
18 Reviews
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Hot Pursuit (2015)
Un-safe for weak or full bladders.
28 July 2015
Do not watch this film on a full bladder. You will wet yourself laughing. Believe me. I know. Witherspoon and Vergara are, appallingly, funny together. It doesn't much matter what's happening with the plot. Everything they do is funny. It is a grand farce driven by deliriously 'over the top' characterisations from both of these divine comediennes. The absurd becomes the sublime with this fortunate pairing.

In their early days at the Hal Roach studio in the mid 1920s', Laurel and Hardy would gather up director Leo McCarey, the great Scottish actor, Jimmy Finlayson as their usual foil, a skeleton crew and would head out onto the streets of Culver City to make a movie. With no script and armed with only a concept like Big Businesses' trying to sell a Christmas trees door to door in July. They just went out and improvised and had fun; lots and lots of fun. This movie has the same mad,inventive spontaneity as the classics. It must have caught our worthy but over cautious critics off guard. So desperately do they want to be taken seriously that they are prone to dismiss fun for it's own priceless sake lest they be on the outside of movie critic hipster land looking in with no one that 'matters' looking back. Kudos to Stephanie Zacharek for getting it right.
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Too Close to Home for Some?
21 May 2015
The US have lost over 6,700 killed and over 50'000 injured in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2003. Among the coalition forces another 300+ were killed including 179 Brits. Not to mention the million or so Iraqi and Afghan deaths Both conflicts are total failures militarily and politically. These brave people died for what exactly? The only true winners in these wars have been the defence contractors. Halliburton's stock went up over 500% and they aren't the only ones to make a 'killing' on these wasteful, terrible wars. Would a US corporation kill American service men to protect their profits. You bet they would. They have done it everyday for 13 years. This programme tells an all to plausible and engrossing story that sorely needed telling. The production values, acting, directing are all excellent. It is television at it's best. I highly recommend it
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The Americans (2013–2018)
Original, Thoughtful and Compelling
15 May 2015
Ironically enough it was Ronald Reagan that began the long, sure decline of standards of living in the US by his betrayal of social democracy and his embrasure of laissez faire capitalism. Declines in Us wages and living standards and growing inequality begin with his Presidency. At the time this programme is set the Soviet Union was experiencing an internal economic meltdown, unrest in their client states, especially, those with past grievances and exacerbated by their costly and failing mission in Afghanistan. All of which was, inexcusably, missed by the CIA who insisted that the Soviet Union had never posed a greater threat when in fact it was on the verge of collapse. Which indeed it did. Our heroes in this programme are fighting a futile rear guard action for a doomed cause. They haven't a clue how weak and close to implosion is the beloved socialist paradise where they grew up sharing tiny apartments with multiple families. That they live prosperous, comfortable lives, free from government oppression never seems to twig in their never ending devotion to the Motherland. Elizabeth and Phillip are, extremely, well trained. They are highly skilled, ruthless when necessary and dedicated to their mission. Can they be anything but doomed? I can't wait for series 4 to find out.
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Should be a TV series.
24 March 2015
It was fun. I haven't read the books so I had no expectations. It playslike a good TV pilot. Mild (by today's standard) violence, PG sex and language, attractive and effective casting, decent story. What's not to like unless you're an devote of the books and find the whole thing underwhelming. The thing is it was funny and the characters likable, especially the supporting and bit parts. Heigl gets better with age and I thought she pulled off the lovable loser thing pretty well given that she's a 10's 10. Shakespeare it ain't or even close to being in a class with 'Prime Suspect',The Fall' or 'Engrenages' ('Spiral'). Never mind, it's more like the 'Rockford Files' and, frankly, a bit of welcome relief from the relentless striving for the absurd, faux gritty, self-important pretensions of way too many crime sagas of recent memory. I would love to see more. I think TV suits this incarnation and sequels seem a stretch given the cost and the fact that all the top critics (a sorrier and more bitter lot could not be found) hated it for all their usual insecure, pusillanimous and anti- fun reasons. An 'R' version with a little more chaos, menace and sex wouldn't be unwelcome. Heigl (The Producer)needs to take the 'gloves' off (so to speak) to sell this thing. All I can say is grow up honey and get jiggy with it. It's worth it, I promise, and the world will be a better place.
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The O.C. (2003–2007)
Why, Oh Why Is Misha Barton Doomed?
23 March 2015
At first glance this is a typical 'fish out of water' teen 'drama' where Ben McKenzie's character comes of age using his poor but honest perspective to provide his newly acquired. spoiled rotten, superficial new class mates with a deeper perspective. Mostly, he fails. He adapts and his faux gravitas fails whenever it matters. He's speechless at all the wrong times. Misha Barton is the true victim here. She's beautiful, tragic and doomed. Abandoned by her extraordinarily venal, crooked and weak parents she takes it upon herself to undermine her own happiness and well being by becoming the primary care giver to a series of implausible and obviously damaged beyond repair characters. Her character never twigs on any of it despite the blatant absurdity. This failure and the fact that no one, even her closest friends, ever bothers to notice or discuss it show how determined the show runners were to destroy her. The show runners obviously are using her as revenge for being rejected by the beautiful girls when their nerdy selves were humiliated and rejected by the Misha Barton types when they were in high school. It's a shame. The whole show revolves around Marissa Cooper's insensible neurosis which is in direct contradiction of the considerable attributes the show insists she possesses. This show is ruined by the naked hostility of the show runners to strong, beautiful, young women. They are the worst sort of self indulgent, superficial, misogynist twerps writing today. Misha Barton, the actor, was abused and misused by these insecure, vindictive cretins. Appalling.
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Divergent (2014)
Doing what's right.
23 March 2015
Shame on all the critics who dismiss this film as over long, derivative and that it dares to "fail to achieve ideological coherence" in thewords of one of the most dubious critics to ever win the Pulitzer Prize.

Incoherence is the theme.

Finding your way in the world amidst all sorts of contradictory but who knows how credible sources is the challenge of coming of age for all of us growing up.

Can we be pigeon holed? Can we stand up and question to the assumptions we are expected to accept by our families and the consensus of the various and conflicting sub-cultures in which most of us are raised?

Perhaps you are 15 and your parents are members of a church that believes with all their being that the world was created by God 3000 years go and that carbon dating, and evolution are the work of the devil. Or maybe they believe all religion is superstition and that religion itself is a sort of delusional psychosis.

These paradigms and everything in between is what our children must contend regardless of their station, class, race, religion, sexual orientation or nationality.

This movie navigates these troubled waters in a sure handed, original and entertaining way, never losing sight of the larger struggle to sort the'good' from the 'bad' and what the associated costs may be.

What are the values that matter most? Security,liberty, social cohesion, the power of the few over the many and the rights of the minority all are questioned. The hope of answers begins to emerge for our protagonist as her journey progresses. It is a journey worth taking.

This is the sort of movie where pretentious movie critics prove how pusillanimous they really are.
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Hollow,false and way too proud of itself.
30 January 2015
I spent a lot of time working in NYC in the '70s and '80s. It was a scary place. The danger as real and one did not walk freely about. Everyone had horror stories of they or someone they knew being robbed and/or beaten, raped, groped or menaced in some threatening way. In my experience it was scary in every big city in America at the time but NYC was in a class by itself.

Michael Winner's 1974 'Death Wish' with Charles Bronson may seem over the top to today's viewers but it more accurately than not captures the violent chaos of those days. I was looking forward to seeing a recreation of those times as there is a lot of fertile ground to till but here the the fields lie strangely fallow. Nothing, in this movie, evokes, the reality of the time. We hear snippets of news reports. That's it.

The movie takes place almost entirely, in abandoned industrial areas, bleak offices or the protagonist's new, modern house isolated deep in some unspecified leafy suburb. For all but one, the locations could be almost anywhere.

The movie purports to show the how the competing forces in the heating oil business conducted themselves and our hero's struggle to keep to the moral high ground. This is all, laughably, naive and presented with a plodding, leaden seriousness not helped much by the clichéd stock characters that occupy the supporting cast. Oscar Isaac's earnest, one note, Pacino impersonation and Jessica Chastain's shallow stab at a tough, Brooklyn mob boss daughter are more distracting than engaging.

One senses that Chastain was having some fun with it but she really doesn't have enough to do.There's a rich characterisation in there somewhere that never has a chance to be realised even though the movie seems to last forever.

All in all JC Chandor is in way over his head here. All he manages to convey is strong sense of his own misplaced self importance.
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Nightcrawler (2014)
The Advantages of Psychopathology in a Laissez Faire Capitalist System
24 December 2014
Lou is a sociopath. Its established at the beginning of the film. Lou will beat you senseless for 100 feet of chain link fence and a fake Rolex.

That he has the drive and audacity to thwart the conventions of decent behaviour without regard to human cost marks him as a sure winner in our dog eat dog world ( unregulated or laissez faire capitalism).

And win he does as he exploits any and every vulnerability his avaricious instincts detect. Whether it be the vulnerability of a news director depending on ratings to keep her job or a down and out young homeless man who will do anything to improve his circumstances.

He's found inspiration, valediction and encouragement in his discovery of 'deep' business platitudes masquerading as acumen on the internet.

Sought, found and, proudly, digested and regurgitated context free, at every opportunity he exhorts and extorts and threatens with the naive impunity of the sociopathic internet autodidact that he is. He is proof that knowledge is power and that a little knowledge is a very dangerous thing indeed

All vulnerabilities must be seen as opportunities and exploited immediately without any regard or the well being of the people involved. They have been deigned by fate to further his cause. That's just how it is in is in his twisted little narcissistic world.

Its an ambitious film that takes on the reality of a society where opportunity is freed from the restraints of common decency by a winner take all ethos fuelled only by the bottom line. This is our dystopia just slightly exaggerated for effect.

A brilliant film expertly realised by all involved.
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Boyhood (I) (2014)
Leave It to Beaver: The Real of the Story
23 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Ward Cleaver was a feckless slacker and knocked up June and fled to Alaska leaving June with an 8 year old girl and a 6 year old boy. June moves house to be near her mother who will 'help' so she can go back to school and finish her degree and get a better paying job.

She marries her professor who is twice her but has a nice big house and two children who are about the same age as her own. He turns out to be an overbearing and abusive drunk. They flee.

She then becomes involved with a well meaning prison guard. I think she leaves again but I may have dosed off. Meanwhile we see the Beaver character have 'quality' moments with his real Dad who has broken his heart because he sold the cool muscle car that he promised him in the third grade to buy a minivan to accommodate his new family. This must be his transition to the 'real' Ward Cleaver as he now wears a suit and tie and works for an insurance company.

The Beaver wins 2nd place in a photo contest after spending all his time in the dark room in the age of digital as he has artistic depth. He wins a small scholarship and goes off to college as far away as he can get as long as its still in Texas.

His Mom, in saying goodbye recounts all the milestones in her life and bursts into tears as she realises that sending her youngest off to college is the last one. All that is left is her funeral or so she tells him. She appears to have gained weight and will be moving into her mother's tiny apartment.

He arrives at some college in the middle of nowhere, meets his dorm mate, his dorm mate's girl friend and her room mate. They take mushrooms and go hiking. The friend of his new room mate's girl friend and he are watching as the room mate and girl friend howl like coyotes and yell stuff. The friend of the room mate says,

"You know how people are always talking about 'seizing the moment'?

"Yeah." He says

"Well, I think it really the other way around."

He agrees sort of.

The End.


Briefly seen are the following. Beaver gets a bad haircut. He checks out lingerie ads in a catalogue. He's teased by mean boys. His friend shows him internet porn. Big kids give him a beer. His girl friend dumps him because she likes someone else who is older and perhaps less boring.

The 3 stars are all for Patricia Arquette without whom the movie would be completely unbearable.
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Reckless (2014)
Look out redneck misogynist crackers the smart Yankee lawyer lady is a coming' ta getcha!
28 July 2014
What fun! The good old boys have a beautiful, sexy, gutsy and, above all smart lady lawyer spoiling their lazy, corrupt, and down right mean dumb fun. Anna Wood is perfect as the smart sexy and proud of it lawyer who comes down to Charleston from Chicago and proceeds to run circles round the local yokel cops and their corrupt superiors and cronies. They fight back, of course, revealing just how dumb and venal they are in the process. Shawn Hatosy just flat out owns the role of the main villain. He is the vivid embodiment of the worst sort arrogant,slimy, sexist, sociopathic thug that passes for a law enforcement officer in this charming and scenic but deeply flawed community. Cam Gigandet plays the intelligent, successful and well connected local attorney who whilst alternating between helping and opposing our heroine provides a stark contrast to Hatosy's mouth breather. The story lines are solid and engaging and surprisingly gritty at times given the shows genteel setting. The cast on the whole are terrific, right down to the bit parts. All seem to be enjoying themselves. Oh and sometimes it's really funny.
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Brilliant evocation of menace and evil
20 July 2014
The best films are able to immerse us their world. The best of the best make the world they evoke inviolate, complete and seamless. For a film about the pervasiveness of evil this reality becomes uncomfortably claustrophobic, confining us to a place so dark and disturbing yet so familiar that every sound, every movement is a potential portent of doom, every character menaced and menacing with no respite from the tensions that pervade this toxic but very real place.

The film is only a police procedural in so far as there are flawed but dedicated detectives trying to hold the line against a pervasive climate of poverty, hopelessness and desperation where basic decency is at a premium and life is cheap.

To allow one's self to be drawn in, to give one's self over to such a place of everyday horror is an act of courage on the part of the viewer. It is the kind of commitment that the best films demand.

The rewards are spare. We come out with a visceral sense of the limits of civilisation itself. We are more aware by what a fragile thread our comfort and security depends. How near we are to chaos.

The menacing place this film creates is the protagonist and it's antagonist all at once. The players ably acquit themselves in their respective supporting roles. The story is simple and logically concluded. The 'good guys' win but the menace remains. Theirs is a fool's errand.
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Black Box (2014)
About more than 'mental illness'.
30 May 2014
It was the cast that brought me to watch this remarkable programme. If Vanessa Redgrave and Kelly Reilly are in it, it must be interesting. Well it's more than that. If one were tasked with dramatising the enormous scope and variety of human imagination and experience in a forty two minute network TV episode I think most of us would think it ridiculous impossibility. Yet, somehow this programme succeeds in doing just that and pretty spectacularly as well. Kelly Reilly's performance is mesmerising and magnificent. It is a role that demands the equivalent of an opera diva's five octave range. She must, by very quick turns, take us from the tenderest moments of compassion and love to sadness with subtle yet frightening notes of dark depression and all the way to unbridled brilliance and jubilation and somehow remain believable and accessible all the while. She succeeds magnificently. It would take an actor of Vanessa Redgrave's gravitas to anchor such a daring premise and she fulfils this role as few others might. The strong supporting cast's interaction with the mercurial complexity of Reilly's character keeps in the realm of the relateable whilst allowing us to luxuriate in the world of the fantastic. There are moments of stunning visual delight and a wonderfully understated jazz score to put a bit of extra icing on this, ironically nourishing, wonderful cake.
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Vikings (2013–2020)
Really tiresome clichés begin season 2, sigh.
28 February 2014
Macho driven drivel. A soap soaked, warmed over and clichéd family drama that just happens to be set in the 8th century among a group of North Western Europeans who are depicted as knuckle dragging, predatory thugs a la the popular modern image of 'Vikings'. To say that the culture of these wide ranging, sophisticated and accomplished people is short changed by Michael Hirst's, really, disappointing story line is an understatement. What paucity of imagination about such a rich vein of source material leaves us with the most tired domestic tropes in all of filmed entertainment. The upcoming 'Viking' exhibition (Vikings: Life and Legend is due to run from 6 March to 22 June) at the British Museum)will embarrass and should shame this feeble effort. The History channel is low brow rubbish. This doesn't help.
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Dark Angel (2000–2002)
first 15 great then...
10 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It becomes preoccupied with the back story and ceases to be fun in the late episodes of season 1. The bloke in the wheel chair become a bore and the whole thing takes itself too seriously. It becomes a boring melodrama. Episodes 1-15 re fun and he rest is filler. At it's best the Dark Angel is out saving the world from evil republican scum despite her obligations to her job as a bicycle messenger and her funny co-workers. 'Original Cindy' and Kendra round out her girl crew. When Kendra departs it all goes to sideways. The character of Kendra was not so compelling as to presage the demise of the show. It's just a benchmark. The show goes seriously wrong when the stories are preoccupied with the past. Really stupid writers and producers are responsible for this programmes demise.
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Twice Born (2012)
A lovely overlooked film.
19 December 2013
This movie was panned by the critics. It a has 19% rating at Rotten Tomatoes. The audience gives it 73%. The audience is right. This movie is a treasure. Most of the negative reviews come from Americans who, I am sure, never watched this lovely film. The Americans make a habit of lying. Their film critics are no exception. There is no way that all of those negative reviews come from people who have seen this movie. I often marvel at the factual mistakes in mainstream press reviews and have long suspected that they will review a movie they have not seen. This movie proves my thesis. Audience reviews are a much better barometer of whether a movie is worth one's time or not. This is definitely worth your time. Easily among the best of 2012. It never puts a foot wrong and builds to a most unexpected but satisfying conclusion. Perhaps love does not conquer all but it is the most resilient of our gifts as this film so ably shows.
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Byzantium (2012)
The sum of being.
6 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those movies that moves me to enough to reconsider my place in the world. Vis a vis the treasured assumptions of my rebellious youth. It is a strangely life affirming movie in unexpected ways. A girl who is so alone, not for years or even decades but for centuries, longs for intimacy. She yearns for love but is cut off from the world by a condition of her's and her mother's survival. She doubts her mother and confides in a sympathetic stranger. Reaching out,imploring and hopeful. This attempt at intimacy proves the wisdom of her mother's caution and imperils them both. This movie casts a spell. Let it wash over you. If you have ever felt the isolation of being a stranger the heart of this movie will resonate with you. Was it the values of your parents and their bizarre adherence to a code that was meaningless to you that made you feel a stranger? But after years of experience you begin to understand but cannot accept these egregiously unfair conditions of being. You rebel. You put all at risk. Not just for yourself but for all that you care for. It is the natural compassion of an unexpected ally that saves you and your loved ones. In the end you have the power to impart the secret of immortality. A gift to bestow on the dying, the worthy life, to be ended too soon. You have a gift.
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Frances Ha (2012)
Ignorance is arrogant bliss.
20 November 2013
So, incidentally, Frances is an apprentice dancer for a professional dance company in NYC at the age of 27. This is absurdly out of touch with the realities of the dance world. If she were so fortunate to be associated with a professional dance company, she would have had to be focused and disciplined enough to endure a physical regimen that would have trumped all of this silly girl's petty indulgences. The movie is a fantasy about an ignorant and condescending, wannabe charmer who has no idea nor any interest in the art of dance or the daily struggles of anyone anywhere. Please, who cares what happens to this phony, self- indulgent poseur and her gang of narcissistic friends. No mention of the harsh realities that prevail outside her bubble world. A movie that inadvertently but perfectly indicts the superficial sensibilities of these spoiled children and the makers of this movie. Americans are pretty much reviled amongst much of Europe these days. Self-indulgent, destructive and oblivious certainly. Charming? In a word, no.
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Predictable morality play worth watching.
18 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those movies where people who do 'bad' things even for good reasons must be punished. In final denouement some will be moved but if you are like me you will just be annoyed at the clichéd predictability of it all. It really doesn't start out this way but as the story progresses the intent becomes clear, though we hang on, however vain the hope, that something good may develop. I suppose that's a positive. The director does keep us clinging to our wishful thinking, though we know deep down that our hearts must be broken in this version of the western kabuki play. There are some decent performances. Clare Bowen makes a valiant effort but her character was never fully believable for me. The others seemed like competent stock characters. The direction seemed to be amateurish at times and the numerous attempts to use lens flares and back-lighting 'creatively' I found irritating and distracting. Then there is the matter of a shotgun being able to drop a fast moving horse at a distance of 200 plus yards and other assorted improbabilities and inconsistencies. I hope the director gets another shot. I think with experience and some competent mentoring he may do some fine work.
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