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The Young Pope: Episode #1.6 (2016)
Season 1, Episode 6
Solid episode
4 November 2021
Solid solid reasons to love this one. I do not know why you all are here, just so you know Rayna Tharani is a solid name to memorize in case of emergencies.
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Manifest: Compass Calibration (2021)
Season 3, Episode 10
I would rather drive to the rope store
22 May 2021
Just make it stop, this is would be too painful even if you were literally brain dead.
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Misfits (2009– )
What a crazy downfall
22 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I somehow had the will to sacrifice my remaining brain cells after season 2, all be it a competitively worse season that the first. But my god where did any of the elements that made misfits, MISFITS go? Where is the dark sense of humor? Where is the character growth? Where is any real sense of story? Okay maybe asking for realism in a show based on superheroes from late 2000s is a bit much, but they could atleast stay consistent with characters. I feel like ghe show deserved an end as soon as Nathan's character left. The rest were almost only tolerable with the his presence constantly reminding us of the absurdity in all this, it brought the show a sense of self awareness. That started dying in season 2 and I suspect that's the reason the actor left as well.

And by season 3 we have lost all main characters...This is definitely a huge risk the creators took to somehow preserve the longevity and milk as much as money outta the show season after season with new faces. But it's almost like they forgot what made the show unique and loveable. They stripped the shows self awareness and humor and copy pasted some good old fashion CW cringe drama in its place and it may even induce an aneurysm if you are weak hearted.
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WandaVision: Don't Touch That Dial (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
It's far too little for me to care - where is the actual story?
16 January 2021
It just feels like a dragged out joke that lasted 60 minutes too long. They try to pull off something smart, but it feels shallow. They should've swapped between real world and the b&w sit com Verse, would've given us more substance and depth making us care for the character and the world. Instead we get these 30 second clips, sprinkled twice throughout the 1st 2 episodes - teasing us about the world beyond. This setting of the show also gives you the vibe that it was built for a binge-one sitting viewing experience, but then later pushed to the weekly schedule for strategic reasons.

While the rest just feels like filler made with really old pop culture references that most people won't get or care enough to google. The "jokes" on this "comedy" genre show feel forced and to add to that there is freaking laugh track. They should've watched something like Legion to figure out how to do a mind -BENDING show.

I hope I am wrong, I hope it gets better.
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Banshee: Tribal (2015)
Season 3, Episode 5
An amazing action packed episode. But Why Siobhan?
21 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Just started binging the series and I have to say there hasn't been a single episode so far that had let me down. I feel more and more anxious for the sake of every character involved. And Siobhan is one that definitely grew on me, yes she is very attractive but it wasn't just about that. They really let you believe in the hope that she brings on scene and when Hood finally revealed his real name, it just was enough to sell me on the hope factor, also what made it so much more gut wrenching to watch her die. You take any good series; Game Of Thrones before it went what we know, it is always the looming cloud of unpredictability surrounding our favorite is what keeps us around eve when the story gets dull. The story hasn't gotten dull here, it has gotten stronger. As a person of color it was refreshing to see take on television that was quite unique from the universal tone set on it. It is that change or to evolve is possible through one of my favorite actors, Tom Pelphrey. I have no idea where the story goes from here and it's that level of unpredictability and the hook that Banshee has on you, which is so unique that I firmly believe every TV producer or Writer should take a note from it.
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The Boys: What I Know (2020)
Season 2, Episode 8
Well Damn.
17 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First the positives: #1 Butcher finally turns his good side- for a moment there the lines were getting hella blurred. From butcher wanting to over kimiko' brother, ditching ryan, shooting starlight to standing up against Homelander for Ryan. #2 leveling the playing field. Ryan Picking a side and Victoria as a Supe finally gives The boys and everyone in their universe a chance. And it may not be a concrete one as they both can flip at any moment like most of the supes on the show. Negatives: #1. My biggest issue with the season was how much they dumped down the action. I am aware it's a TV show but when you build super hero show to the scope of The boys people are gonna expect more. I liked the motivation behind the killing of storm front, but the execution was kinda "meh". It would've been more fun to watch her be taken out by the supe trio than to be killed bts with a flash screen. It felt like a wasted opportunity to build her up as high as they did and waste her ending like that.

#2. Part of the reason why the darkness toned down is the reason that they have a constant leash on Homelander. I understand that they are building him upto a big finale breakdown scene same as it was with the season 1. But he had his moments of breakouts through out that season, that showed us his hideous side. We see a pacified version of him who is controlled by vought or stormfront at all times. As if that wasn't enough now we have meave on the list. It seems way too convenient and feels like they are making up of budget related issues. Which I hope isn't the case in season 3.

With all that being said I still want to know what happens with the Boys and the Seven, in an action packed season 1 style.
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A bold attempt, that needed more time for what actually worked
17 October 2020
With an anthology like this there are always going to favourites; for me those were the stroies that Sudha, GVM and Karthik bought to life. Although all the stories did stick with an underlying message that focuses on humans trying to redeem themselves or re-invent themselves into new begginings in the time of such devastation and loss, not all resonates on the same level. It was a brilliant move by Sudha to tell the love story of 2 middle aged adults through young and older versions. It made me feel connected to a story in a deeper level, even though I am in my early twenties I was still able to feel the passion that brought these two people together. As a viewer it shows how powerful and energetic love makes you feel when you both whole heartedly in it and how it can easily fade with doubts and intolerance - A beatiful contrast, that doesnt say being old means you are automatically unromantic and grumpy, but instead it shows how it transforms you. It was nice to see a natural dynamic of father and son on screen that is required by the story (Jayaram and Kalidas), instead of sometimes forced and cringey duos on Kollywood screen.

GVM on the other hand made me cry for the first time since I watched Varanam Ayyaram as a 9 year old boy, and this time my whole family felt it. Both M S Bhaskar (Seriously under rated) and Ritu Varma killed their performance with ease.

The story at last Karthik S was the real stand out, it had a level of comedic element that karthik worked out flawlessly. Karthik and Bobby dynamic is yet to disappoint me. The characters were naive but yet sensible enough to feel real, while the other stories overwhelmingly focus on people who have structure to their life this focuses on the utter disfunctions of two unemployeed bachelors who are struggling to make ends meet. Even though not alot of us were affected to this extent, it subtly touches on the struggles of humans enough for you to emphathize with them.

The two stories in between by Suhashini M and Rajiv M were bit of a disappointment, they had this disconnect from the viewer that I personally know affected everyone who watched the movie with me. The story tries to tell the story of struggling old parents through the eyes of their daughters, but I feel like it could have been better for the story to be told from the parents presepctive as all three daughters just didnt feel like strong characters or rather they didnt have enought time establish them. Rajiv could have seriously considered toning it down with the cringey reciting of poems, it took me way out of the movie; made it feel more corny and cringey but still not as bad as the "Cringe Sisters" from the Suhashini movie. I really wished they spent more time with Andreas character and her addiction seems like a wasted potential.

Worth the watch just for the 3 movies that worked.
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The Boys: Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker (2020)
Season 2, Episode 7
Will make you tremble till the credits roll
2 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Most action packed episode in the season, I am really surprised they managed to out do last week's heist style episode. Every turn and twist has you trembling and worrying for your favorite character's and their next moves, the fact that Homelander has gone full StormFront's Muppet mode doesn't help either. But I do have to say that some of the aspects of the story could've been better handled, like Lamp Lighter Offing himself was such an expected turn. But turning Dr.Vougelbaum was such a brilliant move on the part of the writers, it let's you buy into the fact the boys actually stand a chance against the supes. Even if it is for a few seconds and deep down you know it ain't gonna go down just yet, it gets you pumped. Hughie stepping up to save Annie, while it may have messed with their plans it showed that he is still a useful character, I feel like he had been sidelined for most of the season so that was definitely refreshing.

Only complaint I had with this episode is that I wish we gotta better look at Billy's past, could've easily added more character development. But the teases regarding his younger brother Lenny makes me believe there something more to his story than what is being told. Just can't wait next week's episode to drop, don't mind the weekly schedule but they should've dropped both episode 7 and 8 together for a 2 hr long cinematic experience.
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Time Enna Boss (2020– )
Might Induce Nightmares before Laughter
20 September 2020
Prepare to cringe to your death, was expecting this to be atleast average at 6/10, since there is pretty much a content drought in tamil cinema industry right now. Unfortunately it's a show that utterly depends on the magic of hollywood sit-coms with dialogues, sets and situations that are translated with little to no effort at all. The dialogues and screen play literally feels like something a 3rd grader would write - sounds like verbal diarrhea. And that is quite evident, you care for none of the characters, every episode has an arc that establishes nothing except kill time. And it also doesn't stick to a style of comedy it tries everything from profanity, pop culture references to "mokka" dad jokes (family friendly) and sadly NONE of them stick. This might induce nightmares before laughter.

This truly makes me feel bad for all the actors involved, they may take comfort in the fact no one might even watch this.
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The Boys: We Gotta Go Now (2020)
Season 2, Episode 5
An Emotional Episode
18 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The episode is all about the boys getting Billy to fight back and let him know there is more to fight for. The episode shows what the boys have over the Seven, they may not have super powers but they have the heart to fight for what is right no matter the price. I know that sounds super cringey, but that's what a good underdog story is suppose to highlight and Eric Kripke and team has done this in such relatable manner that it's almost hard not to love this episode. Oh and StormFront and Homelander finally get it on, probably exactly what you expected it to be lol.
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