
27 Reviews
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Boardwalk Empire (2010–2014)
I'm glad I waited to watch this superb series
22 May 2024
There are so many series out there, that's it really hard to watch all the ones that are good in a timely fashion. I knew of this series but I was skeptical that Steve Buscemi could carry it. I was mostly wrong. He was great in it but the show excelled at telling stories and showing beautiful images along with them. Throw in the detail given to showing 1920's Atlantic City made me wish I grew up then.

I really loved Michael Shannon's character. He is a superbly underrated actor and he nailed Van Alden.

It's the perfect length too. 56 episodes. The concept of mixing real characters with fictional ones is not done that much and is risky but I think it works real well here. It doesn't change what really happened only adds to it in a believable way.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Surprisingly great
22 May 2024
Wow this movie surprised. Loved the tv show and knew this wasn't a remake but an homage. It moves really slow and lots of cute dialogue but you know it's going to get moving fast and boy does it. The soundtrack is so good even though it keeps replaying the same Kiss song but it works. Plot is irrelevant as are most action movie plots . The stunts are the movie or technically a movie within a movie. Pure popcorn special. Loved it. Ryan Gosling is the perfect Colt Seavers. Emily Blunt is awesome but her role could have gone to most any actress. Plus stay for the whole thing for a nod to the past.
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The Plus One (2023)
31 March 2024
I normally don't review movies like this but I also try to avoid even watching a minute of movies like this. How do these get made? Why do these movies get made? I don't even feel like going through it....terrible writing. Terrible acting. Plot is ridiculous. I hated so many people in this. I hope you are reading this before you hit play and can actually go find something else. Anything else.i don't blame Cedric for being in this if he was handed a suitcase of money and told he has a couple scenes. I hope when I wake up tomorrow that the memory of this movie and even me writing this review will be gone from my memory.
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Obliterated (2023)
Be prepared for everything
9 March 2024
Not sure where to start. It's raunchy. It's beyond ridiculous. I mean almost not one part of this movie is plausible or believable. But it's fun. And did I say raunchy? I won't give away any of the silliness of the plot, but there is one part I can't get past. A character takes two bullets straight through them and they simply pretend it didn't happen. Could have done without that. C Thomas Howell has been everywhere these days and is a welcome sight. Plus this group went over two days with no sleep but lots of booze and sex. Just be prepared to shake your head a lot. And cover your eyes. And laugh.
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Sons of Anarchy (2008–2014)
Shocked at how much I enjoyed this show
8 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
For years, whenever I thought of this show, I just felt I wouldn't Iike it. Not a biker guy and a little turned off by Katy Segal and Ron Perlman. I finally gave in and boy was I shocked. I instantly cared so much about the people in it and watched the whole series in a couple weeks. 3 people made this show for me damn near perfect...Tara, Unser and Nero. I hated the way Tara was killed but I understood. Unser's death was interesting--he was terminal and the two women he ever loved (one as a daughter type that he vowed to protect and the other a woman he could never have) both did him in. Once he confirmed with Gemma she killed Tara he didn't want to live anymore anyways.

Jimmy Smits was awesome in this show as Nero. I just loved his character and the added touch of having a handicapped son added a layer to him that most in this show didn't have. Glad he was allowed to live.

Jax of course is the center point of the show and he holds his own. His love for Tara was real and I think he would have been fine just running away with her and the kids but that dang club kept pulling him back.

I think 7 season was perfect. Any more and it wouldn't be that believable that half these people are not dead yet.

I also loved the many actors that are in so many other shows I enjoy. Of course, The Shield but also Justified and Deadwood.
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Watch it for Wahlberg
18 December 2023
Rarely does a movie surprise you when you know who is in it and what the plot is. This one had all the makings of terrible. Apple movies aren't usually Netflix bad so we gave it a shot plus it's really hard to hate any movie with Mark Wahlberg in it-he just makes it better. Of course this was full of impossible scenes and events and implausible outcomes but you don't care when watching it. It's like watching a super hero movie and having no concerns about the powers the actors have--it's a super hero movie! Same with this comedy. Nothing will make sense and you won't believe any of it could ever happen-it didn't matter to me. Wahlberg embodies the character and you instantly root for him and his family. It's an easy watch and who cares it's ridiculous.
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Last 15 minutes Saved the Series
31 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Once I heard that there would be another season of Raylan Givens, I got an instant shot of excitement and fear. Excited to get more of Raylan but fearful that it would not live up to the original series. I realized that nothing can compare, to what I believe , is the greatest show ever made with Justified. So it's not fair to compare it to it but also I know I will be let down.

For the majority of this series, I was extremely disappointed in how it was done. There was so little of the real Raylan and most of the episodes were hard to watch. I didn't buy into any of it although I was excited that it was about Detroit (I'm from Grand Rapids) but other than a few references it didn't really matter.

The use of his daughter was annoying and there was so little banter between him and Clement that I longed for Boyd. And to my surprise (I stayed away from all spoilers but will be one here) he showed up and clearly set up another season. Really curious how they will write it as Boyd is a fugitive and there can't be a lot of back and forth with him and Raylan.

Although I feel like the last episode of Justified was the greatest finale ever and ended their relationship perfectly, once a decision was made to make another series, and a poor one at that, I welcome him back.
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Shameless (2011–2021)
A family that is hard to love and hard to hate
30 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I finally watched the whole series after only catching the first season years ago. Not sure where to start except I deeply cared for these individuals a little bit at a time and not all the time. Confusing yes. These are awful people that are beyond selfish, immoral and stupid. Yet they are also loving, loyal and relentless in pursuing what it takes to survive.

The frustrating part of this series is just when you really begin to like a character and start routing for them they do some of the dumbest things that you just want to reach into the tv and shake them.

I loved Emma Rossum's portrayal of Fiona and missed her the last two seasons. So surprised she didn't win an Emmy for her performance. Lip had some bright moments but he was by far the most disappointing. Carl saved the series for me. I caught myself fast forwarding through some of Franks antics to see more of Carl.

Of course I highly recommend it still but feel free to skip past most of the past two seasons.
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Better than I thought
1 July 2023
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We've seen enough of these movies...years later and hoping to catch some of the original magic. I came into the theater with low expectations and I had refused to read anything on the movie. I knew there would be CGI Indiana and I was fine with it. It was done real well other than his voice.

Yes the ending is ridiculous and I wish they found a better way to use the villain as his performance is very dull and stiff.

I saw on the screen a hero from my youth that showed that he has been through a lot. Suffered and experienced so much in his lifetime. He gave us so much and I was delighted we got one more ride. You should be too.
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House of Cards (2013–2018)
Unbelievable series in seasons 1 and 2.....
15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I had been meaning to watch this show for years. I finally did. All the scandal around Kevin Spacey's real liked didn't deter me. I was blown away by seasons one and two. Everything about it. The 4th wall concept works perfectly. Even when he does terrible things you still root for him knowing it won't end well. I've only watched through season 3 and probably won't watch anymore. Of course I would never watch season 6. You can feel the series slipping away in season 3 with the storylines of his wife and Doug clouding the picture. In hindsight, I wish they stretched the series with him winning the presidency at the end but I get it. I will watch the first two seasons again and again. Never being tempted to go beyond season 3. Why ruin a good thing.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
Outstanding new series
27 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There are so many limited series out there today. Some are great and some are just terrible. I was so impressed with this one. It took me back to the thriller type movies from the past. It involved the White House and even though you knew watching it that there was some ridiculous scenarios and hard to believe moments but here they don't matter to you. You are glued to your seat and are taken through many surprises and twists.

The actors are all very impressive and believable. Loved seeing the scenes where Peter was fighting and Rose, not crying idly by, helped every time and save his life countless times I hope there is another season. It sets up well for it.
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I had to watch it and I wish I didn't
23 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I begin...I'm a fan of the franchise. Not an expert by any means but simply a fan. I read a reviewer state that he's watched everything and HAD to watch this out of principle even though he had read all the bad reviews. I fall into the same category. We didn't need this series. I wish they never made it. The concept of adding movies/series in between existing movies from the past is fairly new and a staple it seems with the Star Wars franchise. I'll admit some hit it out of the park like Rogue One and the Mandalourin to some extent. The latter extends the story where the former adds a storyline to the original As I stated I'm not an expert meaning I haven't read the comics or books so I'm not sure what is taken from that and what is created fresh. Regardless, Obi-Wan was terrible and I think diminished the original trilogy. Forget the the time gap inconsistencies and that he should be much older here, it's the inclusion of Darth Vader that ruins it for me. That initial encounter in TNH was epic and should not be tarnished. I feel it was in the story here.

This all feels like a cash grab and not an inside look at a moment in time the original trilogy did not address. The only redeemable part of this was the recreated "extra" scenes of him and Anakin sparring. That dialog was needed in 2 and 3. I also didn't hate the Leia character like most did of young and even older Anakin

I immediately went to watch the New Hope to wash the stink off of me from watching this. But as I said earlier, I had to watch it. Lucas is responsible for that.
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Orange Is the New Black (2013–2019)
What a roller coaster of a series
21 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've been wanting to watch this series for some time but never got around to it. Finally binged it and I was amazed at my reaction. Any time I watch a long series , I plan the review and rating in my head and watch it change throughout. The first 4 seasons are tremendous. So much character development! You really feel for these women and grow to hate some. Season 5 with the riot began a change in my opinion of the series as a whole. Hated that season and thought that plot was ridiculous. It was the event that triggered the following seasons, but it just wasn't enjoyable. Seasons 6 and 7 changed my opinion again as the new characters and locations really were good tv. Yes, I could have done without the politically charged story lines and commentary but understood that it was most likely true from the prisoners perspective.

The ending was truly amazing to me and I rank the last episode in my top 5 of long series'endings of all time. Very impressed with Danielle Brook's' portrayal of Taystee. She commands the screen and is intimidating and empathetic at the same time. She seemed on an unfair downward spiral for a smart woman who made bad choices but was falsely accused. Her rebound had me crying.

Piper deciding to stay home and wait it out with Alex really made the whole series a love story. I have zero confidence they would stay together but didn't care.
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80 for Brady (2023)
Exactly what I hoped it would be
3 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a Tom Brady fanatic. A movie made by him and about him , of course I saw it with the first showing. A true life event that took place during an unbelievable true life event. I could care less about all the fluff in between. It was well done by a tremendous cast. Yes the scene in the coordinators office was silly and could never happen, I don't doubt that Tom summoned his mom's thoughts during that point in the game. Watching what these ladies did really made me feel with regret that I never tried hard to go to one of his SBs.

I would not recommend if you didn't like the Patriots and/or you require your movies to be perfect.
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Justified (2010–2015)
#1 show of all time
16 June 2022
I rewatched this series for the 4th time. Somehow this show got even better over time. I had it as my favorite show of all time and now it's even higher on my list if that's possible. It just works. The idea of a marshal returning to his home in rural Kentucky just allows for so many wonderful and layered stories. Characters abound on this series but at the center of it all is Raylan and Boyd's relationship. You just find yourself rooting for each of them despite being on opposite sides of the moral spectrum. The ending episode ranks as my all time favorite ending. I could not have asked for anything better. If you haven't watched this series I'm so jealous of you. Boy are you in for a treat.
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Flying scenes worth the forced nostalgia
1 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Like many people my age (over 50) probably have fond memories of the first Top Gun movie. The farther away we got from that movie you would tell your kids how awesome it was even though you secretly hoped it still stood the test of time. Preparing for the sequel I watched the original again for the first time in decades. It really didn't hold up and made me anticipate this new one even more.

I hoped the nostalgia and the scenes involving the first movie were few-not so much. Lots of throwback pictures, video etc of the 86 film. Luckily the ending truly made this film something other than an average sequel to something special. Similar to the first, I still don't understand who they were fighting or flying against and did they deserve to die etc etc. The flying scenes are amazing and even when you knew what was going to happen it didn't disappoint at all. So convince your kids to see it so they can tell their kids about how great Top Gun was to them too.
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Better Call Saul: Plan and Execution (2022)
Season 6, Episode 7
How can this show be this good?!
25 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't usually review episodes but this one deserves it. Unbelievable is all I can say.

Put your phone down when you watch. Remove distractions. Focus on the dialogue. Prepare yourself for what you are about to see. I'm not going to be ready for this show to end. It's actually making Breaking Bad to be a step down. A tiny, tiny step but I think this show has now passed it.
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The Lost City (2022)
A throwback movie worth the watch
30 March 2022
They don't make movies like this anymore. Or maybe they do and they are just not worth your time. For the most part, this movie could have been released in the 80's and been part of the Michael Douglas/Kathleen Turner romance duo. Tanning Chatum and Sandra Bullock have good chemistry. There were some good laughs in this and it goes by quite fast. I did feel like I escaped for an hour and a half and that was the goal. Who doesn't need an escape in these times?
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The Batman (2022)
A different kind of hero...again
9 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Who doesn't like a good Batman movie? Something about him. Especially now when you watch a hero that wears a mask that allows you to see the part of his face we all have hid from each other for two years.

This movie was visually stunning. Even through a constant rain in Gotham, we saw a very different city then Michael Keaton, Christian Bale etc saw. I was impressed with Robert Pattinson and his portrayal. Very believable. The story, the villains almost seem like tired cliches and are side stories to me. The real story is the entrance and exit of Batman in every scene. Our anticipation of what comes next. It was way too long yes and it felt too long as there was so much dialogue. So much silence. On purpose of course but is a tough sell. Glad there was no origin story. That can't be done better than Nolan did.
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Long Gone (1987 TV Movie)
Still My Favorite Baseball Movie
21 December 2021
I think I've watched this movie 100 times. Came out when I was 17. It was unlike any other before it. Before Bull Durham. Before Sandlot. Before Field of Dreams. This was the one. Funny. Yes, of course predictable but it has a heart and great performances by its stars.
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Good but not 9.1 good
20 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Lots of buzz over this movie made me want to see it. It's been awhile since real movies were out so it felt good being in the theater. This movie was good on nostalgia but that was the whole premise not just a tongue in cheek moment. It really didn't add anything new. Just a cute and funny twist. I encourage all to see it but to think this movie is better than the Dark Night is crazy. Better than End Game? Hell no.
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He's All That (2021)
Take it for what it is
6 September 2021
I've watched a lot of dumb movies. Ones with poor acting, zero plot, no chemistry amongst the actors etc. This movie had all of that and more. But I knew that going in. I didn't watch it for any of the above that was missing. I watched it for pure entertainment with low expectations. It succeeded. I don't think Addison was all that bad I'm her debut. The camera loves her. She just needs more opportunities on the big screen and not the small one.
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Bosch: Por Sonia (2021)
Season 7, Episode 8
No way he is done
26 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This review will encompass the whole series. I was leery about this show. Wasn't a huge fan of Titus. Gave it a shot. Biggest surprise of my life. What an unbelievable show. I was vaguely familiar with the Michael Connelly books. I had not read them. The first 6 seasons were a roller coaster ride. Such character development! I feel like I knew all of them so well.

This last season felt a little rushed but still delivered. Titus could have gone in a lot of different directions. I like the private investigator tangent. Clearly he has been one the whole time. His rules. Yet, he made his choice as he was tired of the bs and "rules" law enforcement played by. He always wanted to have happen what he thought was right. Nothing was more obvious than justice for a murdered 10 year old.

I hope he develops a spin off. I'm not ready to say goodbye to Harry Bosch.
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You get what you pay for
23 June 2021
My title references the fact I paid $2 a ticket for this movie as it was "cinema week" at my local chain. My wife and I enjoyed the first one and figured this would be more of the same. Ryan Reynolds has the same schtick now in all his action films so that's expected. Samuel L Jackson has had the same for decades. Hard not to enjoy it as he seems to be. Salma Hayek is the reason you go and watch. Obviously. Antonio Banderas is miscast as the villain. Forget the plot is what I do in most of these types of films so I don't mark this film down for this insane one.

With so many bullets flying and so much abuse these "heroes" take its just too hard to watch them bounce right back up and go on like nothing happened. It's not necessary for Reynolds to be hit by cars and shotguns etc.

I was hoping for something new. Something unexpected. I didn't get it. As I said, it's worth $2 for sure. If I paid $12.50 then I may have left the theater in tears.
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Hamilton (2020)
I can't believe it's this good
4 July 2020
Never believe the hype. I didn't believe it. For years I had heard so much about a play about of all people Alexander Hamilton-but done to rap or something similar? Can't be good and maybe offensive. But then the noise of its greatness never quieted. So when it finally came to my town I had to see it. But first I listened to the soundtrack. I was hooked. Despite mezzanine seating I was floored how good the play was. I repeated the soundtrack. Day after day and the message became clearer. News of a movie but then a live taping with the original cast. I couldn't wait. Up close made all the lyrics more amazing. The story was better than I recalled. Outstanding performances. I truly loved it.
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