
12 Reviews
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Furious 7 (2015)
One Last Ride!!
6 April 2015
This was sold as One Last Ride. And it felt just like that. Throughout the film, you get the feeling that this is the finale for this incredible franchise.

It paid incredible homage to the previous installments. From characters, to story lines, everything seemed to come full circle. Even some of the sequences made you flash back to when you first saw something identical or similar years ago.

It reminded us of why we love every character tied to this franchise, present and past.

As someone who quite literally grew up with these movies, I feel like I have closure. I don't need another one. I've watched every Fast and Furious movie dozens of times each, hundreds total. I used to looks forward and impatiently wait for the next movie. With this one, that urge is gone. The journey feels complete. It was our last ride.

Faced with the huge challenge of finishing this movie without Paul, I think everyone involved with this movie made all of the right moves, all the way up to the very end. It did Paul Walker justice.
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Interstellar (2014)
Mind Blowing
22 January 2015
This movie was utterly mind blowing. Everything was perfect. The acting, directing, score, editing. It had just the right of everything that makes a great movie. Facts, sincerity, intrigue, etc. Nolan took something that is seemingly impossible to do and pulled if off flawlessly (again). What started out as an already amazing concept was turned into a cinematic masterpiece. The simple scope of it all is enough to boggle minds, but then to ground it in reality and make it understandable is the true magic.

Almost 3 hours, and worth every second. This is, hands down, the best movie Christopher Nolan has ever made, and the best Sci-Fi movie, I have ever seen, and my ever see.
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Boyhood (I) (2014)
Amazing Masterpiece
22 January 2015
OK, I'll admit it. This may very well be the best movie of the year. I now understand all of its buzz and praise. When I first heard of this, I knew exactly what it was and what it could be. I just could never shake the feeling that it was severely overrated. Now that I have seen it, it is worth every ounce of praise it got. It was a masterpiece that only could have been pulled off by Richard Linklater himself. His cast was on point every step of the way.

The progression from young child to young man, and the trials of life put on that person him were perfect. I'm sure everybody can relate to at least one if not multiple things Mason and his family went through. All around amazing movie for everyone.
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Selma (2014)
Powerful and Compelling
13 January 2015
Paul Webb was bold enough to write this story of one of the greatest human rights leaders in the history of the world. He wrote a strong compelling, and completely real representation of the events surrounding Selma.

Ava DuVernay had the audacity to direct and put this story on the big screen. She nailed it perfectly. She captured the emotion of the man, his followers, and everyone involved, including those against him.

The cast also nailed every single part, every emotion, and every beat.

It is raw yet polished at the same time, and makes the viewer feel as if they were with King the entire way.This was powerful and compelling from the beginning to the ending credits. One of the films about African American struggle
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Big Eyes (I) (2014)
Great Story
13 January 2015
This was a great story and a great Tim Burton film. Amy Adams was perfect and Christoph Waltz was an amazing combination of charming and crazy.

The film did a great job on showing the character and emotional arc of Margaret, from happiness to loneliness. How she allowed her husband to control, to how she fought back. From pushing her own daughter away to becoming closer than ever. It is a role that only Amy Adams could have played and she executed it perfectly.

It was a great story of one losing themselves and the struggle to once again find themselves and their voice. One of the best stories I've seen all year.
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Not Cool (II) (2014)
Essentially A Big Budget Youtube Video
23 September 2014
First things first, I only recognized and watched this movie because to the Starz show "The Chair"

This is just another Shane Dawson youtube video, except its 90 minutes long with a 600K budget. From the beginning, Shane said that he wanted this to be geared to his youtube audience, mainly young teenage girls. But for some reason, he decided to make it rated R, thus cutting off most of his target audience.

It takes some serious will power to make it past the first 10 minutes of this movie. There were plenty of time I almost stopped. Once you make it through that much though, it does get better... Slightly. There is some real emotion, which helps to ground it, and makes me somewhat enjoy it. But overall, it really is just Shane Dawson sticking to his comfort zone, which sadly wont engage the greater audience. 6/10
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Chef (2014)
Good For What It Is
9 September 2014
The feedback I heard from this movie before I watched it was not necessarily negative, but it wasn't entirely positive. After a while it it floating around on my radar, I decided to give it a watch. And I'm glad that I did.

This movie is great for what it is. This is Jon Favreau simply making a Jon Favreau movie. It's not award caliber and I think everybody knew this before signing on. They took this concept for what it was and made it into the best that it could be. It's a simple story of family and passion, and it was executed perfectly.

I think this is a good movie to watch if you want to blow a few hours out of your day. It's not great, but it is good enough in what its trying to do to allow me to really get into it. I found myself smiling throughout the movie and really enjoyed it. If you really know and understand the movie before watching it, its a delight. 8/10
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Marvel At Its Best
6 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is an example of Marvel at its best, especially for what they have been trying to do with the Iron Man/Tony Stark.

From the beginning, this was a story about the human not the superhero. A man constantly at war with himself, who he is, and who he wants to be. After the events of the Avengers movie, Tony finally breaks. The man who was always calm and in control, finally breaks. This truly peels the man out of his armor, both literally and figuratively. This is the first time that we see Tony Stark as himself and get a look inside his head. It really is fascinating and refreshing to take a deeper look just how fragile a man truly is underneath their facade.

At one of the low points in his life, where he is set off by 6 year olds, and withdrawals from those closest to him, it takes something truly drastic to come out of his funk and become the best person he could be.

The best scene I have seen in any Marvel movie is his talk with Pepper in the garage about the after math of New York.

This is truly Marvel at its best. 9/10
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Houdini (2014)
Award Winning
3 September 2014
Can everybody who worked on this PLEASE get an Academy Award? I mean seriously, this is one of the best projects I've seen all year... film or television.

Every actor was AMAZING. Houdini, his mother, wife, assistant, everyone was cast perfectly. It has been a while since I've seen a cast mesh together so insanely well. Adrien Brody, Kristen Connolly, Evan Jones, and Eszter Onodi should be nominated in every acting category, along with best ensemble cast.

Besides the actors, the directing, and cinematography was great. No matter their challenge, they went above and beyond. From underwater shots, night or day shots, expressing emotions and mental states, it was all on point.

This is easily one of the best (if not the best) documentary/biopics ever created.
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Her (2013)
Good Movie
2 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Now this was a good movie. Good story, good actors, good visuals, everything. It was even a good performance by Scarlett Johansson, even though she is never seen but only heard.

She was not restricted by typical human behavior and speech patterns. As a constantly evolving program, she had the freedom to step outside conventional lines and put on a great performance.

I could close my eyes and just listen to this movie all the way through, and it would still be as great as watching the screen. Knowing that you would never see a main character, the creators did an excellent job of enhancing what the audience would experience i.e. the sound.

My only problem with the movie was the ending. I wish they could have continued for a bit longer (even just a few minutes) to explore what happens to Theodore and even Amy after their OS' left.
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Now You See Me (I) (2013)
Work of Art
1 September 2014
This movie is truly a work of art. Based on legend, rooted in childhood fun, this has everything everyone has once loved.

The way it plays out though is the real trick. It not only keeps the 4 horsemen in front of the FBI, but keeps the movie itself in front of audience. Never ceasing to amaze until the credits begin rolling.

The movie is fun, hands down. The effects are great. The actors, the cinematography, everything, was all amazing. My favorite part was the story itself. As a screenwriter myself, this is one of stories that never ceases to amaze me. The depth, the detail, the reveals and the nuance that went into this is incredible. Going back 30+ years to set the present in motion.

For the excellent work of the writers, I give this movie at 10/10.
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Begin Again (II) (2013)
Great Movie
30 August 2014
This is one of the best movies that I've seen this year. Been waiting for this a long time. I know this was never expected to be an award contender, but I really enjoyed it and would like to see at lest one for anything.

Keira Knightley is the best I've seen her in years and Mark Ruffalo does what he does best. Both were phenomenal. Adam Levine played his part very well.

The music, the cinematography, character and story, all great. 8/10 This is definitely a movie to watch if your feeling down and want to forget your problems for a while.
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