
21 Reviews
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Guy Ritchie makes a film about...
2 October 2023
Guy Ritchie made a film about everything Guy Ritchie learned about the early days of Afghanistan in other movies.

Yet another film directed and acted by Hollywood insiders portraying combat vets. I can only assume that based on the somewhat detailed aspects of the film, they definitely had military advisors who knew what they were talking about. The problem is none of the actors acted like actual military personnel or carried out their mission as military personnel would.

Gylenhaal's portrayal of a US Army Sergeant very closely resembles what Jake Gylenhall thinking an Army Sergeant acts like, much like Jake Gylenhaal's portrayal in Brokeback Mountain resembles what he thinks a cowboy acts like.

Stop trying to make money off of veterans when the rest of your overtly privileged lives are spent crapping on veterans.
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Monsters all of them... no not Kai.
19 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What do you get when you cross a mentally unhealthy transient with wealthy, gold digging and clueless people who want to exploit them?

Kai was never a hero. Shame on the newscaster. Shame on the reality tv producer. This kid needed mental health care, not a surfboard or to be interviewed. If the newscaster really cared about Kai, he would've got him help, not connected him with other media resources.

What was never asked is how many other people did Kai kill before the media turned him into a celebrity?

This story makes me very sad because he could've gotten help. The mother was not convincing.
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Band of Brothers?
20 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The reviewer who compared this miniseries to Band of Brothers never watched Band of Brothers.

I won't comment on the overacting or drawn out scenes. There are a few good performances, but overall not a well written script.

So, I won't do the "hoorah, 'Merica" thing, but here are some elements of The Valley of Tears that are the polar opposite of Band of Brothers:

1. Several of the main characters were self-described criminals intent on overthrowing their own government.

2. Countless times the main characters disobeyed orders from superiors out of selfish personal reasons.

3. Most of the characters portrayed were so militarily unprofessional they would have been removed from duty in the 101st Airborne or any disciplined Army from the Roman Legion to modern day PLA forces.

Does that sound like Band of Brothers? Can you imagine the Germans surrounding Easy Company in a bunker and them all sitting silently hoping they just go away? That dog just ain't gonna hunt!

I have faith that the actual Israeli participants in the Yom Kippur war were more disciplined and fought like lions, but this miniseries depicts them as a bunch of undisciplined anarchist. I feel like this show dishonors those who died in that conflict. They deserve better. This miniseries also strikes me as what leftist socialists envision armed conflict to be without any understanding of the reality.
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Tragic family
10 November 2022
I've ripped on Hulu before, this one they got right.

Great storytelling of a tragic family. Producers did an excellent job of focusing on the important pieces. This is a family that goes from one traumatizing blow to the next. My deepest sympathy. I particularly liked having actors who portrayed the subjects in film reading the lines. Very well done it.

One avanue I didn't see explored was the tragic end to Steve. Any connection? They never really go into detail about how Steve died? Is it related to Cory? Was it random? I would genuinely like to know.

One critique... The modern day Geppetto calling himself a "mitigation expert" added very little.
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God Forbid (2022)
Should open with "I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message"
8 November 2022
Very interest story detailing the not so shocking situation of religious right praying on a really stupid kid.

There are no victims here. It was consensual, you do us these favors and we will do you favors. Not surprisingly, in the end both parties regret everything. This Gian kid and his sister whining because it didn't turn out well for him is comical. Play stupid games, win stupid prices.

The story is interesting, but the blatant politicalization of the whole situation just isn't necessary. The entire story could have been told with only a casual reference to Trump. Instead Hulu decided to make the story about racism, segregation, Ronald Reagan, evil Trump and ridiculous conservative speeches.

Could have been much better. The whole show comes off as a liberal political ad.
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WOW well told story
9 July 2022
I'm very harsh on true crime documentaries. This was great story telling.

You want the mystery solved, you hope the mystery will be solved, then.... You get answers. Well paced, well produced and well shot.
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022– )
Great show, but...
1 April 2022
I'm enjoying the show. But having a strong black woman as a lead in this location and era? I don't see a lot of films set in central Africa during 900 CE with a strong white female lead being made.

Might be an agenda here?
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The Phantom (II) (2021)
21 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Could it be that two men with extensive criminal histories, both named Carlos, each committed terrible crimes?

This documentary entirely fails to convince the viewer that police got the wrong man. Very poor story telling, completely unconvincing. Zero evidence that the wrong man was convicted. I kept waiting for the bombshell, and I'm still waiting. I could go on and on but, unlike this documentary, I know when I've said what I need to say.

Just another Netflix cash grab in our beloved true crime genre.
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Attica (2021)
Exceptional one-sided documentary
14 January 2022
Well produced and filmed documentary telling the story of the Attica, NY prison riot.

I found hearing directly from inmates involved in the riot fascinating. They were very descriptive and provided a horrifying story of their experience. Well worth a watch.

Problem? It was VERY one-sided. Law enforcement and the state acted in a terrifyingly inhuman, vicious manner, but It was clear that I was suppose to take the side of convicted, malicious, violent criminals who over played their hand. A tragedy from every angle, but I feel the director had a clear one-sided perspective... which is ok, but be aware if you respect law enforcement and value a society of order, this doc will at the very least irritate you.
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Lansky (2021)
Man, that was painful
6 November 2021
As many of the reviewers have stated, Harvey Keitel is outstanding. I'd like to think that if the screenplay, budget and director were of the highest caliber they would retain Keitel in the same role and do an outstanding film. Unfortunately, the writing is abysmal, the directing sophomoric, and certain element reek of "no budget".

I really wanted to like this story of a fascinating character portrayed by a rock star like Harvey Keitel, but in the end, the story of Meyer Lansky was mainly antidotal and told in snippets of probably the least interesting parts of his life.

Please, watch something else if you are looking for something to watch that will keep your interest.
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Eye Roll
26 August 2021
This is a very well produced and insightful documentary on the tie between people of Scottish Ancestry and their establishment of the abomination known as the KKK, in the American south. Excellent contributors with fascinating perspectives on the evolution of a hateful group of bigots. I feel the last interviewee was just as bigoted as David Duke with different racial target, but everyone is welcome to their opinion. Recommended with caveats...

-Begin Rant- The archeologist/historian, Neil Oliver, seems to intentionally only focus on US people of Scottish ancestry while ignoring SCOTTISH history. He seemingly questions American locals about "how Scottish are you", then builds a show around Scottish heritage in the US by discussing terrible things about Scotsman who are 3-4 generations removed from Scotland. Pick a position buddy, are you "Scottish" if you were born in Scotland or if you are generations removed. It comes across as a Scotsman who wants to talk about people with Scottish ancestry's role in American bigotry/slavery, but wants to distance himself from the ugly truth about his own people's role.

The kicker is when he walks around Plantation slave cabins and says "it's shocking to be somewhere that slavery occurred". Dude, you're a Scottish historian. You've never been to Glasgow? How about Liverpool, which was (debatably) the capital of the African slave trade until 1806. Yeah, a historically small amount of time after it became illegal in the US. It's likely that his countrymen (Scotsman) were still living large on slave trade profits when those cabins were built.

The African slave trade is a dark and ugly reality of the western world's history, this review is not to suggest otherwise. I'm just annoyed that this historian is ignoring the broader legitimate historical picture. I'm certain Mr. Oliver knows far more than I do about the despicable African slave trade, but for one reason or another he left out details and chose to focus on only parts that told 10% of the story. The African slave trade is not an American phenomenon, it's a Western world phenomenon that was shamefully most pronounced in the US. This appears to be Neil Oliver agenda, not the historical context that he might have to apologize for (as a Scotsman). Who are you Neil? Pick a side... or at least tell the whole story. I think you should give up the nomenclature historian and go with "investigative reporter", you only tell the stories you want to, not the full story. -End rant-
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20/20: What Happened to Vanessa? (2021)
Season 44, Episode 31
"Investigate Reporting"
8 July 2021
20/20 is always a mixed bag. They strive to hit issues of consequence, but often make their stories more about them values than something that is holistically true.

I would never accuse this team of telling lies. They don't. They're seasoned professionals, they only tell the sensational story and omit anything that doesn't support it.

In this episode they minor on the criminals, major on indicting the establishment and ignore their own bias. Vanessa was a victim, her family was mislead by bias and supported by ABC. The story needs to be re-examined by someone not pandering to ethnic bias.

The world is falling apart and their big story is that the Army didn't lock down the base when someone didn't show up for work. I'm guessing ABC alerts all of their affiliates when someone in the mailroom doesn't call in.
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Fall River (2021)
Complicated and intriguing
15 June 2021
Quick summary: A well produced documentary on a very complicated story. Police corruption, rampant sexual violence, brutal criminals, and satanic panic at its most extreme, who is telling the truth?

Overall, I thought it was very well done. Stick with it, it's all interesting but episode four is the Cherry.

I really only have one issue with this series. The constant excuses made for violent cruel behavior because of past trauma. I agree that Robin, Carl and a host of others in this story were horribly victimized in their past. I wish this hadn't happened to them, but it is not an excuse for victimizing others. Destroying other people's lives is not an acceptable "coping mechanism".
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City on a Hill (2019–2022)
Exceptional until...
13 June 2021
It's amazing how an interesting and engaging series can tank so quickly. Season one is gritty, nuanced, and intelligent. The acting is superb, the story is character driven. Kevin Bacon's Jackie Rohr is a swaggering dirtbag that is always entertaining to watch, even when you want to punch him in the nose. Aldis Hodge delivers a stellar performance as a conflicted ADA on the rise. Really fun to watch because of the witty, intelligent writing and exceptional acting.

Then you have season two. Painfully bad. Of course, every actor who stayed from season one continues to perform well, but a great actor with bad material can only go so far. It seems every actor who is new to the show is eye rolling bad. One can only assume it's a budget issue. Or casting with an agenda other than talent.

Season two is clearly a failure in writing. The story is unbelievable (seriously Wile E. Coyote cartoons are more believable) and the dialog is unimaginative, wooden and often awkward. If you look at what changed at the writers table it is easy to find the source of the shift. I won't be watching anything by Ms. Carter again.

I rate season one a solid 8.5, but season two is pushing a rating of 2. I can watch mediocre actors deliver great lines, but mediocre actors delivering unimaginative stale lines? Yuck. Even Kevin Bacon can't do much with this material though he does overcome and shine despite the story line. Its just more of a meow than a "Rohr".

Thanks Showtime, but I won't be watching season 3. I find it amusing that the two rock stars who wrote Good Will Hunting are executive producers of this writing failure. Irony abounds.
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Somewhat wooden Bogey in a beautiful film
21 May 2021
I'm a big Bogey fan so I had to watch this early film of his. You can see that he's still polishing his craft. Still beautiful, but not quite comfortable with his emotions.... a bit wooden.

Leslie Howard was the star and performed like it. Brilliant! The film would be just ok without him. Howard and Charley Grapewine as "Pops" make this film magic. Worth watching just for their performance. Pure, riveting entertainment.

As a side note, I have never really cared for Betty Davis. I know that's sacrilege, but she's never "wowed" me. I'm rethinking that after this performance. I'll have to go back and rewatch her early career.

The writing is exceptional, which is typical of a Broadway play gone Hollywood. Much respect to R. E. Sherwood.
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Argo (2012)
Salty Canadians
19 May 2021
Is this a true depiction? Yes, despite nuances. Ok. Was Canada left holding the bag? No doubt. Did Canada plan and execute anything risky? No. The U. S. took all of the upfront risk, Canada played along (as they always do) and took the (minor repercussions) of the CIA operations to save Americans. Yes, they took the limelight and awarded their bit players in a magnificent way. Great hero's who played their carefully orchestrated minor part. Are Canadian's really saying if the U. S had not taken the active role that THEY would have rescued a single American? Or done ANYTHING of merit in the Iran hostage situation? They didn't, but they made big fan fare of what they were asked to do by the U. S.

Canadians deserve kudos, but only as background players.

Gomer Pile would be a national hero, with parades, in Canada.
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JFK (1991)
Jonny come lately
4 May 2021
Trump won the 2020 election. Bill Gates is the source of the COVID19 Pandemic. Osama Bin Laden was only captured when Obama was politically done with him. 911 was a CIA plot to boost their budget. Reagan orchestred the Iran hostage situation to beat Carter. The CIA and Costa La Nostra are responsible for Kennedy's assassination. Oh wait I forgot, NASA also faked the lunar landing on the orders of.....?

Michael Bay, Quintin Tarantino, and Gene Roddenberry are acclaimed for spinning their world view into something great, Oliver Stone does the same. The difference? Ollie wants his "truth" to be real!

Even in the late 80's/early 90's when he made this movie, all of his conspiracies had been proven incorrect..... solidly. His passion to present his side of the story were proven wrong, perhaps even delusional, yet he persisted. Hats off to the cast (A-listers), but movies are primarily about writing and directing. The best actor will only look so good without a great director and above all writers. (Hat tip to Sorkin)

If Oliver Stone is your measure of truth? I have some amazing land in Florida to sell you. Or some Amway products to sell you that will change your life. If that's not your thing, I know this really good investor named Bernie Madoff.

If you watch Stone's later films or series, watch for his signature "Ignore evidence. I'm telling you what that the evil fact monster doesn't want you to know. I know these thing, Hollywood loves me. Are you questioning my Oscars?"

Other than the amazing acting, cinematography, and budget, this film rates on par with an Ed Wood film. So, are you interested in some "beach front" property in the Everglades? You should see the wildlife!
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Deadly Cults: Heaven's Gate (2020)
Season 2, Episode 4
1 May 2021
I'm a true crime nerd and am usually very critical of true crime documentaries. This episode of Deadly Cults is exceptionally good! Tells a straight forward story from multiple angles, lots of great original footage, and doesn't appear to have an agenda.

I especially appreciate hearing from the lead detective and the family.

Well done, my friends, well done.
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Deadly Cults: Kirtland Murders (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
Difficult to watch
29 April 2021
This episode is difficult to watch. To sum it up, it's a string of interviews with people who followed along, knew what has happening, and now feel regret. If your "intuition" told you the worst was happening why did you not say anything? I understand the power of faith, and of fear, neither are an excuse for ignoring horrific actions.

Great documentary work, but these people don't get a pass. They deserve every horrifying memory. You knew!
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Jeruzalem (2015)
Cheesy in a boring way
22 April 2021
I love cheesy horror! Fake blood, ridiculous monsters, bad decisions. This is not that kind of horror film. This one cashes in on stereotypes, invents religious mysteries and is told through an annoying POV perspective. A plot that is predictable isn't normally a negative for horror films, but don't expect any plot twists or even scared by "jumpy" scare scenes. Pass. The most terrifying part is when you realize how much time you wasted watching it. Not even worth the electricity it took to power the tv to watch it for 2 hours and 10 minutes.
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Exceptional documentary with clear bias, but a bias worth paying attention to
28 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There is no question that the position of the filmmakers was bias, but that's typical of documentaries.

The Series carefully walks you through misconduct by two separate drug lab technicians in Massachusetts, then eludes to a coverup by the prosecutorial system. Once the ACLU gets involved the lid is blown off of the system. Systemic misconduct is proven in court and the defense attorneys celebrate. Educational and you are made to feel that justice was served!

Of course the series downplays that justice was only halfway served, but I feel they got their point across. They left some questions unanswered, like how many of the people who had their cases dismissed end up back in the system for drug related crimes, but the show did a great job of showing one side of the injustice. Personally, I would rather see one innocent person go free and/or the system being held accountable than ten guilty people go to prison.

I found the filmmaking excellent with a clear narrative, detailed supporting evidence and a fast pace. Not a moment was filler and it kept me interested if not shocked the entire time. I can't recommend watching this series enough.
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