
23 Reviews
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The original underbelly but better
14 May 2023
Power Without Glory" is a 1976 Australian television drama series based on the controversial novel of the same name by Frank Hardy. The series tells the story of John West, a wealthy businessman and influential politician who rose to power in Melbourne during the early 20th century. The show was produced by Crawford Productions and aired on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) network.

The series is a powerful and compelling portrayal of the political and social landscape of early 20th century Australia. The production values are excellent, and the performances by the actors are outstanding, particularly Maurice Murphy, who plays John West. He brings a depth and complexity to the character that is both fascinating and disturbing.

The series explores a range of themes, including political corruption, the power of the press, social justice, and the struggle between the powerful and the powerless. It is a story of ambition, greed, and the cost of power. The characters are well developed, and the storyline is engaging and suspenseful.

One of the standout features of the series is the way in which it portrays the city of Melbourne during this period. The show takes viewers on a journey through the city's streets, its buildings, and its people. It shows the contrast between the wealthy and the poor, the powerful and the powerless. The attention to detail is impressive, and it helps to bring the story to life.

The series is also notable for its handling of sensitive topics. For example, it addresses the treatment of Indigenous Australians during this period, including their forced removal from their families and communities. It also explores the role of women in society and the struggle for women's rights. These themes are presented in a thoughtful and thought-provoking manner that challenges viewers to consider their own views on these issues.

Despite its many strengths, "Power Without Glory" is not without its flaws. The series is slow-paced at times, and some of the scenes and dialogue can feel overly melodramatic. Additionally, some viewers may find the series to be overly dark and depressing, as it does not shy away from the more brutal aspects of the story.

In conclusion, "Power Without Glory" is a must-watch for anyone interested in Australian history, politics, or society. The series is a powerful and thought-provoking exploration of the corrupting influence of power and the struggle for justice in a society that is rigged against the disadvantaged. It is a series that will stay with viewers long after the final credits roll. Despite its flaws, it is a true masterpiece of Australian television, and a testament to the power of great storytelling.
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The English (2022)
Not blicks best but still better than most
27 November 2022
After binging all of Hugo blicks work recently I gotta say the English was a bit disappointing, especially in comparison with the intelligent & most importantly non partisan shadow line & the honourable woman

The English unfortunately has neither of these qualities in similar quantities, it's an extremely partisan and one sided view of history- which has really been on repeat since dances of wolves first screened - perhaps deservedly so since much of it is so ghastly & disgusting, , but it was disappointing that blick - usually an extremely intelligent and nuanced writer was so simplistic and shallow in this case, especially when you consider the saturation is starting to have opposite of the desired effect- which might have something to do with the fact that some of this history is pure fiction. Never a good idea to rewrite history in either direction.

Nevertheless looking past the left wing version of history, the dialogue never really worked for me and always felt unnecessary, I'm sure if I sat down and mapped everything out the dialogue would fit the internal consistency and although it wasn't an issue by the end I think it might of worked better without it.

Despite all these negatives I would still encourage everyone to watch this, blick is one of the most talented & interesting writers around atm, if you haven't seen his other work then I suggest you watch it, especially shadow line, it's probably sone of the most intelligent tv of all time, unfortunately though the English falls short in comparison.
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This doesn't deserve the low rating
7 October 2022
The jumping all over the place was jarring, but the information given on these accounts was actually quite through, certainly more thorough than the "phenomenon" or " I know what I saw", cuz they actually ask questions and don't just believe the witnesses accounts,

I actually wish there were more UFO shoes with this rigorous format- it's just a shame about the jumping with the noise that accompanies the jumping.

The first episode alone was extremely compelling, i couldn't find any information about this account on Google and it's perhaps the most dramatic encounter I've ever come across. That alone is enough to watch this series.

Like I said I wish there were more series like this that tried to scrutinise these encounters without just believing them. Definitely doesn't deserve a 4/10.
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Incredible style, colour & aesthetic- but......
24 September 2022
The writers of this show seem to have no idea about the mating habits of women, to think that incredibly wealthy & attractive women would first if all engage in casual sex and second of all pay for it, is just beyond ludicrous, sure there's always exceptions to the rule, but to suggest that all of these characters are exceptions is just too unbelievable to swallow.

Women that pay for men, pay for companionship - not sex, so to construct a whole world & series based on the mating habits of males and juxtapose it for women, as if the two are interchangeable os incredibly naive & jejune.

It's a shame because the neo noir elements of this show are actually intriguing and some of the aesthetics actually remind me of Nicholas winding Refns too old to die young, but the premise of this show is just so fantastical it destroys a lot of the promise.

I'll keep watching because I love the aesthetic, but it needs to get alot better very quickly otherwise I'm out.

Hopefully this review doesn't get taken down.
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Lots of unbelievable scenes, but entertaining and well done
24 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is well done, great pacing, decent acting and for the most part the writing is good - despite lacking depth & sophistication.

All that is forgivable if it's entertaining, but what I found impossible to swallow were the scenes where the female protagonist keeps getting the better of her male adversaries in physical confrontations , I mean sure once or twice she might get lucky, but not repeatedly, unless she was a professional fighter and the men were atypically weak, but this wasn't the case in this film and therefore it kinda came off as "girl power" activism, which at this point is hackneyed sentimentalism.

The message about the " oppressed" standing up to the bullies is verging on activism too, but at least they didn't make all the villains out to be white men and let's face it, people at the bottom absolutely get taken advantage of, so imo it didn't translate to didactic proselytising like 98% of films these days - which is obviously extremely refreshing for people like myself.

I know people get triggered because of what I've written, but there are other people that think like me who are trying to avoid activist films,

. So fingers crossed it doesn't get taken down. & makes it through for all the other people like myself.
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Outer Range (2022– )
So far seems promising, better than Yellowstone
17 April 2022
I've only seen 2 episodes, but it seems to have better dialogue than Yellowstone, which I gave up on because it was contrived and unbelievable.

I think the people that are saying this is "artsy fartsy" are people that like predictable cliche shows like Yellowstone and you know what, good for them, but for those that like a bit more authenticity to their dialogue and want some realistic depth in the characters, then this is the show you should choose.

I'm hoping this might be like a cowboy twin peaks, a show that has mystery about what lies beyond and asks questions about what it means to be human, so it's both moving and thought provoking.

It's off to a good start, thoroughly intrigued, could be the show of the year if the writing doesn't suddenly fall of a cliff, which seems to be happening more and more these days.

So many fake reviews on here hopefully this serves as one of the legitimate sign posts.
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This show has fallen off a Cliff
6 February 2022
This happened with westworld and the final season of got, not sure exactly what causes this but I think it's cuz they either lose writers or fire them, I think they know they've got their audience on the hook and they know that most will watch anything at this point because they care about the show and characters too much, but from reading the actual reviews on here, not the fake ones that the show buys, cleary not everyone will buy this crap and nor should they , it's disrespectful to treat your audience like this and I for one will not be watching anymore episodes, the whole structure of the show has completely changed, the director seems to be indulging every artistic fantasy, which would be fine if he wasn't so Indulgent and it actually contributed to the narrative.

I think perhaps the creators of the show blew their budget on the first season and on s2e01, now it's like levinson is doing all the writing by himself, I mean I'm not sure what else could explain the transformation of a well written show into the cringeworthy incoherent predictable mess we have now, but This is not hbo worthy. I'm out.
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Superb acting with abhorrent female characters
1 January 2022
This movie triggered me, I originally thought it was more Hollywood liberal values, you know hedonism, "worship of one's own navel not matter the cost to others - even if it's your own children" "society only makes women do things they don't want to" you know All the hackneyed feminist cliches that Hollywood has been relentlessly pumping out for the last 50 years - but after contemplating this movie for about a month I think there's more to it, and I've come back to change my review, it explores an uncomfortable problem, uncomfortable mostly because most people, including myself find these characters so repellent, namely women who have children but are not suited to raising children, my first instinct is to call these women selfish sociopaths, but can a sociopath help being a monster? And what would happen if they had children before they had the awareness to realise this about themselves? How would their life turnout and what kind of existence would this be?? I think this movie tries to answer and ask these difficult and uncomfortable questions, which is not an easy task when you consider how universally disliked these people are, I mean it's part of our evolutionary programming to copulate and pass our genes on, so when we see someone that rebels against this we are intuitively repelled, but even so I can still sympathise with someone I'm repelled by, especially if they don't like the fact that they are the way they are, and I'm intrigued by how we treat and deal with these dilemmas, so any movie that sufficiently intrigues me, gets my support, and when I consider that The main characters are so universally reviled, my respect for the director increases.

I don't think this movie endorses these characters or attitudes which Is another plus in my eyes .
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Encounter (III) (2021)
This is a quality drama about more than meets the eye
11 December 2021
Sci fi and thriller are probably not accurate terms to describe this film, it's certainly about more than meets the eye and it does have elements of both - but I would actually call this a drama/thriller, I can't say what it's really about without giving it away, nevertheless this is quality and powerful story telling, I think those that are giving bad reviews were thrown because they expected something else, I didn't because I read their reviews before watching and expected a slow paced drama- which is mostly what I got and I never felt bored or uninterested, it conveyed powerful emotion and highlighted a particularly problematic issue within society- the ending was immensely powerful, probably one of the most Powerful endings I've seen in quite a while and had me on the verge of tears.

Anyone that can appreciate slow paced , intelligent & meaningful dramas will undoubtedly enjoy this - I mean do we really expect anything less from the extremely talented riz Ahmet at this point?
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The Last Duel (2021)
First two acts were brilliant - 3rd act was a hackneyed predictable cliche
4 December 2021
Same old hackneyed woke cliches, all men in history are stupid, vain and chauvinistic, whilst the chosen woman is a misunderstood oppressed genius- if only the stupid white men would "wake up" fall to their knees and start worshipping the unrecognised brilliance of the oppressed feminine - then everything would be set right by the compassionate female ear.

The movie was interesting until the injection of trendy leftwing values - which seems to be the norm these days - although it is somewhat redeemed by the ending, if the writers resisted the urge to inject these hackneyed and utterly predictable themes in the 3rd act, this could of been an extremely well crafted movie, the characters were somewhat interesting and nuanced (until the 3rd act of course which transformed them into 1 dimensional jejune cliches) , the sets costumes and directing were top notch, the acting was slightly above average and certainly good enough to pull off this particular story - it's just a shame that it was ruined by what is now a hackneyed cliche, modern wokeism - which clearly suffers from black and white thinking and reduces all the complex nuances of reality down to a simplistic battle between good & evil, ie "the oppressed Vs the oppressors" or "powerful vs the powerless" or " rich vs poor", which is an easy narrative to pander to the masses, but ultimately incredibly naive.

On a seperate note It's interesting to see all the puzzled critiques in the reviews, people that know there's something not quite right about this movie but cannot offer credible critiques - instead offering incoherent rationales like Ridley Scott can only do action films - perhaps they've never seen my fav Ridley Scott film , "the duellists" Either way it's pretty obvious to me.

I'd still recommend watching 80% of this movie, just do something else when the third act starts, cuz anyone that's seen a feminist flick in the last 50 years could fill in the blanks with their eyes and ears closed.
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A film about a revolutionary maverick who couldn't seperate his own demons from his treatments
21 November 2021
Despite rd Laings many flaws he did nevertheless revolutionise the treatment of patients right across the medical spectrum, as someone that suffers from mental health issues I can assure you that the problems and dogmas Laing confronted - largely on his own, still persist today in the medical industry, but thankfully because of laings outside the box thinking it is far less pervasive, for instance i can see many of laings methods - namely treating patients with dignity in order to understand and effectively treat them, present in the field and treatment of autism, most modern and successful treatments of autism are all based on this principle, a principle that Laing pioneered and fought for. Laing definitely had his own demons and some of his eccentricities, lack of structure and awareness definitely lead to some patients being harmed , but considering he was a pioneer working mostly on his own - he was still very successful - especially when compared with his peers - who were later revealed - through experiments where they were the subjects- unknowingly - were unable to distinguish between the insane and the sane, in these experiments the leading psychiatrists in the most prominent psych wards in America admitted completely normal qualified psychiatrists and held them in psych wards against their will until they admitted they were insane, so the widespread harm that was being caused by the industry at the time was prevalent and almost guaranteed, laing was one of the first to publicly acknowledge this and had the courage to fight a constant uphill battle for most of his career. So Laing came out well ahead of his peers and at the very least should be acknowledged for dragging this field kicking and screaming into the 21st century, those that dispute his contributions need to take a hard look at the murky and well hidden history of psychiatry and I'm not partial to the hippy dippy anti authority attitudes that characterised this generation.

The movie was great, a contemplative and interesting biopic of a maverick pioneer, a fly on the wall docu drama without a Clear or structured narrative, although I did get a vague " Icarus flying to close to the sun theme" The acting is top notch from the all star cast, a well crafted and interesting film that I would recommend to anyone interested in psychology. 7/10.

Although I'm not sure how true this story is.
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There She Goes (2018– )
As a father of an autistic child this show is terrifyingly accurate
20 November 2021
I can't tell you what a relief it is to see our story represented, although imagine how much harder it is for working class parents, this couple was extremely lucky they had 1 able bodied child, extended family to support and provide help, and they had flexible well paid professional careers to help take care of the financial stresses.

One of the most relieving features of this show was the illustration of just how clueless 95% of the world is to the difficulties of raising a disabled child, one of the most patronising experiences is when parents of able bodied children empathise with your experience by comparing their well behaved children to your relentless nightmare of a life, sorry, BUT YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHATSOEVER, raising an able bodied child is a cakewalk and you have nothing to complain about, so watch this show and get some perspective - I know they mean well but it's just so patronising, so it was extremely gratifying to see this experience reflected through the relationship with the neighbour and his perfectly behaved child. It was great to see that none of this "able bodied prejudice" nonsense was included, anyone that wouldn't want a better life for their disabled child is a child abuser imo. It was also great to see the nurses, family and friends telling the parents that they're just imagining that they're child has issues, this is done purely because these people do not want to face the consequences if the parents are right, they don't want to have the awkward conversations or offer their condolences because that would take extra effort on their behalf, meanwhile it isolates the parents and makes them feel like they're going insane, every parent of a disabled that I've spoken to has gone through this exact experience and what's worse is that there are no support services or counselling for the parents that basically have to go through the stages of grief - whilst everyone is telling them they're just neurotic, or "over convened first time parents", it really is a traumatic experience especially for first time parents.

An amazingly accurate portrayal of the lives of families with disabled children. Well done to the bbc.

And to all the reviewers that said they couldn't stand listening or watching because the child was too " annoying",what cowards you are, I'd hate to think what would become of you and your children if this was your life and yes this does make you a terrible person , I mean try to imagine what the parents have to go through considering they can't just turn off their tv and block it out of their mind. At the very least I hope it helps illustrate what a fortunate existence you live.
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Kingdom (2014–2017)
Eventually came round to this, Wish it didn't end.
2 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So it appears many people who perhaps have not struggled with the demons of Mental health don't know how to relate to this show, these characters are clearly perplexing to them going by their reviews, I mean there's so many puzzles comments in here about how the characters make dum decisions, or are drug addicts, or how everyone in the show has psychological problems.........ahhh yeah cuz mental health is clearly the theme here guys or girls, I mean if your not blessed with the dna that is so intrinsic to the lives of those from broken families, then you probably haven't fought eternally with your own inner demons or the demons of those you love the most, that's great for you cuz not only are your lives easier but also - 90% of tv and film Centres on characters who also won the dna lottery, so you'll also have little trouble finding something else, but for the rest who do understand mental health problems , then you might enjoy a show which finally presents characters that are relatable to you, ie broken people trying to do their best.

Kingdom for me is not about the mma specifically, the mma is a plot device that enables broken characters who find it so difficult to fit in - an avenue where their brokenness can actually be an asset, but as with all mental health issues It's a very delicate balance, kingdom fleshes these ideas out in an intelligent and moving way.

Ultimately I thought it was a fantastic character study of real people rather than the polished and perfect that we're all so used to seeing. . Yes some of the narratives are cut short, they chop and change under the obvious budget constraints and mismanagement of the production company, but when you take all these constraints into consideration and judge the show on its merits, ie the depth of the character study and not whether the overall narrative has enough fight scenes, or whether the fight scenes are nuanced or authentic, or whether the gym/mma culture is accurate enough, or whether the overall narrative had enough "good times in it" then surely you must give this an above average rating, I mean all of those critiques are absurd imo, they're critiques from people who just could not comprehend or relate to the show, but for those that can, I think you'll find the show powerful, moving, intelligent and authentic.

But if your looking to watch this show only for the mma and martial arts- then you'll probably be dissatisfied, it's about real people that struggle with mental health problems, but not in a "poor me I'm I victim" kind of way. Very brave and underrated hidden gem that probably doesn't get a lot of recognition because the people that would enjoy this show probably dismiss it as some dull testosterone filled action series, when really it's a thoughtful interesting and intelligent show, although I wasn't really sold on its greatness until the 3rd season, before that it was just an above average show, but nothing special, after finishing the final season I changed my rating from a 7-8, so I would encourage people to persevere.

Ps they should make a 4th season, if not just for Jonathan tuckers character, he didn't get the attention he so thoroughly deserved, the real unsung hero of the series - What an amazing character.
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Heels (2021–2023)
Great wholesome family drama with exceptional writing about the stories our lives revolve around.
30 September 2021
First off what a stroke of genius to use wrestling as a plot device to show case the power of narratives in our lives - both within and outside of the ring, I'm not really a wrestling fan but I'm certainly a fan of quality writing and this show has it in spades (pun intended), it also helps - as others have mentioned, that the two main characters deserve Emmies for their performances and the supporting actors are also very impressive - especially the actor that plays wild bill, really it's an all star team with Michael Waldron creating and writing for the show, who is quickly becoming a rising star in Hollywood, kinda like a better version of that New Zealand guy, even if he did do a marvel series.

In a year when 95% of the new shows have been utterly abysmal - this and the white lotus have been the clear standouts, I would actually put this above white lotus but that's more of a personal preference I think. I really hope this show gets the recognition it deserves, because many people are dying for this kind of quality entertainment through the lockdown with this drought of quality shows we're currently experiencing, I mean 2021 has to be the worst Year for new shows, but heels is the diamond amongst the rough. I don't usually write reviews but I want to help keep this show going anyway I can, so anyone that's interested in the power of narratives and stories- who also appreciates authenticity and flawed characters should check this out.

Although I should probably add I was initially skeptical of how wholesome southern culture was first presented in heels, it seemed a little too contrived and inauthentic on the beginning, but without wanting to give anything away, I'll just say I'm glad I stuck with it and if it bothers you too I would encourage you to also stick with it.

I also believe that many people who are not fans of wrestling can definitely enjoy this show, kinda like that other wrestling show with Marc Maron, although I think heels is better than that.

Hopefully you can see this is a legit review and your give this show The chance it thoroughly deserves. ✌🏻
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The Physician (2013)
This movie wAs ok, but clearly very triggering for Muslims
4 June 2021
It's surprising to me that Muslims living in the west still do not realise that their own historians are widely known for writing fake Islamic history at sword point, nobody takes their historical accounts seriously because they were all written in order to make Muslims look good, they are not factual accounts and this has been repeatedly shown, which is why Islamic versions of events are treated with the utmost skepticism, their whole history mentions nothing of their barbarism and tyranny and whenever they're confronted with stories that expose the lies they've been force fed, they accuse the west of demeaning their culture, despite being welcomed with open arms into the west and receiving more support than many of those that grew up in the west , really western historians are far more critical of their own culture than they are of Islam, England and it's people were depicted as completely backwards and living in a dark age, whilst the Islamic country was experiencing cultural and intellectual enlightenment, which is partly true, but because the movie makers show the parts that are deliberately left out of Islamic history they cry foul. Do you see a million westerners on here crying saying the movie is culturally biased? No cuz many westerners actually celebrate Islamic culture and despise their own, something you will never see in Islamic culture. Muslims are moral particularists Christians are universalists, but clearly they have no awareness of the differences in culture.

The movie might not be 100% accurate but it is at least trying to be balanced, something you will never see in Islamic history.

If you want movies only about Islamic people and Islamic culture don't watch western movie & don't watch this movie, cuz people tend to make movies about the cultures they are embedded in, although I can see why many Muslims expect westerners to make movies about Islam, clearly many westerners are infatuated by anything foreign, a grass is greener mentality, but they never stop to ask why they cannot see these views in Islamic culture. If I went to Iran would I find one accurate, or even balanced account of the western world? What would happen to me if I complained that there weren't more movies about western characters?

And yet all the reviews that are criticising the movie makers for not altering history to mage Muslims look better, they will all be allowed to stay, whilst mine will be removed.

Anyway watch this movie if you like history and want to gain an appreciation for the fortunate times we live in, I wonder if we'd all be so fortunate in Iran, Pakistan or Iraq if they were the super powers?

It's not a great movie, it's ok, the production is of high quality at least.

Don't listen to the triggered Muslims who have grown up only on Islamic propaganda and are being forced to face the truth for the first time in this movie.
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
Archetypal religious storyline's and characters
3 January 2021
The people writing the bad reviews are incapable of comprehending the religious / biblical/ philosophical themes interwoven and juxtaposed with the philosophical commentary about human nature, the rebirth and redemption of civilisation with the custodians of humanity being ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE developed by atheists - is a thought provoking concept - but unfortunately its far too deep and complex for the average viewer, clearly it's gone completely over their heads as review after review calls one of the most original shows certainly of the year of not the last 5 years - BORING - ODD - UNEVENTFUL!!!!! Go figure!!!!

Meanwhile uninteresting and unoriginal shows, like the umbrella academy, Yellowstone or woke Star Trek are into their 3rd seasons.

The truth is this show is far too intellectual for most and of course - as always - the ignorant lack awareness of their ignorance and so they ruin the fate of a other good show.

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Reminds me of my life.
4 April 2020
To those criticising this film, I question whether you've had to experience anything like this Film depicts, cuz I have, I'm a conservative so I'm not partial to left wing nonsense and I'm very anti unions, I work in construction in Australia and I can assure you, there are many people like myself that experience these impossible odds, with no help from Anyone, people like the protagonist and his family are the people that fall through the cracks, yet do not want to wallow in victimhood, so we suffer in silence and press on. Watch this film if you to have a similar life, it might give you some hope, to see aspects of your forgotten story, finally given some light and maybe Now that's it's received some attention, we can hope that others don't have to go through similar trying circumstances.
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High Life (2018)
I can't believe the low ratings, this was a serious intelligent drama.
21 January 2020
I don't really have time to go in depth, but I just thought I'd write a few lines to counter the obviously false, but many, bad reviews on here. I can tell there fake bevause most of what they write has no bearing on this movie at all, it makes no sense. Yes this movie is slow paced, but it's thoughtfully and deliberately slow, one thing it is not is boring. Robert Pattinson is fast becoming my favourite actor, with thoughtful intelligent movie choices and this was no exception. If you enjoy intelligent thought provoking dramas, then you'll enjoy this movie. It's actually one of my favourite movies of 2019.
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I'm a devout Christian and I loved this movie.
3 August 2019
I thought the writing in this movie was cleverly done, was it faithful to the Iraq final script, yes and no, they clearly took license with this retelling, but I think it also honours the themes from the biblical version and it does in a rather clever and well thought out way.

, I can't believe the bad ratings, but that tends to come with all revised Christian films. Which is a shame because it probably prevents writers from doing more, which I would really like to see.

The only thing that's bad about this movie is that it's not the original, otherwise it's a very well written, subtle and honourable retelling.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Obviously the writers were completely lost without George rr Martin
20 May 2019
Look not every good show has a good ending, but this was disappointing on a new level. No character development, no sophisticated story telling to tie all the lose ends up, just good visuals and cliche gushy moments for the fans that are a bit soft in the head. For all those that like a bit of intellectual stimulation, there is nothing here for you my friends. Overall a thoroughly unsatisfying and seemingly rushed ending, the creators deserve some scathing and unforgiving criticism, but I fear they'll play a dead bat and cast everyone who is dissatisfied as disturbed fans, devoid of life outside of the show. We must all remind them that it is us who put them where they are now and deliver them the harsh critique they deserve.
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Paddleton (2019)
This movie was boring and soulless
22 February 2019
Watched this movie expecting big things considering the meta critic score, but it was boring, I didn't care about the characters at all and it just came across as an overproduced movie trying to pull of an independent feel with very little success. I can see how the masses will fawn over this movie but for anyone that expects more than the average viewer I fear that this movie will fall short, little to no character development with a very deliberate and manufactured feel.

But a lot of simple minded people will be fooled into thinking this has authenticity.
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Thunder Road (2018)
This was a masterpiece
9 February 2019
This movie was well written well acted and finely directed. I don't normally write reviews but felt compelled after reading so many poor and inaccurate reviews.

Don't pay any attention to the poor reviews - anyone that enjoys offbeat independent drama -comedies will thoroughly enjoy this. Jim Cummins is an all round talent who deserves to be recognised for this project.
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Do not listen to the fake reviews from the ideologues
19 January 2019
The fact that this got such a low meta score is in itself suspect, This is not the highest grade production but it's good enough not to detract from the interesting plot line, agree or disagree with dinesh, he is a very intelligent interesting person who deserves to be heard out at least, certainly doesn't deserve the artificial meta score of 2. I've never written a review before but In this case i felt i had to, to at least give him the credit he is due and stand up to the liberal ideologues running Hollywood, I'm not usually a fan of conspiracy theories but after seeing this movie/documentary I can't understand how else it got a meta score of 2, when it probably deserves something around 40-50. Anyone that's interested in a narrative other than the artificial liberal spin, should watch this movie.
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