
19 Reviews
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Hijack (2023)
Stretched, pointless, pretentious
28 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I like Idris Elba. However, him alone can not save this show. Why? I'll make it brief: 1) Lack of an actual plot. It tries to pretend oh-so-smart, but I honestly, for the love of me, I couldn't take it seriously. There simply was no substance, to take any way (let alone seriously)

2) Complete lack of realism. Example: loads of traditional firearms on the We don't know, but in one scene, a lady hijackrers literally takes a Glock out of her purse, from beside the mascara and the lipstick. I was almost surprised she didn't pull out a bazooka too, once she was at it....come on!....maybe passable in an 80s B action flick, but here, along with all the other sillyness really makes it hard to invest into it.

3) Artificial tension. Suspenseful music, shaking camera, heavy looks, it's all there. However, for me, it feels only like a cheap smokescreen to mask that there is actually not much happening.

4) Stretched way too long. Without an actual plot to hang on to, this is especially painful. The show takes longer than the actual flight! It should have been a movie...perhaps with a tangible plot, at least some ties to reality, and without the pretentious mascara.

OK, this wasn't that short. Sorry. Anyhow, I came to see this after the raving reviews in the news, and found myself ffw-ing in the middle of episode if you ffwd here too, my TLDR version for you is: unless you like the "much tension about nothing" genre, find something else to watch...:)
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Boring and Disappointing
27 May 2023
I was looking forward to this. Keanu Reeves is great, and I've a good time with the previous John Wick movies (not so much the 3rd one, but still OK), so what's there not to like, right?

Wrong. Unfortunately. I don't want to go into the potholes, because this is not a documentary or a drama, so let me cut it some slack there right away. However, even with that headstart, things are going downhill quickly.

This is the first time when I have seen John Wick tired, weak or worn. Some of the action scenes look really silly because there is no perceivable force or momentum in John's moves. I'm sure Keanu is in excellent phisical shape, so I don't get it: sometimes it really looks like a grandpa is trying to beat up a bunch of street-kids.

Then the so-much cited world-building...oh well, we needed that as much as a mole needs sunglasses, but still: where did it derail so badly? I mean this is supposed to be a secret society, operating behind the scenes, barely leaving a trace, right? Then how come that armies (literally, small armies, plural) of assassins and henchmen are just swarming in world-famous locations, time after time? How come that there is apparently a "Continental" in every major city? That there is always yet another rule, which can be used to move the "plot" (man that was difficult to label it such) forward? If you bend the rules (your rules, btw) so many times, why would anyone invest into the characters? If they get in a pickle with seemingly no way out, we just invent another rule (or exception, or amendment, or whatever), and the job's done. It really turns any dramatic potential (not that there are many to start with) into a proper snoozefest.

OK, so not much substance or plot, Mr Wick is not who he once was, and the world building sucks....but the action scenes are still great, right? Well, kind of. Clearly not my taste, but it is evident that a lot of effort went into creating them, so I can perfectly understand if some of the viewers find them enjoyable. For me, they just went waaay to far. There are so many opponents executed (hundreds, literally), that there is no weight to it. No matter what, the bad guys drop, and John Wick walks away...gets boring after the first 150 killings or so. The complete lack of realism doesn't help, and neither does the fact that they overwrite their own set of rules in an instant if and when they deem fit (example: you can't penetrate the magic armor by bullets, but apparently you can cut and stab through it....come on now, decide already).

With all that being said, the movie does have its moments...few and far in between, yes, but still, sometimes it just does. That however doesn't justify the 3 hours I feel I have wasted watching it: I would have needed a lot more meat on the bone, some better characters, at least a bit of a reasonable plot, and some consistency at least against its own set of rules. To sum it all up, this defintiely feels like the low point of the series, and I honestly don't understand how this, in its current form, got the green light.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Finally...a good, original Netflix action movie
2 August 2022
And by "original", I mean it is not the reboot of a an earlier reboot. OK, the story not that original,but frankly, I'm not in there for the Shakespearean depths, I'm in for good, likeable (or hateable) characters and good action. We got these, in spades. Not a documentary, not by any means, but again, who cares, it is an action movie: of course some characters have 3-4 sets of skeletons and/or 9 lives. That's fine, because the movie works. It entertains, it made me care (and root for someone - nothing's worse when you couldn't care less if the main characters get eaten by aliens or not), and it made me forget about my current affairs for that 2 hours. I appreciate that, and that's what I expect of a film like this - thank you! Gosling, Evans and Armas all do a stellar job too, and I can only hope that the audience response would be something Netflix likes/expects/hopes, and we will see more like this in the future. Fingers crossed, and bring it on! :)
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Ghost Recon: Wildlands (2017 Video Game)
Could have been good
6 June 2022
It is obvious that a TON of work went into this game. Graphics is great, there is some etmosphere (wouldn't call it immersive though), and my favourite is the radio in the car :)

The problem is that it is the radio in the car which I recall my favourite feature of the game after a good number of hours. Login and gameplay is seriously flawed: after 5 YEARS, I am still welcome with login issues on all occassions (which I don't need anyhow, as I don't give squat about the multiplayer (i just want the campaign), but I need to be connected to the servers regardless. Fine, whatever. Ubisoft store is up, running, I can browse my games, Wildland is wondering in the universe somehwere, lookign for something, for minutes, stuck at the login screen - WTF??)). Settings are also reset when the game seems fit, and it is so much fun to scan through again what presets may or may not have been altered accoring to its infite wisdom...

Gameplay. I seriously don't understand how this game passed the testing phase. How did anyone thought it is a good idea not allowing saving in the first place? But let's that for the moment: respawning you on the other side of the bloody map is clearly an undesirable desing element, isn't it? With 2 other safe houses closer the spot where you died. Not a figure of speach, literally on the other side of the map (though at least I disovered a new area without wondering there). Oh, and in most cases, the world is re-generated, so you can't pick up where you left, you may or may not be in the same area even, and may or may not be in the same part of the day (entirely possible it will take you back into the night, or throw into he day, seemingly as decided by a white blind mouse)

Gunfights. Apparently a submachine gun is as accurate as a sniper rifle, over long distances. Team is sometimes as stupid as ****, blocking my movement (once into a corner I couldn't move from, so I had to wait till I was killed), stepping into in my line of fire, or in front of a bad guy, watching him to slowly walking up to him, shooting him and me first, then maybe shoot back (not always, it depends). Great. Skill points can spent in a sequence. Why?! You clean up an outpost, and it respawns soon. You can't destroy it, you can't sabotage it, and you can't turn it, so every freaking time, you clean them, over and over again. (the first couple of times it is fun even, but then it is more like a chore). Maybe after some pre-defined element is achieved, and the algorythm decided you earned enough....."something" (I couldn't find out what, if it even exists), then it changes, but after spending 3 long evenings with this, after another stupid respawn, I just deleted the game, so I never found out.

Driving....oh my god, driving. I know this is not a drive simulator, but that doesn't necessarily mean all vehicles must behave like sh*t. Bike, car, chopter, doesn't matter, each is the unbelievably bad, and weirdly enough, somehow the same way. Again, how did this past testing??? I just can't imagine that lots and lots of players said to the idiotic vehicle control " yeey, perfect, this is what I want in an action shooter, superb!..." (example: a vehicle can either accelerate, or decelerate, but it can't hold a certain speed. Or when slowing down too much, it goes to reverse, and swings around the view whether you want it or not, whether you crawl back at 1 mph or 50)

LIke i've said. An absolute sh*tload of work went into this game, and my hats off to many of the devs, some aspects of the game are truly remarkable. But, at least for me, the negatives are not compensated by the positives, so I have uninstalled the game after about 10 hours or so. The internet is full of ravaging reviews, so I must be a minority, but in my opinion, this game is seriously flawed, and thus is a botched effort. Pity, because it could have been really good.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
This is not Wheel of Time
13 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In all fairness, if I would just want to rate the show itself, it will be a 5 (sorry, it's just not good: too many contradictions and too much inconsistent, or even downright stupid character behaviour). The main score for me is completely off (feels like listening to chalk scratching the board), the sets are a bit on and off (sometimes made me feel I'm watching different shows, not the same one), and the propaganda is just way too much pushed into my face.

This is if you don't know anything about the books.

If you do, even if like me, read it almost 2 decades ago, it feels like they destroying the world, episode by episode, making (completely unnecessary) changes all over the place. Changing colour of the characters is really the least of it (annoying, but hey), but they also don't shy away from changing fundamental aspects like the dragon can now be female too (no biggie: it only screws up the entire balance of the whole world, retrospectively too, for 3000 years). Warping important bits starts straight from Episode 1, and it then it just goes on and on: timelines, events, characters, use of the One Power, you name's like they are writing their own Wheel of Time (only their version is much worse, sorry). I get it: making an adaptation requires compromise, to some extent at least, but this...they wrack havoc, and after watching Episode 6 (making Moarine and Siuan a lesbian couple, and some other, absolutely senseless iditiocy), I feel like I'm done with it.

I was so waiting for this show. I wanted to like it so much. I was looking forward to Fridays (only to get disappointed again and again). And I'm not even a die-hard fan: like I have said, I have read the books some 20 years ago, but it still just hurts....the only good coming out from this show, for me, is that now I have the appetite again to start re-reading the books. Seriously, I ask everyone please not to judge Wheel of Time based on this crap (because, like my title says, this it is NOT). The books are good, and I mean really, really good.

My conclusion, and therefore recommendation is: stear clear from this rubbish, because it is just not worth watching even without taking into consideration the source material....and if we do...well, then it is even worse: it has little to nothing to do with the original WoT world (apart from the title of the show and the names of the characters).
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Definitely enjoyable
20 December 2019
Just coming back from the theatre, i can say with confidence this was time well spent, and it is a highly enjoyable movie if watched on the big screen. Visuals are fantastic, CGI is there but not disturbing at all (and hugely contributes to the overall atmosphere), while the music/audio fits the scenes perfectly. Great stuff! Much of the mess created by the previous movies is now addressed, so some very crucial questions are answered at last. Fin's character is finally tuned down a notch, and thus improving it a lot, so much so that I almost started to like the guy by the end :) Story is better for most parts than in the previous films (well, the bar wasn't exactly high), though some of the "twists" still made my eyes turn in their sockets. Still, if only this kind and level of attention went to Force Awakens...which still stands on 7.9, btw. I think the scores do not do justice here: this movie is punished because of the impact left on disappointed fans by the previous installments, while those are still rated high because at their release the hype (and anticipation) was still high. This is just speculation of course, but I honestly believe that The Rise of Skywalker is not a bad movie, and that it definitely deserves a chance.
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Still going strong
19 December 2019
I didn't know what to expect...I mean the last movie closed the strory, and if they left it there, it would have been still a fitting closure to the story of John Rambo. And yet, this new instalment doesn't feel forced, the only thing I missed is a bit more background to the beginning (just a few more minutes, that wouldn't have spoiled the action-value of the overall movie), to show how Rambo has been since we last saw him. We will have bits and pieces, so we can kind-of sort-of put it together, it just felt a bit thin to me. Back to the movie though: effects and scenes were created with great care, and they definitely look the part...the ones looking for strong action and loud bangs, will be served well. However, that is somewhat expected from the title characters (I didn't think we will watch Rambo in his rose garden, at least); the surprise for me was the drama value of the movie. I didn't feel that this strong since First Blood, and there were a few one-liners (well, Rambo wouldn't chuck out a Shakesperean monologue, would he) which haunted me for days. I didn't see THAT coming. Don't get me wrong, there is still plenty of action (and bad guys will be eliminated in spades, oh yes, very much so), for me it is just an unexpected added value. Well done! I already have the box set of the previous 4 movies, and looking forward to put this on the self too, once it becomes available.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Should have paid more attention to category...
19 December 2019
So I thought this would be sci-fi, with a bit of drama....instead, this was drama, with a little bit of sci-fi (and even that was deeply flawed). Later, i have checked again, and the blame is on me: I was an idiot, and should have paid more attention to the category under the title, so blame is on me. Still, this was one depressing film...the 2 leads were actually great, but because of the (for me, at least) silly settings I just couldn't get to emphasise with their characters much, beacuse I couldn't shake that "drama over nothing" feeling. The visuals are excellent (one of the few feats made that long 2 hours bearable for me), music is also fitting the bill (and bolsters the overall depressing mood of the movie, as intended i guess), so technically, it is a very well executed feature. And yet, I was glad once it was over, and it didn't leave me with much thought either. So, in my opinion, this is for drama-seekers, who wouldn't care much abouth logical background setting, but would focus instead on feelings of the characters and how different events would affect those feelings...and in that regard, this move delivers.
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Not what I expected...and certainly not (just) a comedy
19 December 2019
We thought it would be an easygoing-careless-lighthearted flick, to spread a bit of festive mood around. Well, yeah, it has that element to it too...and much more, so if you really just want to switch your brain off, choose some other time to watch this. The "story" if almost not existent, and yet, there is still meaning, leaving me stirred even after I got home from the cinema. Performance of the actors is very strong, accross the board; from that angle we are in for a treat. And yes, there is George Michael's music all along, though that wasn't the selling point for me (sorry...), and you definitely won't look at "Last Christmas" the same way ever again after seeing this movie. Overall, well worth watching, just be prepared for something a bit deeper than yeat another silly little Christmas-themed romantic comedy.
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How It Ends (2018)
No plot, no rhyme or reason, no ending?...
24 August 2019
Let's start with the good: the actors are actually trying to do a good job, this is why i rated it 2 stars, instead of minus 1. However, there is not much they can work with, so the positives pretty much end there. There is no plot: something happens somewhere, to someone, and therefore our hero gets going. Then a lot of rubbish happens (e.g. enragingly stupid behaviour and lots of petty drama - yay!), then man reaches wife (after 90 painful minutes), then another piece of (very predictable) petty drama, then it kinds of "ends". It really feels like that even the crew got bored with filming this masterpiece, and they said "enough of this cr*p, let's get some lunch"...and they never got back. I can't fathom the audience who would enjoy this kind of a I wonder what was the plan here, Netflix? I love that you guys experiment, but this is just a waste of resources...and anyone's time who is watching it. If any potential viewer reads this before going to see the "movie": for the love of God, don't. Trust me: that would be a total loss of 2 hours of your life you are never going to get back.
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Pavarotti (2019)
A journey worth taking
5 August 2019
I am not an opera fan (to put it mildly). I have always had respect for Pavarotti, but knew little about him. This movie takes the viewer on a journey, and the more I've been wathcing, the more I got sucked into the world of Pavarotti. It is long, but felt suprisingly short, and I kind of felt sad when it was over....though also felt that i have learnt a lot. It is an inspiring story, perhaps even more so because it is true...and it's not a pink-clouded nostalgic fairytale either: it shows the flaws and exposes the weeknesses of the man too, yet somehow these just made him all more likeable and more...human. I was in awe by the end of film, and was so glad that I've decided to give it a go (not being an opera fan and all): i think that is time very well spent, with lasting impressions and inspiration.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Moody teenagers in space
5 August 2019
I like science fiction, reagardless if it is more like "science" or more "fiction", as long as there is a story, character development, atmosphere, or at least something to root for. Another Life is bleeding from so many wounds that it is hard to count, and the only reason I did not give a 2 star rating is the ending, as at least some of the questions got answered in the last episode. To get there however was rreally painful: i started to watch with full attention, then "WTF?", then tried to give it another shot and watched another 2 episodes, after which I said I can't take this anymore, so it was running in the background while I was doing stuff, but even then it got annoying, so the last 5 episodes I just stepped through, to see if it gets any better (no), or if there is any real development (partially yes, in the last episode). Personally, i really think that the whole approach for the characters is deeply flawed, and as a result I couldn't care less if they got eaten after the first 2 episodes...they are supposed the be on the "most important mission in the history of mankind ", and they behave like (hell, most of them even look like) as if they were in a high school mess hall. Petty bickering, mood swings, huge egos, little to no rational behavior, but lots of perfect make-up (?) and pretty (pretty-intended) clothes. Really? The best manking has to offer? Then we are really doomed....The rest is just downhill from there: the storyline, the effects, the "science", the world the whole thing is set into...this is disappointment through and through, sorry. I liked "Altered Carbon", a lot (despite the dark tone), and i hoped this will be on a similar is not, not even close: in fact this was so far from that quality (in every aspect), that it is hard to put into words. I hope Netflix will accept this as a failed one-time experiment, and move on to producing quality material like the above mentoned AC series.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
Pointless, stupid, cheap nonsense
30 June 2018
Never gave a one to any film before, but this one surely deserves it. Seriously, don't waste your time, do something else, it will be much more fulfilling. Anything. Pump your car tyres, or iron the curtains, or collect the rubbish in your street, anything, but to watch this. No story. I mean, nothing at all. No logic. No character development...or characters, coming to that. Physics is out the window, hand in hand with common sense. You don't know anything be the end of the moview that you didn1t know at its beginnign, there is no moral, no conclusion, nothing. And they call this a movie. I really do wonder based on what grounds?!
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Not the "usual" Star Trek, but it starts to come together
25 January 2018
I was so happy when I saw a new Star Trek series is coming our way...and was somewhat disappointed with what I have seen the first (then second, then third) episode. I didn't like the title theme (and I still don't, sorry), I didn't like the (seemingly) main character Michael, and most of all didn't like the cruel, dark tone of the whole thing, along with much of the nonsense the show brought epiosde after episode.

However, it seems that it's worth to go through all that after all, as in episode 12, it all starts to come together, and much of the ridiculous (and sometime downright stupid) things start to make the point that I am now actually thinking that I will go back and watch some of the earlier episodes again (something I was never considering before). Maybe the writers planned this way all along, or maybe they just have listened to the feedback they got and changed course accordingly, but either way, it is much better now.

No, it is still not the flavour I go used from Star Trek of old, but core ST ideas and values are now starting to resurface again, so if it continues to go this way, it will be a worthy addition of the ST universe (at least in my opinion). Fingers crossed, and I am eager to se more.
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Incredible voices, vibrant scenes
21 January 2018
I'm not that much into musicals, but this got me simply mesmerised. I didn't know what to expect to be honest, and I was a bit sceptical when the curtains rolled up, but scene after scene I was just pulled in more and more, and by "never enough", I was cooked, flambé'd and (well) done completely.

All characters are really performing at their best, even the supporting roles are superb! Obvously the songs are are the "bread and butter" here, and they are great (I mean, really great), but it doesn't stop there: the characters are not 2 dimensional, the costumes are fantastic, and the settings just bring alive the period it is all set in. The story only loosely follows the "true"events, but who cares: it is human, it is emotional, it is enchanting, elevating and sometimes heart-wrenching...somehow making the power of pursuing dreams to the full tangible (along with the related costs of such an endeavour).

Definitely, defintely worth the time to be spent at the cinema, and can't wait to get it on DVD (the songs and scenes just keep haunting me, so youtube till then - but this will get onto the self, that's for sure).
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The Grand Tour: Up, Down and Round the Farm (2018)
Season 2, Episode 5
A good episode - but killing sheep?! WTH?
8 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I actually do like the constant improvement of the show, and I liked much of the elements of this episode as well (like the GTi comparison, celebrity face-off or Richard fooling around in the desert), however, the end of show just totally ruined an otherwise enjoyable program. I liked when Clarkson challenged the youtube videos (and their credibility), but when i saw what he has done on that field, I just couldn't smile any more. How can they let this to happen? Or once happened, air it? Or once air it, doing it with smile? No consequences, no remorse, just acting like it was normal? WTH? This just isn't funny. In fact, it is jwrong on so many levels, that I was actually baffled when I saw the audience cheering at the very same scene which made me swearing for minutes. Or was that readtion "edited" too?...
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Why the silly jokes? Why?
1 November 2017
So far, they have managed to make a good(ish) balance of light and sinister moments, but in this instalment, the scales tipped waaay too much into the silly jokes side. I'm not an expert on Ragnarok, but I remembered it to be the end of Asgard, it's gods, and most of the "world" as we know it. Death, destruction and sorrow, followed by a thin ray of new hope over the ruins. How did they think that they can turn this into a joke, and that it would work?

Throughout the story,the embarrassing jokes just kept coming, to the extent that often I felt I'm actually watching a silly sitcom. Don't get me wrong: I expected some light-hearted fun and banter during the build-up to the final battle (what Ragnarok is supposed to be), but then I thought it would turn into a dark, epic, moving, bloody but heroic finale…instead, we have some of that, but broken to pieces by cheap jokes. Honestly, I'm not sure even a 10 year old would enjoy this mixture. The missus really likes Thor (big surprise there, I know…), and even she was looking at me in pain many times, rolling her eyes. I know some of the previous two episodes had some silly moments, but trust me, not like this: it is a whole new level.

The critics seem to love it though, explaining things into it I don't see in there (I'm sure it is my fault). I liked the previous two Thor movies (with all their obvious flaws), but this, I'm not sure if I will even buy later (as I used to, to complete the set on the self). For me, this was really disappointing…

PS: I actually liked the "80's science-fiction" look & feel (sets, costumes, music) present in many of the scenes, though it seems to be disjointed (again...) with the previous movies. Wonder how the younger generations (without fond memories) feel about that.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Good visuals, actors and atmosphere, but...
2 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
...I don't understand why is it so special. My friend gave me the first 2 books as a present years ago (knowing I like fantasy and good sci-fi), with his personal recommendation. I couldn't get through the first half of the first book. Now my other half got the series, and we have watched the first 2 seasons, so you can say I don't have the full picture yet, but on the other hand I feel I have had more than a glimpse. With so many positive reviews, I'm sure I'm the odd egg...but my issues are the following: 1) The balance always seems to be off for me (example: Winterfell is a capital, but it can be taken by 20 men, when even without garrison they say there were 200 "northeners" looks like the size of a family farm in one set when showing the inner courtyard, then in the next set showing from the outside it's like the size of the Castle of Dover...decide already, please: either is fine, just be consistent). 2) Politics are way too prominent for my taste (but, if one likes that kind of storytelling, I can understand its popularity). 3) Nudity and sex again is much in front, and while I have absolutely no issues with sex, in a fantasy show I find it excessive (and so cheap) that half of the story seems to revolve around it (yes, of course it is important, but this much? Really? What are we, 13?) 4) So many twisted characters, so little sanity. I wonder how this whole realms survived at all with so little common sense and ground, but it might be again a personal thing...for me, it is difficult to like a show with so few likable characters (and having some more characters with a bit more sanity or moral composure wouldn't make them or the story "one-dimensional", I think) 5) Magic on the other hand (in general) is way too much in the background. Example: they said the birth of the 3 dragons are the most important and relevant happening in the last x hundred years, and yet in the entire 2nd season the same dragons (including scenes when they are talking about them) got maybe 10 minutes of screen time (if that - but we have lots of tits instead, every 10 minutes or so).

That being said, it is transparent that a lot of effort went into the show: most of the actors are doing a fabulous job (and the rest are still good, at least in my view), the visuals (including attention to details) are great, the music is excellent and contributes to the overall atmosphere (which is the main reason I'm still watching this and will continue to season 3). I just wish it would be more fantasy and more storytelling, with less cheap sex/sexual references and fewer "imbalanced" (to put it mildly) characters.
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How can this be a cult movie?
23 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
OK, first let me admit that I haven't read the books, and I didn't even know they existed: I was taken to the cinema by my girlfriend, who saw something in the trailers I didn't which made her all excited. So, I sat there with a clear mindset, no expectations, no prejudice, no background info whatsoever. First things first: whoever invented the the "let's shake the camera all around because it makes the movie so much more lifelike" and convinced others to follow him or her, should be shot. Twice, in fact, just to be sure...It is really annoying, and so unnecessary: it is not making anything more real. For me, in many cases the hectic and jerky camera movement seemed to be only a poor attempt to mask fact that there is nothing (or not much) happening, but it tries to make it look intense and action packed regardless. So cheap...and apart from pissing me off, it didn't work at all, but I admit I well may be a minority... The story feels like it is hanging in the air. Again, I didn't read the books so the scenes may have been adequately set there, but in the movie you get 10 lines, and off you go...and it doesn't add much depth later on either. The most fundamental question remained: what's the point? Sending 2 dozens of younglings to slaughter won't hold aggression at bay in itself, actually it is more likely that the infuriated parents driven mad from the grieving over the unnecessary and pointless death of their children will cry for revenge and go into resistance, or even spark a brutal bloodbath (especially that it is an annual event, so sooner or later everyone will be affected by friends or family). Also, the scale is hanging in the air too, you don't know how the 2 opposing populations (the "citizens" of the shiny new world and the habitants of the 12 district) relate to each other, which would be rather pivotal. I won't go on with the many potholes, the bottom line for me is that the scene was set simply poorly. The story, well, is very simple and straight, once you stepped over the inadequate surroundings. Feels painfully unfinished, and though I din't know there is a series behind, I told to the (rather disappointed) missus in the end that it must be so because they already have a sequel in mind. Knowing that gives a little excuse, but still left a hollow "is this really it?" kind of feeling in the both of us. The striking similarities with Battle Royal I'll leave alone... Acting was OK, considering the absurdity of some of the characters and the whole context (background and story). I'm sorry, I'm not a big fan of the lead actress (Jennifer Lawrence), as I didn't even know her before this movie (althogh I saw and really liked First Class, but somehow couldn't connect). Regardless, she does a good job of portraying and transferring the tension, fear and uncertainty of the situation she is pulled into, at least a good number of scenes, in fact her efforts were one of the few "ups" for me among the many "downs" during that long 2,5 hours. Kudos to Elizabeth Banks as well for creating a "sugar-monster" character, and also for the fact that though I know her face well enough (just seen in Man on the ledge), here I simply couldn't recognise :) Based on the movie itself, I really don't know how this can be so popular, but I admit I'm probably not the target audience, and also the books may be much better (well, it wouldn't be difficult as the bar is set really low). Donald Sutherland was brilliant saying "only hope is stronger than fear", but that and Ms Lawrence's occasional shine doesn't make this worth to sacrifice and evening for. I have a frequent visitor card so it didn't cost me anything, but if I've paid almost 10 quids for this, I would be rather upset...
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