past historical inaccuracies could be forgiven since the show still largely took place in a believable setting with believable cast. But then Netflix comes along and figures ... you know what would make this show better? Diversity! And not just a few foreign merchants, which everyone would be fine with since Vikings did indeed travel far and wide and trade. But to make a black woman leader of Kattegat, and front and center in the show? The fact that it's shoved down your throat like this makes it impossible to suspend disbelief as you could in the previous show, and I had to stop watching. To think I was incredibly excited to see this finally show up on Netflix. I should have known better ... Not only am I not watching, I'm cancelling my Netflix account. I'm sick of this. If you want to see more diversity, how about creating shows about the mighty Zulu warriors or something like that, and not just trying to rewrite history through a rediculous woke lense.
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Can't get enough of this show.
31 July 2020
A very underrated show. Excellent casting that grew into their roles. Great writing and a artistic, gritty, bloody art style that really makes it unique. Very glad I gave it a chance. Sad to see Andy Whitfield die before finishing what I'm sure would have been an epic role he would have grown in, having seen how the story progressed. Took me a while to get used to Liam McIntyre but he made that role his own. Hell, I teared up on his death. A great ending. Slow clap.
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
9 January 2020
I love pretty much everything in the Batman universe, and Batwoman in the comics is pretty awesome, so I figured I would give this one a shot. But it's bloody awful. And so cringeworthy. Terrible casting and acting, horrible lighting and color grading, boring stories, and you'd think Hollywood would have learned that the 'women amazing, men suck' schtick just doesn't appeal to men and not even to women. Take a hint from great movies like Wonderwoman. Everyone loves that one, because it's not done in some childish antagonistic manner. It just works. Hopefuly if they ever do a Batwoman movie, it doesn't have ANYTHING to do with this show.
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Money Heist (2017–2021)
Surprisingly good
25 February 2018
I pretty much never watch shows in another language, but this one peaked my interest and I'm glad I gave it a chance. It's really good. I'm hooked.

I love how the story unfolds piece by piece and keeps you interested. And the casting and characters are just fantastic. What really strikes me personally as refreshing, is how believable the characters are. And all interesting in their own way. There's none of that typically forced American politically correctness pushing some obvious agenda that just ends up annoying you and ruining the immersion.

Give it a shot! It's well worth it. I for one can't wait for Season 2.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Beyond awful.
2 October 2017
I'm a life long Star Trek fan that loved even the worst Star Trek TV shows and movies. But this was just horrendous. The political messaging was anything but subtle. The writing was terrible. The characters were so basic and desperately pushing a PC agenda that none of the more than diverse previous Star Trek shows and movies had. Star Trek has always been very diverse from the start, but never before has it been forced down your throat the way it is now. And the Klingons ... the coolest race by far, have been completely ruined. The look, the language... rubbish. Watching this reminds me to back the Axanar fan film project. That 20 minute trailer is more Star Trek than this rubbish ever will be. A disgrace.
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Fantastic if you can appreciate the oldschool vibe
3 August 2017
To be honest I didn't expect much of this after the last Kong movie I saw. But I was pleasantly surprised. In fact, I loved it. Good thing I didn't read all these negative reviews before watching it or I would have missed out.

I loved the Vietnam era vibe the whole movie has along with the artistic feel to it. The camera angles really stood out, and the shots were epic and beautiful. You could tell this movie had a great art team behind it.

Sure, if you're the type of person that loves absolute realism I can understand it might not be for you. And it's certainly not the gloomy sort of thing we're used to lately. But I really loved this direction. I can't even count the number of times I laughed out loud or prepared myself with a giddy, youthful anticipation for the result of a sweet build up to some inevitably awesome scene. I felt like I was a 90's kid again, watching a movie only that era could produce, and something that's been lost in recent decades.

Sure it didn't have the deepest storyline, and we all knew what we were getting in another Kong movie. But I really enjoyed it. And if you're a 90's kid, trust me ... ignore the reviews, crack open a beer, open your mind, and enjoy!

Loved the bit at the end too. I hope they make more like this :D
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A must see for any predator fan.
15 June 2015
I had my doubts at first, but got into it really fast.

Very good casting, production value, environments, mood, music, props, etc ... I quickly forgot I was looking at a rather low budget movie. In fact, I've seen plenty of movies with far bigger budgets that were just awful and didn't feel anywhere near as good as this short one.

Just imagine what these guys could do with a bigger budget.

Make it happen!

I just wish I had come across it during the crowdfunding phase. As a huge predator fan, I would have loved to back it. And I'm sure there are many other fans like me who feel the same.
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The Pyramid (2014)
Promising, but disappointing
4 March 2015
I was looking forward to this movie, despite it's IMDb score.

I loved the mood & setting, loved the creatures, loved the historical twist. But I'm just sick and tired of the forced character roles, where men are portrayed as dumb cowards or brutes, and women as brave and strong.

It would have been easy enough to balance the roles out, and create a more interesting dynamic. As it stood, the characters were just irritating, and stood in the way of enjoying the movie.

Too bad, because the rest of the movie was pretty good. Especially the sets, props, and creature designs. I just couldn't enjoy it because of the roles the cast had to play. Very disappointing.
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The Thing (I) (2011)
Very enjoyable movie. Anyone who saw the original and the remake is gonna love this.
6 December 2011
When I first saw the announcement I thought it was gonna be yet another remake, but was pleasantly surprised. I'd even go so far as to say I was genuinely caught up in it, and at one moment in the movie was actually scared. And I've seen my share of good horror movies ;-)

Without giving anything away this movie really goes back to the roots, digging into things I thought were lacking in the original, but then again I imagine the increase in VFX possibilities undoubtedly have something to do with that. The creature designs were amazing. Not only did the makers respect the original movie, they also connected to the second and used the best of both. In my opinion a very good move.

I really enjoyed it. A great late evening movie. It's probably not for everyone, but when I come across a blue-ray in the store I'm gonna buy it.
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