16 Reviews
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Great action and special effects
25 March 2021
Never understood the hate for this movie. It explains some of Aliens and Predator back history. If you liked the action of the Aliens series not sure why you wouldn't like this.
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Great satire on journalism
10 January 2021
I love this film. In the era of fake news peddled by the media we learn journalists have struggled with ethics for decades. Lazy borrowing of wire services. Peddling shocking headlines preening and pretending they actually care about us simple people.

Also interesting how freely important men thought it was their right to ogle and come onto their female staff. I think it reflects a realism for that time rather than pretending it was any different.
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Innocent man persecuted by the state
22 September 2020
Might be preaching to the choir with me. Someone who loves the first amendment but hates the media. Who loves law and order but doesn't trust the FBI. This movie eviscerates both of them. Imagine if the whole power of the US government came down on you. You get to see what that is like with Richard Jewell. Great acting by the lead, as well as John Hamm and Olivia Wild.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Comics have a better story
8 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The show was OK, fine, entertaining and interesting, but really lacked a good story. The point of the comics was how does a normal man become the joker. In this version, Arthur is practically already the joker and just needs a little prodding to finally get there. The take on Thomas Wayne was also wrong and a bit insulting.
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Hala (2019)
Acting was fine, but the ending
8 June 2020
In the end nothing was concluded or wrapped up. No solutions or reconciliation. The movie just sort of petered off into nothing.
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Believe what you want to believe
7 June 2020
That is the state we are now in. Wouldn't it be lovely to think the boys were not guilty. Fact is juries feel sorry for black men so they rarely get convicted. This men did the crime
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Respectful and gets to the truth on this creepy evil man
26 May 2020
I thought it did a good job not being sensational. The worst parts are generally narrated and not shown on camera. The most gruesome scenes are near the beginning but really are not that grotesque. Portrayed a very evil man who basically thought he was a good person while that was the furthest from the truth. Hopefully you can be pro-abortion but still see the inhumanity of what this evil man did.
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The Punisher (2017–2019)
Okay to watch but really only based on the Punisher comics
27 April 2020
A good thing the show does is gives us the story of man behind the Punisher, Frank Castle. We learn all about him, his friends foes and his family. But who we don't get to see is the Punisher we were used to in the comics. Heck, he barely or rarely even wears the iconic t shirt with the skull on it. All we get are the struggles of an ex-marine named Frank Castle. Not the grittiness and brutality of the Punisher.
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Danger Close (2019)
Awesome Vietnam fare from Aussie perspective
9 April 2020
Feel ashamed my country Canada was not part of the Vietnam war though 10000 Canadians did volunteer in the us army to go to Vietnam. Aussies were right in there and this was a great coming from behind movie
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Togo (2019)
Should have gotten Academy Award nomination for 2019
23 January 2020
We subscribed to Disney + and my 6 year old son loves dog movies, so I thought we would try it out, expecting it to be a campy Disney movie. It wasn't. The best movie I have seen in 2019. Should get best picture nomination IMHO. It is based on a true story, but of course the details are dramatized. The cinematography will take your breath away. Living in Nome Alaska in 1925 would be like living in hell for most of us, but it still shines with beauty - the mountains, the ice and oceans. The story was interesting and I learned much about the illnesses that struck then and dog sledding. The acting from the dogs was the best I've seen in a Disney film. And Dafoe fit the mold of a Norwegian immigrant to Alaska. No movie is perfect so I only give it a 9, as there are SOME boring parts I suppose.
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The Boys (2019– )
Great quality but eventually trashes Christian values
14 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I wish I knew from the beginning where this series was going. It has great production value and is very entertaining. And that is what is so tough about this. Finally by halfway through it ties these irreverent super heroes to Christian culture. The take on Christian culture is typically from a point of view of people who have really no idea about it. The worse is the main character trashed an "immoral" these christian values such as saving oneself for marriage. The message it sends ultimately is deceptive one. And really it does what so many series end up doing an trashing about half of the audience for what they believe.
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Venom (2018)
Hardy's least impressive movie I've seen
6 December 2019
OK action flick, but Venom out of the Spiderman universe makes zero sense. The whole point of Venom is his hate for Spiderman. Basically you get to watch a man struggle with an inner demon - or in this case alien.
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Brokaw so proud
3 December 2019
I wonder what Brokaw of today would think of the journalist then cheer leading the Chinese tyrannical one child policy back then. I bet he rather forget. Great look into America's TRUE enemy.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Good but not outstanding
3 December 2019
Entertaining enough with good action. However the writing could be improved. Just not providing much more than some entertaining action here and there. Could have been much more creative, and really something to add to you MAYBE list of shows to watch.
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Bodyguard (2018)
Great and unpredictable
16 October 2019
It is very hard to review this show without creating spoilers, but it is very well done. Unlike some recent American shows, this show is not written to hit you over the head with some moral statements. If there is one, it is very subtle, and the show leaves it to you to decide what is good or bad government policy in regards to state surveillance and dealing with terrorism.

Another aspect about this show is it is not in any way predictable. You have no idea as to where exactly the show is going, especially with the main character, and just when you think you have it, you are completely wrong.

And don't try to find a comparison with other British series because there really isn't one.
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I concur there is a tremendous amoun
28 September 2019
I concur there is a tremendous amount of revisionist history here. Why is it the English are such Arabists? The idea the Moors were heralds of peaceful and advanced civilization is laughable. It would nice to watch an accurate and less Arabist version of these 700 years. Even liberal historians contest the idea that Muslims were completely the victims of genocide and expulsion. Had you been Christian and under the thumbs of murderous and violent Muslims how would you feel once you got the upper hand?
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