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Much better then it's genericness would lead you to believe
6 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
My first thoughts when I started watching this film was that it was just another rip off of Tarantino ripping off John Woo. It starts with all too clichéd climax that then pushes you back 18 hours in time to see just how we got into this predicament of people speeding around in a car covered in blood (hello....Reservoir Dogs?). Then we have the even more clichéd Mexican stand off between gangster, more gangsters and gangsters who are really dirty cops. But as this movie slowed down to breath for a minute the movie gets much more interesting. The story has a few twists on the average shoot em up and the main characters played by Paul Walker and Cameron Bright develop into much deeper and more nuanced characters then the writing would suggest. Then before it all crashes to a halt they tack on a unnecessary happy ending which kills the grittiness of the movie.

All in all, an imperfect movie but it has more then enough positive points to keep your interest.
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Masters of Horror: Imprint (2006)
Season 1, Episode 13
5 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am a fan of Miike and I wanted to like it but I just couldn't. The movie was offensive on so many levels. The torture sequence made me as squeamish as the Dumplings from Three Extremes but here I didn't really feel entertained at the same time. This movie is full of shock for the sake of shock and it's clear why it was banned from American television.

The feel of the movie comes off as Miike trying to do his best David Lynch impression. But the most offensive part of the movie is the acting and story. The story was unoriginal, uneventfully and repetitive. The acting was god awful. The movie is full of Japanese people speaking poor English and a horrible lead "American". I'm not sure if the lead was really that bad or if the Japanese peoples accents were that bad or if Miike was trying to exaggerate to add to the "weirdness" ...but whatever it was it wasn't working for me.

Doesn't even make my top 10 episodes of Masters of Horror.
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Masters of Horror: Jenifer (2005)
Season 1, Episode 4
Beauty and the Beast turned on it's ear
5 October 2006
Overall I'm enjoying this series. I've only seen a handful of episodes but most have been satisfying. I thought the John Carpenter episode was great. Lucky McGee, Don Coscarelli and Stuart Gordon have also added some good installments. This offering from Argento is not his best work but it does pose some interesting questions and has a lot of graphic sex and gore. Steven Webber makes me think of bad TV movie adaptations of Stephen King books but overall I enjoyed this episode. I found it disturbing and hard to watch at times and it made me think about the premise after it was over.

This story doesn't have enough weight to make up feature but for a short it will keep your interest.
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thought provoking study on philosophy
3 October 2006
There is a lot of debate about how real this story is. I'd first like point out that no movie or TV show is reality. Everything is shot and edited to convey the story that someone wants to tell you. Are Michael Moore's movies real? They are documentaries but they are telling a story that he wants you to hear. Is The Real World reality? It's a bunch of people trying to go about their lives with cameras in their faces that is then severely edited to tell a story that someone thinks will be entertaining.

With that said, Unknown White Male kept me engrossed for 90 minutes and made me think the entire time...which is more then 99% of the garbage that is out there today. The movie plays out like a study in philosophy. The "new" Doug seems like a great guy and his friends and family can't help but like him even though they wish he was the "old" Doug. The more you find out, the more you realize that he had a great life before he lost his memory and that is one of the interesting questions this movie brings up. Is it possible to lead two completely different existences that are equally as good and fulfilling? Is life better when you have no expectations and more importantly: nobody in the world has expectations of you? Within the world of the movie the thought will always be there whether Doug is faking this all to escape his old life. And the question will be there whether or the whole story was created for the sake of making the movie. Sure there are holes in the story, but I say it's still a great story.
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The Descent (2005)
Easily one of the best Horror movies of the past 20 years
7 August 2006
I went into this movie with high expectations since I am a fan of Dog Soldiers and the fact that this movie came out a year ago in Europe and I've heard nothing but good buzz about it. It was even better then I expected. This was one of those rare modern horror movies where half the theater was screaming and covering their eyes throughout the entire movie.

It was one of the more brutal and gory movies that I have seen in a long time but it was gratuitous for the sake of gore and violence. The violence and bloodshed moved the story along and "fleshed out" the characters so to speak. I am never effected by horror movies since I've seen so many and I've even been on sets and seen how fake everything is in reality but even being as jaded as I am , I was still uncomfortable at certain points. The combination of claustrophobia, the dark and the unknown is a classic combination for terror.

I don't like to give away too much about the story but if you are a fan of the horror genre this is one of those "must sees"!
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A cheaper looking version of recycled jokes
10 July 2006
I just went to see this film last Friday with a group of friends and a packed house full of obvious fans of the show since everyone had to make comments when any character made their first appearance in the movie. I am a big fan of the TV show and I was cautiously looking forward to this movie. My first impression is that I know they had trouble funding the movie and it shows. It looks like it was shot on Super 16mm film (and maybe it was). At any rate it looks and feels noticeably cheaper then the production value on the TV show. Right there I was put off. If this was just some indie flick I'd look right past that but when you are taking a TV show and putting it on the big screen you expect it to look as good or better then the TV show.

The story was basic. It is intended to take place before episode one of the TV show fills in the blanks (yes that was a pun). The movie was basically filled with jokes and gags that any fan of the show has seen before. The only major character that is not in it is Orlando but they replace him with another similar looking actor who plays a character with a different name...but he's essentially Orlando and only there so they can recycle the same tasteless monkey and coconut jokes.

Maybe I was expecting to much but I would say this was mediocre at best. It's really just a celebration of the show rather then anything new. Amongst the 8 Strangers fans that I saw the movie with one thought it was brilliant, one thought it was garbage and the other 6 of us thought it was "ok".

If you are a fan of the show, it is worth seeing but you might want to wait for the DVD which I'm sure will be a matter of months. If you are not a fan of the show you will probably think it was worse then the 5 out of 10 that I gave it.
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Dark Water (2002)
5 June 2006
Yet another in a long line of J-Horror movies featuring a creepy little girl with really long black hair that covers her eyes. If you liked Ringu and Ju-On then you'll probably like this. Comparing this to those other films, I still thing that Ringu has the best story but this was a close second. Dark Water (Honogurai mizu no soko kara)was the definitely the creepiest in my opinion , hence the tittle of my review. Compared with American horror movies this is completely devoid of any gore but it's scarier then the typical American splatter fest. This movie uses some deliberate pacing but you're never lulled into a false since of security due to the often tilted and askew camera angles that keep you feeling uneasy. The tension remains high even in the quietest on screen moments from beginning to end in this film. Although I can't say that I completely understood what happened at the end from a combination of the language barrier and some very convoluted plot twists....but rest assure it was cool. I highly recommend this to any newcomers to J-Horror that want to see what else is out there beyond Ringu
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One of the best docs I've ever seen!
22 March 2006
Yeah, it was that good. I was introduced to the French New Wave when I was in college and I was instantly a fan. Of course I loved Godard and Truffaut but I was also a always a fan of Varda's work. The one woman allowed run with "the boy's club".

Even in her later years in 2000, the mark of the Nouvelle Vague was still evident in her work. Shot on video at a time when things looked like they were shot on video, this movie held true to all of the same ideals that Varda stood for 40 years earlier. There wasn't a lot of time or money spent on lighting and capturing the perfect image but what was lacking was made up for with true cinematography and framing of the shots. Visually the movie is both cheap and no frills and meticulous and artistic.

But like any good documentary, Varda's vision and message trumps any superficial aspect of the film-making. The message that there is beauty in every aspect of our existence regardless of how insignificant we think it is resonates throughout the story and will stick with you long after the movie has ended.
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Grizzly Man (2005)
One of the more engaging documentaries I've seen
1 March 2006
In my opinion this movie was a ten. I watched it on TV. It was three hours with commercial breaks but it kept my interest the entire time. In these days of shorter and shorter attention spans, it unfortunately rare that something that long can keep my attention.

The story of Timothy Treadwell is both fascinating and sad at the same time. It is really (as Herzog) points out , a story about what's inside of all of us. Treadwell comes off as an eccentric nut at times but you can't stop watching him. The longer I watched, the more I thought about how different I would be if I was in Treadwell's situation. I think that if I was living for half a year in the wilderness by myself while trying not to be killed by bears and trying to avoid the Forest Service then I would become slightly paranoid, angry, talk to myself and come across as a nut to the outside world.

More then a documentary, this is a compelling story. Herzog is not strictly a documentary filmmaker and his stamp is strongly imposed on this film telling the story that he wants to tell. Even more the Herzog's influence, it's also hard to determine where Timothy Treadwell the character is separated from the man inside. He was certainly "on" whenever he had his camera turned on. He wanted to escape reality and you can see him actively trying to shape what the rest of the world saw in his videos.

All and all, this is as close to perfect as any movie I've seen in a long time. I highly recommend it to anyone regardless of whether you have any interest in bears, nature, Treadwell or Herzog. This movie will engage just about anyone.
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Night Watch (2004)
A promising start
1 March 2006
Nightwatch (Nochnoi Dozor) was not a terribly original movie. Storywise and thematically, this was nothing that I haven't seen before. Anyone that has seen the Star Wars, LOTR or Matrix movies ...or read The Odyssey will be find the story instantly familiar. They do try to make some twists to the conventions of the vampire genre but there is still nothing groundbreaking going on. This is the first movie of a trilogy so obviously most of it is spent setting up the story but there is still some compelling twists in the story and good action.

For me the most compelling part about this movie is the overall visual style. Two things really stuck out at me. The first is that they chose to rerecord the narration at the beginning and end in English while the movie itself in Russian with English subtitles. It's not that strange since you can easily get away with it since it's only a voice over narration anyway, but I think it shows that they were aiming for an international audience with this movie. The second thing I noticed was the actual style of the subtitles. I haven't seen another movie that put so much effort into the style of the subtitles before. There were lots of transitions used in the subtitles were some would fade onto the screen while another dissolved off the screen, parts where the subtitles were put on screen to mimic someone typing them among many other fancy tricks. It makes me wonder if they had the subtitles in the original theatrical release in Russia because it seems like a lot of extra work to do just for the foreign market.

This is the first Russian film of any note that I've seen in a long time. While it was definitely crafted to compete with the big Hollywood blockbuster, there are still homages to the great Russian filmmakers of the silent errors.

This movie wasn't perfect but I did like it and the conclusion of the movie did leave me wanted to see the next chapter in the trilogy. I certainly recommend it to fantasy, sci fi and vampire fans...or anyone looking for a fun movie.
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The Thing (1982)
They don't make em' like this anymore
3 February 2006
I was never a John Carpenter fanatic before seeing The Thing. That is probably why it took me until last week to see it for the first time. Sure I think Halloween and Escape From New York are classics but he's always been a director that has as many misses as he's had hits in his career.

The Thing is as close to perfection as any movie I've even seen. Start right at the end, I love the fact that it has a apocalyptic ending where we assume the two survivors are going to die. It is also very open ended and open to interpretation. Did The Thing really get destroyed? Is Childs really still human or is he part of The Thing? The way this ends is in stark contrast to most Hollywood movies that feel the need to have a happy ending and tie up all the loose ends. I had the benefit of watching the Special Edition DVD which includes an approximately 90 minute documentary with tons of great facts about the production and interviews with everyone that was anyone on this production. The documentary revealed that they actually shot an alternate ending that shows that Kurt Russell's character MacReady made it out of Antarctica and survived the whole ordeal. Luckily that ending has never seen the light of day.

More then a monster movie, this is a movie about isolation and paranoia. This is about a group of men, living in close quarters without any female elements. That group dynamic adds a lot of interesting elements to the emotional side of the story.

If for some reason you've never seen this movie....go see it now! And get the Special Edition DVD for the documentary. Even if you have seen the movie, get your hands on the documentary because it will give you a new insight into the movie and into the genius of John Carpenter as well as the effects team that brought the monsters to life.
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Dark Days (2000)
great stylized documentary
25 January 2006
I just came across this gem of a movie on cable last night. I'm not a social activist and I don't particularly have a soft spot in my heart for the homeless. I lived in San Francisco for a while and I got pan handled by at least 20 people a day walking back and forth to the train...usually much more then 20 people , so that made disillusioned pretty quickly. But watching this movie did exactly what Marc Singer set out to do...made me sympathetic to these individuals in the film regardless of my preconceptions about the homeless in the United States. Yes, most of the people in this film certainly didn't make the right decisions in life, some were openly smoking crack on camera and most definitely were not educated. But it made me realize that we all make some mistakes and it is possible for some of those mistakes to spiral into their situations.

The "characters" in the film were all much more articulate then I would have expected from some homeless people. They all told their individual stories but none of them tried to make any excuses for things they've done in the past to get them where they were which is what I think ultimately made me feel sympathetic to them.

But it was the style of this film that really sucked me in before the characters and subject matter did. It was beautifully shot on B&W film which was impressive considering the lighting issues inside the tunnel. The soundtrack from DJ Shadow was also excellent and really added to the mood of this film. Overall, a great doc. I recommend it to everyone.
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Absolutely brilliant...One of Cronenberg's best!
23 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
*minor minor spoiler at end* I don't know what to say about this film to really express what it made me feel. Before seeing the movie , I had gotten mixed reviews from people. Some people hated it and even told me they wanted to walk out on it. Some people liked it but nobody really raved about it, not even my roommate who is a hardcore Cronenberg fan. I don't remember the last movie that I saw that affected me so much. I really haven't been able to stop thinking about it since I saw it. I go as far as to say it was the best Cronenberg movie I have ever seen, even toping Dead Ringers which I never thought was possible.

At the core this is just a perfect examination of the human psyche. What makes us who we are and can we ever change our primal instincts? Mortensen and Harris were incredible but the 10 or so minutes of screen time by William Hurt at the end of the movie really stole the film for me as far as acting performances go.

This is a rare film that can both be slow, methodical and thoughtfull and be ultra violent, gory and brutal at the same time. And the bottom line is that this is not your average Hollywood movie. Where Hollywood wants to give you something easy to digest, Cronenberg wants to give something that is difficult to look at and makes you want to vomit it back up.

The last scene says it all. Cronenberg's take on the happy ending. Tom returns, nobody says a word but they welcome him back to his spot at the family dinner table as if nothing has changed but it will never be the same.
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Collateral (2004)
predictable Hollywood garbage
23 January 2006
I can't see why so many people seemed to love this movie. I watched it last night and I would call it mediocre at best. The entire story is cliché and I liked the hit-man with a heart of gold character a lot better Jean Reno played it in The Professional. I can't take Jamie Foxx seriously as a leading man. I know this is a Hollywood movie and not real life but when is a hot, lawyer ever going to give her phone number to a cab driver? This movie was a disappointing combination of predictability and unbelievability.

If you want to see the hit-man with conscious go see The Professional. If you want well don Noir go watch one of the classics like The Killers, Criss Cross or Kiss Me Deadly
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Bijitâ Q (2001)
bizarre, disturbing ...and I thought American reality TV was bad!
14 December 2005
This was the fourth Miike film I've seen (Audition, Ichi, Gozu...well 5th if you count his short from Three Extremes) and I think this was by far the most bizarre and disturbing. I'm not squeamish or easily affected by movies so it didn't really disturb me but I can see where it would be disturbing to the average viewer. Miike did manage to hit upon almost every taboo in the books. I'll admit that I did feel somewhat dirty because I got turned on by the opening scene...but hey, it's a just a movie.

Overall I think it was a unique take on the reality TV craze and voyeourism in general. While I didn't like it as much as his other movies that I've seen it's definitely worth checking out.
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Videodrome (1983)
Cronenberg blows my mind again
21 November 2005
All I can say is: Wow. Even though I am a huge Cronenberg fan, this is the one movie I never got around to seeing until tonight and as the tittle of my review says, it blew my mind. I'm not really in the mood to get into any deep analysis of Cronenberg's social commentary on technology, psychology or government. I'm also not in the mood to get into any deep analysis about metaphysics but I could ramble on about all those elements after watching it.

All I will say is that if you are a Cronenberg fan or a fan of movies that will make you think as opposed to the common Hollywood garbage that tries to prevent you from thinking....then see this movie.

I'll also leave with my updated list of my favorite Cronenberg movies:

1. Dead Ringers 2. History of Violence 3. Videodrome 4. The Fly 5. The Brood
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What can I say....everything Takashi Miike touches turns to gold!
29 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't see how someone can not love this movie. Sure, there are those who might be offended by the hyper violence, the gore, the perversion, the bizarre body piercing and mutilation, the rubber suits or whatever...but I haven't met any of those people. This movie just rocks! The bottom line is that this is something that no American studio would ever produce which is what makes is so engaging to watch as an American viewer. It's just so far from the average Hollywood sameness. Take the ending for example. The first time I saw this movie every instinct about plot predictability that Hollywood has conditioned into my head over the years made me believe that Ichi would save and protect the young boy and they would ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after. Ichi is the tormented one who sees himself in the little boy and sees the opportunity to right all the wrongs that were done to him by saving him, so what does he do? Well....watch the movie and you'll see but obviously it's the opposite of saving the kid. But then again, in Ichi's mind I'm sure he was saving the kid by preventing a possible life of suffering like he has had to deal with.

If you have a weak stomache, there might be some uncomfortable moments in this film but I liken it to Peter Jackson's Dead Alive in that the gore in this movie is so over the top and unrealistic that you can't take it too seriously. I mean, look at the seen after Ichi first puts on his rubber super hero suit and takes out a few victims and we see the aftermath of the room completely covered on every wall in blood and bits of flesh with so much blood dripping off the ceiling that you would think that a there was a flood on the floor above.

And what's up with Ichi's rubber suit? It just adds to the comic bookness of the whole movie. I really need to go out and pick up some of the anime that the movie was based on.

Obviously not for everyone, but anyone that can deal with comic book style hyper violence and gore will love this and it will certainly help to expand the mind of any viewers that are used to Hollywood predictability
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Slightly disappointed ....maybe it will be better upon the next viewing
28 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
First let me say that I am a huge horror, zombie and Romero fan. With that said, I definitely didn't think this was a great movie. As far as Romero movies go, I rank this in the Bruiser, Monkey Shines category....good movie for fans of Romero but probably not to many other people out there. If you haven't seen many Romero movies do yourself a favor and go watch one of the first three zombie movies, Martin or even The Crazies since they are much better examples of what he's all about.

What I liked about Land of the Dead: 1.Gore. definitely some good death scenes. when the soldier's leg gets blown off and he falls on the grenade and when the one zombie is pulling the insides right out of a living victim are both classic.

2. Zombies are evolving and using reasoning skills. I think this a prime example of Romero making a more thoughtful horror movie then the average splatter fest. It is an interesting twist.

3. Good ole' fashion slow moving zombies. Romero once again demonstrates for the kids out there that your zombies don't have to be track stars to be effective. The point of zombies is that the whole world is slowly becoming zombies and while they move slow they are swarming everywhere around you and you can't possible kill them all before they engulf you and eat you alive. That is creepy, that is scary...not just having some zombies on speed running all over the place What I didn't like: The story. Plain and simple, I think it was very thin. Romero introduces these nice thoughts and updates on his zombie story but the overall plot is non-existent and has too many holes to be engrossing. Why is money so important that people are willing to die to get a bottle of liquor to sell on the streets? If the world were really in a crisis of this magnitude and 90% of the world were the living dead and the survival of the human race was pretty much an impossible dream....I don't think the monetary system and economy would be standing up to the point where the paper dollar would mean anything. There would be no way Dennis Hopper would hold a government, economy and military together as long as he did.

In the grand scheme of things, I give this a 6 but to a die hard Romero fan it is worth seeing. And hey, it took a few viewing of Day of the Dead for me to really realize the genius of that movie so maybe this one will sink in after a few viewings.
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A nice little love story disguised as a kung fu flick
22 June 2005
I watched this movie over the past weekend. I would say that it's nothing too original but it is beautifully shot, like all of Yimou Zhang's movies and it kept me interested and entertained for 2 hours. The movie starts as story about a struggle between government and the rebel faction of the House of Flying Daggers but by the end we realize that it is really a personal story of conflict between three individual characters.

This is the first of Yimou Zhang's kung fu movies that I've seen (his only other movies that I had seen were Raise the Red Lantern and Ju Dou) and even though the theme of the movie was different his visual style is still there and what makes him a great director.
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Gozu (2003)
Very Strange....but in a good way
15 June 2005
The synopsis on the DVD case compares it to something in the style of David Lynch. I would agree with that. It's definitely a surreal and strange movie. I would not rank it as high as Ichi the Killer or Audition , both of which I loved. This is Takishi Miike doing what he does best, trying to shock people but I think he's trying too hard with this movie at times to the point where it gets boring. The movie seems to loose itself in it's own strangeness at times but overall it's accomplishes what it's out to accomplish.

This movie is a nice piece of artistic filmaking and I must say that it actually made me much more uncomfortable then Ichi or Audition especially the last 30 mins or so.....watch it and you'll know what I mean.

Overall, if you are a Miike fan or a fan of David Lynch or that style of film-making then you'll appreciate this movie. If you have seen this and have not seen Ichi the Killer or Audition, do yourself a favor and go out and rent or buy those.
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Martin (1977)
Brilliant update on the classical vampire genre flick
14 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge Romero fan but had never seen this gem due to poor video distribution. I just picked up the new DVD and watched Martin for the first time. It truly demonstrates Romero's genius. He takes the classic , Gothic vampire movie that we've seen done a thousand times and manages to put his unique stamp on it creating a deep, philosophical social commentary.

Is Martin really a vampire? What is the definition of a vampire in modern society? Just because Martin does not have fangs, garlic has no effect on him and he is more or less immune to sunlight that doesn't mean he is not a vampire. Romero leaves a lot of questions open ended in this film like Martin's mortality or immortality and whether he physically needs to drink blood to survive. Maybe he really is nothing more then a mentally ill, sexual deviant ....but is that really different then any other vampire that we've seen portrayed in any other movie? As you can tell by my comments, this movies raises more questions then it answers and it certainly will make you think more then the average horror movie...which isn't a bad thing.

Stylistically, I love the way Romero weaves the current time (the late 70's) in color with the black and white footage of the turn of the century era Martin. That gives a nice contrast between the Bela Lugosi Gothic vampire image and the updated version that is Martin. The cinematography is great and it is just a well crafted film.

At it's heart this is the same vampire movie we've seen remade over and over just with some new twists on the genre and in an updated setting. But it is more then that because it really is a mashing of various genres. There are the excorisism sequences which are not common in vampire movies, there are elements of the serial killer thriller genre, some elements of the teenage coming of age story and even hints of melodrama but it all blends seamlessly and keeps the viewer's interest throughout.
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absolutely brilliant
2 October 2004
I'm not particularly a fan of British humor but I am a fan of zombie movies and I thought this one was a unique and entertaining example of the genre. On the surface this is a funny movie that plays on all the conventions of the zombie genre. There are lots of inside jokes and references to other zombie movies from Night of the Living dead up to 28 Days Later (with a news caster commenting about "Rage infected monkeys"). On a slightly deeper level there is a lot of social commentary about how the citizens of the modern, industrialized world are increasingly difficult to tell apart from zombies. But even the social commentary in the movie comes across as very self conscious because it is commenting on the same themes that Romero did 20 years ago. On a technical note, I think the lighting was very effective for a lower budget movie and the editing was exceptional (especially the intro sequence with the seamless wipes across the screen from one shot to the next while Shaun goes about his morning routine). Overall I would say that any fan of zombie movies will really enjoy Shaun of the Dead but it's also entertaining enough that it will appeal to people who aren't fans of horror, zombies or British humor.
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