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Castle Freak (1995 Video)
14 May 2022
I just saw this film last night on Tubi. I hadn't seen Castle Freak in quite a few years. Never have I ever sympathized with a monster, more than I did for poor Giorgio. He was the real victim in this tragic and gut wrenching tale of longing, loneliness and hatred. Barbara Crampton and Jeffrey Combs are in rare form as a deeply damaged married couple. Jessica Dollaride is exceptional as their blind daughter. Combs as John Reilly, inherits an ancestral castle in Italy. He just wants to inventory everything, and sell the estate. He and his wife are unaware that there is another presence in the castle. Rebecca, though fully blind, can sense some one or thing roaming through the hallways and her bedroom as well! I will leave the rest of the plot for you to enjoy. This is not a film for kids. The antagonist of this creepy shocker, having been beaten and chained inside a dungeon for nearly 50 years is miss understood. He only wants to be loved, but reacts violently to any kind of revilement from who ever he encounters in the vast, cold and eerie dwelling. Despite the horrid acts he commits against innocent victims, My heart broke for him!!!!!
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The Dark (I) (2018)
An unsettling and touching film!
18 December 2018
This film was an unexpected surprise. It starts out pretty generic, but quickly turns into something altogether amazing: a horror film that touches you so deeply, and at the same time, angers you to the core! You are swiftly thrown into the horrible plight of an abused pair of teenagers, one who appears to be dead. I wont go into the plot any further. See it for yourself, you wont regret it.
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The Babadook (2014)
Obscure Australian horror film impresses
22 November 2015
The Babadook is an amazing little horror film. I recently purchased the special edition DVD, and was not disappointed. While I had never heard of this film, just reading the synopsis on the back cover sold me on it.

This is one little thrill ride of a horror film!!!! Phenomenal performances by Essie Davis as a widowed mother, and Noah Wiseman, as her idiosyncratic son, are what makes this film tick. Radek Ladczak's eerily beautiful cinematography, and heart pounding sound effects add to the creepiness of this little gem.

When a strange children's book shows up mysteriously on a bedroom bookshelf, the horror begins! In someways, the Mr. Babadook pop-up book , is scarier than the film itself. With each reading, the book becomes more and more disturbing to the boy's mother.This film will both sadden and shock you to the core!!! I highly recommend it to all movie lovers, for while it is a taut little horror film, it is also an astounding study of human grief. Don't miss it!!!!!
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Wildly strange and stunning study of human despair
16 November 2015
I first saw this film on T.V. back in the late sixties.I was only eight or nine years old. This beautifully tragic film had a lasting effect on me. It was many years later, before I had the chance to see it again. I had only remembered bits and pieces of it at the time, but seeing it in my forties was no less mesmerizing.

Surfing through the channels last night, I came across a showing of the film on TCM. Unfortunately, I missed the first 20 minutes or so. But I couldn't resist watching the remainder of Something Wild. I came away with an even more resounding admiration for this bizarre foray into loneliness and despair. Carroll Baker's hauntingly nuanced performance was a revelation to behold. Ralph Meeker, an unappreciated actor for most of his career, gives a subdued but no less stellar a performance.

The story of a rape victim running from every memory of her horrible ordeal, only to attempt to take her own life, by jumping off the Manhattan Bridge. But a savior of sorts, played by Meeker, saves her just in time.These two aren't the only subjects to amaze your senses. The backdrop of New York City also plays a big role in the film. The great cinematography of NYC in the 1960's not only lends a gritty realism to Something Wild, but also made me nostalgic for my younger years. The conclusion of this cinematic gem might seem quite strange for some, but if you pay close attention, it is quite fitting. Look out for future T.V. moms Jean Stapleton ( Edith Bunker on All in the Family), and Doris Roberts, ( Marie Barone on Everybody Loves Raymond).

Something Wild is quite simply something special!!!!!!
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Albino Farm (2009)
Wrestling stars performance makes this film worth watching
5 May 2013
I saw Albino Farm on cable late last night, and was pleasantly surprised. Four college kids in search of a local legend, which turns out to be the Albino Farm. Also known as Wrong Turn 4, this film featured the usual cannibalistic killings, and something else that is not the usual; some very fine acting performances. Most notably, an impressive turn by wrestling star Chris Jericho. While not his usual handsome self, his performance added a chilling component to the films otherwise predictable plot line. The film did have some interesting murder sequences, as well as the clever use of a particular Bible passage that helped the four main characters solve the mystery of the Albino Farm. Tammin Sursock also gives a credible performance as the main heroine of this shocker. Not bad for a straight to video feature!
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First Rate Haunted House Thriller
26 April 2013
I had the pleasure of seeing this film in the theater 40 years ago this summer, and I must say that it still packs a wallop! I won't go into the storyline much, but I will say this;" The Legend of Hell House " is a classic film of the genre, thats been rarely matched to date. The performances by Roddy McDowell, Clive Revill, Gayle Hunnicut and Pamela Franklin were flawless, and therefore a key to this films success.

The film drips with atmosphere and a sense of foreboding dread. The special effects, considered archaic by todays standards, hold up surprisingly well. It has everything a movie fan could ask for: sexually provocative scenes, an eerie setting, a thrilling séance sequence and lots of scary surprises along the way! The film is impeccably directed by John Hough, with a very mature perspective. It never succumbs to cheesy tactics. " The Legend of Hell House " is an intelligent and very satisfying haunted house thriller.
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Stigmata (1999)
Thought Provoking Film That Tests Your Faith
8 April 2013
" Stigmata " (1999) is a thinking man's horror film. It not only makes you question the motives of the Catholic Church, but it also implores you to question your own faith and the true meaning of GOD. I was drawn to this film for many reasons. But it takes more than one viewing for you to fully realize its impact, not only on Catholics, but for anyone who believes in God.

It features fine performances by Patricia Arquette ( before her success on " Medium " ) as the girl who becomes afflicted with the " stigmata " wounds, and Gabriel Byrne as the skeptical priest who tries to save her. The film is visually stunning and features an impressive cutting edge soundtrack. " Stigmata " is more than your average possession film. It delves into the " sinister " inner workings of the Catholic Church, and its obsession with power and corruption. I don't want to reveal any spoilers here, so I'll only say that if you are a Catholic or believe in God you must see this engrossing film, for it will open your eyes to the real truth about Jesus and his philosophy towards his followers…… " for I am under every rock and in every tree…. "
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Restitution (I) (2011)
I was hooked from the get go!
7 April 2013
I just finished watching " Restitution " and was blown away by the twist ending. Maybe my brain was on standby because of it being a Sunday afternoon and all, but I did not see it coming. I was also shocked to see how many rated this film so poorly. Sure Bierlein is no Pacino, but to write, produce and star in this film is quite impressive, considering how intriguing it was. I was pulled into the plot line immediately and never looked back. Mena Suvari and Tom Arnold were exceptional and it was nice to see C. Thomas Howell again. I won't spoil the plot for anyone who might want to check this movie out, but I will say this movie is not what it appears to be just like some of its main characters. A captivating murder mystery with enough action and plot twists to keep you enthralled for 100 plus minutes!!!!
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Eye See You (2002)
Stallone proves he's not just another pretty face
6 April 2013
I caught this film late last night on Encore cable channel. The title escaped me, but it sounded like an interesting premise. Well not only was I surprised how entertaining this movie was, but I was even more surprised how impressive Stallone's performance was, considering most of his roles for the last decade or so were the usual dumb action hero types whose conversational skills consisted of grunts and groans mostly.

In the film "Eye See You " (2002) STALLONE GIVES HIS ALL ! AN unusually vulnerable as well as poignant portrayal of a grieving FBI agent who turns to the bottle. I won't give the storyline away, but it also has outstanding performances by Robert Patrick, Sean Patrick Flannery and Charles S. Dutton. Most of the film takes place in a snowbound Detox center in Wyoming run by ex cop Kris Kristopherson. More of a murder mystery than action flick which is refreshing for a Stallone movie, and a fair amount of gruesome murders to boot! I recommend it, not only for Sly fans, but for horror fans as well.
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Your World Will Die Screaming From the Terror in the Haunted House!
24 March 2013
This was one of the better B movies of the 50's. The film " Terror in the Haunted House " from 1958, is a creepy little movie with some fine performances by Gerald Mohr and Cathy O'Donnell. She plays a newlywed to husband Mohr, who has recurring dreams about a house she has never been to, or so she thinks. While this house isn't haunted, there is plenty of terror associated with it. With "weirdo" caretaker Jonah lurking about, you can understand why O'Donnell thinks she is losing her mind. I won't spoil the fun, and there's plenty of it in this film, so sit back and enjoy the plot twists and turns and the creepy and foreboding atmosphere! Try to ignore the "Psycho-Rama" gimmick, which flashes subliminal images and words across the screen. It might have been cutting edge back in 1958, but seems silly and unnecessary today.

I have included this film on my list of Ten Best Horror Films of the 1950's. Enjoy!
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The Burning (1981)
All but forgotten 80's slasher film has historical significance
24 March 2013
This 1981 slasher flick has a lot more going for it than Tom Savini's great gore effects. First off, it was the first film ever released by the now legendary Miramax Film studios. It boasts a fine cast of future stars such as Holly Hunter (who would win an Academy Award a decade later) as well as Fisher Stevens. The Burning is a complete ripoff of Friday the Thirteenth, released the year prior, but is actually superior to that slasher classic! Oh, Did I mention that it also has a Jason in the cast? Not Vorhees, but Alexander with hair. Of course he would go on to play George on the now classic T.V. sit-com "Seinfeld".

With a fair amount of tension and lots of blood letting, 'The Burning " is a satisfying piece of cinema. The uncut version,(the only one worth buying) is not available on DVD in the U.S.A. Needless to say, catch this 80's gem anyway you can!
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Forgotten Italian Zombie Classic
23 March 2013
What can you say about this little known gem? It has everything you would want in a horror movie, and then some! Directed by Andrea Bianchi, this gore-fest has a lot going for it. First off, this film features the most unlikeable cast of characters I've ever seen in a zombie flick. They make the zombies look like the protagonists of the film! But that is part of its charm. You find yourself rooting for the undead. You CAN'T wait for the hapless victims to die! On a more positive note, the film has some of the best zombie makeup I have ever seen. It also boasts an atmosphere of complete dread and hopelessness. This flick has some of the goriest and inventive murder scenes imaginable. It's as if the zombies watched episodes of "This Old House" and picked up some hand tool tips from Bob Vila. And how can you not mention Peter Bark, the man-child actor involved in the incest angle of the film EEEEEWWWW!

All said and done, Burial Ground is one of the best Italian made zombie movies, right up there with the works of Lucio Fulci. I highly recommend you buy this film for your collection, it's a must have!
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Best 'trash' movie of all time
20 March 2013
" Valley of the Dolls " is unequivocally the greatest piece of " trash " ever brought to the screen! It has everything from drug abuse, pathetic people who think they are relevant in Hollywood, and a dirty secret in every closet in town! While it's based on Jacqueline Susanne's best selling novel, it is adapted into a convoluted mess and leaves out a lot such as character development and believability. But I must confess I LOVED it! It's a glorious potboiler with hilarious dialog and over the top performances. On the plus side, the film's production values are first rate, and it features a memorable theme song by Dionne Warwick.The story of a small town girl who heads off to New York for bigger and better things is nothing new in the world of cinema, but the women and men that she meets along the way are unforgettable, and so is this movie! It is an indulgence of bad taste that becomes as addicting as the " dolls " themselves. And what a cast! Up and coming actress Barbara Parkins ( who never got anywhere! ) Patty Duke (who was already famous) Sharon Tate (whose career ended tragically) and Susan Hayward ( fading veteran movie star ).

Tons of musical numbers, mostly forgettable, and let's not forget the trashy wardrobes and appalling hairstyles! But all of this excess is what makes the film so watchable time and time again. There are scenes and dialog that are so unbelievably over the top, that they have become legendary in the annals of film. Most of them involved Patty Duke, which made her the film's "standout" performer, and made every moviegoer forget the twins from Brooklyn Heights.

" Valley of the Dolls " remains one of those rare "guilty" pleasures that only gets trashier with every viewing!
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Forgotten Universal Gem From the 1940's
18 March 2013
" Murder in the Blue Room " (1944) is a very enjoyable musical/who- done it starring the gorgeous Anne Gwynne. This film is virtually impossible to find these days. I have only seen it once, and that was back in the early 70's. It left an impression on me and I would love to see this film again! Thrills and chills and musical dance numbers all packed into one hour. Short , but sweet. As much as I enjoyed this film, unfortunately I only remember bits and pieces of it. It involves a secret bedroom (blue) where a man was murdered 20 years earlier, as well as a shootout inside the caves below the seaside mansion where the film takes place. It is rare for a movie so vaguely remembered, to have such an impact on a first time viewer such as myself. I hope to one day come across this little slice of cinematic joy to add to my collection. I HAVE FOUND THIS FILM ON YOUTUBE. I HAD THE PLEASURE OF SEEING IT IN ITS ENTIRETY LAST YEAR!!! IT IS WORTH A LOOK, ESPECIALLY FOR OLDER MOVIE BUFFS.
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Horror of Party Beach-A childhood guilty pleasure! This review may contain some spoilers.
16 March 2013
The Horror of Party Beach has got to be one of the all time great "Z" grade movies. To a 12 year old kid these monsters were so cool. I didn't care about acting or production values back then, this was great cinema! While it featured the very first slumber party massacre on film, (quite bloody and graphic for its time), it also had some of the funniest dialog and scenes ever put on film. Some teenagers recruit the help of the local college professor to kill these radioactive sea creatures. He discovers by accident( the family maid Eullabelle spills some salt onto a severed limb left by one of the beastly denizens) that sodium can destroy them. This sequence with the maid is hilarious! The fact that the professor has to drive from Conn. to N.Y. just to get a large supply of salt is absurdly funny in and of itself. The Del-Aires are on hand for your musical pleasure, singing their smash hits Zombie Stomp and Elllllaaaiiinnneee! Where was Dick Clark when all this was happening? I rate it a Fiiiiiiiive!

All in all, this movie still holds a special place in my heart. But if you want a similar type of film, only better, check out Roger Corman's 1980 cult classic " Humanoids From the Deep".
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Beware (I) (2010)
Low budget slasher flick impresses
15 March 2013
I caught this film on Showtime last night for the first time, and was fairly impressed. Considering the shoe-string budget this film featured some very convincing gore effects. OK, the acting was very uneven,though there were a few good performances, but overall this was a pretty satisfying time killer. The maniacal killer, an abused child called "Shane", could possibly become the next Jason if the creators of the film play it smart. He has all the necessary qualifications: abusive childhood, driven to hatred by his years of being chained to a tree like an animal, and very cool weapons of choice! A sleepy small town in southern Florida where creepy legends abound, is the setting for this gory slasher flick. It also features an all Latino cast as the 'victims" of Shane's wrath. I recommend this for at least one watch, and you might get hooked 'literally". You might even start dreaming of the emergence of a brand new "slasher" killer franchise!
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One of my favorite 1950's horror/sci-fi films
13 March 2013
1959's "Monster of Piedras Blancas" remains one of my favorite horror/sci-fi films from my childhood. I remember watching this film for the first time after school on N.Y's channel 9 during the early 1970's. It had such an impact on me. Loved the creature costume. (very convincing till this day!) I was quite surprised by the level of gore for a film of that period. The setting of a sleepy California coastal town and the impressive score, added to the films appeal. Some of the acting was fairly decent and the plot simple and straight forward. I understand the film is unavailable on DVD at the moment, but hope to find it soon. It is a must for mine as well as anyone else's collection.
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Best of the 70's Amicus Anthology films!
13 March 2013
This was the first horror movie my mother took me to see at the local movie-house. It was 1972 and I was 11 years old,and it was the moment that I became hooked on horror films forever. Directed by the legendary Freddie Francis, it featured some of Britain's finest acting royalty. This film , even at that age, made me appreciate not only a good scary movie, but fine acting performances as well.While all 5 entries were quite good, one installment stood out from the rest. This was the "Poetic Justice" segment starring the incomparable Peter Cushing. His performance as Arthur Grimsdyke was one of the most touching and humanistic portrayals I have ever seen in any horror movie. Because of the genteel nature of his character, it is all the more horrifying how he get's his revenge on a "heartless" neighbor. Besides Cushing, the film also stars Sir Ralph Richardson, Roy Dotrice, Nigel Patrick, Ian Hendry and Joan Collins to name a few. Who knew that a decade later I would fall in love with miss Collins on "Dynasty" Freddie Francis was my favorite director of the greatest horror films to come out of Great Britain during the 1960's and 70's. He not surprisingly,would go on to become one of the best cinematographers in the history of film, winning two Oscars for 1960's " Sons and Lover's and 1989's "Glory". "Tales From the Crypt" is an enjoyable, creepy morality tale, and one of the best horror films of the 1970's.
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Night Gallery (1969–1973)
Night Gallery- they don't make T.V. shows like this anymore
10 March 2013
I was 10 years old when this show debuted on T.V. back in 1970. I remember going to school the next day, and talking about the previous night's episode with my classmates. I would also draw images from the show while daydreaming in class; thats how much of an impact it had on me in those days! There is no doubt that Rod Serling was a genius and this anthology series shows why. My favorite episodes include- Pickmans Model, Cool Air, Messiah of Mott Street and Tell David. It was one of those fond memories from my childhood, and I am lucky enough to have found the first two season's on DVD. I also bought the companion book which is invaluable to any fan of the show. One of the great aspects of Night Gallery , is the chance to see not only veteran stars, but up and coming ones as well. Legendary director Steven Spielberg cut his teeth with the original T.V. pilot as well as a few episodes of the series. A true classic of the medium.
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Mad Doctor of Blood Island delivers the goods
7 March 2013
This is one of those little gems that used to show up late at night on Fright Night with John Carradine as host and other venues on t.v. during the late 70's and early 80's. This movie was so heavily edited that I didn't realize how good it was until I found it on DVD about seven years ago. There was a lot of gore and nudity taken out of the t.v. prints that were thankfully restored on the DVD version. Cant have a "drive-in" classic without those elements now can you? The chlorophyll monster was downright original and appalling at the same time. I loved this Phillipino horror film classic for it's atmosphere and campiness though it is evident that the producers of this flick took their job seriously. Second in the Blood Island series and one of the best. 1970's Beast of Blood is also worth a look . Kudos to that other Romero horrormeister.
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