
13 Reviews
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Extraordinary (2023– )
A Great Superhero Show and a Great Comedy!
12 March 2024
I am SUPER impressed with this show. It's like a combination of Heroes and Spaced, and just as good as either at it's best. The show is written by first time writer Emma Moran and she is a truly talented and original voice. The show is genuinely funny. It's just the right amount of raunchy, has likeable characters, and at it's core it's a goodhearted show with real warmth. I wish I had more to say about it, but I'm still in the middle of the first season, and felt compelled to add a good review in hopes that it might give the show even the smallest bump on imdb. It's the best show I've seen in a while and I hope there's more to come, at least more by Emma Moran.
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The Reckoning (2023)
Steve Coogan is great but..
12 October 2023
Steve Coogan is great! All of the actors are great. I should get that out of the way before I give The Reckoning a bad review. Here's the problem. It's boring. I've only seen the first two episodes, but so far it's about a flamboyantly dressed old man shuffling from one darkly lit brown room to another for two hours. I understand that the makers of The Reckoning didn't want to be too exploitative, but in doing so they've created a portrait of Jimmy Saville that's just a little bit creepier than his public image while he was alive. We're given the set up to his crimes, and then a cut to the next scene every time. I don't want to give the impression that I would prefer to see Saville graphically assaulting people, but it feels pointless to portray his crimes as shadowy and mysterious if there's to be any sort of a reckoning. The Reckoning needs to go at least as far as the documentaries that have been made about him. It reminds me a little of a bad miniseries that was made about Ted Bundy in the 80's called The Deliberate Stranger starring Mark Harmon. In it they never show any of Ted Bundy's crimes, which only serves to make him seem like a guy who's always in a rush to get from one place to another. I feel kind of the same about Jimmy Savile in this. He seems like a guy who's always accompanied by ominous music, but never really gets to follow through with his bad intentions. Also, as a lot of the other reviews have mentioned, the BBC doesn't hold itself as accountable as it should.
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Totally Time Waster!
6 October 2023
This movie is a time waster: someone or something which causes another person to waste time doing something that does not achieve any good result. Sorry I decided to waste your time with the definition. Full disclosure, I'm reviewing this movie after only having watched 23:06 of it. I'm not sure how much more I'm going to watch so I'm going to write my review now. This is not a great movie. The movie is obviously intended for a teenage crowd, but the movie can't help being condescending towards its intended demographic. As soon as the first high school student in the movie started talking, I guessed that the ages of the director and writers were around 50 (I looked it up and I was right). Anyway, the main character travels back in time, Hot Tub Time Machine style (by which I mean with out any sort of scientific explanation), which led me to assume that the same people involved with making Happy Death Day were involved with this movie. Nope. I mean Blumhouse produced both, but the writers are different. I guess time travel is just a thing that happens in slasher movies now.. for no reason. So the main character travels back to 1987 and the first thing she does is tell some guy that his Female Body Inspector shirt is very problematic, which is when I got depressed and ate some chocolate. Then I stopped the movie, and I'm not sure I'm going to keep going. But what do I know? You'll probably like it.
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Doogie Kamealoha, M.D. (2021–2023)
Better than the original.
5 April 2023
Most of the negative reviews here say the original Doogie Howser is superior to Doogie Kamealoha, one review even referred to it as Neil Patrick Harris's masterpiece, which leads me to ask: How old are these people leaving negative reviews? Doogie Howser was on in the 1980's. If you are in your late 40's I honestly don't think you are any longer in the intended demographic for Doogie Howser. Also, I've seen the original, and aside from being seriously dated, it's not that great. Not only is Doogie Kamealoha, M. D. better than the original, it's great on it's own. Everyone on the show is fantastic, especially Peyton Elizabeth Lee. The show is moving, funny, dramatic, romantic, and as cute and family friendly as a show can be. I really like this show, and I think the reviewers who are comparing it to the original need to check their nostalgia.
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Gigi & Nate (2022)
This Movie is Irresponsible Helper Monkey Propoganda!
2 November 2022
So this movie is pro-helper monkey propaganda? I think it may be the first movie of it's kind, and probably the last. It never even occurred to me until I watched this film that there is such a thing as a powerful anti-helper monkey lobby. After Gigi and Nate are seen together at a local grocery store and a drinking party, an animal rights group named Americans For Animal Protection (AFAP), not PETA or the ASPCA of course, hold a protest outside Nates' home and threaten to make it illegal for capuchins to become service animals. The person leading the organization is an evil lady in the vein of Miss Gulch in the Wizard of Oz. Regardless of what side of this issue you fall on, this movie isn't very good. It's like a lifetime movie about a helper monkey.
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My Son Hunter (2022)
Weird Movie Not for Anyone
10 September 2022
I'm not sure where you can watch My Son Hunter. I found it on a free streaming site. I watched most of it but had to do some fast forwarding. I assumed it would be bad, but it was duller than I thought it would be. I would be surprised if any of the positive reviews on imdb are from people who actually sat through the whole thing. It is somewhat interesting as a bizarre novelty, but aside from that it looks like it was made using cheap movie editing software. This is especially evident with the strange choice to use animation in some scenes, like the animated heart when Hunter is using cocaine, and the use of thought balloons when Hunter is thinking. It's also surprising how little the movie has to say considering its sole reason for existing is as political propaganda. There are some digs at BLM and some other dog whistle type stuff for the Breitbart crowd, but overall, it all just feels lazy.
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Dashcam (I) (2021)
I loved Annie Hardy!
29 August 2022
This is definitely a love it or hate it movie. I'm firmly in the love it camp. I thought Rob Savage's Host was the best horror movie of 2020, and think that Dashcam is the best of this year. In addressing the negative reviews, and it looks like a narrow majority are negative, I have to assume that one of the main reasons for the hate is lead actress Annie Hardy, and to a greater extent the character she plays. Hardy plays a quirky American antivaxer internet personality. Some reviews have sited her as one of the most despicable characters they have ever encountered. More that one review talked about wishing her character dead early in the film. I agree that Annie's character can be obnoxious, and she has some big antivax/Karen energy, but to describe her as the most detestable character in film history? Maybe Hans Lanza wasn't as bad as I remember. Though I understand why people are reacting negatively, I'm emarassed by some of comments coming from my side of the aisle.

I found Hardy's performance and her character to be fresh, and funny, and super entertaining and thought she made for an endearing anti-hero. She had a very real quality that reminded me of Shelley Duvall during her time working with Robert Altman. I hope I get to see her act in something again soon. The rest of the movie was fast paced and scary, with some very cool set pieces and gore effects. I hope a lot more people get a chance to see this one, even though I'm sure at least half of them will hate it.

I've also noticed that multiple reviews of this movie call out Annie for being foul mouthed, or potty-mouthed etc.., as if it were a character description issued to anyone giving this movie a negative review. This is obviously a sexist double standard, as the character of Annie is in no way as foul mouthed as a thousand male movie characters I can think of. It's a criticism that's especially disappointing because I would hope that progressives critics, who are so angered by a character that posesses "deplorable" views, would take a more feminist approach when assessing them.
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Funny Pages (2022)
Owen Kline on ugliness
28 August 2022
Funny Pages is a movie about repulsive losers by first time writer director Owen Kline. A tourist in the world of comics collectors and trash ephemera enthusiasts, Kline noticeably cribs the template for his cast of characters from Terry Zwigoff's films Crumb (1994) and Art School Confidential (2006). This wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the fact that Kline possesses none of Zwigoff's affinity for societal misfits. Zwigoff knows his subjects intimately and empathizes with their struggles and their sadness, where Kline can only identify what is weird and disgusting about them.

Owen Kline is the son of actors Kevin Kline and Phoebe Cates, two of the most beautiful people alive, and with his background of extraordinary privilege and wealth it seems a strange choice to make a film about poor struggling outcasts, the likes of which he would be unlikely to cross paths with in his world. Funny Pages' inhabitants are never allowed to be anything other than nauseating caricatures of their specific class, which is unfortunate because there isn't a bad performance in the movie, this being especially true in the case of Matthew Maher who is fantastic in his role.
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Woke (2020–2022)
This Show is Not About Being Woke
10 April 2022
People are reviewing this show negatively in reaction to the title. The "woke" of the show refers to the main character beginning to see formerly non-sentient objects like mailboxes come to life and talk to him. Calling the show Woke was probably a mistake because it's a pretty chill show.. a cross between Wonderfalls and Spaced. I've watched a few episodes, and as far as I can tell the politics are very light, and not really the focus of the show, certainly not in a way that should alienate anybody. I wish we lived in a world where people weren't so angry.
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The Chair (2021)
A show that doesn't care.
21 September 2021
I thought the canceling of the professor in "The Chair" was a cop-out. WWII and the Holocaust, are not issues at the top of young peoples list of things to be woke about (unfortunately), and even if they were, the incident portrayed on the show would not be, and has never been, used to cancel someone. It would have made more sense to make the professors indiscresion about BLM, or LGBTQ, but that would have required the writers to care about how young people think, or to know what issues Gen Z is actually concerned with. Instead, the show manipulates the story into an anti-Gen Z narrative by using an untruthful plot device to misrepresent the character of todays youth.

Correction: It wasn't long after I wrote this review that a prominent historian was banned from speaking at oxford for doing the exact same thing that the character on this show is cancelled for, so I couldn't have been more wrong about that. Boy do I have egg on my face.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
What is with all the weird PC criticism?
14 April 2018
Including female or minorities characters on a TV show is not "PC". Have people lost their minds? Does no one know what political correctness means? Also, the original lost in space was about an elderly homosexual trying to murder a little boy. I've seen an enormous amount of negative reviews for this show, and the majority of the reviewers claim the show is too PC. Is this some sort of code for prejudice?
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Black Mirror (2011– )
I Don't Understand This Show
10 November 2015
I don't know what too make of Black Mirror. I know I don't like it, but I don't know if it's because the show is bad, or if it's because it's tapping in to something that's going on in the world right now that I don't see, or can't relate too. It makes me feel kind of stupid. I've heard a lot of people praising the show. I keep hearing that it's satire, but I've watched the entire series and not one of the episode makes any sense too me, and I'm no stranger to weird science fiction. I'm a fan of J.G. Ballard, I read a lot of William S. Burroughs when I was a kid, I'm a huge fan of Rod Serling… So I guess what I'm saying is that this is less of a review, and more of a message to anyone who feels the same way I do: you are not alone.
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
Why Care Devil is more like it.
10 April 2015
I guess I'm the odd man out, but for me this show just isn't fun. I started reading Daredevil when I was a kid in the eighties, was a few years too late for the Frank Miller stuff on the racks, but bought it all up in reprints. I even liked the old Bill Everett and Wally Wood stuff. I didn't have high expectation for the show or anything. I'll watch any comicbooky show. I like the Arrow, Flash and Gotham and all that stuff. They could all be a little better (the Flash is the best of the bunch) but I take them for what they are. However this show is just boring, and it doesn't really resemble the comic. Think of it either as a crime show that's been dumbed down with comic book elements, or a comic book show that's been muted by lame CSI type network TV tropes. I'm surprised so many people like it. It seems like the kind of compromised show that comic book fans would have been really annoyed by years ago. I'm five episodes in and Matt Murdock is still running around with a t-shirt wrapped around the top of his head for a mask. I think I read that he'll have his costume by the last episode, but why wait? Is that going to make it more plausible that he's dressed like a devil? Like I said, the show isn't any fun.
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