
14 Reviews
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Unfrosted (2024)
Seinfeld continues to prove he owes his career to Larry David.
4 May 2024
What an absolute snore of a movie. Stale jokes that you've seen a hundred times, it seems to want to have a campy energy, but is far too grounded to pull it off. The best part of the piece is Hugh Grant who seems to be in a different much better movie most of the time.

This continues a string of flops for Melissa McCarthy who seemed to be able to do no wrong a few years ago. Her on-screen chemistry with Seinfeld is terrible. McCarthy is mostly mugging for the camera, Seinfeld has a detached non-reaction to most things. There is no odd couple energy, it's just odd. Seinfeld seems to not understand how to give anyone direction, himself especially. Seinfeld can't seem to do anything but play himself, and in this case it's the blandest, and least engaged version of himself possible.

Its not terrible, there a couple of scenes where I chuckled. Beyond that I was more interested in my phone notifications than I was on the next scene in the movie.
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Sisu (2022)
I hoped that it would be better
2 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I came into this movie expecting the type of entertaining lowish budget actions movies that have come out in the last decade. Visceral and hard-hitting...and came away disappointed.

There's tons of action, and the cinematography and acting is competent...but far too many of the action scenes are just too unrealistic. The guy blocks a heavy machine gun's bullets with a mining pan that he holds in his hands like it's Captain America's shield...I actually went back thinking that he picked up a tank hatch or something...but no a thin piece of steel is stopping bullets. Far too many of the action scenes rely on these outlandish premises. It's not that Sisu is a skilled and determined soldier seeking bloody revenge...he's a freakin' super hero.

It does feel like those sequences were done to look impressive, without actual thought to making them believable. Which undermines the entire film, and the premise that he's just gutting it through. This movie would have been so much better if they grounded it a lot more. Why not have him come up for a breath instead of literally sucking the air out of gaping neck wound? Why not have him dive for cover instead of tanking HMG rounds? There's just so many baffling decisions that take away from the movie that the good scenes (and there are several) really made me wonder why there couldn't have been more of those type of sequences instead.

Most action movies are not realistic...but the best avoid disrupting the suspension of disbelief. In this case the movie more-or-less jumps the shark from the first major action sequence, and never really gets back in the groove.

An interesting, yet wasted premise...I don't regret watching it, it was fairly entertaining, but I'll probably never watch it again.
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Frasier (2023– )
A mix of well practiced character work and reinvention
21 December 2023 Frasier...the character hasn't changed much since his original run in Cheers! Kelsey Grammer plays him to perfection. This is both the strength and the original weakness of the show both the show itself and the audience seems to have phantom pain from missing the other characters.

The first 3-4 episodes tries and fails to recapture the dynamics...where the elements of the original characters are transposed to new ones with Frasier being the same. It feels wrong...yet after a few episodes, there's seemingly a realization that it's not quite working...and the premise is abandoned. The characters shed the artifice of having to be replacements and are allowed to evolve differently. Genuine chemistry builds, and the characters really come into their own. The final five episodes are strong, and while there's no lack of callbacks (as there were in the early seasons of the original Frasier) it starts to feel original.

The season does feel too short, as it seems to end just while it's building momentum. It's good, with some genuine moments...but never becomes great.

I do think it deserves another season, so that we can see what comes from this potential. Who knows maybe one day, Frasier will actually be allowed to throw a party that isn't a complete disaster.
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Ghosted (I) (2023)
This movie just reeks or re-writes...
28 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ghosted sounds like either it was a good movie that got chopped to bits...or it's a bad movie that got some re-writes...could have been better but abandoned as "good enough" or it was a good movie that got butchered. What's left is flat with a few flashes of interesting dialogue and funny scenes.

Firstly, Cole is a creep...who does things that no amount of charm can dig his way out of. Sadie is a charmless sociopath who has occasional flashes of humanity. When Cole is charming and Sadie is human...there's chemistry and you can tell why these two people are into each other. The rest of time...which is the majority of this film's runtime...they don't work; and it's bad. They could have easily tweaked these characters to a point where it could have worked so much better...but they didn't and it's baffling.

Here, let me fix this for you in few paragraphs.

Cole is always busy helping people, wants to be in a committed relationship, but everyone ahead of himself or his partner...even though nobody is really asking him too...he feels responsible for everyone, but can't really put anyone ahead of himself. He's sweet charming, but unavailable.

Sadie is smart, funny, and successful...but career always comes first. She's an assassin for the CIA so that means people who are close to her can get hurt. She's been loving them and leaving them for years.

Sadie meets Cole, and they hit it off. The fact that Cole is unavailable is perfect for her. They meet up, have great dates, amazing sex and then go back to their busy lives; but stay in touch.

After a few months, Cole tells Sadie that he's in love with her and wants more. Sadie says it back...but the next day she's gone, her phone is disconnected, her apartment is empty, and she's quit her job. Nobody knows where she's gone. Everyone tells Cole that he messed up confessing he feelings and now she ghosted him.

Cole distraught over ruining his relationship tries to move on...but can't. One day goes to look for his widget (really doesn't matter what) that has an Apple tracker...and finds it in London. Cole realizes that Sadie must have it...and decides that he needs to understand why she told him she loved him back just to disappear. He goes to London...and the plot more or less follows the path in the movie...except that Cole is way less creepy and weird. Instead of Sadie being a sociopath that thinks Cole is pathetic, she explains that love can get him killed...they love each other, they have great chemistry...but everything that is happening is Sadie's worst nightmare...and absolutely terrifying from Cole's perspective. They have to learn to trust each other to survive and blah, blah, blah...

That's a much sounder premise for a movie...I thought of it in 35 seconds.

That's the problem with this movie, it's just bad writing. There are a few funny moments like with the bounty hunters and Sadie's former lovers...which makes me think that there was a funny movie in there somewhere but whoever produced it just didn't care about the finished product...and figured that the two characters are hot enough that they don't really need to be likable.

One last thing...these people do NOT look like they enjoy kissing each other...why would you cast people who have ZERO physical chemistry...the MOST awkward kissing and sex scenes I have seen in a long time. ZERO heat...
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A classic aged better than many other films from the era.
13 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Let's get things out of the way, there are several problematic items about this film, they were a product of their time, and while it doesn't excuse the behavior, it can be understood within the larger context of the era. Beyond that this is a film that tried to inject what were (at the time) anti-racist messaging. Billy Ray is clearly someone whose talents and intellect were hidden by poverty, and a lack of opportunities. It's shown that anyone can do what these rich people do if provided with the proper opportunities.

Now about the movie itself. It's a "modern" take on the Prince and the Pauper, where instead of the Prince and the Pauper being identical, there's a third party which is causing the switch. This makes sense as the story wouldn't work with Murphy playing the dual roles.

I know that a lot of people mention Aykroyd storyline not being "funny" which I disagree. Aykroyd is a great foil as he plays the arrogant jerk well, and is able to show Louis' evolution primarily through his attempts (and failures) to maintain dignity. There's a fairly subtle evolution to his character, and while there's very little in terms of laugh-out-loud moments, it's entertaining.

Murphy's storyline is where the majority of laughs are. Murphy does a great job at hitting those comedic moments. There's a few jokes that are showing their age, but the film still holds up extremely well.

If taken as a product of its time, Trading Places holds up better than many of its contemporaries. It also works as an example of how social commentaries have evolved, and in a way the movie has evolved into a cautionary tale ignored...what the Dukes have done in this movie was seen as a tremendous act of corruption back in 80's...but would be fairly benign compared to today's standards.

There's a certain aspect of nostalgia associated with this movie for me. I've loved this movie for decades, and it's hard for me to see it with the proper detachment...I can certainly see how someone watching it for the first time...especially a person who wasn't around back then...could not forgive the elements as easily as I could.
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1883 (2021–2022)
Overwhelmingly dreary
28 December 2022
The show has everything going for it, except that it's overwhelmingly dreary. It goes out of its way to be dark and it feels needless at times. I could understand if it was historically accurate, but it's not. It's a highly exaggerated and in some ways lacking in subltelty because of it. It would have been nice to see more than a few moments of reprieve per episode. It would have nice to see stretches where things are going well to really make the darker moments hit.

Don't get me wrong there are nice moments here and there, but it never feels like things are going to work out. This undermines the entire show and even the world it is set in. After 2 episodes, I could pretty much predict what would happen for the rest of the show by thinking how things could go bad... And I was never disappointed. Great acting, dialogue and cinematography just can't overcome the story choices which undermine the overall plot.
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How We Roll (2022)
Show recovers from absolutely atrocious pilot.
16 July 2022
Gotta wonder how a show with a pilot this bad got picked up. But it actually recovers and becomes watchable. I have to be honest and say that the only reason I kept watching was because it's got a great cast.

Kinda glad I stuck with it, as there are some enjoyable episodes once it gets going.
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It feels like they weren't sure what story they wanted to tell.
13 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is confusing in many ways...the performances are individually strong. Many of the scenes work, and overall it should be a really strong movie.

Unfortunately, the movies just doesn't tell a really coherent story. The stories between Tony and his mother go a long way towards explaining why he cared about her so the show. In the perspective of the movie it provides nothing, and this is true of so many different scenes. It feels like they took every idea they had for a flashback scene over the course of the series and tried to stitch it into a movie. It just doesn't stand up on its own without the show.

Finally, the story of Dickie Moltesante is set up as this tragedy, the death of a man that Tony loved and was in many ways the father he wished he had. But from Dickie's perspective, he wasn't really shown to care about Tony...and the murder of both his father and his mistress really makes him hard to love...he's like the anti-Tony in that way. Tony did horrible things, but they seemed justified and correct by Tony's worldview...Dickie was neither justified nor was he correct in his own worldview. Dickie was more like Ralphie than he was like Tony...and that further hurt the movie; and made the introduction by Christopher's ghost confusing. It feels like Tony was far more of a father and leader to Christopher than Dickie was to him.

I feel like the movie would have worked a lot better if Dickie was more controlled and intelligent...maybe show that he was more willing to work with black men and building up an organization that both offended his racist colleagues and became seen as a threat to guys like Junior who had their eye on becoming boss. The whole theme of the show was that life in the Mafia either corrupts or kills...there is no space for good in that life...and Dickie representing the good, and his murder sending shockwaves that led to the downward spiral of his family and loved ones as seen in the Sopranos.

It's a shame though...everything was there for this to be an excellent just fell apart when it came to putting it all together.
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Downsizing (2017)
***Spoilers*** A fairly interesting take on the "sacrifice for the environment" debate
4 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I thought that this movie was fairly blah for the first 70 minutes or. A tale of an under-achiever finding a renewed life after his overly consumerist wife leave him penniless and alone. It had been done better and with more charm many times over the years.

In walks Dushan (Christopher Waltz's character), who starts to undermine both the plot and the "green" message of the movie. He "tells the truth" that Paul (Damon's character) is nice...but not that nice. That he's not at all about the environment, and in the end, he's unhappy not because of his wife or his situation, but his obsession with looking like a nice guy and making a difference.

I honestly didn't understand Ngoc Lan as a character until later on in the movie, and in the end its clear that she's the only truly selfless person there. She doesn't try to save the world, she doesn't try to make money, or be celebrated...she just helps people and goes on with her life. Unlike Paul or the scientists of the original colony, she doesn't do it because of moral superiority, but because its what she wants to do.

These concepts were brought to life by the introduction of the "original colony" first by the sex crazed "little Ronni" who is as self-destructive as any child star before him. And then by the both overly optimistic and pessimistic Jorgen Asbjørnsen and the rest of the colony who believe that the world cannot be saved and needs preserved by their insular community. Dushan (ever the opportunist) provides supplies and other goods to them, but has them pegged. "They're a cult" is probably the most telling line in the movie, and his assessment of the future destruction of the colony versus the overall fate of humanity is probably the single most accurate assessment of the average "green utopia" there is. In the end, people will be people, and they're just as likely to destroy themselves and the environment as the society they are leaving behind. It's like that Vegan person you know that's both proud of their choice and judgmental of yours without any care or realization as to what they're really accomplishing (if anything) or why.

In the end, I liked the choice that Paul made; he stopped padding himself on the back, or expecting praise for his actions. The final scene where he drops off food, and runs back out with only a slight look back to ensure that the person he helped was content (as opposed to seeking praise and thanks) was him coming full circle from helping out of obligation and expectation, to helping because it's what he wanted to do.

Its hard to rate the movie highly because so much of the plot is useless baggage. His wife leaving him, his odd date, his work at a call center; even the scenes with his mother...they were all needless fluff. How can you rate a movie highly when so much of it is just plain useless? It feels like there were several other potentially interesting narrative threads (like rights of downsized people, and a greater exploration of the abuses of the technology) which were never explored.

Because those plot threads were never explored, instead focusing exclusively on the environmental aspects; they could have started the movie right into his first day at Leisureland and explaining that his wife died due to complications of the downsizing process. I felt like the whole divorce angle was too rushed, and served no real purposed other than to impoverish him a little. It seemed like the biggest issue was loneliness rather than cash flow anyways. They could have told the backstory in 5 to 10 minutes of flashback interspersed into the narrative; and boom there's 30 minutes of your life back with a much more interesting story overall.
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Gotti (2018)
Travolta puts up a frank performance in an uneven film.
19 June 2018
Travolta really carries this movie, some frankly odd casting choices aside, it was well acted, and fairly competently directed. It does show it's limited budget at times where some scenes could have used a few extra takes, and some better editing.

Realistically this was a great turn for Travolta who made some fairly bold choices for the character. He could have played Gotti off as cold and "chilling" man who could turn on the charisma at will; but instead played him off fairly earnestly. Which matches fairly well the characterizations of the Mob boss I've read over the years which painted him as a man who was charming and sociable, yet could turn violent and back to charming within consecutive moments.

I think that people may have preferred to see a more chilling portrayal more akin to Depp's in Black Mass. Which while was a great performance, failed to show why Bulger was a folk hero to many in Boston.

In the end, Travolta may have played the role too "straight" which humanized Gotti. Which certainly tuned many people off to the movie.

In the end, the budget was to me the biggest impediment to the movie's overall success. It could have used a better supporting cast, and some better scene choices at times.

7/10 that could have easily become a 9/10 had the quality been higher.

On a side note, am I the only one who's happy to finally see Travolta's face settling after what I can only assume was extensive plastic surgery? He looked like he was wearing a mask for a couple of years there. He's back to looking human, and while he'll never pull off 40 again, he's looking good for the first time in years.
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Tron: Legacy (2010)
Seems I got a different experience than everyone else. *spoilers*
20 December 2010
**** Spoilers Throughout **** I will start to say that I was a big fan of the originals, the character and the setting really sucked me in. I must say that my expectations were extremely high and while some weren't met I must say that most were met and exceeded. Every review I've read talk about the father and son angle...which to me was under-used, as a matter of fact, I was expecting a lot more...To me this movie was about visionaries and often their ideas and purposes are perverted by their followers and the greedy. In the movie both of Flynn's creations are perverted one by corporate greed and another by Clu's zealotry. I couldn't help by think of Steve Jobs and his outing from the company he created by short-sighted corporate weasels during the board meeting with Allan. And there are nearly countless historical examples of intellectuals being ousted by their followers following revolutions.

Beyond the real-world parallels I must say that I enjoyed the characters. They didn't make Sam into the typical "badass" or "emo kid" but made him a flawed hero who was both vulnerable and could kick butt.

I loved Flynn's character and while a lot of people compare his vocabulary with "the dude's" but I saw it as a logical progression from his speech in the original. I mean how much is your vocabulary going to change when you are in exile in a world of your own creation? I loved the character of Rizzler as a re-purposed Tron who overcomes the "brainwashing" and protects his friend in the end. I would have liked to have more of the titular character but it was a nice surprise to see Tron having such and impact in the story even though I missed the character in his original form.

The character of Quorra was the weakest character in the movie, her whole purpose was somewhat glossed over while her significance is strongly hinted at but not completely developed.

Clu is by far my favourite character in this movie. The Zealot who simply cannot go beyond his literal interpretation of his purpose/religion (after all Flynn's commands are for him commands from God) If this character isn't relevant in this world where we are so polarized over every issue then I don't know what relevance means. Clu is the personalization of the ills of purpose over understanding, of the enactment of an idea over the fulfilment of a thought. Flynn is the dreamer who sees his dream evolving and growing while Clu is attached to a momentary vision. And he fights for that vision, that perfection and that is why he fights Flynn and why in the end Flynn apologizes to him.

I loved the character of Castor, Micheal Sheen plays him as a mix between Iggy Pop and a car salesman. He is thoroughly efficient and steals the spotlight from every scene. I especially love the scene where he realizes that Clu is turning the tables on his and that he is holding none of the cards. Sheen's mastery subtle expressions shine through and say more through a look than a page of dialogue.

My only real beef with this movie is that it requires a sequel to close up all the loose ends. Is Tron still alive? Is Flynn really dead after merging with Clu? what did Sam save onto that disk in the end? What is Quorra's significance in our world? What will Sam accomplish as the President of Encom? These are all questions that need to be answered and in my opinion can only be with a sequel.

And yes, everything else you've read is true, the effects are outstanding, the actions is just as intense as you would want. And the movie is just jaw-dropping in IMAX 3D; by far the most effective use of CGI I have ever seen. The score in the movie is exceptional, Daft Punk really show their understanding of the movie and really elevate many scenes to another level.

To me this movie was in the layers and not in the flash. I think that most people were blinded by the CGI and saw Transformers instead of using their heads and seeing a thinking person's Sci-Fi movie.
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Hung (2009–2011)
Good start
5 July 2009
I just saw the pilot for this show. Its pretty funny and smart.

I liked Thomas Jane's character who's getting slapped around by life. I found it easy to empathise with Jane's character; he's kinda the average man who goes through life kind of coasting and wakes up after everything goes sideways on him. His wife leaves him for a guy with money, he's trying to hold everything together and can't seem to find the time or the energy to do so. Eventually, he takes stock of his life, "wasted" potential, limited options, poor job, non-existent prospect and he turns to his one asset; his skill as a lover and the fact that he's "hung" hence the title of the show. This leads him to prostitute himself.

In the end, his plan goes awry and he finds and unlikely pimp. The pilot sets a great tone and leaves the potential for equal parts comedy and drama. I am looking forward to the development of this series.
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JCVD (2008)
One of the best films I have seen all year
17 January 2009
I am a big fan of action movies, yet while I have enjoyed quite a few movies with VanDamme, he never seemed like an actor to me until I saw this movie.

But beyond this amazing performance (the scene where he almost loses it at the bank is one of the purest scenes I have ever seen) The entire film is of the highest quality. This movie lives and breathes, it has the touch of reality that is so difficult to attain in movies.

Much can be said about cinematography, but in my opinion the truest test of a film is whether or not it can create a world and make you live in it. This film did that for me. I believed it, at times I felt so engrossed in the movie that I genuinely connected with the actors in the film. I think that the last time I reacted to viscerally to a movie was Ang Lee's fantastic Yin shi nan nu (eat drink man woman) While other movies have more artistic merits or better performances, this to me was a movie that rates among those who were most able to make me believe in the world that was created by these characters.

I can only hope that we see more of this great director and a new direction in JCVD's career as he definitely showed intriguing acting chops
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Grand Canyon (1991)
Crash without the fake conscience.
9 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I remember seeing this movie when I was about 7; and at the time it shocked me. I had seen a violent movie before, but I never saw a movie with the consequences and reality of violence. This movie not only shows this, but it also shows how people can change their lives and choose happiness. What this movie did and crash failed to do was to be truthful. Crash tried to show how racism was bad (and Crash actually had a built-in anti Asian bias) and to come at it from a morally superior position. Grand Canyon came at things from such a raw and real perspective that it actually ends up on a higher ground than crash. Especially when you compare the endings. The ending of crash is this supposedly neat little ending that ties everything up. While Grand Canyon simply ends on a quiet note, where you know nothing much will change in the character's lives but that's because life just goes on too, there's no suitable ending. No matter how good...bad you are. There is no ending of a chapter to begin another.
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