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21 February 2023
This movie left me feeling underwhelmed and disappointed.

One of the biggest issues I had with the film was its heavy reliance on CGI. While the special effects were impressive, they felt overused and at times, even distracting. The story also lacked the depth and originality that I was hoping for, and the characters didn't seem to have much growth or development.

Overall, the movie may be enjoyable for some viewers, I personally found it to be a lackluster addition to the franchise. The reliance on CGI and lack of originality in the story made it feel like a cookie-cutter superhero movie that didn't stand out from the rest.
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Oh deary
3 September 2022
Not bad but not as interesting as I thought it might be. It's visually appealing and the sound effects are also great. I am sure the CGI is going to be top notch in the coming episodes (not too much going on in the first two) but content wise, there was very little in it to keep me captivated. That's not to say that it was bad, but it wasn't that good either. Secondly, I just can't get behind the dialogue format. "Perhaps you should be so wise as to see why my review is helpful, my dear friend." It makes for boring conversations.

I finished the first 2 episodes in 4 sittings. Contrast this with the other big opening on the other streaming service that involves dragons, and the first two episodes kept me glued to my seat. You can't help but compare the two since they are going to be the biggest two series to come out this year. But there is no comparison really. The story of that one had already moved ahead (after 1 episode) to the point where you want to know what's going to happen next. Do I feel the same way about this after 2 episodes? Not really. Again not to say that it's bad. Perhaps the sound and visuals alone are enough reason to watch this show. And of course it's a wonderful world derived from a legendary story. So, I look forward to watching the complete season but I will be skipping a lot of bits and pieces of boring dialogues.

Would I subscribe to prime to watch this? No.
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Give it a try
22 August 2022
Watched the first episode and must say it's not so different than GOT first episode. A good compelling story begins to form. Not sure why other people are complaining about CGI. There are maybe less than 2 minutes of dragon shots and they seemed okay to me. The story was far more compelling than the CGI. Give it a try. Early days obviously. I will myself probably wait for the end of the season to binge it but wanted to see what the first episode was like.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Teenage brats ruin everything and blame it on their dad
20 July 2022
That should be the title of the show because it has nothing to do with resident evil.

Unlike a lot of the reviewers here, I did not watch this with any expectation of resemblance of games or the original movies. I was just looking for good entertainment. Unfortunately, I was disappointed.

First of all, the teenage drama, and my god is the drama bad! After couple of episodes, I was skipping every scene with the teenagers in it. Secondly, the ending is just disastrous. I would have probably given this a 5 star but the last 2 episodes are so bad that they probably average a 2.

I should have checked the ratings before I dove into this one but the stupid "No. 1 in the US" for a few days now got me. Thought it must be good. Unfortunately, it is not. Save your time and don't watch this.
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The Boys: The Instant White-Hot Wild (2022)
Season 3, Episode 8
8 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think the point of this episode was to set the stage for season 4 where, I guess again, nothing important will happen. What was the point of soldier boy if, after his departure, we are right where we started? I think the writers are now thinking of just prolonging the series for as long as possible. What a shame! I think it would have been nice if the show ended in 3-4 seasons but doesn't look like it's going to happen. It's bringing too many viewers to Prime. Can you think of a show that has more than 5 seasons and is still good? I can't.
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Formulaic and lazy
10 January 2022
Probably the worst episode of grand tour I have watched. I loved it when CHM branched off and started the new show, even gave them a glowing review. I thought it brought some energy back in the trio which was getting formulaic and lazy towards the tail end of their TopGear days. But similar fate has followed The Grad Tour. The moment they started doing specials, it became a lazy, twice in a year (or once, I don't know) show that they are putting out to maintain their jobs. At least that's what it feels like. It feels like they are going through a chore of making these specials against their will so that they can get a fat paycheck. Nothing new, nothing funny, nothing entertaining here. There maybe something for the new fans who have never watched it, but then, why not just watch the old episodes?
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Sardar Udham (2021)
A different Bollywood
1 January 2022
Shoojit Sircar has always been sort of an anomaly in Bollywood. His movies have a touch of reality that is rarely seen these days on silver screen. Bollywood, in general, is pretty bad in this regard as any connection to reality is dispensed in favor of some forced drama, ill-fitted romance or untimely comedy. Sardar Udham is head and shoulders above those Bollywood movies.

The biopic almost plays like a documentary, following Udham on his life-defining actions. But you will never be fooled into thinking it's a documentary because of how cinematic it looks. The movie jumps back and forth to the present and some past event in his life, either seen through flashes of his own memories or through third person. It also feels very well researched. I'm in no way an expert on the subject but the dialogues don't feel out of context or exaggerated. Most conversations are like one would expect during those moments.

Another great thing about the movie is that it sheds some light on how brutal British colonization of India was. You hear a lot about world war and there are at least a dozen hollywood and western movies each year on the subject but you don't see really well researched movies like this on the British colonization. Movies like these deserve to be seen by a wider audience but it's only possible if it's (somewhat) based on reality. I'm glad that Shoojit Sircar and his team have managed to do that. As with most Bollywood movies, it is on the longer side and does feel a bit dry at times but there weren't any scenes that felt unnecessary. Overall, a solid Biopic - definitely the best Indian one. 9 out of 10.
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The Blackout (2019)
Original and Intriguing
26 July 2021
Kept me intrigued till the end. It has a very interesting plot. Something you won't find in typical sci-fi movies. This is probably the first Russian movie I've seen and I'll definitely give it a 10/10 for originality. That's not to say that it's the best plot or story but certainly something different.

I'm giving it a 7/10 because it's a silly genre really, but within the genre of sci-fi thrillers, this is more like a 9/10.
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Informer (2018)
A bit sloppy towards the end
12 February 2021
Good show but the ending seems a bit out of character. It's as if they figured it out in the last moment and mush mashed it up. As a result, it feels a bit sloppy. But well, it's only the final episode that I found somewhat disappointing and the rest of the series has enough plot to keep you interested. Worth a watch but I'm glad it's not any longer.

The show revolves around an interesting topic - radicalization of people on both sides, usually the needy or those that get into bad company. It's very subtle (at least compared to American shows), which gives it a sense of realism. The British do drama well, so the drama element of the show is well done. The plot is not very strong though but thankfully it's the last episode where the plot mostly unfolds. Overall, a good show that is short enough to be binge worthy. 7/10
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Humans (2015–2018)
Not well thought out
26 September 2020
The problem with using an oh so powerful technological advancement as a main story line is that it's going to be filled with loopholes. Some do it better than others of course and keep it believable. Those are also incredibly well thought out though (Dark for e.g.), and this is not. Yeah, I can overlook some unbelievable things in sci-fi movies/TV but when the story completely revolves around a big theme and it's riddled with holes, it's kind of hard to ignore. It's also just lazy writing and lack of imagination when you are use something as a magic trick to justify weakness in the plot. I couldn't get past a handful of episodes.
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Over the top action, mediocre story
30 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Having recently watched two action movies in theater this summer - Jurassic World, and Skyscraper, I went into this movie expecting it to be clearly better than the other two. I came out a bit underwhelmed to be honest. What bothered me most is how hard they try to explain every single thing that happens in the movie. Ethan's character's motive is explained by so many people at different times and its just the same old cliche boring and patriotic speech (he's out there to serve the country, save the world and he can't look away when something goes wrong yada yada). They do the same with the bad guy's motives too. When I think of Mission Impossible, I think of it as an American Bond movie but it simply lacks any sophistication. Yes, MI is also typically big on action and stunts and can be quite in your face, but is it really necessary to dumb it down so much? Part of what makes movies great is to keep people thinking. Here, it's pretty clear - someone is going to blow stuff up. But they still want to spell it out and make it clear incase you couldn't guess that Tom Cruise was going to jump on that Helicopter.

Plot is pretty mediocre and unbelievable - the bad guys already have hold of the small pox virus that can potentially infect close to 3 billion people in the region (in Asia), yet they are after a nuclear device (which would cost far less damage). And they want the nuclear device not to kill people but incinerate a glacier in Himalayas that would cut off water supply to the said billions of people, hence starving them. Okay, not very practical but whatever, it's a movie.

Apart from that, the action sequences are pretty great, what you expect from MI. The scenes in Himalayas are visually stunning. 7/10
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The Five (2016)
Pretty okay mystery
14 July 2018
I have now watched a few different mystery shows created/written by Harlan Coben and they all seem to be somewhat formulaic. Without giving the story away, the formula is to keep information from the audience and reveal it in parts episode after episode in order to somewhat mislead them into guessing people's motives. This format is followed in many shows/movies but I feel like overusing this can ruin the fun and also make it feel a little cheap. Suppose I'm in a circus and you show me a big hole in the wall and bring out three animals - a horse, a lion, and a monkey, then ask me to guess which animal made the big hole, I'd perhaps guess lion. But then you bring an elephant from the back and say, actually it's none of these, it's the elephant. All of Harlam Coben's shows I've watched feel exactly like that.

Part of the fun in watching a mystery is that it keeps you guessing and keeps you captivated. After about half way through the season, there's so many twists and turns that I am past captivation, finding it hard to maintain interest. I think the writer/creators are too focused on not letting you guess the right people involved in certain incidents and in the process ruin the fun a bit. I'm giving it 7 starts because it's still a decent show and has a grip over you for a few episodes. Like with most British shows, the drama element is quite good. But the end is kinda clumsy to be honest, like the writer ran out of ideas and this was best he could come up with. This is also true for his other show - Safe. Not meaning to pick on the person, but lately I've been binging on mystery shows and came across a few of his.
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Ófærð (2015– )
You will be Trapped!
19 September 2017
I was browsing through amazon fire TV and Trapped showed up on my home page. After reading the description, I gave it a try because I like interesting crime drama (not all crime drama). Turned out to be a hidden gem. Perhaps because it is international, I hadn't heard of it at all and none of the people I know had seen it (told them about it later).

I think the closest show I can think of to this is Fargo, which in itself is a great complement. It is perhaps not as outright entertaining as Fargo, but I found it more gripping for two reasons. First, it moves at a slower pace and the story doesn't really move too much (the whole show is based in one small town, there is little to no traveling). Second, there are no "villains" in the show unlike Fargo where each season has had a villainous figure (which kind of kills the realism but the villains are really well done).

The thrill is quite real; it keeps you guessing until the final episode. I was on a day off from work due to illness and I ended up finishing the entire series in a day. It really is very well done. I encourage every body to give this a shot especially people who are into crime and mystery shows.
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Happy Endings (2011–2020)
2 February 2016
This is exactly the kind of show that makes people cut the cord. A whole lot of nothing.

This show has very weak plot, no originality, no imagination. Everything seems ripped off and regurgitated from other popular shows, most notably How I met your mother, and Friends, which would be fine if it was funny, but it is not. There is really nothing in this show for me to take some time out from my day to watch a show like this. Even while running in the background, I would rather watch something funny or good again over something like this.

I watched first 3 episodes on Hulu (which also has ads btw) which quickly made me realize why I don't have cable and why I don't have a Hulu subscription. That was probably the best part of watching this show.
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An excellent travel show!
22 October 2015
Bourdain is somewhat of a pioneer in the genre of food & travel shows as his No Reservations was one of the first shows that combined passion for food with the need to Travel. That show was essentially Bourdain traveling to new places in search of good authentic food. He obviously knew a lot about food as he used to be a chef. No Reservations appealed to both food lovers and travel enthusiasts, but it was still very much centered around food (and Bourdain of course). It held the show back a bit in my opinion as Bourdain would travel to all these great places with lot of history and wouldn't really get to talk that much about the place and would instead focus on food.

In Parts Unknown, Bourdain is not only traveling to some of the lesser well known places (at least to Americans) but he is also exploring their culture, heritage and the current politics along with food. Heck, given the coverage of international news on CNN and other news media here in the US, this might the most informative show you could watch on TV (that pertains to international affairs).

Bourdain mentioned in an interview that in this new show (hardly new anymore) he had more freedom to do what he wanted and explore more and it shows. A lot of times he just meets an old friend in some country and they bar hop all night leaving Bourdain craving for even more food. But it also depicts the culture of the place he is visiting in a fashion that only few other shows would. And then, in some other places, like Libya and Congo, he interacts with locals who tell him what it is like to live (or survive) there day to day, all while having a meal of something exotic and making us drool.

I understand that this show may not appeal to hardcore food lovers, but in my opinion, this is a better show in every way to No Reservations and Bourdain is a lot more himself (which makes it even easier to watch). It's kind of like when Top Gear went from being a strictly motoring show to being a comedy/adventure/celebrity/motoring show. It ended up being better!
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