
14 Reviews
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Longmire (2012–2017)
I considered Longmire a powerful and satisfying Western
18 November 2020
At first I thought "Longmire" was episodic and plots weren't connected from episode to episode (at least no more than for example "The Fugitive", or "Bonanza") but having watched them all I was wrong. All plots and storylines are connected to the full telling of the story. Furthermore as much as any series I've ever watched and enjoyed "Longmire" builds on each episode one after another, season after season, for what I considered a very powerful and satisfying finale. Oddly several of my initial impressions of characters were simply wrong and not because the actor(s) or writer(s) changed the characters to satisfy my pre-conceptions in any way; but because the characters were so complex that a fuller understanding was only realized (by me at least) after a fuller realization by the artists story development. No spoilers here; but let me say I loved Katee Sackhoff in "Longmire". I think the writers gave her something to work with here but also just maybe as an actress she can make a good writer look great. Someday I'd like to see her make a great writer look... brilliant. This last for any top level writers like Taylor Sheridan or the Coen brothers; consider casting Katee Sackhoff simply because she'll make you look... brilliant.
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I watch this over and over
22 May 2020
And find it better each viewing. Just built for me. It is like a cross between James Bond, Jason Bourne, and Stripes... only animated. A tremendous adventure each time. My wife does NOT love it, but the older grand kids do. This movie has moxie.
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Counterpart (2017–2019)
Almost perfect
23 March 2020
Almost perfect production because of writing, editing, acting, casting, all the rest. Pro-tip: a few (very few... like a couple) times one or two episodes will give you "this side" or the "other side" in subtitle... get in the habit of doing that little thing for yourself. Mostly you can tell but sometimes not so much. Anyways, I for one enjoyed seeing a lot of actors really challenged.
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I've previously watched 5 seasons of "Breaking Bad"
14 October 2019
I've previously watched 5 seasons (62 episodes) of "Breaking Bad" so I liked this movie. I believe that unless you've followed that series already this movie is going to be confusing for you. Loved it... but imagining someone that didn't see the series already, right? Like say the now seventeen year old that didn't get started on BB when they were nine years old (cause that series ended when they were thirteen years old and, uh, wasn't particularly suitable for children that young. Now... a movie that doesn't make a lot of sense without the context of 62 previous episodes? But one again, I loved it.
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The "story" and the dialog are actually quite good
4 September 2019
Parts of this production are less than my five rating and parts are better. For my two cents the "story" and (way too much) dialog are good to go. Way heavy on the drama... but a watchable story.
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Close (I) (2019)
Someone is marking "Close" down without legitimate justification
14 April 2019
And I enjoyed it anyway. IMDB might look into a thing like this as in my opinion it attacks the integrity of IMDB directly. Not my war but careful which side you choose.
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This movie doesn't work for me
22 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If I were ranking the Marvel movies (not including the X-Men movies I've seen but even WITH the couple X-Men movies I did watch) in a personal order of preference "Civil War" comes in dead last. Granted, Age of Ultron was pretty good but still... dead last.

All that story development just drags on and on. And for what? The fight at the beginning, middle, and end? And then the ending ties it up in a short paragraph not much in line with the endlessly plodding story development? Undoubtedly, the "villain" of this particularly tortured story was the victim and the good guy. Not what I generally look for in a superhero vs. villain story.

If I can't depend on Marvel to deliver me the super-hero vs. villain generally found in the genre what do they think they are selling me? Long as it was and as many talented people as they had working on it I feel it misses the mark by a mile.

What a plodding story line.
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Just wanted to offer support for the work done on this film
8 September 2014
Well written dialog. Acting high caliber. Nicely scored. Camera work was good. Direction was good. Editing was not too polished. An interesting piece of work. Thanks to you all.

Interestingly vague about religion. It was there, but not to finitely. Kind of like peoples faiths. Hard to pin down what some people believe and don't believe even as they change beliefs.

My brother ministers to death row inmates twice a week. He tells me they are not the same men who committed the crimes that put them there. He also tells me that the relationships he forms with them is a most rewarding thing.

Anyways here is to a tiny bit of introspection. I need it as much as anyone else. Thanks again.
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It has some strengths and weaknesses (***Spoilers***)
13 August 2012
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but I liked it. It's not perfect but it fits in with the other three Bourne movies just fine. I didn't think any of them were perfect, either. In some ways, this one is superior to the others.

Certain conventions used; for example, the explanation of the science could have been done slightly differently although of course it was needed.

Locales selected were brilliant. Scenery in the Alaskan wilderness appeared to be digitally enhanced. If not, cinematographer deserves an Oscar for this movie. Acting and dialog were first-rate except maybe the scene where she is explaining the science to the experiment. She sure makes the thing she loves sound like a J.O.B., there.

I love a chase scene as much as anyone. Parts of this one were great. Without giving away specifics the need to make the greatest chase scene of all times appears to be irresistible to directors. Manila was perfect for it, though.

It's a good piece of work and I am certain no one associated with it has any doubts.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
10 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Android beheaded? Check. Alien in the belly? Check. Sub-standard re-visit to the series I think. Big disappointment for me. It had all the potential in the world if the temptation to revisit the same old clichés could have been avoided. Instead, not a single back-story plot-line gets developed. Just, "Are you seeing this, Prometeus"? "Yeah, we're seeing it"... "What is that thing"? "I don't know, but don't touch it"...

What if they did 10 or 15 minutes of the archeology back-story, and putting the puzzle together? Or 10 or 15 minutes of back-story on maybe what the "god-people" might have been doing to start with? Even 10 or 15 minutes of the crew selection process would have given a little back-story to the crew-members.

Was the old guy Ridley Scott, or was he just supposed to represent Ridley Scott?

I'd skip it if I had it to do over again. I did not like it much.
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After.Life (2009)
(Contains Spoilers!) Creepiest movie since "The Body Snatcher"
10 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
(Contains Spoilers) After.Life succeeds at what it is trying to accomplish: balance the idea that this young lady is recently deceased, caught briefly between life and the after-life while a mortician/funeral director with a "gift" for communicating with the clientèle "prepares" her for burial; against the idea that she is not dead, a mistake has been made, and the mortician is preparing her for something worse than death.

I found the flaws present in the editing of the film (where I found the majority of the flaws) contributed to the confusion and contrast of the question of whether she was dead or whether the mortician was evil. Even that was by design, I guess.

Dream sequences are great, they usually work for me. In this movie there were a couple of dream sequences that probably didn't fit with either of the primary postulates of the movie; Dead? or Alive? Maybe the biggest problem I had with the movie is that it doesn't answer the question of whether she was dead all along or perhaps buried alive. It carries that question throughout the movie, right to the end, and leaves it unanswered. A viewer might see it one way or the other, but for me the movie doesn't answer that central question.

Having said all of that: Liam Neesom plays a very convincing mortician/funeral director, Christina Ricci did a great job with one of the most demanding roles in the history of film, and the film was beautifully shot.

I know mortuary science is an everyday occurrence but this is one creepy movie.
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Close enough for me.
4 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Through a 30 year prism this might be closer to what happened than even the principals believe. They know some details were altered, some were created, etc.

I enjoyed this movie. The full body belly laughs are in the second half, as well as what little pathos the movie contained. That may be the part they came the closest to getting exactly right. After someone wastes their life at the age of 27 is not the time to grieve. Surely better to set them free.

If you weren't around for the late sixties, early seventies you might not believe the characters in this film.

I probably knew 20 guys just like both of them.
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The Aviator (2004)
With the caveat that
4 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I worked as an Avionics Specialist/Technician and as an Aircraft Mechanic on flying status for almost 20 years in the Air Force, AND I have always had a personal weakness for brilliant and beautiful women (maybe I'm not representative of the average "AVIATOR" viewer in other areas, either).

Having said that, I thought "The Aviator" was one of the best movies I've ever seen. The movie ends 10 years before I was born, covers the 20 years before that, and I just felt like I was living in those twenty years the whole time I was watching the movie. You cannot set the period any better than that.

As a southern heterosexual male, Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't offer me a lot that holds my attention other than his acting ability. He is truly gifted as an actor.

My compliments and thanks to the men and women who made this movie.
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Cold Mountain (2003)
Guys, let her talk you into seeing Cold Mountain
7 January 2004
This is a movie for guys who like movies. Like "Cool Hand Luke", only with actual American girls included. A movie is such a huge collaboration between artists, far beyond my understanding; but Cold Mountain is a remarkable effort on the parts of some talented people. The production, the direction and the acting are greater than the sum of their parts. The camera work, the editing, the costumes and ESPECIALLY the sets get top marks. The script is good.

The Actors are great, save a small caveat. Some (not all) of the bad guys (and there are lots of bad guys in this movie) play the heavy a little too heavy. Not over the top, but just a little too mean AND evil at the same time, you know? Part of that probably comes from the way the characters and their actions were written in the original novel, and some of it comes from the age old problem of basically decent human beings playing (and directing) the role of sick, demented, evil human beings, and not really having anything in their own life experiences to base something like that on. I am not referring to Ray Winstones performance as Teague, I thought he was great. Very believable that you can dislike someone without being able to put your finger on why at first. A real trick to play that character and have the audience feel the distrust without the words and/or actions to substantiate that emotion.

There isn't a female actor in this movie that doesn't do an OUTSTANDING job. Nicole Kidman is stunning, she has never been more attractive than in Cold Mountain. Renee Zellweger is brilliant. Jude Law does a good job with a complex, difficult role.

I understand that this movie rates highly with females, under 18. That's surprising, for a macho guy movie like Cold Mountain.
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