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Another artist gets high on their own doo doo.
6 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly I enjoy some of the music of the St Vincent band(something the film kind of overlooks, St Vincent is a band not just a single person) however this movie is a complete watch once only if your bored kind of deal.

While I find some of the music of St Vincent ground breaking and really arty, this film did nothing to expand on that legacy. It's essentially highlighting that Ann Erin Clark sits in a room and likes to get high on her own farts a little to much.

Want to see someone act like a spoiled over indulgent brat, well this may very well be the movie for you.

Otherwise, avoid like the plague and stick with the music.
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Chucky (I) (2021– )
Do not chuck this one out. Here's to you CHUCKY!!!
6 September 2022
Utterly superb new addition to the Chucky legacy.

Anyone putting negative reviews on here on this one, simply can't be a Chucky fan and I warn you, I'm definitely one.

The series presented an amazing set of ideas and first and foremost, Chucky is right up there with Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees and Freddy Kruger as a super scary killer but with this uncanny strange aspect of being in a doll's body.

The movies kept growing upon the legacy established in the first 3 movies and simply grew from there.

Now we have this series and if your a fan, this is mind blowing awesomeness at it's best.

Many thanks to all involved. They tried doing a remake of Chucky and oh the fail. You can't have Chucky with Brad Dourif. Nope, sorry, simply does not work. The remake, bombed and died and good riddance.

Enter this fabulous new series, which featured some absolutely stunning performances from the entire cast both original and new.

Best of all for me was the superb ending, which I'm not going to spoil for anyone, but I will declare it had a wonderful 'Tales From The Crypt Cryptkeeper' style ending of which went down superbly with me as I'm a fan of both series.

Here's to a stunning 2nd series and I'm ever so glad this has become a reality.

There's something secial about a classic and Chucky is very classic horror at it's best. Don't try and mess with the formula, it simply will never work and it doesn't need to, because the original is right here back for more blood.

Way to go Mr Mancini, you have an absolute winner for all us long time fans and I hope many new fans will discover the amazing world of Chucky and be as enthralled as I was back when I was just 5 years old.

Hit em Chucky!!!!!
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The Best Film Offer in a long while.
9 August 2022
This movie is simply stunning. Geoffrey Rush is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors right up there with Humphrey Bogart and the all time greats. Donald Sutherland is also superb.

This is the kind of movie I've been missing for a long while. I couldn't stop watching it. The story was captivating, the actors superb and without a doubt this is a film that's very true to life.

Best of all, it proves that you don't require an explosion every five minutes and ultra violence(of which this movie doesn't have and doesn't need at all.)

What it did provide is an amazing picture of the complex life of a very introverted and interesting character played by the great Mr Rush.

It left me stunned, breathless and amazed at the same time and it's been a very long time since a movie has been able to do this for me. (Admit it, how many movies have you watched while noodling on the Internet or using your mobile as there so simple a quick glance every now and then fills you in with all you need to know... Not so with this movie.)

With many thanks to all the great actors, they have also introduced me to the great Giuseppe Tornatore who not only made a great movie but must have crafted one of the finest scripts ever written.

Utterly stunning and without any hesitation at all an easy 10/10 from start to finish. Glad I bought it and I'll be watching this movie again and again. Even Roman Polanski hasn't matched Tornatore here. .
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Top Continuation / Top Conclusion to a a Top movie.
13 June 2022
Firstly ignore all the negative weenies out there declaring this a copy of the original blah blah blah, it's all rubbish. For starters, I don't know if you've ever been to Pearl Harbor, but the Navy uniform is set in stone. It hasn't changed since the Top Gun original movie and it's not likely to change any time soon. (Proud Tradition and history people.)

Secondly, like the first Top Gun movie, it is designed to get people excited about Fighter Jets which of course no one wants but of course we all know are an essential aspect of protecting a country from invasion(now more than ever I shouldn't have to outline the importance of the military.)

So with that out of the way, the only other caveat would be an essential requirement that you have a love of Jet aircraft. (Or aviation in general.) If not, then what are you doing even looking at this movie???

From start to finish it's without doubt a worthy sequel. While the ending was of course complete BS, it was without doubt a superb ending for those of us fans that not only love the original but wanted to see something make a comeback(now I hope that doesn't give anything away but I'm sure there isn't a fan who didn't expect this.)

So wtihout knowing what I'm talking about there, I will say and it's not a spoiler as you know he's back, it was outstanding to see the great Val Kilmer reprise his role as 'Iceman.' Way to go Val!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tom Cruise was in top form and in fact every actor in this film did an incredible job.

If your a fan of the original, or would just like to see some fun with jet aircraft, you really can't go wrong with Top Gun Maverick.

Highly recommended and one of the better sequels I've seen in the last 20 years.

Now what are you waiting for, get out there and watch it on the big screen while you still can.
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Reacher (2022– )
Anyone here giving this low ratings needs to go and read the books period. Superb adaptaion in every way. A+++
5 February 2022
Seriously amazing adaptation.

Very faithful to the books and Alan Ritchson.makes for the ultimate Jack Reacher. Sure we must thank Mr Cruise for bringing Reacher to the public attention but Mr Ritchson is THE man for Ritchson, he fits the description in the books amazingly and the series adaptation to the books is superb.

This series illustrates the first book in the long line of Jack Reacher novels by the superb Lee Childs(who has written the first 25 novels) who created him and continues to provide input to the character but he's now handed over the book series to his brother and simply consults. His time is now spent no doubt assisting with this terrific TV series which is simply Reacher done right and given justice.

Can't recommend the series highly enough to fans and anyone having a go at this series obviously hadn't read the books at all.

Superb adaptation and I'm looking forward to a follow up series to deliver us the novel 'Die Trying' to the small screen.

Without a doubt, Jack Reacher works better as a TV series and a season a novel is excellent time to allow for maximum expose of the novels they come from. Here's to 25 seasons to bring Lee Childs entire book line to living full screen adaptations.

Well done to everyone who made this possible and a special nomination to Alan Ritchson, the man who will now be known as the Jack Reacher of TV land.

The Tom Cruise films showed some great aspects of the character but this series allows for a proper telling of the stories and as the first book 'Killing Floor' has now had this amazing adap.
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Dexter: New Blood: Sins of the Father (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
WHY?????? Seriously, why bring back a series only to do this????
15 January 2022
Look, before anyone get's there panties in a bunch, I love Dexter, why else would I have watched this???

Every other episode in this new series(Dexter New Blood) was top notch and I was so glad they made them. I even grabbed the Blu-Ray edition of the original series to watch them all over again in preparation before watching this new series. Michael C. Hall should get an Oscar for this fine role. Terrific character and superb acting through out.

However, this final episode of the series to what I thought would become another much needed 7 season story arc continuing our favorite serial killer, really bummed this fan out completely.

It was not only rushed and sad, but completely insane and that's saying something from someone who watched a Serial killer and was awe struck.

I'm hoping perhaps the show may go on featuring Dexter's son and Dexter in place of Deb(can't say much more without dropping a massive spoiler.)

However, honestly, this had so much more to give the fans and it's fallen short massively.

Every other episode in this season I gave 10/10, but this episode gets 2/10 for being the worst thing you can do to a fan of a series. It better continue with Dexter or perhaps correct the wrong you have made(perhaps seeing is not believing) but sadly if current information is correct it's all bad news and down hill from here for us fans and frankly the people at Paramount who let this happen, need to be taken out to the old abandoned mine shaft you see in the series and shot at dawn into the pit and never spoken of again.

You have seriously angered this fan for one and I'm certain many other fans of this terrific show.

To those at Paramount that thought this was a good idea, be aware, thousands of dedicated fans have studied how to use blades and plastic sheeting very well..............
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Dune (2021)
Anyone who gives this film any negatives at all, needs to go out and try to make a film.
5 December 2021
Absolutely breath taking. Amazing film making and the most luxurious and faithful adaptation of Frank Herbert's Dune story ever to grace the screens.

Now this is no spoiler so I'm mentioning it, this is 'PART ONE.' meaning that the great Dennis Villeneuve will no doubt be bringing a trilogy at least to capture the great story and grandeur that Frank Herbert so amazingly portrayed in the books.

Please note, your never going to have the money to capture EVERY aspect of the books, just look at Lord Of The Rings adaptations for example. It's not possible in the time available, however Mr Villeneuve has done an amazing job of capturing the main parts of the story without making the picture feel like a rush job.(something I felt even the mini-series failed to get right.)

The sets are incredible, the landscape was as if it was plucked from the visions I had of it in my mind when reading the book and just wait till you see his vision of the Harkonnen's, now they seriously are the evil overlords the books always portrayed, done in stunning detail. It was actually pleasing to see the Baron's character's personal life not delved into as it gave the character a more chilling element in the film.

Seriously well done adaptation, loved all the actors, the story was given justice and I'm looking forward to the next installment.

If fans of the books don't like this movie, there's no hope for Dune ever.

Amazing movie and the best Science Fiction film in the last 2 years without a shadow of a doubt.
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Archive (2020)
Terrific Archive.
4 December 2021
Best new Sci-Fi, I'd seen in a while.

I'll definitely be watching it again down the track. This is not an action movie, so if that's what your after your not going to enjoy or possibly even get it, This is not a movie featuring an explosion every 5 mintues, so if you need that, then you will need to move on also, In short as I could go on listing what a lot of movie goers seem to flock to these days but it's essentially a movie for people who have a brain. So if you need a moronic, everything spelled out, fast action no brain required kind of movie, it's not the movie for you.

Now for those who appreciate series like 'The Twilight Zone' and 'The Outer Limits,' your going to enjoy this movie. It's a terrific drama with a very interesting ending and what I liked was that it had a kind of 'Blade Runner' quality ending. That is that there's really 2 possible realities here and while you could perceive it as a this person is really alive, this person was only virtually there, it could in fact be either way and the subject of easy debate on this point.

That makes for not a good movie, but a great one and I personally found the cast superb. There was a similar movie called 'The Machine.' that came out a few years before this movie but the sad aspect of that movie for this fan of the genre was that it simply looked like someone creating a super soldier and followed a king of linear plot. There was no double meanings or incite into the characters it was on a path that pretty much pans out and then the end. This movie on the other hand (despite ridiculous comments from people who obviously didn't watch the whole movie) does in fact flesh out the main character really well.

This movie will be a keeper for me and is both a tragedy and a fine film achievement.
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Absolutely Love Lovecraft Country.
6 March 2021
To begin with, the entire show only looses a single star due to the music selection where I felt some of the modern day inclusions simply didn't fit with the age the episodes take place in, however I understood the creative intent and the capturing of the feeling and emotions of the people at that time.

The entire cast is AMAZING, they really do the stories justice and the depth of story telling was 2nd to none. Those thinking there was too much put into the show simply can't have read H.P. Lovecraft for this was just a tip of the iceberg.

For those who love the famous 'Call Of Cthulhu' Role Playing Game (which I highly recommend and if you enjoy this series your going to love this game.) the series rolls along like a good game and no fan of that great game will be disappointed.

Perhaps the only other nit pick I could make is the drumming up of bad times with the racial hatred in America of the past which has to stop but for the time period, sadly this is how it was. As the great Morgan Freeman declared, if we all really want to stop racism, completely stop it, then the answer is simple, STOP TALKING ABOUT IT. I'd add, love one another but then perhaps I'll start sounding like a hippy or something, perhaps 'RESPECT ONE ANOTHER' is the better way to put it.

Story wise, I was thrilled to see so much of Lovecrafts great works demonstrated here. You have cultists, a cross between a Shoggoth and a Dark Young, Gouls, hidden tombs of forbidding knowledge etc etc. It really is a celebration of Lovecraft.

I'll not put in any spoilers(the above shouldn't be spoilers as all Lovecraft fans know these while others will have to watch to find out what they are.)

Best of all it's original Lovecraft style story telling of the finest order which firmly puts Science with the horror at it's heart.

The cast is excellent, the effects and makeup are amazing and oh the surprises you have in store to excite, scare and threaten your sanity.

Highly recommended and with that I'm off to purchase the Blu Ray box set of this fine series as it really does bring the original stories and creations of Lovecraft to the screen in a magnificent way.

Enjoy and stay sane.
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Patchwork (2015)
Another Reanimator work.
21 June 2020
Yes folks, if your a fellow fan of horror movies, your going to spot the obvious rip off, of Reanimator based on the classic H.P. Lovecraft short story: "Herbert West Reanimator."

It's a classic bring the dead back to life and combining body parts like this was explored in 'Bride Of Reanimator.'

Depressingly, Stuart Gordon or Lovecraft are given no credits to this obvious rip off, but where this one is worth the watch(it's amusing) is that the reanimated person has to deal with 3 to 4 personalities at a time which makes it interesting and the reanimated individual is still sentient and capable of more than zombie talk.

It only get's a 5/10 due to the fact it's well and truly been done before and to be honest a lot better with the Reanimator franchise but never the less some kind of guilty pleasure was saying: 'Yippee, more Reanimator.'

Worth a watch if only for the comedy value and for horror fans of Reanimator. Alas it doesn't feature any actors of the calibre of the great Jeffrey Coombs but with it's budget, would you honestly expect it?

Enjoy it for what it is.
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It may be the last but it's got that RAMBO guts we all know and love.
28 May 2020
Terrific conclusion to the Rambo movie saga.

We all know the book is completely different to the Sylvestor filmed version but that's because Sylvestor was trying to highlight the wrong that was done to the soldiers who were in pointless wars like Vietnam.

Simply a person who wants to fit in with socitety but is such an amazing soldier, they no longer know how.

This final chapter in the beloved Rambo saga is simply stunning. Rambo is now an old man, but that doesn't mean he's forgotten all the training the years have put him through.

It's both tragic and poetic. Terrific story telling in a way only Sylvestor seems capable of conveying and sincerely he does incredible justice to our much loved tortured character.

No matter which version you prefer, Book or movie, Rambo is without doubt a tortured character. So this seriously sad and tragic ending is worthy of being owned by a superb character like the Rambo Sylvestor shows us with the high impact movies.

All the movies showed were how an ex Vietnam vet simply wanted to gel back into society, but sadly society has failed him WAY to many levels and this tragic but ever so worthy conclusion highlights yet another issue with our very sad societal system.

So many thanks to Slyvestor for this amazing movie. As a fan I loved it. Found it worthy of the Rambo legacy and a fitting conclusion. I guess with Rambo there could be no happy ending but in a way he ends the legacy in a way that fans will both cheer and cry for the loss of our great hero who will never be forgotten.

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The Fly II (1989)
A worthy sequel to the Cronenburg movie that came before it.
28 May 2020
I've no idea why so many critics gave this movie the negative reviews it got, with the biggest gripe being 'it's a slimey cheese fest.'

Seriously, did they actually see the movie that came before it? It's a Science Fiction movie about early genetic transportation and unfortunate splicing of DNA, did you honestly think it was going to be refined and sedate???

Of course it's going to have some hideous looking aberrations, is it any different to the poor Baboon that got turned inside out in the first movie? Not even in the slightest.

The animatronics and excellent makeup in this film are to be commended, the story makes perfect sense and considering the time frame I thought it told the story magnificiently. Compare the amazing effects and story of this sequel, to sequel's like 'The Curse Of The Fly,' or 'Return Of The Fly,' and this movie is vastly superior in every way, especially story wise.

Given an extremely harsh rating by critics like Leonard Maltin(he watches a lot of movies, SO WHAT!!!!) Many times critics haven't been right and ultimately ignore the critics and view the film with your own eyes, not the opinions of others and you might be surprised.

The Fly 2 is highly recommmended and watching the 80's Fly movies back to back, they both work and fit perfectly, in fact far better than the 50's films of which I found only the first original fly was a good movie, the other 2 films were cheesy spin offs to try and cash in without spending much on new props. This sequel is vastly removed from those 2 films and anyone who can't appreciate this terrific film has issues that no one can help them with.

Enjoy and dare I say, it's worth 'flying' to, to see.
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This is a great modern day interpretation of a H.P. Lovecraft classic and I think he would be pleased.
3 May 2020
The initial beginning of this film found me feeling somewhat lack luster, however the film eventually blooms into an amazing interpretation of the Lovecraft classic.

Without a doubt this was a great vision of the famous Lovecraft statement: "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age."

As a fan of H.P. Lovecraft's work, I was often spell bound by how much creepier and frightening his works were to most modern day author's(even Stephen King admits to being spell bound by Lovecraft.), the concept of horror's beyond imagining where often hinted to and described to the best of the author's ability but what really scared the hell out of my was how he managed to encourage or even force the reader into imagining what the unknown may be like and further more how much you really may not want to know what it is.

There was an uncertainty and almost scary realism to his writings. While they were works of fiction, they felt as if possibility was lurking just beyond a veil that we the readers could not see or feel, but of which was there waiting to come forwards and bring with it untold horrors beyond imagining.

This film really brought that forward and I found myself spell bound by the horror that resulted mainly from the pure ignorance of the people who refused to believe it was happening until the moment it was to late.

The fate of the daughter character was particularly freaky as it's not sure if she actually wanted or perhaps started the incursion into a dimension we as human beings were without doubt not supposed to see or even know of.

Seriously superb adaptation of a Lovecraft classic that's got me wanting to read the original story pronto.

Amazing performances by all actors. What's got me most thrilled about this movie is that it's one I'm going to want to watch again and again as there's bits and pieces to be enjoyed over and over again, if not the whole film for it's scary view into a dimension no human being should ever mess with.

If your a Lovecraft fan, your going to love this, if your new to Lovecraft but love horror films, there's bound to be some goodness to be found here. I started off not being overly thrilled but by the end I couldn't take my eyes off the screen and will be watching this one again.

Any movie that makes you want to watch it more than once is already 5 out of 10 stars there, but coupled with spell binding special effects and attention to the freaky details, I can't fault it for what it is.

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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Star Trek Picard is like Decard in Blade Runner. ( Awesome and cool )
25 January 2020
Just saw the first episode of this thankfully AWESOME looking series.

First up, I am a Star Trek fan and NO, this is not a non-genuine review, I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

This is looking amazing and is being done in the right way. Things change in the future but I'm ever confident that the purpose of Star Trek Picard will be, to bring back what Starfleet has forgotten and get it back on the track of the grand Rodenberry vision and if that takes a series or 2, so what and at the end of the day it will be honest. Seriously, do you really think that even if we achieved the grand vision of Gene Rodenberries Star Trek it would remain that way forever without any change. I don't think so and neither do a lot of other writers, what will matter is that those who know the grand vision, see fit to bring it back and restore it to the glory and great vision it represents.

All throughout Next Gen, DS9 and Voyager we witnessed moments where Starfleet was not as perfect as it should have been. Even in The original series it was not without it's flaws(how about the wrongful trial of Kirk for example without the full facts.) So this is no stranger to Gene's vision and I believe in the end is going to enhance it by seeing ex captain Picard end up without knowing it, bring back the golden age, but it's going to take some doing and this series is without doubt geared around that premise.

So far it's amazing and any negative nay sayers, can go and watch Star Trek Discovery if you really want to know what bad Star Trek is, then perhaps they will quit there winging and enjoy it for what it is. A glimpse into Picards future and what he does to set it right.

Evil triumphs when good people fail to do nothing and Picard is not one of those individuals, no matter what his age.

Amazing performances for all actors but Patrick Stewert you are incredible and I hope you win an Academy award for this role because you seriously deserve it.

Look forward to seeing the next episode and here's to a great Star Trek future, Sean.
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The Rise of Good Star Wars from the ashes.
22 December 2019
This movie is simply stunning and it's great Star Wars.

From one Star Wars fan to another, don't read, watch or listen to the negativity being put on this film until you have seen it. I was also skeptical due to what happened in 'The Last Jedi.' but this movie has seriously restored my faith in Disney as the new Star Wars custodians and if there's any fans who don't enjoy this film, I would be deeply shocked.

Warning, it's a very emotional movie, but it's good solid Star Wars at the end of the day and done with such a wonderous grandeur, it's worthy of the Star Wars legacy.

Go see it in memory of the great Carrie Fischer, Peter Mayhew and Kenny Baker.

There's something in this film for every Star Wars fan.

Enjoy and may the force be with you all.
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Return to fate.
10 November 2019
First up the trouble with this film is not the film itself but T3 and Terminator 4(aka Salvation).

My strong recommendation is to watch only 1,2, Genisys and then Dark Fate and your going to find the overall story MUCH better.

The biggest issue is that many people have become desensitized. With T1 and T2, everything was new and amazing. With T3 and T4 it was absolutely nothing we didn't already expect in a Terminator movie and let's be honest crap story writing trash.

With Genisys we start to see more thought return to the franchise and personally I enjoyed it. Then with Terminator Dark Fate we finally get a REAL sequel and it was brilliantly written. I was shocked at many of the subtle changes James Cameron incorporated. In fact many people think it's a political nod to girls on top, but I don't see it that way.

Some people have thrown around the gender issue and seriously it's nothing to do with that. In fact the start of the movie clearly shows why. I didn't have a problem with the characters and I will say something that shouldn't spoil anything for anyone who hasn't seen the film yet and that's that I really felt for the character Grace who was completely a victim of the society she had grown up with. In fact there's absolutely no guy bashing in this film, it just happens that there's more female characters than male characters. So what!!! I'm a guy and I absolutely hate the women have to have the main roles just because and you know what, that's not the case with this film, in fact the characters seriously have the raw end of the deal. Linda Hamilton was amazing as the always excellent Sarah Connor, I loved her in the first two films and I absolutely love her in this film of which I'm glad for her return. She shows a seriously added dimension to the character which has grown and sadly while almost forgotten by time and given an incredibly bad wrap still carries out selfless tasks in honor and memory of.....(can't say as you'll have to see the movie to find out, it would be a spoiler.)

I'm not a sexist, never have been but I do hate guy bashing just for the sake of it. That's seriously not happening here and I felt Sarah Connor required these characters to help her through a very dark time which sadly she's continually had nothing but. You can't help feeling drawn into the character. My only objections were the harsh nature of which Grace shows towards Sarah which at times if I'd been female and in the room I would have slapped her. But Sarah just takes it and it doesn't phase her. She's a wounded but strong character through and through. The new character was a surprise also and I liked Dani very much. She was most protective of her brother and her father and a caring character.

Perhaps the only issues I had were the over the top scene in one of the aircraft but it was certainly a welcome addition to the continued story, not a wish wash waste of time like the 3rd and 4th films.

It's frustrating that this movie didn't come out before the sequels of T2 but alas it's taken this long to come to fruition and personally I was glad it did. Alas for some fans perhaps it's a come a bit to late to achieve the impact it no doubt could have, had the 3rd and 4th movies come about. A also found Terminator Genisys fit will with this film but perhaps that should have come after this film.

Anyway, I'm hoping for a 6th and final film to the series to show us the actual turn of the machines and the ultimate war that resulted but alas with how so many are currently finding the film and the blaze couldn't care less attitude they now have, it may not happen. I think the biggest problem is that there has been so many movies that have topped even T2 since those first 2 films that the Terminator franchise(which really took a lot of steps back with the 3rd and 4th films) is coming in too late to capture the enthusiasm of the action sci-fi film fans who have since seen films like 'Guardians of the galaxy' and at least a couple of the Transformers films for example. These films have almost certainly pushed the action film thrill of an explosion every five minutes to the absolute limit and in fact it hardly even makes someone blink anymore. Go back to the 80's when everything was more comedy and not so hard hitting and this film would have been ground breaking. I thought it did at least have an interesting new take on the Terminator(can's say anything else due to not wanting spoilers in this review.)

Go back to how you found the first 2 movies, then watch this movie and go from there. You will be rewarded and feel the magic of this movie. don't think of it as trying to be the latest break all boundaries mega amazing block buster eye candy delight of the century and if your a Terminator fan, you will surely see the joy of a REAL continuation to the film. I'm certain James Cameron would have extreme pain massaging in the new film to ignore the 3rd and 4th films but he's managed it and if this movie is not what you thought it would be, then it's simply because of those 2 movies, not because this isn't a good film.

Enjoy it for what it is, the awesome return of Sarah Connor, one of The Terminator's most prized characters and thank goodness she's back and perhaps even..... she'll be back!!!!!
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re:View: Star Trek Discovery Season 1 (2018)
Season 3, Episode 3
The Star Trek most hard core fans will not want to 'Discover.'
19 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert but it's not the kind of spoilers your thinking of, it cut's a lot worse.

Straight up and simply put, Star Trek Discovery is absolutely without a doubt the worst Star Trek series in the franchises long and luxurious history.

First off I should point out, I'm a Star Trek fan and have been for over 30 years, so certainly not one of the earliest fans but certainly not a newbie either. Some of the things I've loved about Star Trek were it's ability to tackle serious issues about society and not just the benefits but the repercussions and negatives of what technology can provide for us. It explored not just the great black unknown of space but the issues that plague our society even today and did so with well written stories that extrapolated on age old themes in interesting and thought provoking ways.

Now fast forward from Star Trek The Original Series, Star Trek The Animated Series, Star Trek the movies, Star Trek The Next Generation, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek Enterprise even Star Trek the new reboot movies and where at Star Trek Discovery. All of the preceding series did there best to fit the new technology in with the old technology and even promote the classic series and ultimately honor Gene Rodenberries vision of a bright and hopeful future.(even the reboot movies continued the legacy by putting the new movies into a completely different timeline which removed any chance of messing with one of Science Fiction's most beloved series and timeline period.) The most striking changes were brought about in Star Trek The Motion Picture and The Next Generation which altered the Klingons drastically and added a terrific back ground for this well loved alien race. However there changes were incorporated into the original timeline seamlessly and later well explained in the Star Trek Enterprise series.

Now along comes Star Trek Discovery. Personally I enjoyed the interesting ship design changes, the new uniforms and even new alien characters. Those are great and I continue to watch the show not for the show anymore but simply for the eye candy. However and here's the tragic addition for those who haven't seen the series yet, they have had the audacity to 're-invent' the Klingons. This is not only a dumb move but a complete and utter waste of money. Worst of all it no longer fits with the timeline it's supposed to be a prequel to. Not only have they completely re-designed the Klingons(which for every fan I have spoken to was seriously NOT WANTED), but they have even re-designed there culture, there starships, there way of life. In short it's a complete abomination of the franchise and the major turn off for the series. However it doesn't stop there, obviously hoping to grab the 'explosion every 5 minutes' kind of modern audience, they bombard the senses with blinking gadgets and silly over the top dramatic explosion scenes that are so over the top it's practically destroying the magic of believable.

Then there's silly features like sending someone over to a derelict spacship in a space suit because apparently while they have the technology of enhanced space suits that will allow a person to head on over, check out a wreckage and prevent them from getting radiation harm(for a limited time of course), they couldn't simply modify a probe to head on over and do the job without risking someone's life. (Gene Rodenberry would be rolling in his grave with that one.) Worst off, instead of trying to understand an alien race(which obviously happens due to the multi-species society shown inside the starships) she reacts in a completely non-starfleet way and just stabs the re-designed Klingon and starts the Klingon war.

From here the series get's worse with silly time/space shifting made possible by animal cruelty and later human cruelty but justified in the name of war(does that even sound Star Trek - Starfleet like to any serious Star Trek fan???)

The main issue with the entire series is it's complete lack of respect for the original series and the series that followed it. Star Trek Enterprise created some controversies but overall I loved the series because it did expand upon the show, added some new aspects, explained others and above all did it's best to fit in well with the rest of the Star Trek lineage. Star Trek Discovery doesn't even try to.

What the writers and directors 'think' is cool and are a bunch of good ideas are simply not in any way shape or form. It's a complete perversion of a well loved Science Fiction series and it simply makes me mad that they put the Star Trek name on this show. As a separate entity it might have worked but as a continuation or in this case prequel to the Star Trek universe it's a complete and utter disaster of biblical proportions.

I've noticed there's hints of a series 2 and 3 but honestly if it continues to be this bad, I think it's going to be cancelled very early on in Season 2.

Sadly the worst Star Trek series ever made which is a shame because they had the potential to add some really special additions to the Star Trek legacy but have ultimately failed by trying to tie a new series that wants to be like the new re-boot movies to the original line of series in a timeline that's set in stone and isn't open to the radical ideas they wanted to incorporate.

My honest recommendation for long time fans is not to watch this series or support it as it's simply ruining a great thing. What I would recommend you view is a series called 'The Orville' which to be honest is more like the Star Trek I wanted to see return to the TV than the complete waste of money that is Star Trek Discovery. Some people got up in arms about Star Trek Enterprise but comparing it to Discovery, well Star Trek Enterprise now looks like one of the best new series for Star Trek ever made.

A massive disappointment that I'll probably watch just to see the new alien species, tech etc(and fix the terribly written stories while watching them in my mind so they actually fit), but a Star Trek series it is not.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
7 May 2018
This series has surprisingly turned out to be one of the best continuations of a well loved martial arts series ever, period.

The complete nostalgia and the great character of Johnny Lawrence who seems to be one of these characters that was almost lost in time and still caught in the 80's felt like looking at a picture of myself as the years roll on. Oh how I miss the fabulous 80's, I totally felt like this character and how things were never as great as those days.

While on the other hand the new story showing how Daniel rediscovers the lessons the now legendary Mr Miyagi(long live the memory of Pat Morita) and finds his innner balance is superb.

What's really grabbing me with this series however is how well it's passing the torch on to the next generation and bringing the values of the 80's to a new generation. The new kids who are training to become proficient at a martial arts are doing a superb job and I was stunned that I found myself caring about these new characters. The incorporation of the new issues that kids of today face is superb and I love the whole play between both generations learning new things from one another.

In short this is the most fantastic sequel series I've ever seen and I'm ever so glad that The Karate Kid get's to continue in this way. With this method of story telling more depth can be shown for all the characters involved and as we learned from the original movie, there's no good or bad guys just people who learned the wrong ideas. Nothing has changed there but it's great to see the characters making there come back in this way and then expanding on the idea.

This series does justice to the Karate Kid legacy and if your a serious fan of the Karate Kid your in for a superb show. I'm ever so grateful to the writers and actors of both the original and this new series for making this happen. It's not just a fan boys dream come true but a great show for the kids of today who can now experience the Karate Kid just like us old timers did back in the day with a show that's in touch with the world they now live in while still giving us the nostalgia of the original thanks to the original surviving cast members all reprising there roles.

The greatest sequel ever and a special thanks to the always amazing Ralph Macchio and William Zabka for giving this fan back his Karate Kids while simultaneously giving the next generation there Karate Kids.

I've enjoyed this series far more than the new Star Trek Discovery and I'm more of a Science Fiction buff than a Martial Arts buff and I hope that illustrates just how much care and attention to detail the writers and creators of this series have given to the wonderful Karate Kid legacy.

Simply a must see for true Karate Kid fans and a wonderful series for the whole family to enjoy to boot as well as for the new generation to enjoy as well. A win win for everyone.

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED and a solid 10/10 series that only the most disagreeable pillock looser would even contemplate faulting. Way to go team Cobra Kai, please keep the series going and I'm mega excited to see what goes down in Season 2. The coolest TV production team ever. You rock my world.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
27 December 2017
The Orville is a terrific Science Fiction show that actually adds a lot of interesting Science back into Science Fiction.

The mild humor is terrific as it makes the characters more believable and likable.

Look for all the critic's bogus nonsense out there, I too am a die hard Star Trek fan but seriously I'm enjoying 'The Orville' so much more than the new Star Trek Discovery.

Essentially there is some good on Star Trek Discovery but for the most part, the writers of this new show are seriously off there medication. Odd bizarre additions that don't fit with the Star Trek timeline it's supposed to fit with, changes that no Star Trek fan even wanted made. Millions of dollars wasted on over the top effects and again those changes no one actually wanted to deliver a show that's simply alienated a large group of the Star Trek fan base and I'm certain it will be doomed to obscurity before the first season is even completely out.

In sharp comparison The Orville is practically the Star Trek I actually wanted to see again. Best of all, it's a fresh new take on the great theme of exploration with lot's of great fun and surprises thrown in. Long time Star Trek fans will also love the fact there's a host of terrific Star Trek stars who for one reason or another no longer fit the crazy new writers idea of trendy actors and are not being offered roles. So there loss, the Orville's gain because they are shining as brightly as they always did and are actually aiding in delivering a superior show all round.

A full 10/10 rating for this superb show which I'll certainly be purchasing on Bluray when it comes out to support it.

The Orville delivers great characters, drama, science fiction and is a most welcome return to good ol Space Exploration.

A must see series that you should simply ignore the critics on(for the record the critics also bagged Blade Runner when it originally came out and we all know how monstrously wrong they were about that fine example of Science Fiction filming so in short treat them all with a pinch of salt and ignore them all.)

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Blade Runner 2049 is an astonishing film.
11 October 2017
The original 1982 Blade Runner remains to this day one of the masterpieces of Science Fiction cinema and stands right along side 2001 A Space Odyssey in my firm view for it's ability to take you to a highly possible future.

Now 35 years later, FINALLY a sequel 'Blade Runner 2049' is here and why it hasn't busted cinema block buster records is beyond me. 'GO AND SEE IT BLADE RUNNER fans!!!'

This movie captures the look and feel of that gritty possible future to absolute perfection. It literally looks like a seamless extension to the original classic. Best of all with no holds barred they have made the movie extra long to avoid unnecessary cuts. My partner exclaimed that she was amazed it actually went for the length it did because it didn't feel like it. We both still wanted more.

What set's Blade Runner apart from other films is the way in which you feel like your viewing a day in the life of this person. You relate to there emotions and understand why the characters are the way they are. While it's possibly not a movie for people who need an explosion every 5 minutes, this film is for those with minds that enjoy thought provoking films besides which there's certainly plenty of action.

Like the original the story is told by the interaction and actions of the characters and you want to see where the adventure, into this strange world takes you.

A sensible use of real life props and people has made this movie fit perfectly with the original and I honestly couldn't fault it. Everything makes sense and fits with the Blade Runner legacy.

The most important aspect of Blade Runner for me has always been it's overall story which is: 'here's what's going to happen to the world if we don't act now to change the way we let greedy corporations run our lives.'

Some of the scenes shocked me just as the original did when I first saw it and present the question: 'Is this really what we want for the future?' Compared to how people treat one another and the sad slavery that goes on, the replicants do seem to present themselves as more human than the actual humans and you can understand there desire to be better and want the same freedoms and liberties afforded real humans because by and large they actually seem to deserve those rights more than the real people. (Possibly a nice topic for debate that one.)

On the other side of the coin, there are of course the psychotic replicants but then they exist as real humans as well.

To conclude a stunning thought provoking sequel that answers a lot of questions but once again throws a couple of ultimate unspoken questions. 1. Is this what we really want our future to look like if we are not more careful to put measures into place to prevent this? Can it be prevented? 2. When does a machine stop being a machine. When does the grey line become a white line?

GO AND SEE IT. Denis Villeneuve should receive an academy award for his directing. It's also the best Ridley Scott production in a long time, far better than the recent Alien movies that's for sure and I'd certainly love to see a possible third film to give the Blade Runner universe a trilogy. (The finale could really cause some major stirs and add even more thought provoking questions and incites into this scarily possible future world.)

PS. I watched the movie at the cinema in 3D. It was worth it as I get a buzz from 3D and felt even more drawn into the scary but amazing world of Blade Runner. That said the 2D will not disappoint and I've had several friends comment they absolutely loved it also.

PPS. Check out the reviews and ratings for this film. They are not lying. YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS IF YOUR A BLADE RUNNER FAN. IF YOU HAVEN'T seen this film yet then you absolutely must rectify that.
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Logan (2017)
Logan goes Bogan
7 March 2017
This is without doubt, the saddest Marvel release EVER!!! Who ever wrote this should be taken out and shot at dawn and all the money they were paid should be put into a charity fund for the homeless(more to the point to fund poor writers who could have run rings around the untalented butt clowns that wrote this travesty of biblical proportions).

The previous X-men films have all been top notch, high quality efforts that have not only been faithful to the comics that made them possible but have been well written with super acting and masterful story telling.

This mess of a film has ruined so much of what I liked about the original X-Men films that this fan is not going to spend money going to see any more X-men films at the movies. I'm that upset about this rubbish.

The most important thing about Super Hero style movies is that people like this fan, go to see HEROES WIN AND SAVE THE DAY. I'm sorry if a few unmentionables can't handle that or find the concept trite or boring etc, but the world needs Super heroes, not super loosers.

The only saving grace of this film was the young troupe of new mutants(genetically engineered mutants). Sadly as I hope your getting the idea, the whole concept ruins the ideas that came before and more to the point Wolverine(I'm not going to call this character by the name that belongs to this terrible movie ever again), totally destroys the place of his origin. Zip, NADA, nothing left folks, so this whole story is a complete pile of badly written 'what if' at best.

Don't let this be the first (and last) X-Men film you ever see. Skip this one and enjoy the glorious other movies that Marvel has put out. This movie was so bad, they didn't even have a snippet clip at the end of the movie(even Marvel must have realised it would be wasting it's time doing so with this one, because most of the people in the cinema I saw it in, walked out as soon as the credits started rolling and all I heard where numerous comments about how bad they found the movie).

So no spoilers to give on this one fellow movie fans because the entire movie is a spoiler. A spoiler for some of the greatest super hero movies ever made and should be avoided like the plague.
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Simply the most stunning Star Wars movie yet.
17 December 2016
I'm a massive fan of the original 'unaltered' trilogy and this movie honors those movies so well, it even managed to surpass them in terms of it's pure excellence.

Episode VII was amazing for this fan, but this movie is the stuff original Star Wars fans dreams are made of.

Bring along a box of tissues but otherwise this movie is a bonafide winner all round. Stunning cast. Perfect ACTUAL REAL LIFE PROPS, SUITS, MODELS and CGI kept to a minimum. Magnificent acting and a well written script. The result=PERFECT STAR WARS.

This is now high on the list of Bluray title purchases when it comes out and I'll be waiting for the 3D version as well.

I'm not going to give a single thing away, stop reading reviews, get off your butts, go out and see this movie on the big screen, it's an absolute Star Wars triumph.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Stranger Things have happened but this is amazing.
16 August 2016
Seriously loved this series.

First off let's be honest, I'm an 80's man, so this gelled with me with ease.

Even the guys who do the soundtrack are fantastic. The author, the musicians the director, the actors. This combination combines to form something which has been lacking for a long time. Something that get's me and that's appealing to both children and adults.

This connected with me in so many ways and is off to an absolutely amazing start. I can't wait to see what happens next.

The first season is in the vein of Steven Speilbergs Super 8, which was also one of the best movies he's ever done in my firm opinion.

This series is like ET for a new generation with the added bonus it's set in an age that eliminates computers and mobile phones everywhere. An age were people connected and actually made friends, not just associates who keep them from there screens.

Seriously fun, amazingly chilling and superbly atmospheric. I can't recommend it enough if you grew up with ET and loved 'Super 8'. If so, then your in for a treat. If not, then perhaps you'll find some new magic in story telling.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
The Exceptional Expanse
14 August 2016
This is a series that you have to watch a few episodes to really get into the story. However doing so results in an absolutely superb series.

It's the first series I've seen (I've only seen series 1 so far) that I want to watch again immediately just to pick up all the extra details I might have missed the first time around.

As the series progresses it get's better and better. The stunning effects with people working in space suits is simply incredible. The creators have really gone out of there way to add some serious real life physics to the show.

What's even more impressive is the seamless integration of male and female roles. There's no sexism here, everyone is just another person and it makes for a believable future setting.

My only gripe was perhaps the abundance of luxuries the wealthier settlements have when other colonies are struggling just to get enough water but overall it still seems realistic and let's be honest has there ever been fair when comparing the historical human top 1% with the rest of the population? Nothing has changed there and again, this seems highly probable. It seems more realistic than the utopian vision of Star Trek, which is nice but ultimately unbelievable to the point of never going to happen.

Overall this series is right up there and I'm only new to it. Can't wait for more episodes and if anyone knows where I can express my enthusiasm to ensure ratings stay high, please let me know. In countries outside of America this is gaining a strong following and we get horrified that the only ratings SyFy(Why did they change it from the correct titles of Sci-Fi?) seem to take into account are local American ratings. Please SyFi/Sci-Fi channel, stop basing all your projections on local audiences only, you are grossly underestimating the global audience.

Highly recommended series and I hope this get's a long run. I'm even keen to read the books this series was based on now.

Here's to exploring 'The Expanse'.
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A ghost after a single preview
22 July 2016
I'm not even going to see this movie. The preview alone has destroyed my joy at the hope of a new Ghost busters movie.

What did I expect. Well as a long time fan of both the series and the original characters, I wanted to at least see my favorite Ghost busters hand over the torch so to speak.

What do I get instead. As many other reviewers have declared with horror, a current sign of the political times diatribe of women hating men scum bags.

This is just plain wrong. The original ghost busters had absolutely nothing against women, in fact if you will recall it showed Sigourney Weaver as one of the most powerful women of all time. The Ghostbusters themselves were weenies compared to Doza etc.

This is pure cashing in and the complete ruining of a great franchise. I'll bet Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Ernie Hudson, Rick Moranis and Sigourney Weaver must be throwing up convulsively right now. This is down right mean and hurtful to all the great work they did.

What a pile of instant trash and a tragedy. What could have been a great new Ghostbusters movie, instead has been thrown into a travesty unfunny comedy which is to the point that the studio who created this, should instantly put 250 Million+ into bringing back the classic Ghostbusters with the respect it deserves and get the original cast and writers to write the new script just to apologize to the legions of Ghostbusters fans around the world who have made it the success it was.... until now. SIGH!!!!!

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