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Complete rubish
20 March 2008
I have been a great loyal fan of Romero since the days of Monkey Shines,However this movie looks like he is ready to retire.

What a God awful Movie!! It is slow boring,the acting is none existent nor are the special effects and the whole thing just looked like it was made in 2 hours with a camcorder. As far as i am concerned it is a complete insult to the people who pay good money to watch a Romero movie(£6.50)that looks so ametuar.

I will never watch this crap ever again.

Many loyal fans may disagree, but watch some of the older stuff then compare it to this pants production.

Save your money for a rainy day and avoid this!! You have been warned...
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Planet Terror (2007)
Grindhouse ROCKS!!!
31 October 2007
I have heard a lot of negative feedback about Grindhouse from the average cinema pundit and i became very sceptical about watching the two movies, I will never trust one of these people ever again...These movies are amazing!!!!! I first watched death proof and i was glued to the TV screen as the action set ups are fantastic, Then i watched the best sickest horror film i have ever seen! Planet terror was by far the better of the two and the cameo's are amazing. If you like gory horror then this is for you, if you don't like gore, avoid as this is a sick but awesome movie! Can't wait for the region 2 DVD to come out in Jan 08 now, i most certainly will be buying it!! Long live Grindhouse...
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The Hidden II (1993)
The Hidden II a sloppy sequel
6 November 2006
I commented on how the Hidden was a fantastic movie for the B-genre and i waited in anticipation to see the next instalment as i found an original video from ebay. How disappointed was i? Not one sport car,not much goo or gore a crap story and a S**t ending. As you can see from my other reviews i love the B movies of the 80's and early 90's and where most people call a movie bad,for me and people who truly respect the Horror movies of our era would shout from the rooftops to close your mind and watch as these movies give birth to the future of Horror or of the classic horror movies we have today! However i have to agree that compared to its predecessor this is total pants. I waisted about £4.50 on this and i am so ashamed to have it as part of my collection! I made amends though by shouting hail Marys and bought the full collection of Hellraiser in the original format box and tape! Sorry but avoid!!!!!
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On a par with the first!
17 February 2006
I took my family to watch FD3 tonight,17-02-06 and i had all the reservations in the world as to how Final Destination 3 would pan out after watching FD2 fall apart. I have to say i was really surprised! James Wong has done an excellent job at the helm once again and if you want my opinion has made the real follow up to the first Final Destination.

It's a shame this third instalment couldn't have been the second and the second the third if you know what i mean as i would have been able to accept the third as a barrel scraping mess due to the lack of fresh ideas, However Mr.Wong has shot a massive injection of shock,horror and comedy into FD3 and it seems he has totally bypassed the second movie all together!

I,as a massive horror fan would recommend this movie with the highest of say this is better than Final Destination would be an insult,however i will tell you that FD3 has all the shocks and thrills that made you watch the first over and over again!

FD3 will be in my DVD collection as soon as it is available and i am sure you will feel the same coming out the cinema.
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Creepshow 2 (1987)
7 June 2005
YaY at last a sequel that is as good as the first! I Just bought this video from ebay for £2.50. What price can you put on a piece of history? Not only do you get a class movie, but also a reminiscent of past movie history via the trailers! I love these old movies from the 80's they are so much fun. I love to sit down with a bag of peanut m+m's and have a laugh watching the corny acting and the low budget monsters bouncing about, Its ace and this movie is a real popcorn killer thriller, this is what horror movies should be like,comedy and scares. A definite one to watch but best watched on video rather than a DVD!
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Rawhead Rex (1986)
Raw, oh god its so bad
7 June 2005
My god this is bad! How can the great Clive Barker the creator of Hellraiser stoop so low to stick his name next to this tripe? The acting is bloody awful,Mr.Rex looks like something of blue peter,sticky back plastic and flashing lights, come on give me a break.

I actually watched 49mins before i skipped to the end to just watch Mr.Rex's downfall, this was the only good part of this bloody awful thing, no not the downfall of the big scary man in a suit,it was the credits because you know that no more crap is going to be thrown against your screen.

Please if you are a serious horror movie collector,buy this film now and light a big fire and chuck it on,in-fact buy hundreds of copies and burn the lot!

A must miss, trust me! 0/10
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The Hidden (1987)
26 May 2005
I love 80's horror and this move The Hidden is not just a horror movie but it has everything a grown boy needs.

I't has Ferrari's,blood,comedy,sex,sex,sex,action,explosions,guts and the list goes on! Oh and it has sex too! This movie i first watched in 87 when it first came out and to this day i still love this film.

I recently was able to get hold of an original ex-rental from ebay and boy was i glad i parted cash for it. You can't beat the old video, it brings back so many memories of watching the same trailers from the first time you watched it to this day and then the movie starts and you realise how fantastic it was compared to most of todays trash.

A must for genuine fans of the video! 9/10,trust me...
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Shadowzone (1990)
typical classic early 90's horror
26 May 2005
I just love these old classics,you can watch them over and over again and never tyre of them.

I recently bought this original of ebay,an ex-rental as they have the original trailers etc on them and boy was it money well spent! I have a fantastic collection of these original movies and this is one of my favourites! It has all the horror and gore and tension you could want along with a bit of nudity chucked in for good measure.

I'd say this is a must for serious collectors if you can get a copy as this has been deleted in original format since 1993!

The story is good and the special effects are above average for the budget the late 80's early 90's horror films usually had!

Go get it now and have a great slice of retro horror in your proud collection!

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Darkness (2002)
Darkness is CRAP don't waste your money like i did
26 March 2005
This has to be the worst movie i have ever seen in my whole 33 years on this planet! I thought it would be excellent especially when i found out Brian Yuzna was exec producer.

I paid my £5.85p thinking i would be in for a shocker like Boogey man(which i highly recommend) but it was painful to watch, in fact as my pal and i came out the cinema i told him the most exciting thing was going for a pee and drying my hands afterwards.

There was i think if i was still awake one good part which made you think that things where about to improve involving a picture, but no it was not to be and the dire boredom continued for the next 30 mins of sheer poo acting and dialogue.

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The Kindred (1987)
The 80's horror magic! CERT 18
8 November 2004
I first watched Kindred in 1987 along with another movie called devouring waves. I remember back then i hated them both and i have never really bothered to watch them again.

However i have recently started a crusade to collect as many 80's horror titles in their original boxed form, That have been deleted for some time. I have got myself quite a proud collection with many more titles on my list!

The Kindred although i have not as yet got a copy is high priority as all the old movies i didn't like back then, I now own and have now re-watched and think they are brilliant and the bits i do remember of the Kindred are now driving me to want to get hold of a copy A.S.A.P.

Hurray for the 80's and long live horror!
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The Fly II (1989)
8 November 2004
I first watched the fly when it first came out on VIDEO in 1987. The movie was so boring right up to the last half hour when it became a blood bath of special effects and goo!

After my experience with the fly, I didn't hold out much hope to the follow up The Fly II, I was so wrong! What a brilliant movie, I found the new characters easy to keep up with, The movie moved at a quicker pace to the first and The Fly II has a lot more emotional grip on the viewer.

I am not going to give too much away, The use of a cute dog being forced through the pod and the feelings of a youthful blundell for his four legged friend all made uneasy viewing, But this was a clever way of forcing the viewer to feel for young blundell towards the end of the movie when he goes nuts!

I found The Fly II very easy to watch and i am now the proud owner of the original big box copy that has been deleted for some time.

The fly II is a lot better than the first and the monster at the end deserves a mention too. It has to be one of the meanest monsters horror has come across, Yet The blundell fly never seems to get any recognition which is a shame as anyone who has watched the movie i am sure will agree, Blundell fly produced some of the sickest deaths and destruction known to the silver screen.

You cannot judge The Fly II with out watching it at least a couple of times. Anyone lucky enough to have a copy should dust it down and have another look and then come back and review it. I'm sure you will have a new outlook on this great horror if you do! 9/10
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Jason X (2001)
Spaced out CERT 15
8 November 2004
The name Jason Voorhees could make the strongest stomached individual feel quite queasy. Some of his other outings have involved, Gut ripping, Heart eating, People ripped in half by a machete and the list goes on.

Although quite tame compared to his previous works, Jason, Now in the future has the chance to leave his mark on a peaceful civilization. Not as much blood and guts in this one yet, I believe this is one of the best i have ever seen.

Finally the Jason series gets a good story with a reasonable budget and some reasonably good acting. I really like this one, It's very different from the other Friday the 13th series and it has a lot more fun factor as opposed to just gratuitous violence and sex!

I would rate this movie as 8/10 and i think any open minded Friday fan would enjoy it too.
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The Evil Dead (1981)
7 November 2004
I bought the uncut version of The Evil Dead on DVD two years ago, The Anchor bay version, What an ace movie this is!

Sam Raimi who directed this fine crafted movie made a big name for himself in the horror world when he followed The Evil Dead up with a bigger budget Dead by dawn sequel and the later Med-evil dead, Which i still laugh at today.

I own all three movies on special edition DVDs. The Med-evil dead is my favorite (if you watch when Bruce Campbell is being chased through the woods before the windmill, You will see three trees split open. The last tree to split open has the face of a demon on the inside side of the tree!)But at its time The Evil Dead was ground breaking stuff on a shoe string budget.

The movie was originally completed in 1980 but was not released until 1983 as the movie ran over budget and could not be completed. But determination prevailed and Mr. Raimi became a cult horror name!

My verdict 8/10 Highly Recommended if you have never seen a splatter movie before.
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Own it now!CERT 15
7 November 2004
I am a massive U2 fan and i have been since i first saw this fantastic rockumentry in 1988. I am now the proud owner of every CD U2 have released and i have almost all DVD releases from this fantastic Irish band.

My favorite song from Rattle and hum is With or without you, The haunting voice of Bono and the passion of the guitar echoing from the Edge leaves me with "goose bumps" right up my arms.

U2 have gone through a lot of transitions over the last 16 years, But this movie has recorded the band through the best years of their inspirational music. Long live U2 and all that they stand for...10/10

Shame their concert tickets are not so easy to get hold of! Only seen them live twice as i can never get a ticket in time!
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Author of this review is Jake Nicholas (son)
7 November 2004
Starsky and Hutch is one of the best movies i have seen this year. With Snoop Dogg as part of the cast you can count on many laughs.

This action/comedy speeds along with black humour as Ben Stiller meets Owen Wilson and they become partners and try to "crack" a large cocaine deal. The clash of character brings this movie to life from the minute the movie begins right up to the end credits.

Todd Phillips who also directed the humorous "Road Trip" has yet again produced another fabulous movie that due to the humorous content it is advisable not to eat popcorn while watching as it would leave a mess in your living room and your mother wouldn't like it!

Starsky and Hutch is a highly enjoyable experience for the young and older viewer who a sense of humour who enjoy good acting and appreciate brilliant stunts and set pieces.

I would highly recommend this movie and therefore give it a 9/10 rating.

Go rent it now, as you'll never get bored with it.
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Oh my god! CERT 18 (for some reason!) :(
7 November 2004
I have never really been interested in cannibal movies before and up until a couple of months ago i had avoided this genre of movie.

I recently had to undergo knee surgery and found i had a lot of time on my hands as i was unable to work, so i decided after seeing almost every horror movie our local video shop had to offer i would take a chance on this.

Christ was it a mistake! I have never seen a movie this bad in all my years of being a movie addict. This is just a pile of s**t pasted to a D.V.D disc and sold as a horror movie.

I have a lot of respect to other horror fans who can switch their brains off long enough to enjoy this crap, They are more brain dead than i ever will be and that is some achievement! 0/10 and thats generous.
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What a DEAD fit babe! CERT 18
7 November 2004

Here we go again..The door to the gore store is now open as hurbert west returns to create one slick chick.

The movie involves all the back to basic sick humor that the original Re-animator charmed us with back in good old 85. I love the Re-animator series as it has a bit of everything in it, Gore, Blood, Sex and real dark characters.

All the sick scenes are pulled off with a laugh by Geoffry combs to give you a sense of unease, As if to question yourself if you should really be watching this, But i can't help it as it's too much fun.

Great Horror 8/10
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Dolls (1986)
Demon Dolly for your little sis! CERT 18
7 November 2004
Cool, I went to toys r us strait after watching this to buy some of these cute toys for my little sister to play with, But they didn't sell them. Boo Hoo!

The thought of killer toys has such a fear factor for anyone who has ever had a teddy or dolly as a youngster. The thought, Just maybe, While playing with Your teddy or doll they might come alive and pull your eye out and eat it while you watch with your other eye...YUK!

An excellent horror movie but very hard to come by now days. I last saw this movie in 1993 and i would love to see it again, Although trying to get a copy is like toys r us selling demonic toys!

9/10 for the pure evil of it all...Sweet dreams little ones!!!!
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Mom (1990)
Hot Entrails for tea!*some spoiler* Cert 18
6 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Mom has to be one of the all time uncomfortable movies to watch. It features an elderly lady you would love to have as your Nanny who becomes the nastiest mother f***ing monster you would ever want to meet on a dark night!

This supper Nanny eats the inners of a young lady at the opening of the movie and it just gets sicker as it goes on. A cross between the howling and brain dead seem to come to mind when describing Mom!

A must for horror fans who have the stomach for it (if you have watched re-animator or brain dead, this will float your boat)and are willing to switch the brain off for an hour or so...Let the gore pour!...8/10
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Led down the garden path...
6 November 2004
The Gate II is just as good as the first in its own little way. It lacks the character build up and (if it where possible)the budget the original had, Yet it brings new depths with it in the introduction of 3 new teens.

I recently bought both The Gate I and II from an on-line auction and these are the original rental boxes and tapes which give you more feeling of the movie as it brings back the memories of watching them with your pals in the 80's and the shock and horror you felt when you first saw the monsters!

Back then the budget of the movie and the acting did not matter, As teen-ages all you wanted to see was the blood, Guts and gore. Now looking back as a more mature horror movie buff, These movies still have a magical feeling to them even if they do not have the fear factor of way back yonder. I love the old horror movies of the 80's, They played such a big part in a lot of teenage lads and lasses lives and this supper little number should be shown the respect it deserves.

In my view this movie just for the sake of the fun factor should be given an 8/10. Get your hands on a copy of them both if you can and enjoy the memories!
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The Thing (1982)
1 November 2004
Once upon a time in a cold icy place, there was a little alien called the thing... S**t, This movie is no fairy tale, It's a gore fest!

John Carpenter is not known for making movies with fluffy bunnies and wide eyed puppy dogs, No instead he likes to make movies about puppy dogs wide eyes popping out and its guts splatted all over the kitchen sink! The Thing is every horror/sci-fi fans wet dream, Although some what dated now it still has a strong cast who shine as their characters and enough excitement to keep anyone watching right up to the end. I was 15 when i first saw The Thing and i have to admit there was a strong smell coming from my pants long after the movie had finished, What, With the thumping beat of the music, The chunks of meat and drool, I was horrified!

Thank goodness however i was not put off watching horror movies from then on. I went on in my humble youth to watch other classic horror movies like Re-animator, From Beyond and other gore movies favorites.

Thank the lord for The Thing as it set a new era of horror production right through the 80's here are some of my collection i have now, You may remember some of these... The Thing (of course)..The Howling..From Beyond..Fright Night..Waxwork..Cellar Dweller..Creepshow I and II..The Kindred..The Gate I and II.. Terrorvision and Screamers. I have loads more but these are some of the rare ones i own and enjoyed from the 80's. If you would like to share your views of my review or remember some of these classic movies or would like to tell me about your collection Why not email me?
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What the hell....?
28 October 2004
Sorry horror fans but Alien v Predator was doomed as soon as Miss. Weaver turned her nose up at it, And went as far as to call the whole idea ridiculous And even more shocking was Paul Anderson being announced as director(Sorry Paul but event horizon is the most shameful clone of hell raiser I've ever seen.) From then on things just went from bad to worse.

I watched this movie last night(27 November 2004)knowing i was going to hate it, As putting two fantastic creature features together just does not work. Look at Freddy v Jason i mean, What the hell(no pun intended)was all that about? Needless to say i did come away hating it, But i needed to satisfy my curiosity as to how bad it was going to be.

Before everyone starts sharpening their knives can i just say i am a massive horror fan and i own alien 1-4 and predator 1+2 and in there own right are fantastic movies,But put together as an item they totally fail which i think is a real shame.

I think the director was out of his dept with so much expectation riding on his shoulders to get it right and the actors, Well they just seemed like they where counting the dollar signs with every cheesy line they spoke from their cheesy script rather than trying to give the viewer the realism and the tense atmosphere that the individual master pieces achieved from the great yonder.

Sorry all you fans out there but I'm giving it 1 out of 10 and i think I've been kind there. Avoid real horror fans and save your pennies for Sam Raimis the grudge!
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The Gate (1987)
Your mum wouldn't like it!
26 October 2004
Demons, Ghosts, All the usual things that seem to turn up just as your mum and dad go out to tesco to do the weekly shopping. Yup it's true, i tried it, i went to the bottom of the garden, ripped up a tree with my bare hands and sure enough there was a hole and demons and stuff, but then i woke up in a cold sweat and thought hmmm, That was a good film that gate movie, its not often i wake up expecting to be dragged under the bed and be taken over by an over-sized demon. The gate is a by the numbers mega low budget movie that spawned a semi OK sequel. I like this sort of low budget hokum but it sure isn't to everyones taste. If you like puppet monsters and stop motion demons with ugly actors with sad 80's hair cuts and high pitched screams then this may cook your bunny, However if you like to think through plots and story lines, then avoid like liquid doggy doins!
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From Beyond (1986)
Why you should own from beyond...
26 October 2004
The 80's horror culture of b-movies i believe was born from two gentlemen you would love your folks to meet on a dark winters night,Mr Stuart gordon and Mr Brian Yuzna. Stuart gordon started a series of gore movies early in the 80's with re-animator and from beyond that set up a generation of splattered teenage brains all over the world! From beyond is one of my favorite horror movies of this genre and contains all the gore and sex that a growing boy needs! Bring on the raw meat and jelly! I highly recommend this movie if you can find a copy as it is now deleted but well worth a few quid from any market, I promise you wont regret it. Keep a look out too for brian yuzna movies i.e. return of the living dead 3 or the dentist 1+2 which are some of his best. Enjoy a cuddle up on the couch with the missus while you watch em, She'll think your dead romantic and never want flowers again!
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OOOOH! Cool Blood, Gore and Brian Yuzna
26 October 2004
One word describes the master of the low budget horror genre BRILLIANT!

Yes Brian Yuzna has been some what over looked as an artist of the horror culture, With his past features not getting much notice from the public in the past other than i guess die hard horror fans like myself. However the master of horror who has brought us movies like re-animator, Society, From Beyond and many more great early 80's releases has out done himself with this fantastic movie adventure of the zombie kind. This is by far the best of the return of the living dead threesome and is directed with a cutting edge that Yuzna has not used before. I am a confessed fan of Yuzna and i might be slightly bias about his movies, But i think that if you sat back and take all his films for what they are and try not to find a plot or deep story, But rather enjoy the cringing gore and sick black humour, you will see the greatness that is Brian Yuzna shine through and maybe you will realize how important his movies have been to the 80's and 90's generation.
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