
13 Reviews
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Leila (2019– )
Sad look in the future.....
14 July 2019
I have a distinct feeling this title is suffering from trolls. One star is ridiculous. I gave it ten stars to balance the score a bit. It is a seven / eight. Acting is different in India, so that can be a bit difficult. But it is a very powerful dystopia series. 2049? I think it will happen sooner...
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Arthdal Chronicles (2019–2023)
Not to be missed
13 July 2019
Being a kdrama fan as well as a Chinese drama fan < historical drama > I was bit weary to watch this one. It turns out to be one of the best I saw. Nothing like your average kdrama. A world of legends and myths. But also of bigotry. It is even very simple to link the drama to the here and now. But also to the time homo sapiens took over. I binge the first 10 epidodes. And I am surprised. This is a really good show. Give it a try
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Season 1 so good. Season 2 so bad
25 April 2019
I thought season 1 terribly good. Amongst the great shows out there. So I was happy when season 2 begun. What a let down. Just some strange stories,, strange time lines. Very amateuristic. Nothing like season 1 To be honest I did not watch all episodes. It was boring beyond words. When you put a series like this on screen you have to know what you do and have a good idea where you wanna go. This is just rubbish. A 9 and a 3 makes 12. Hence the 6
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The Deuce (2017–2019)
Too good to be true, but it isn't!
4 November 2018
Where do all the lousy reviews come from? Millennials? Never seen the dirt of the seventies ? Just cause you grew up in a sterile world without any idea about history whatsoever does not mean it was always so! So one said : Why make a serie about such a dirty time? Well why make a movie about WWII? Or about Henry the 8th? Just watch and learn about the time I grew up in. And a lot of others. Yeah that is right we survived the gore and the secondhand smoke. The filth and not to forget the best music there was. This is a great serie. The whole setting is real to life and I just love it.
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Well done
12 July 2017
I read a lot of reviews that are making the point of this shocking documentary. Just say it is all false and not true. Yet this documentary is based on facts and facts alone. Facts that can be found. The way the ultra rich will take away our freedom of speak and expression is not something to take lightly! When this right is taken away. If only the minions of the wealthy are allowed to speak, that is the beginning of something one cannot even imagine. Ultra right, ultra left, I don't care. Everyone has the right to speak out!
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Really ?
18 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
How can this be addicting or whatever ? This is so far from realistic it looks like a parody . If I have to see that dramatic face of Claire Robbins one more time I will scream. This looks like the early movies The movies without sound where everyone is overacting to bring across their emotions GROSS . And let's be honest : Do you really think that dancers can live in the hateful environment ? That a dancer is sold to the highest bidder ? Come on . The only little bit acceptable performance is by Damon Herriman / Romeo And even that role has written Fisher king all over it. Such a bummer to make such a series about a great subject : Ballet
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Call the Midwife (2012– )
Season 4
6 June 2015
I loved the seasons 1-2-3- I don't like season 4 It not accurate in small things and I find this annoying One can think that modern day's look on things have set in the series. The time the series are covered where a time where everyone smoked everywhere. In all public buildings and rooms I know I was young then. Now in this series though season 1-2-3 where accurate in season 4 it is political correctness that wins. If you make a period drama at least the conditions should be right. Also some furniture is definitely not 50ies and 60ies . It is shame that correctness is political. You cannot like it now But that doesn't mean you can alter history .
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Vikings (2013–2020)
season 3 is a travesty
17 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This vote is for season 3 Of course I don't expect historical * facts* in a series like Vikings So I g for the entertainment which was well delivered in series 1 and 2 . Even in this series I was a bit weary about the overacting by Travis Fimmel . But is was okay . Now in the third series the man seems to be a lunatic. Twitching his face Rolling his eyes . The fact he wears a Christian cross ? Where does that come from ? He looks like an insane travesty of a Viking. And why does Floki not tell everyone the settlement in Wessex is slaughtered This way he would surely have the upper hand. No , not for me any more . Maybe they restore the series in season 4 But I doubt it Once the trend goes to blood and stupidity it is done
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Reign (2013–2017)
Best comedy in years
19 December 2014
I have never seen anything as ridiculous as this series . Sure you have to spice up history drama a bit But this ? After three episodes my stomach hurt from laughing out loud . Nothing and I mean nothing is accurate or nearly accurate The music ? Who made that up ? It is kinda Dancing queen from Abba . You can be wrong and you can be wrong But this is mostly hysterically bad . But I will take my portions now and than A good laugh is good for a person. And if that is what you are looking for Please indulge yourself and don't forget the costumes . They are so not that time or any time for that matter . The only thing I regret is that Queen Mary ,who was a very complicated intelligent woman is made into this idiotic figure.
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Extant (2014–2015)
No not for me Very bad acting also
18 October 2014
I rather looked forward to this one The story seemed alright Nice actors. What a pale performance is this . It seems to me that all the actors are robots . They go through the most horrible things and look like they just lost their credit card The scripts has gasps as wide as the Grand Canyon This is not sci-fi as I like to see it Actually after Battlestar Galactica and Caprica it hasn't been very good If you bring this on - why on earth did they stop Caprica ? I could relate to those characters. But Helix - The strain and so on and now this ? No not for me I will READ my favorite sci-fi and get my box with B.G out and watch it again
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Banshee (2013–2016)
Just not for me
6 October 2014
Everyone their joy I would say And I see this show is wildly embraced by a lot of you but I am at episode 6 and I will lay it to rest I started watching it cause someone said about Ray Donovan that that series was a "Banshee light " Since I loved Ray Donovan I was full of anticipation but..... this is not good enough for me. The acting is rather bad Every episode must have one or two fight scenes He pulls through cause of memories of prison ( homeland ) Needless to say everyone wants to get laid No not for me The 6 comes from the fact that they show smoking as a casual thing opposite to USA shows that really can go on for 5 seasons without one cigarette Still wandering who is paying them of ;-) Sorry i am rambling
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Ray Donovan (2013–2020)
Fantastic series
5 October 2014
Somehow I didn't come around to watch these series . So much series are so utterly stupid I am afraid to start on new series So a friend said is was great and I thought why not give it a shot. I wasn't disappointed at all Great series Intelligent and with a sense of black humor I find hard to resist . Sometime in one episode you feel so sorry for someone and the next moment is hilarious. This is a well written series and well chosen actors Not forgetting I love to watch Paula Malcomson since i saw her in Deadwood ( shame on you HBO for not ending that series properly ) Liev Schreiber does a fantastic job as a tormented soul trying to keep it all together Not forgetting Jon Voight Four more seasons please .
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The Leftovers (2014–2017)
Great series just watch it
11 September 2014
Leftovers seems to be a hate it or love it series Well I love it. Actually I don't care where the lost ones went I care how everyone responds to the event and I find myself rather in awe of the presentation of the leftovers So many series are same ol'same ol' lately This is refreshing and worthwhile watching IMHO of course If you don't like you don't :-) I myself am not a big fan of mystery But this series takes such a different approach. Give it a try is my advice There is not much worthwhile watching these days . So if a little treasure comes around Try it and who knows In any case don't take the negatives too serious OTOH don't take me too serious as well Just watch
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