
13 Reviews
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28 Days Later (2002)
Brilliant. One of the best horror movies in recent years
31 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
*Possiable minor spoilers*

It is really one of the best horror movies in recent years and thank god. The nineties were a dark age for horror for a while there wasn't anything then a reasonably good horror flick comes out, strikes it big and now were plagued by a bunch of crappy carbon copies and it was like that for years until 00' rolled around then things started looking up. We got movies like Ginger snaps, Dog soldiers, Cabin fever and of course 28DL. I wouldn't hesitate to call this one of the best horror movies in the past oh say 15 years. The directing is excellent poetic and beautiful (which can be said about the entire film) the score and writing were both just as good the performances were all great. And it was genuinely scary some very intense scenes and very well executed suspense. And very much like Romero's Dead trilogy the real enemies are not the infected (there not zombies) but the other survivors.

This film owes quite a bit to the DEAD trilogy and 28DL pays ample tribute.

So I say watch this if you want a thought provoking powerful and very frightening film.
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Ravenous (1999)
Original, funny and awsome
31 March 2004
This is a great, great movie filled with gore cannibalism action horror and comedy not to mention a great villain. While many hate the score I love it I think it perfectly fits the films offbeat feel. There is allot of well-executed action sequences and good gore FX. If you like black comedy you'll like this movie because it's filled with it. The performances are good especially Robert Carlyle as the Dastardly Cannibalistic superhuman Colonel Ives possibly one of the best movie villains I have ever seen. The end fight between bayed and Ives is great and violent as Hell It couldn't have been better. I can't really think of anything bad about this movie it appeals to a certain audience that's for sure. It definitely isn't for all tastes.

So if you in for an offbeat original action packed blackly comedic gorefest this is for you.
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Bad Moon (1996)
Very good werewolf flick
31 March 2004
I have to say that this is probably one of the best werewolf flicks of the nineties maybe even in the top 3 of course when 01' rolled around we got Ginger snaps and then Dog soldiers in 02' but in the nineties there wasn't much werewolf action.

Anyways this movie is very good and very underrated. It's strait forward horror it doesn't try to be anything else. It's short only 74 minutes I think and that a good thing because movies like this shouldn't be long. This is a straightforward horror film and its great for what it is. The end when he's changing in the woods was very suspenseful and when the surveyor bites it that was just awesome. Another good thing about this movie is the werewolf itself it's a great looking werewolf even though it's obviously animatronics but still badass and scary looking especially the eyes.

One bad thing is the crappy CG transformation it was laughably bad.

In conclusion this movie isn't groundbreaking but its fun scary entertaining horror that is well worth a rent.
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Howling VI: The Freaks (1991 Video)
Kind of not that good
31 March 2004
Like I say it's not that good there's allot bad to say about this movie. The acting mostly sucked and when it didn't suck it just wasn't good. The dialogue and writing mostly sucked as well and the directing also mostly sucked you can probably tell that almost everything in this movie mostly sucks but that isn't to say it doesn't have one or two redeeming factors.

For example Bruce Payne Gives a good performance and makes an OK villain. There is on standout line of dialogue that goes something like this

Sheriff with gun pointed and Bruce Payne' don't move or I'll blow your nuts off" Bruce Payne' then I certainly won't move"

That's not exactly it but you get the point. The lead character was somewhat likable but the actor playing him wasn't believable enough and the actress playing the leads love interest was. The FX were ok and by far the best thing about this movie was the werewolf itself yes it was cheap and looked nothing like the howling werewolves but it was still creepy looking especially the face.

Anyways I say don't bother with it unless you catch it on TV and there's nothing else good on you might sort of like a little.
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Not so bad
31 March 2004
Like I said above this movie aint so bad. Now wit most big horror franchises you have your good and your bad and the howling is no different and this is by far the best howling sequel. The story isn't very original some may argue it was stolen from "the beast must die" others might say its Ten Little Indians with a werewolf twist and in fact it pretty much is. There is very little suspense and very little gore but there is a memorable decapitation. The only character I liked at all was the count the rest sucked. The only way for this movie to be suspenseful is if you put your self in their shoes if so it might get slightly scary. There are a few good jump scares and they never show the werewolf which was a good decision I think.

Anyways I say rent this movie if you can't find the original or An American Werewolf in London or Bad moon or Ginger snaps or Dog soldiers what I'm trying to say is there are allot of better werewolf movies but there are a few worse as well.
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Fright Night (1985)
One of the best Vampire movies ever
31 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Minor Spoilers

This is not only one of the best Vampire movies ever but one of the best (in my opinion) horror movies ever made. It has a great sense of humor and a great story with great FX and great action also some great scares and a great performance from Roddy McDowell. The humor is prefect and fits the film perfectly. The story is a variation on the classic "boy who cried wolf" with a vampires twist. The FX is wonderfully done on the Dandridge bat the Dandridge monster vampire makeup and especially on the death of Dandridge. The action is also very good some very intense action scenes one. The scene where the ghoul comes through the smoke was great and the lady vampire was crazy looking. And of course what could be considered the best part of this movie Roddy McDowell as Peter Vincent a perfect performance everything about it was great from a pompous egotistical B movie star to a coward to a Coward forced to act heroically it was all wonderful.

In conclusion this is a great movie and one of the best of the eighties along with American Werewolf in London.
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The Thing (1982)
guaranteed to make you go HOLY SH!T!!!
31 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
*Minor spoilers*

I stand by my above statement for this movie not only made me go HOLY SH!T!!! It also made me go WHAT THE F#CK!!! And OH MY GOD!!!.

Now the reason for all this swearing is because this movie has some seriously f#cked up FX dogs with spindally things heads growing legs stomachs biting people hands off yes my friends this is not for the squeamish this isn't even for the slightly squeamish because I'm telling you this is a f#cked up film. In a good way of course.

Now don't think that the only thing to this film is the gross out FX because that's not true we also get good performances from Russell and friends some good suspense and allot of honestly intense scenes.

This is a masterpiece of gruesome visual horror one of carpenter's best films. So I say watch this movie if you want to be freaked out by insane craziness and are in the mood to stare wide eyed and open mouthed at the TV screen unable to utter words except "dear sweet mother of god" (ok I may be exaggerating slightly)
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The Howling (1981)
One of the best Werewolf films of all time
31 March 2004
What can be said about Dante's masterpiece of horror how about... It kicks A$$ The FX rival AWILS the suspense and atmosphere of terror rivals Halloween. The performances are nothing special but they suit the movie well and Dee Wallace does a fine job with the posttraumatic stress thing. An FX highlight is when Quist transforms this transformation Rivals the one featured in AWIL even though I like the AWIL one better. The atmosphere is built with creepy woods eerie fog strange behavior from the neighbors and of course THE HOWLING. Howling is always scary imagine being in a small isolated flimsy cabin with no means of defending your self and then you hear that its perfect for a horror movie. The scene where the girl is in the cabin and the unseen monster chases her and she cut its hand off was geniuses.

So in conclusion watch this movie if you want to watch a really, really scary movie because that's what it is
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The Fog (1980)
one of Carpenters Best horror movies
31 March 2004
This is a very scary movie I mean it was pretty damn scary. It's hard for a movie to scare me have me on the edge of my seat waiting for something to jump out at you but this movie did a good job at it. The suspense was good and I jumped more than a few times. The jump scares weren't lazy like in Resident evil they stemmed from the atmosphere, which was very good as well. Fog will always be creepy and to take something that is naturally creepy add to it and turn it into a movie is a stroke of geniuses. The fog builds the atmosphere wonderfully and once the fog comes into the screen and it implied that now anything can come out at any time I was livid waiting for it to happen.

The performances are good Adrienne Barbeau, Tom Atkins, Jaime lee Curtis and Janet Leigh star and all do well with their roles.

Another thing worth mentioning is the music yes Carpenter has created another masterful score while not as good as the Halloween theme its still unnerving.

So I say watch this movie if you want a fun time being scared Carpenter said he wanted to make "a spook ride on film" and he has
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25 March 2004
.... Uuum...O...K alright I'm just going to jump right into this and just say it This is quite possibly the worst film I have ever seen and is easily the worst movie to ever get a wide theatrical release. Now I would like you to go out and watch plan 9 from outer space ok go watch it. Ok now that you've watched Plan nine. It was bad wasn't it plan nine was a bad movie now on a scale of one to fifty how bad was plan nine now multiply that number by a million and you have a vague conception of how bad THIS movie is. Think of every aspect of filmmaking, the writing, the directing, the acting, the cinematography, the music it was all crappy hell I'll I bet the PA made a crappy cup of coffee. This movie isn't trying to be bad it takes itself way to seriously. Now if you want to laugh go watch this movie if you want a really bad movie to sit back with your friend and make fun of then go watch this. This movie is entertaining because it's so damn terrible.
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WoW this sucked
25 March 2004
American Werewolf In London = smart, funny, scary. American werewolf in Paris = stupid, dull, boring.

Ok AWIL was a genuinely funny scary original film great gags and great scares. AWIP is unfunny It tries to get laughs by having Tom everet Scott get hit in the head or ripping off a gags from inner space (or whatever that movie was called with Dennis quaid) basically unfunny physical comedy now physical comedy can be funny but in this case it isn't. Awip is also boring when it tries to be scary it just aint Because you don't give a Damn about any of the characters because for one they are all terrible actors and for two the writing was sh*t as a matter of fact I found myself wanting all the people in this movie to meet a violent death. Another reason this movie isn't scary is because the direction sucks. They also try to give this movie a big fancy Plot about werewolves plotting to take over the world that's just stupid. In conclusion this movie sucks go see the original.
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Castle Freak (1995 Video)
25 March 2004
Ok this movie is good don't pay attention to the 4.8 rating or any of that this is a good movie. It is scary, disturbing, violent and horrific with a great performance from Jeffery Combs. The end was a very suspenseful scene one of the few that literally had me on the edge of my seat and the prostitute scene Well lets just say when I watch this again I'm going to fast forward through that part.

It is about a man and his wife and blind daughter who inherit a house but unbeknownst to them a relative is still living in the basement.

Stuart Gordon outdoes himself gone is the campy comedy of Re-Animator this time Gordon is out to scare the Living Sh*t out of you and I say he succeeded.

This is raw horror at its best!!
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Resident Evil (2002)
It's hard to believe thay anyone could like this movie
3 January 2004
It was a disgrace to the games. The direction was crap Anderson is lazy instead of relying on suspense and atmosphere he relies on poorly executed jumps scares and you don't jump because your scared you jump because they amp the music up so loud you cant help it. There was not one genuine scare in the movie because you don't care about any of the characters they are all badly written clichés. The action was boring and stupid there was one real battle with the zombies and in it they just kept shooting them in the chest magazine after magazine in the chest I thought they were supposed to be special ops a highly trained military force and not a bunch of idiots. The scene were the lead character (who Paul Anderson for some reason thought would be a good idea to put into a tight red dress for the entire movie for no reason) jumps of the wall and kicks the dog was laughable as was most of the movie. Anderson Should be banned from film making all his movies are (in my opinion) unoriginal cheesy and stupid.
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