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The Crown: The Hereditary Principle (2020)
Season 4, Episode 7
Best episode of the season
14 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Amidst Charles and Diana's childish & exhausting drama emerges this wonderful episode about mental health and obligation vs. morality, which is always the choice the Sovereign has to make and the smart ones will always choose duty over any morals. The dealing of mental health kit as taboo but as something Margaret clearly struggled with her whole life and having the help of lost Charles and tough Anne is a very good subject. Helena Bonham Cárter eats this character up and is by far the best actress and best role of this 2nd aged series and she really brings complexity and depth to achar could've been a vapid and empty character, Princess Margaret. When she confronts her mother about licking the cousins away it reminded me of my other favorite episode when you f queen Elizabeth confronted her mother about why she hadn't gotten an educational was told that she learned how to be quiet. An overall terrific episode in a much waited and disappointing season. I really can't stand Diana and Charles moaning about when each one knew exactly what they were getting into before doing so and having a great life given to them then whining day and night about it. Tell Margaret's story from Bonham Carter's craft and The Crown is back on!
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The Intern (I) (2015)
A gem
4 April 2020
This is a very surprising film. I thought I was hound to be nothing but as always, as always, nothing becomes something when you put it in Robert De Niro's hand. Is there anything this man can't do? Really, from jimmy conway to a retired widower restarting life as an intern. What a gem. And never do you feel sorry for him, há doesn't act like a victim, there's no putty party, he takes it as it comes and does the best out of every situation. A bit sappy but wouldn't we all be better people if we could do the same? The supporting cast is great, I consider Anne Hathaway supporting in this, because it is Mr. De Niro's delightful, intelligent and never "hamming it up" performance that makes this nothing into something great. Highly recommend. Keep an eye on him. He never over plays it. What a gentleman.
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I Am Mother (2019)
Surprisingly good MAJOR SPOILERS
22 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a good surprise given its dumb name and terrible marketing. It has layers. It has depth. The young girl does a fantastic job. Not a fan of Hillary Swank and all those teeth but I get it. She's 1, 2 was burned, 3 is the new and improved form of "Eve". The memories she can't recall, the droids taking care of the world with a collective consciousness, underground living, all starting to sound a bit too real during this corona quarantine, which is when I watched this movie. Amidst a world wide pandemic (wanted to leave that here on the record). The first of many that my generation will probably see. If humanity had to start over, I like the girl chosen and the concept. Watch if you enjoy sci-fi (now possibly reality) but not if you're suffering from cabin fever due to the corona quarantine.
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Angel Heart (1987)
Underrated like a transplant gone good
23 November 2019
I'll make it short and sweet. De Niro will stick to you for days after you watch this, like e does in so many of his films, but this one... I saw it when I was 12 and maybe it was too much to ask of me then to understand all the messages and nuances but I just rewatched it and was very thrilled. Felt like I was watching a true noir with actual story, meet on its bones, atmosphere and music oozing out of the screen and an unbelievable performance but the entire cast. Why didn't this get more traction I'll never understand. It's like when a surgery or a transplant goes well. Unless it's in your imediato family you don't even hear about it, but the result is perfect. That's how good this is.
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Me Before You (2016)
Since when is life not worth living?
6 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I had to come and write a review because I got involved with the characters, plot and where it seemed to be heading. No! All of a sudden I had hot garbage thrown in my face. So the basic message is; you're disabled (no matter how loved or rich or good looking you are) therefore life is not worth living? That is the core message of this load of crap. Imagine how insulting to the quadriplegics out there? Shameful... I've become a total hater. With good reason!
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Love (2016–2018)
Needed to add...
30 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Gus's character starts every sentence with"yeah, yeah, no, totally". What? Is it yes? Is it no? It's either that or "Sorry". He reminds me of Mr. Hanky from South Park. I really can't stand him.

Mickey gorgeous and crazy. Bertie amazing and Arya the best thing of the show.
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Love (2016–2018)
Never with Gus
29 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Had to write a review because there is no way this cute cool crazy impulse control girl would ever everrrrrrrr hook up with that annoying dud who makes jokes from the 60's and needs to rhyme everything. I can't stand him. Why not give her something realistic? Best thing on the show is Iris Appatow, Judd's daughter, as Arya, deadpan bored and super threatening. Love her. Say no to Gus. I can smell his bad breath through the computer.
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Peaky Blinders (2013–2022)
Take the time...
21 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
True grit. Cillian Murphy shows just how badass & introspective a real gangster can be. Tom Hardy as Alfie Solomons is his best role ever, and all his roles are terrific. Complete psychopath with religion on his side. The women are strong. The period is almost glamorous with a touch of dirt. And the soundtrack... jack White, arctic monkeys, David Bowie, Radiohead, PJ Harvey. This show is a real treat for the eyes and ears and it's not soft or dull with music rising and kissing scenes. It's a punch in your face like the Sopranos or Breakibg Bad or any good show should be.
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Vikings (2013–2020)
Seasons 1-3 are a must see, the rest not so much
18 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Vikings is fresh, smart, as historically accurate as it can be considering the people they're talking about had runes as an alphabet, but the charisma of the story was the rise of Ragnar and his precise & quiet war strategy and tactics. Once that was gone and a bunch of Disney kids took over, it fell flat and stale. Unfortunate really because seasons 1-3 are possibly the beat thing on TV since The Sopranos. Killing Athelstan was also a bad choice because his dynamic with Ragnar was the real love story of the show. Still, a big fan, but now I watch it more out of obligation then pleasure, which is a sign that maybe I should stop? Tell me Seer! Should I give up on Vikings?
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Life (I) (2017)
Unforgivingly terrible *SPOILER* (sort of, cuz nothing to spoil)
11 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'll watch anything with outer space or aliens or NASA such is my obsession, but this one... I actually lost interest and don't even know how it ends, but I'm assuming it ends with one of them making it alive back home to tell the tale of the cute fluffy cells that became a bad version of Ripley's alien, face within a face, kinda brown/gray, menacing. Really? We're still there after Alien, which is awesome, already exists, and they're trying to do a more "real" version of it inside the ISS. Whatever... The little Martian has no curiosity, no attempt to communicate or learn, as an evolved form would, it just wants blood, water, donuts, I don't know... Where's Ripley when you need her. Seriously, it's so terrible I couldn't finish it and I watch any crap from outer space.

ps - everyone on the crew is gorgeous, young, speaks perfect English. They decided this crew at a modeling contest. Science is 100% ignored, As Carl Sagan would say, total was of space. logic wasn't a part of the screen writing process and it's just overall a waste of a great GREAT opportunity and budget. What a pity.
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Sherlock: The Final Problem (2017)
Season 4, Episode 3
6 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This was probably my favorite series. It was smarter than me without having to tell me how much smarter it was. Now it has a need to tell everyone how much smarter it is than everyone in the world. Everyone is a super hero or a villain, they jump out of windows in under 3 seconds with a bomb exploding, there is a "forgotten" sister of the man with the most powerful mind in the world (yeah, he forgot he had a sibling!) and OMG she is a super villain Marvel comic style who can reprogram you to do anything she wants even though she's never read a newspaper, doesn't have google, never went to school or had human contact. OK! Mycroft, we get it, you're the smart one. Moriarty beyond the grave? I didn't even finish the episode it was so stupid while trying to prove how clever it is. I don't know how it ends, I don't care to find out. Utter disgust at how full of themselves the writers, cast and crew have become. Good game modern Sherlock, you lose. If the game was on, now it's over.
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