
6 Reviews
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Man Bites Dog (1992)
rabid pitbull with aids - nasty!
21 March 2004
I remember the first time i saw this film a few years back and it stuck in my head, i really liked the main character played by Benoit Poelvoorde, the serial killer who kills one minute rather nastily and then spouts philosophy the next; a charismatic killer. the black and white documentary style suited it as it is almost like it mocks the fly on the wall documentaries we have nowadays that are closer to the bone be they violent or sexual. it also makes it more "real" as you watch the carnage on screen. Some of the violence is pretty nasty but as i am not squeamish or easily offended i was not put off. a brave film with equal amounts of BLACK comedy, horrific violence and a sharp skullcrushing ending make this a superb film i would recommend to any serious film lover. but do take my comments seriously regarding the casual violence as it does get pretty nasty. this man was bitten by the dog but came back for more.
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Trespass (1992)
Im not leaving without that gold!!!
29 September 2003
i was flicking thru tv channels when i came upon this film playing a few years back, im a big bill paxton fan so sat down and watched it, im glad i did as its great. basically it boils down to 2 fireman (paxton and sandler)getting hold of a map that shows a trove of gold which is buried in a warehouse on wasteland. they go to find it at and get interupted by a gang fued in the same warehouse they are in. the gang (ice-t, ice cube among others) find out why they are there and a standoff ensues leading to gunfire and carnage.....SWEET!

good acting throughout from all concerned (including lesser known stars). it is a simple idea for a film played out very well with lots of tension and bursts of violence.

it features a good rap soundtrack by the stars in the film too (considering im a metal fan and dont like much rap thats kinda shows its not too bad hehe)

well worth watching, i've just got to find it on dvd now hehe
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Blade Runner (1982)
wake up!!! ..........time to die
28 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
i must admit when i first saw this i was about 15 and i thought it was boring crap. then i actually got in to films properly and it has become one of my firm favourites. everything in this film shines, the vangelis score with synths is out of this world. the visual angle blew me away especially form the openingshot of the fireballs shooting out the chimmeys, wow. harrison ford is awesome as decker hunting down the replicants lead by rutger hauer as batty. i love the steel and silicon mixture for the buildings and scenery (reminds me of that snes games shadowrun - anyone got a copy for the super nintendo give me an email please i desperatley want a copy!).

======PLOT SPOILER======> the whole film is bathed in neon and rain giving it a feel all of its own. the question is, is deckard a replicant or not?, i think he is as he dreams of the unicorn and the guy at the end leaves one on the floor outside his apartment to clue him up, at least thats what i think.

anyway i cant praise this film highly enuff, give it a chance and you will find hidden treasures with each viewing.

one of the best films of all time

ridley scott is the master
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28 Days Later (2002)
Uk virus apocolypse, "zombies" are fast too
25 September 2003
hey a great british film of the aftermath of viral devastation! i loved this film immensely. i liked the realism digital film gives, a grubby documentary type angle to the proceedings. great cast of relatively unknown actors/actresses except one or two, cant think of his name now...doh...the father of the little girl. love the setting and the bleakness of the film.


i was amazed at the beginning of the film when jim walks around empty london all alone not knowing what has happened, top stuff.

i like the realism of the plot with the thankfully non gung ho approach (until the final part of the film) and realistic gore and violence.

it was gr8 to also identify british cars and brands too (the cans of tango and kitkats etc), basically a disaster film set in the uk.

good film for fans or apocolypse and "zombie" flicks, they arent zombies really but normal people infected with a "rage" virus making them permanently angry and murderous. hehe sweet

go see it i loved it.

sorry if my spelling, grammar etc are bad but its 3:00am and i am off to sleep now.
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a love affair with boobs and the moon hehe
25 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
******* SPOILER! ********

i saw this gr8 film a few years back, its a lovely story about a young fella who wants to drink his mothers milk at the breast but she thinks he is to old for it. he ends up lusting after another ladies breasts and ends up in competition with his brother who fancies her. throw in a jealous husband of this woman who cannot get "aroused" and you have a cheeky yet warm story about love, friendship and lovely pairs of jugs hehe

its brilliant

dont be put off by sub-tit-les hehe!
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Mad Max (1979)
600 horses of revenge-fuelled hatred
25 September 2003
ooooh baby do i love the mad max trilogy, mad max 4 is on the cards which is both gr8 (more max and cool souped up death machines) and bad (could be terrible and mel gibson is getting on a bit)so we shall see. anyway the film that started it, low budget, gritty, sweet cars (V8 interceptor is still my ideal car), great action and acting, i have watched it countless times. mel gibson is perfect as bad cop max tackling scum on the roads. great supporting cast of unknowns (well at least to me hehe) add tension to the film.

the dark events unfolding thru the film appealed to me, i luv the near post apocolyptic setting and australia looks bleak, barren and beautiful (good photography and camera work, brave camera men!)

the ultimate revenge film i cant praise it highly enuff, good work aussie fellas!! u must see this film.
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