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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (2016 Video Game)
Good send-off for this amazing franchise!
20 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Naughty Dog (ND) is one of my fav game developers. I always like their work started from the first Crash Bandicoot game. So I was looking forward to play the last Uncharted game from them... The game doesn't disappoint!

What makes it the best unhcharted game from me is the character development and the story. Because this game has the longest playtime of all Uncharted games, ND can truly create a compelling characters and story for this forth entry in this franchise.

Some people may find the pacing slower than the previous game. But I absolutely love it. For me, the first 3 games are action/adventure leaning towards the actions. Uncharted 4 is more mature with more engaging story and relying more on exploration, so this still action/adventure game but leaning towards the adventure even more than previous games. The explorable areas are ten times larger than Uncharted 1-3, and i enjoy exploring every bit of it (platforming, collecting treasure, swimming, taking screenshot via pohotomode). The locales are grand and beautiful. There are so many places to explore. From Italian mansion, to Scotland's remote hils, to Volcano and King's Bay in Madagascar, and finally to the Island where Libertalia is located.

And the ending is PERFECT. I got teary-eyed at the end of the game. Best closure for my fav characters. I will definitely miss them.

Salute to Naugty Dog! I'm looking forward to their next game.

My score: 10/10
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A very average movie and a bad Star Wars movie.
2 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
** This review contains spoilers **

Okay this is my first review in this site. Please excuse my English. :)

After second viewing, I realized that this movie, despite being a perfectly mediocre fun popcorn movie, is actually a BAD Star Wars movie in terms of plots and storytelling.

I LOVE new characters, unfortunately they are robbed of further interesting character development because the plots surrounding them prevent that.

Here are plots and stories that I think are bad:

  • There are so few explanations for everything. First, Why did Luke decide to run away and hide? Yes, we got little explanation that one of Luke's jedi trainee became a traitor and kill other jedi trainee. But why he decided to run away from this problem instead of solving it? That is out of character for Luke. In OT we learned that Luke never gives up to try and help his friends. In ANH he tried to help Leia; In ESB he tried to save Leia and Han; In ROTJ he tried to save Han. So in order for Luke to be out of his character when facing this problem, movie writer needs to explain the rationale, if not than it doesn't make sense to viewer. Second, what is the political situation in this story? There is zero explanation about New Republic and it's relation with First Order. From the movie we know that FO has a large army and super weapon, so we know they are a serious threat. Are people in New Republic blind and can't see that? Why didn't they do anything to prevent FO from growing? Where do FO get their resources to develop high technology to trained non-clone soldiers and build a super weapon, the size of a planet?

-Why do movie writer butcher Han Solo character? I assumed that he was a war hero with a great leadership skill the last time I saw him. I thought he has developed significantly throughout OT from a selfish loner to brave warrior that actually cares about other people not just himself. So it doesn't makes any sense to me that he will just give up his family and friends and go back to become an irresponsible smuggler. Have some dignity Han! I guess the movie writers want to include as many screen time as possible for Han to get nostalgia feeling, so they created an insulting plots with unnecessary filler for Han (e.g Rathars scene).

-Recycled plots. Pretty self-explanatory.

-Some things are just not making any sense. The worse thing than recycled plots is the way the writers connects this plots. Its full of nonstop coincidences. Somehow BB-8 meets Rey. Somehow Finn found Rey. Somehow they found out Millennium Falcon just when they need to escape Jakku. Somehow Finn n Rey being caught conveniently by Han Solo shortly after escaping Jakku. Somehow they get to a place (Maz's Castle) where Anakin/Luke's lightsaber just so happen laying around in a basement. Somehow the lightsaber can now calling force sensitive person and conveniently gives vision. I remember when Luke went to Ben Kenobi's hut, he also received the very same lightsaber but no calling nor vision happened. I think this strings of coincidences happen because writers need to connects these plots but can't find a natural ways to do that.

Another things that doesn't makes any sense is the plot surrounding Starkiller. For FO, it seemed that their priority is to find Luke before the resistance and kill him or at least prevent the resistance to find Luke. So it's weird that Kylo decided that he only need Rey for info of the map and not considering killing BB-8 and deny the resistance access to the map. Then Rey suddenly being able to battle Kylo when he tried to mind probe her so he failed to get the info. Which is super weird, since shortly before Kylo captured and put her to sleep in forest, he actually succeeded to read her mind and found out Rey's knowledge of the map. After this failure Hux and Kylo meet Snoke and Hux suddenly suggest that because Kylo failed to get the map they should just nuke the capital of New Republic instead.... Um, What? Why? Why is nuking the NR capital tied with the mission to find Luke? To prevent the resistance to reach Luke, shouldn't they fire the super weapon to resistance's base first? Since it's the resistance that get the map that leads to Luke and they don't want the resistance to find Luke? Or maybe they should try to spy and follow the resistance when they tried to get to Luke's planet? That way, they still can find and try to kill Luke? Why did they give up so easily? For me this is a poor and lazy attempt of the writers to suddenly shift the main plot to the second half of the movie to recycled plot of destroying the super weapon.... Another thing that doesn't make any sense is how quickly the resistance get full info of the Starkiller plan. I remembered in ANH intro crawl, it is stated that rebels engaged in battle with Imperial army to get the deathstar plan and then in the movie itself it is quite a struggle to deliver the deathstar plan to the rebels. In this movie, the resistance suddenly get the Starkiller plan without any elaborate explanation just after shortly knowing the very existence of the super weapon? That's just pure poor writing. It's clear the writers insist on using recycled the plot of destroying super weapon no matter what, even if they can't find a believable narrative to support it.

In conclusion, this is the worst Star Wars movie for me. It's sometimes fun and entertaining but extremely shallow, flawed and unimaginative. I give it 5/10.
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