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Money Heist: La boda de Berlín (2020)
Season 4, Episode 2
6 April 2020
Genius professor couldn't think about the simple aspect, the proof of Raquel's death? When content increases, quality decrease. Looks like its going in the same path as GOT, True detective, TWD etc.,
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The Walking Dead: Squeeze (2020)
Season 10, Episode 9
Nothing but Non(s/t)ense
24 February 2020
Annoyingly wining carol, childish dialogues, poor cliche horror/thriller decisions.
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Venom (2018)
This movie is so stupid!
7 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Looks like movie makers trying to make money digging into any character out of marvel universe. What the hell! Few scenes are so stupid. She dumped him because he happened to be reason for her getting fired from the job! There were no cameras inside laboratory! How did the spaceship got crashed in the opening scene? where are the other two symbiotes ? Besides,average graphics and unclear final fight between symbiotes made me feel like wasted my money.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
Tremors(1990) - Quiet Edition
7 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If you have seen kevin bacon's tremord, pretty much you've seen this movie. I will give you similarities between both movies.

QP: A Quiet Place; TR: Tremors;

# Three Monsters: Both movies have three monsters in their territory.

# Where they leave: In TR, underground. In QP, god knows where.

# Don't make noice: In TR, You can talk but, thud of your footstep or loud noise on the ground is not allowed. In QP, You can't make loud noise anywhere.

# Weakness: Blow them in both the movies. In QP, some frequency monsters can't bear.

# Where/How they come from: Don't Know.

I don't understand why the hype for Quiet Place. It was a decent, Quiet movie. But, definitely not great.

Finally, do not go in to the theater with popcorn. Because, movie is so quiet. The crunchy sound you make while you eat popcorn can trigger the attention of not only audience possibly monsters too.
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6 May 2016
Absolutely Brilliant. It is indeed an inspirational movie for the people who can see with your mind wide open. Well crafted master piece about friendship, hope, imagination. Leslie creativity with jess artistic talent created an entirely new world to tell you that "you are the king of your future world and how you want to build it is in your mind and it is worth giving try".

Without any hesitation, i was cried for the scene which explain the feeling when you lose a beloved person. But, what makes you feel them alive is what you keep the thing which they left when they were with you.

Truly Spectacular.
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The Fountain (2006)
Darren Aronofsky's version of Tree of Life
19 March 2016
After Requiem for a dream, this movie deserves to be one of the disturbing movie from one of the greatest directors Darren Aronofsky. In the beginning of the movie, i was a bit off track in following the story line and what was actually going on but still i was trying to understand to get a conclusion with certain hope. When movie comes to an end, it so clear the way i understood which is called enlightenment.This is what exactly movie about. Huge jackman, fighting against the law of nature to gain immortality. But,he realizes the fact that the death is inevitable which is enlightenment. I think, this is huge jackman's best performance i have ever seen. He involved more into story line than just acting, i thought. As lot of people argue, the movie has alternative endings which was intentionally left to audience perspective by the great Darren aronofky himself.
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Now i Understood why so much hype about Star Wars
1 December 2015
I tried to watch star war movies before but somehow, i end up not watching them completely. Lately, i heard that after long time, another star wars movie is going to release and people are so crazy and every advertisement on television is related to star wars. The craze is almost like Macy's thanksgiving parade and Micheal Jackson's live performance. Finally, i decided to star watching all the movies.

I kept in mind one thing while watching the movie is that the movie was made in 1977, when there was no technology, no artificial intelligence and automated robots. Movie was brilliantly made and the techniques ( i observed) used to make it visually fascinating are astonishing. Most of the effects are paints and motion blur was used to blend the multiple layers to appear as one.

When it comes to the story, i was little bit confused because, the first movie was actually fourth part of the story. Still i do not know why they made in this order.But, story was considered as epic as i thought. Overall, i liked the movie and i could not wait to see the rest of them.

Finally, i decided to watch all of them before the new movie is released.
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Life of FB
9 September 2013
David Fincher,well known for his spectacular Direction.Movie was all about the Story of a social networking website,which is known by almost everyone in the world called facebook.Life of nineteen years old guy,who started Facebook and the way he became billionaire was explained.

Jesse Eisenberg,a guy,who has done his best in zuckerberg role, Andrew Garfield and Justin Timberlake as well adopted to their respective roles.

Movie starts with a guy named zuckerberg, who has been often violating university regulations and always under authority probation.He had an idea of Facebook through his senior members who does not have a capability to implement the task asked him for help.After commencement of Facebook,Seniors had decided to confront him legally about stolen idea of Facebook.Eventually, Mark won the case after interminable negotiations.

Unfortunately, Mark zuckerberg shown dissatisfaction about some scenes in the movie which are not actually happened in his life.
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Look Down! Look Down ! My Review is below....
9 September 2013
Les miserables, Movie has a unique style of communication between each and every cast.Movie starts from scene,Hugh Jackman pulling heavy rope tied to devastated ship along with his co-convicts,singing highly stimulative song followed by lyrics LOOK DOWN! LOOK DOWN!.

Distinct style of interaction is great asset for movie and will grab your attention for sure.Substantially,Some countable dragging scenes may test your patience though you have endurance.

Apart from interminable scenes, heavy style of direction pulled up the movie towards positive response.Few scenes at the end of the movie related to love might let your attention down, only if you are not in love.

Finally, Deserved Oscar sound mixing is highlight in overall movie.
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Somehow, more interesting
5 September 2013
When i was scrolling up and down in Steven Spielberg's IMDb profile, i had noticed movie Indiana Jones and i thought the movie would be great like rest of his movies.After watching this movie,it was more interesting than my imagination in another way.Exactly just before the climax , there is scene panzer fell down along with man.I paused right at the camera view of bottom-up falling panzer, i mesmerized. There was a clip art animation added some coloring effects with some graphic tools.The movie was so fun though some scenes are predictable.considering as a 1989 movie, director done it more than it deserve i thought.
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David Fincher style....
4 September 2013
David Fincher, name reminds you spectacular style of screenplay. I felt very curious about to know the case of Benjamin.who doesn't feel enthusiastic if i would say a man aging backwards in his life.

Movie starts with actress,old lady,laid on hospital bed requesting young girl to read a book as her last wish i think about his father. prominently,this movie has some spectacular,the boy starts walking with four legs(walking frame),subsequently three(stick) and two(no support) depicts the man aging backward without any confusion.two,just before accident of heroin, there are sequence of unencountered possibilities might saved her from accident.

Eventually,dialogues have some delightful inner meaning.these are imported as it is from original book i think.

Finally, i must admit i felt enchanted with this movie.
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Rain Man (1988)
I Did not like It though......
25 August 2013
Rain man,not as great as i think,but its good.Movie deals with a selfish money minded person,who does take care of his mentally retarded marvelous minded elder brother because of 3 million dollars,which had legally belongs to him by his late father.Tom cruise,one of my favorite actor performed a supporting role in the movie.

tom cruise,younger brother trying to gain his half of money which he actually deserve from his mentally retarded brother.But, legal adviser refuse to accept his proposal. because of director of mental institution (which is the home of his brother),who has rights to manage money behalf of his brother.

At the beginning of the movie conveys that tom cruise was in need pf money because of debt.At the middle he noticed his brothers amazing talent in counting numbers and utilized him in the worlds prominent game, which have the power to make people millionaires in one night is CASINO in Las Vegas.At the end tom cruise made him realized by his girlfriend that he pretended to be his brother with commercial thinking.

Movie was great for some kind of people, but i was sticked to the feeling that the movie was just Good.
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The Matrix (1999)
Fantastic Festival for Sci-Fi Genre Fans...!!!
18 August 2013
"The Matrix is a digital world that controls the mankind", after listened to this definition in the movie, i momently repeated this definition about three times, and i thought it was true. In fact, it is true, because without digital technology,there is nothing,the movie,the IMDb,everything is nothing without digital world.

The movie,prominently a visual effects lead the movie towards the success,and keanu Reeves,lead role,i heard about his life,was so horrible but he is awesome.bullet time motion graphics was astonishing.As a computer science student, i realized that the programming languages ruling the technology.Amazing screenplay made the movie understandable and far away from elusive.
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Aashiqui 2 (2013)
First time time in my life, I am thinking to experience Love
13 August 2013
Stupendous! Marvelous! Fabulous! Aashiqui 2 (Love) movie stimulated every part of my body.usually i don't like Hindi movies, but i would have missed wonderful movie unless discrimination continues.However, i am now with vivid contention about Hindi discrimination.Actor,Aditya Roy kapur,feeling jealous about this guy,taller,handsome and curly hair looking awesome in this movie.

Dialogues shown the respect, fear of betrayal, envy and how the lead roles conquer these aspects to overcome misunderstanding between each-other.Screenplay of the movie was absolutely rhetoric.The aspect which i liked most is, the way he tolerate the provoking envy upon actress who acquired glory by him.

Sun raha ha hai na...Ro raha hoo mai...

[ Are you listening?...i am crying... ]
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Remember...Hope is a Good Thing...I Admit.
12 August 2013
I Don't know how many times i have watched this movie and i know i will definitely watch it again,but this movie always inspire me whenever i lost my hope and got imprisoned by fear of failure and wrongdoings,it helps to conquer this premise.

i often thrown in to oblivion,whenever i have no idea about what to do, the one quote made me busy with my life is "Get busy living or Get busy dying". In fact,quotes from the movie stick to my desktop which could not be removed even by myself.

Furthermore,the climax of the movie made me shocked as well as concluded the bottom line "Hope is a Good Thing" which i still follow and forever.
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