
27 Reviews
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This was awful, should have used the Hulk instead
29 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Basically this was a "Die Hard" remake with Happy Hogan as the main protagonist.

By accident, he gets injected with Hulk blood and now he his to go alone against Justin Hammer and his goons that want to rob Stark Enterprise while slowly turning into a "Hulk" It's a Christmas episode, sure, but is has all the MARVEL cringe-worthy jokes.

Maria Hill is just foil for more jokes. Same as Darcy.

Justin Hammer is displayed as comic relief which is a missed opportunity, because in the comics he is a lot more like the main bad guy in "Die Hard" so he could have been more tweaked as such.

What would have been awesome is if it were Bruce Banner instead of Happy and we would have gotten another rematch with the Hulk and V. E. R. O. N. I. C. A.

Very disappointing.
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Better than expected
28 December 2023
This episode uses an actual "What If..." scenario. Tony saves New York in the Avengers movie, but what if he didn't make it before the worm hole closes.

I've seen a a few episodes with cringe-worthy humor, but here it's not too bad.

I like all the nick names Tony gives everyone and this episode captures how the Grandmaster is in the comics.

The Grandmaster in the comics is a gambler and LOVES to play games, but is known for cheating in order to win.

You should read "Thanos Quest" where he battles Thanos in a VR game for the infinity stones and THIS Grandmaster is reflective of that character. It seemed natural he would accept Tony's challenge because that's his nature, but of course he's going to stack the deck in his favor.

So far this is my favorite of Season 2.
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Croc! (2022)
The most clumsiest people on Earth
8 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not good and not in a funny not good way.

The first 10 minutes are like soft porn. The dialogue is a cringefest.

Then we see the wedding party show up and the women all look like they are from Benny Hiil skit or the Carry On films.

The crocs are bad CGI, but honestly, I can deal with bad CGI if the acting wasn't so horrendous. No one knows how to run. They all fall down and can't see to get up, scrambling on their hands and knees screaming.

And of course when a couple of women run into the pool area, one of them just HAS to fall in the pool. The croc jumps in on the opposite side of the pool and somehow the woman is swimming in the middle of the pool.

How can you not out run a croc on land?????? And how are these crocs leaping at people on dry land???

Also did I miss something or is there a reason nobody can just get to their cars and drive away?
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The Shepherd (I) (2023)
Don't believe the negative reviews. I liked it.
2 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I had low expectations coming in. However, as the film continued, i was invested in the main character and his well being.

I was putting myself in his situation and kept thinking what would I do. As his fuel became critical, I was thinking this guy is hasn't got a chance.

This is a beautifully done short. Visually appealing and pretty well acted.

I knew there was going to be supernatural elements, but I was assuming the main character would die and help others in his situation later in years.

It was refreshing to see he was on the receiving end of being helped. This was a really uplifting ending and this brings Disney back to it's roots of feel good movies.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Soprano with a pinch of Dallas
14 November 2022
Started off slow, but by mid season one you will be hooked. I knew I'd like Kevin Costner as the family patriarch, but for me Kelly Reilly as the daughter Beth Dutton won my heart. The fact she spent most of the series with bruises, scars and cuts, but still be a bad-ass is amazing.

The turmoil of the sleezy unloved son and the favoritism of the youngest give the "Godfather" vibe.

The wheeling and dealing between the Duttons and the the Native Americans for land right steps up the political intrigue and when deals go bad, that's when the shooting starts!

Hoping for a long run of this great show!
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Stick with it, really blooms late in the season.
6 June 2022
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First couple of episodes seem like a boring revenge story. However as the season progresses, the changes to focusing on the entire Moon Demon Squad instead of one person. I'm really enjoying the other squad members instead of Yu. Plus even when Mika is turn into a vampire, you still want to root for him.

Don't listen to the bad reviews. It's not a bad distraction!
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I ain't gonna lie, they had me in the 1st half.....
10 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was really enjoying it until the crap writing took over. The fighting the aliens in the future was real edge on your seat action.

However, it start to fall apart in the second half.

First, I can't for the life of me figure out why, just why, didn't they kill the female when the base was being over run. Get a gun, shot her in the neck!

Second, they figured out the aliens been here for over a thousand years, but the government, you know, the same government thats been sending thousands of civilians to their deaths in the future, doesn't want to even entertain the idea these aliens were dormant in the ground, because, you know, tax payer money.

This had such promise. But, good action scenes.
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
Predictable drama
22 April 2021
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Person stowaways and now there is not enough oxygen for four.

Viable solution are obtained, but predictable crisis happens and we are back to square one.

Seriously, a solar storm right in the middle of a salvage operation?

No activities the whole space mission, but when they need to get oxygen, a solar storm happens.

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Thunder Force (2021)
Could have been better.
9 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Melissa McCarthy is.... OK, but she needed a better partner. Octavia Spencer is not.a good "straight man" to McCarthy. This would have been better if both women were funny.

The only funny bits that actually made me laugh were when the henchmen were being killed off.

Could have been better,
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Follow Me (2020)
Worst. Ending. EVER.
8 February 2021
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I was mildly ok with the escape room puzzles. However, as his friends were being killed one by one, it seems the murders were way over the top to be staged. And honestly, if you watch your girlfriend brains get blown out in front of you, you're not going to be amicably ready to talk about it to the person responsible for it. And jeez, did they all just hang out in the dark while the protagonist literally beat the heck out of a guy and then turn on the light after the finishing blow? And honestly, they were all very annoying characters to begin with, so I didn't give a darn about any of them except, maybe the guy with glasses that solved the water problem.
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Columbo: A Stitch in Crime (1973)
Season 2, Episode 6
A shift in character
30 January 2021
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This was one my favorite Colombo episodes. Nimoy is a fantastic villain. His arrogance makes him truly cringey and you can tell as the episode continues Colombo starts to have a disdainful attitude toward him that will cumulates into an angry declaration from Colombo to Nimoy's face that he going to find something on him. I first saw this as a kid and thought "Whoa, I never saw Colombo pissed" A total change from being a lovable, smiling, bumbling to cold, direct, and focused. I have to admit, it was scary. Watch it for the cat and mouse dynamics!
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Gag (2006 Video)
Zoom, zoom, zoom in
10 January 2021
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I can handle bad acting. I can even handle a bad script. But, bad camera work just makes my head hurt. Constantly zooming in on EVERYTHING. Cut to our two robbers. Zoom in to their faces when they talk. When they walk up the stairs, zoom in to their feet on the steps. Picking the door locks, let's zoom in on the locks. Nearly every conversation, close up of their faces. Fight scene with 3 guys, close up of all three guys with the panning back a forth between the three. Yeah, you get the point. Movie was unwatchable. I bumped it up a star because the plot is......ok.
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Deserted (I) (2016)
Better than I expected
10 January 2021
I was apprehensive about a bunch of spoiled 20 somethings with a female lead, lost in the desert, and a female director. The men in the film were better treated than I hoped. The people still make questionable decisions but decisions weren't insanely stupid. The lead actress was likable also. Not a bad time spent on a rainy afternoon.
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The Hollow (2018–2020)
Season one is awesome, season two....
19 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was extremely intrigued throughout season one. Season two seems to have lost it's way. I think when they introduced other teams it's lost it's purpose. Too many subplots going on. Still a good show. If they do a third, I hope they go back their roots and stick to the main three characters.
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I was pleasantly surprised.
19 December 2020
This was actually a pretty fun movie. Scott Adkins has always delivered and this movie was no exception. Good acting, funny lines and the two characters were great together. I haven't this much fun since "Roadhouse"
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The Pale Door (2020)
Looks interesting, but looks can be deceiving.
17 December 2020
I'm a sucker for historic horror films. It's just interesting to see a mixing of two genres. That being said, I was all in with cowboys robbing a train and getting into something else they didn't bargain for. I have to admit, I did give a damn for the outlaws. I wanted them to come out of this in one piece. However, the fight scenes just seem so lifeless. By the third act, I was rooting for the witches. However, if you got absolutely nothing else going on, give it a twirl.
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I was rooting for the Croc
16 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
No, really. The croc looked great. Very menacing. The characters however. Very poor and unnecessary plot lines. Did we really care one of the women is pregnant. I mean if she was in her third trimester, ok, sure. But just a few weeks, way bother? It didn't impact the storyline at all. The end was cringeworthy and predictable. Zero tension. I gave it a four because, hey, I liked the croc! Mediocre sequel in name only.
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Slender Man (I) (2018)
Soooo awful
12 December 2020
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As they say on "Southpark" WE DIDN'T LISTEN! Every critic and reviewers said it was bad, but I thought it can't be THAT bad. It was worse. Extremely boring, the old trope of "dream scares", over acting teens that have clueless parents (who never listens to their kids despite each one getting knocked off one by one). Then we have the "Final Girl" that screams and rambles through the last scenes. Don't waste your time with this one.
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Not as good as the first two, but much better than the third
4 December 2020
It seems John Novak has a better handle on being the Djinn than he did in the previous movie. Wishmaster III was horrible, so I had serious reservations on watching this one. However, it wasn't too bad. Not as good as the first two (Andrew Divoff was amazing), but I quite enjoyed this one. The heroine is nice eye candy and the dialogue isn't too hammy. Even a Djinn can find love!
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Frenzy (2018 TV Movie)
I was cheering for the sharks
13 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Awful movie! Everyone makes stupid choices. Two characters in the water, one get eaten and the other just looks on a shouts, while another character in the boat is telling her to swim away. After two character get eaten by 3 great white, the main character decides to put on full scuba gear and swim in the water????? She somehow makes it close to a raft, about forty feet away from the raft, she chucks her paddle away, jumps out of the rubber boat and decides to swim toward the raft while sharks are on her tail. Here's the big WTF. Her sister has been floating around, with "broken leg" I say "broken leg" because later she is standing on it without crutches and of course the sharks didn't see her until she get close to the raft. Also, of course we get the "big sister/little sister" angst plot drama. The 3 sharks can't seem to get to the women on a small wooden raft, but they have no problem getting the two men on a full size boat. C'mon Netflix, do better.
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The Shed (I) (2019)
Not bad, but could have been better
12 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Typical teen horror. Quite annoying that the main protagonist is being bullied at school, yet teachers and law enforcement always accuses the guy being bullied as the troublemaker as the bullies walk away laughing. The vampire is quite scary and the last act isn't that bad. At least the protagonist makes smart decisions when the final conflict occurs. If you got nothing to do, not a bad popcorn flick, but lower your expectations.
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Lez Bomb (2018)
Extremely frustrating to watch.
8 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Some wrote that the males gave low rating mainly due to some homophobia. Well first off, I can't imagine anyone homophobic would attempt to watch a LGBT film, and second, just because a film has a LGBT nature doesn't automatically make it a good film by being "quirky" or "witty"

The general theme was "I'm going to completely ignore that you're obviously trying to say something important and constantly interrupt you anyway" Every time the main character would say she needs something to say, she was constantly being interrupted and the other character would go off on a random tangent about nothing.

The early scene about ice cream was so bizarre. Daughter trying to talk to mom upstairs, dad would interrupt in daughter mid sentence asking if anyone wanted ice cream, mom then get into a conversation with dad on how much she likes ice cream, completely dismissing what the daughter was talking to her about. And then when mom ask what was it daughter was saying, daughter would basically say nevermind.

And it was like this all throughout the movie! No one would listen to the main character, always interrupting her or second guessing what she was about to say.

This film was not an enjoyable experience.
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Awesome film until the last 10 minutes
6 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was really enjoying this film until the last 10 minutes. Characters were fleshed out and believable. I did have a problem with Shelly's motivation to help Alice with her "boyfriend problem" but other than that, a solid story-line.

My reason for such a low rating?

The huge "WTF" ending or rather, no ending at all. So, what, Alice is chained there for the rest of her life? Michael and his wife are just killed and nothing developed from that? Getting back to the wife, She's not really introduced until the third act. We spend time with her tracking down Alice and following her to Shelly's place. She arrives, cut's Alice loose, get killed and Alice is recaptured and the film ends! What the hell was the point???? Why even have the wife there in the first place?

I felt as though there have been 10 minutes cut from the end.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
Awesome premise, bad execution. Done after episode three.
14 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode showed good potential. Characters on a plane, plane lands and it's 5 1/2 years later. The show seems to want to concentrate on 4 of the plane characters though, a father, his sister, his son (half of a twin) and a doctor. The sister is a cop, so we got sci-fi drama with her dealing with government conspiracy. The father has to deal with the daughter twin is now a teen-ager and his wife's life for his missing period. The acting is just terrible especially the women. The wife, the cop and the teenage girl are incredibly annoying. The cop insistence on "picking up her caseload" and shunning any type of therapy is just plain stupid. You've been away from humanity for over 5 years and you think you can start solving crimes and hangout with your fellow co-workers like nothing happened is a joke. The wife not telling her husband about the men is her life in his absence makes absolutely no sense especially when one of these guys have keys to the house. Case in point, about episode two, people on the aircraft are being killed. so dad want to keep family members close hold, a smart decision, but daughter sneaks out at night to be with a boyfriend and mom give dad crap about him being upset when his see footprints around the house. Also a strange guy in walking around in the house, dad attacks guy and the wife yells at husband??? Oh right, she gave the guy the keys to the house and never once mention this, even though she knows people are being killed involved in the passenger list. It's just bad drama that seem to drag on with no type plot line. I might have stuck with it, but I can't stand watching people constantly making stupid decisions. How this gets over 7 here is beyond me
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Don't, just don't
3 June 2019
I can't stress how BAD this film is. The acting is atrocious. The screen play is boring. The characters in the film are so nondescript. Some films are bad, but humorous. Even "Plan 9 from Outer Space" has some humorous moments. Glen or Glenda is bad but there iconic scenes that stand out (Such are the woman handing over her sweater to the guy once he tells her of his"hobby"). There is nothing like that in MTHoF. Nothing but endless boring scene after scene with 5 minutes of ham over acting between every 20 minutes of boring segue. But, don't take my word for it. If you truly got 90 minutes to kill (the film is 70 minutes but you will need another 10 to shower and final 10 to ponder on your bad choices in life because you watched this film), go for it

May the odds be ever in your favor.
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