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BioShock (2007 Video Game)
One of the best FPS-es I have played
3 May 2016
You have World War II shooters. You have sci-fi shooters. You have modern age shooters. And then you have Bioshock. it is an unique and original FPS experience which will have you captivated by it's characters, environments and ideology behind it.

Yes I said ideology. The thing that separates this game from other first person shooters is that it is based in an underwater city of Rapture, which is an utopia gone wrong. The very opening of the game is your character in a plane that crashes pretty quick and you're stranded with only a lighthouse in sight. You enter the lighthouse, you become curious, you enter the bathysphere you are in awe. This is one of the best and most effective introductory/opening scenes you will see in video games. City of Rapture is such a brooding, mysterious and yet atmospheric place to explore.You are guided by radio by a guy named Atlas who urges you to take down Andrew Ryan, who is the mastermind behind the city of Rapture. I also loved the sound which is very effective and the tunes from the 40s are put in which are great and help build the atmosphere.

There is more to this game than story however. It is a very versatile shooter, and it combines elements of horror, RPG and FPS almost seamlessly. You have "conventional" weapons to shoot the enemies with, like pistol, shotgun, machine gun, which all have their different kinds of ammo. You also have a camera with which you can take photos of enemies for research, which in turn gives you bonus damage against those enemies and reveals their weakness. What is specific to this game is that it gives you plasmids which give you powers like incineration, electric shock, telekinesis etc. which are upgradeable. To upgrade them, you need ADAM, which can be harvested from little sisters, but the catch is, the Little Sister are guarded by Big Daddys. Big Daddy is such a unique enemy, and one of my favs in any game, it is the only enemy who doesn't touch you until you start hitting him. Especially in the early game, confrontations with Big Daddy are tense and a lot of fun. In most of the game you can't exactly die, because you get revived in the Vita chamber, which I didn't exactly like, so I loaded the game every time this happened.Your health and EVE(for using plasmids) are also upgradeable, along with your weapons.There is also a minigame where you hack turrets and cameras, which then work in your favor. In the minigame you have to make way for a flow of water from the beginning to end by creating a pipe, if you fail, you lose health. It is another interesting aspect in the gameplay, although if you don't care you can just destroy every piece of technology.

The game touches on the subject of genetic experimentation, class struggle and humanity in general. Is utopia possible for mankind? Is it okay to tamper with our genes? Should one man rule, if he has the will and power to better mankind's lives? Do upper and lower classes need to be differentiated? These are the questions that will stay with you after playing this game, which automatically elevates it into more than a game.You learn more about the story by finding audio data across Rapture, which is also helpful for some quests. I liked that in some parts an arrow guides you so if you forgot where was the main passage, it leads you there.

Overall Bioshock is an atmospheric,versatile and fun FPS with RPG and horror elements.It has multiple endings and it is not too scary, although it has a creepy and lovable atmosphere which is easy to get into.I'd recommend Bioshock to every FPS fan and every gamer who is looking for a great story.
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One of the most essential movies ever
3 May 2016
Star Wars. It is undeniably one of the most essential and influential movies ever. Star Wars is an engrossing adventure, and it should be seen in a non-remastered version, but more on that later. Tomorrow is an International Star Wars Day, so to celebrate it, the review follows.

The movie is a masterpiece of filmmaking without a doubt. It's use of practical effect overshadows the prequels with it's staying power, along with some gorgeous and visually impressive shots. This is true George Lucas's vision before he was trying to sell merchandise. Star Wars is a lighthearted adventure which has a lot of fun, humor and action in it.

The plot is simple, yet it pulls you in. It could be argued that there are three main characters, but for this movie I consider Luke Skywalker(Mark Hamill) to be the sole main character.He is a 20-year old who lives with his aunt and uncle on a planet of Tatooine and has dreams of becoming a pilot, little did he know that his dreams will come true in a way he didn't imagine....Galactic Empire rules the galaxy and there are rebels who are aspiring to crush the Empire, who are lead by Princess Leia(Carrie Fisher). Galactic Empire has developed an ultimate weapon a.k.a. the Death Star which has the ability to destroy planets.

The main villain in this movie is Grand Moff Tarkin(Peter Cushing) who leads the Empire troops, and he is a great villain and a joy to watch. However, this movie features one of my all time favorite villain in Darth Vader. It could be argued that he didn't do too much in this movie, but he is definitely a show stealer. The man in a costume is David Prowse, but the man doing the Darth Vader's voice is James Earl Jones. Whether it is physical or voice acting, Vader has a menacing presence.There is also a smuggler Han Solo(Harrison Ford) who is born for his role and Ben Kenobi(Sir Alec Guiness) who actually didn't like this movie at all, but nevertheless put in a memorable performance. There are also two awesome droids: R2-D2 and C3PO which have a lot of comic relief and are a joy to watch. The cast is generally very likable and very good in what they are supposed to do.

This movie is iconic. There are so much iconic things in it: The Death Star, Darth Vader, the Force(religion which is considered ancient in this movie), space battles and a greatest fictional weapon - the lightsaber. The movie is full of fun situations and every fan of adventure/space/sci-fi movies should watch it. It should be watched in it's unaltered version, because I feel Lucas's remastering only takes apart great elements from the movie, although it is still a great watch.

Overall, Star Wars is one awesome movie, which has elements of adventure, sci-fi, epic, space and fantasy in it. It features a likable cast, simple yet interesting plot and a sense of exploring the galaxy,it has a great staying power, even on multiple viewings and it is impressive how it's sequel manages to be even better.May the Force be with you!
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Quentin Tarantino = Genius!
24 January 2016
I watched this movie for two nights in a row in a local theatre, and dare I say so, this movie is amazing. It has amazing cinematography, sparely but greatly utilized soundtrack, and features some of Tarantino's stellar actors, which all did a great job.

The plot is very well made, some consider it slow, but I think Tarantino did a great job and one of his greatest strengths, the dialogue, is awesome in this movie. I liked how you could hear the blizzard the whole time, which affected the tension, which for me was unbearable at times and got me on the edge of my seat.It also gave you a bigger feel of isolation and danger characters were facing in that cabin, along with coldness of their own. I didn't have a problem with racial slurs, because this was a movie in which the plot was a while after the Civil war, and they were standard for that times.

Actors did a great job. Kinda forgotten Kurt Russell gave a great performance as John Ruth, and Samuel L. Jackson gave one the best performances of his career as a Major Marquis Warren. People complain that he is the same in every movie, but I disagree. You could feel his badassery in this movie, as his character was not to be messed with. Jennifer Jason Leigh got an Oscar nod, I hated her character, but it was because she gave a great performance and she was evil to the bone.The other stellar actor of his(Michael Madsen and Tim Roth) also gave great and fresh performances. In Tim Roth's Oswald I felt vibe of Christoph Waltz from Inglorious Basterds, which is only a good thing. One of Tarantino's great strengths is how he utilizes his stellar actors and they all fit so well in his films.

Overall, I personally think that this is one of Tarantino's best works, it is a true film and it shows how Tarantino is the master of filmmaking and the greatest director alive. He pulls out great performances, has a great dialogue, and the tension is built up so well that when it hits the fan, you are left guessing and shocked. This movie also had a great vibe of Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction in it, which is also very good.Overall, for me this work is underrated and one of his greatest works. I am looking forward to a new movie from Tarantino, amazing job QT! 10/10
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Crash Bandicoot: Warped (1998 Video Game)
22 December 2015
We all have things from childhood that we hold dearest, and for me one of these things is this game, it is the best game in Crash trilogy and,with Spyro 2, one of my favorite platformers of all time. Crash Bandicoot is a great character, he is funny, his victory dance is awesome and his deaths are also amusing.

This game is at least less frustrating than the first part,which I gave 9/10, but the save system bugged me to no end.Dr. Neo Cortex shines once again, with a gallery of old and new villains, which are all great and boss battles are interesting.

Levels are pretty diverse, and you have different eras, different means of transportation, different enemies, which are all great and interesting. Overall, I suggest this game for everyone, be it hardcore or casual gamer, because for me this game is perfection. 10/10!
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Emotional and excellent game
2 December 2015
I have just completed this game, and it is a brilliant ride from start to finish. It felt more like an interactive movie/TV show than a game, but for me it was better than the TV show. It makes you invest emotionally in the characters,which makes all the tough choices all the more difficult, every episode had it's standout and unique moments, whether it is the farm, Crawford etc.This game had it's great share of calm and nail-biting moments.Ending of this game is one of the best that I've seen in any media and the soundtrack complimented it greatly, just like it did for the rest of the game.In the end, this game gets easily in one of the best games I have ever played.If you like good stories, apocalypse or zombie stuff, then I highly suggest this game. It's a 10!
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