
43 Reviews
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Doom Patrol (2019–2023)
The most bizzare show you'll see
4 October 2020
This may be one of the weirdest and most imaginative stories I've seen, and thats regardless of the fact that it stems from the DC library. To start off, Doom Patrol is a DC Universe original series, that on a surface level, mirrors an X-men story line. It follows a cast of heroes (in the loosest sense of the word), as they navigate through a series of extremely otherworldly and metaphysical events. If you take it one step deeper though, this show is the pinnacle of a comic-book property. For example, Marvel or even other DC films portray stories and characters with some sense of grounded realism, but Doom Patrol shows you just how much freedom a comic book story line can have. Its literally Deadpool on acid.

Everything about this product deserves its own praise. The actors and charterers are incredibly well written and brilliantly portrayed . Each member has such a deeply intricate personality, and connects to an interwoven story-line, in a way that screams for admiration. They have such good chemistry with each other, and the series does a good job with exploring each individual backstory with attention to detail and a unique sense of humor. The story literally cannot be explained; You need to watch it, to really understand it. Its not complex, its just very bizarre- think reality bending spectres, talking butts that eat people and donkey farts. Its also not immature, but quite profound (in-spite of that last statement). As a writer of the surrealist genre, I am amazed at how they pulled it off. The cinematography and score are also beautiful, with absolutely gorgeous imagery, aided by mesmerizing sound tracks.

I'm not really familiar with the source material, but this is genuinely one of the best comic stories I've seen. It knows is audience, and is not afraid to explore its surreal elements. I could go on and on, but clearly if you've made it this far, you can see how its going. Doom Patrol is a heavily under rated show, that completely utilized the chaos of the universe its in, to craft a truly and sincerely mind bending story. Its worth the watch, if you just enjoy weird, yet excellent content. 10/10
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Sneakerheads (2020)
I'm not a sneakerhead, so I found this to be all-right
3 October 2020
Sneakerheads is a Netflix comedy series, that follows a squad of sneaker enthusiasts through a series of hijinks, and a quest to find a rumored legendary sneaker. I don't know much about the sneaker art form, and I was hoping this show would give me some insight, but unfortunately, that's not the case. With a cast of up-and-comers, the series might be aiming for a younger crowd, which would explain why I couldn't really put myself into it.

It manages to drag out a story, while also being quite contained. The dialogue and character development is very weak, and requires suspension of disbelief. At multiple times, this quite clearly came off as a scripted TV show , with very little attempt made to build believable plot lines. The two leads, Devin (Allen Maldonado) and Bobby (Andrew Bachelor) are portrayed as ex best friends, but there wasn't too much chemistry there. I don't really understand why they would continue to hang out together, which is also a result of poor plot design. Bobby's schemes in the episodes are so out of the box, and completely plot heavy, that I'm surprised Devin goes along with it. We also have Nori and Stuey, the rest of the squad, as comic relief, and they do make the show a lot more fun. There's a very clear "We're the Millers" vibe, which usually works in their favors. The series also has a few fun celebrity cameos, whom I assume, are real-life sneaker heads.

All things considered, this is an all-right show. My opinion is probably supported by the fact that I don't know this culture; Someone who is a genuine sneaker-head, or a fan of King Back, may be thoroughly entertained. I can give it a pass because its run-time isn't exhausting (6 episodes, 20 minutes), so you don't lose too much time. For a vast majority, this works better as background content, while doing chores. 6.5/10
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Well against type, but worth the watch
1 October 2020
Coming to you from the psychological thriller section of Netflix, The Devil All The Time aims to answer a question that audiences have had for years - Can Tom Holland play an adult male? This film throws the actors, in a very dark and depraved story-line, to show the audience that they have range. And before you dismiss it, I'd recommend giving it a chance. It should come as no surprise that this film is not for everyone; be aware of what to expect before you watch it.

The story interconnects characters over two decades, around a few small towns in Ohio (think Fargo meets The Departed). The film also explores really lewd and corrupt themes, centered around cultist depictions of religion and a patriarchal abuse of power. The time jumps can initially be hard to follow, but I found that it didn't affect the overall viewing.

Tom Holland portrays Arvin Russell, as he goes through a traumatic life as a child,and a hopeless one as an adult. He is surrounded by an ensemble cast, all playing against type, which could leave you either intrigued, or cringed. There is a very sinful and vile aura that surrounds everyone in this film; there are no happy endings here.

Regarding the acting, I'm still not sure if I can buy Tom Holland, who plays a 16 year old superhero, take up roles as a small towner, who smokes and swears. Robert Pattinson also goes into the extremes in his role as a sexually deviant preacher; with his accent and personality, there were times I thought he was lip-syncing, because the voice didn't seem to come out of him. The supporting cast is quite good as well, especially with Bill Skarsgard, Sebastian Stan and Eliza Scanlen.

Even though I watched it after a heavy lunch and fully expected to doze off, it kept me in the loop. I don't really have anything negative to say about this film. The writing is consistent, the actors sunk into the roles, and the cinematography suits the tone. The only flaw, is that film is not meant for everyone, but I'd argue that its by design. Its quite long (clocking at 2.5 hours), but I found this to be a good one-and-done film; It was interesting to watch, but I don't think I will ever need to watch this again.
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The Spy (2019)
Brilliant historic espionage piece
20 September 2019
I knew nothing about this limited series except that it starred Sacha Baron Cohen; And I usually enjoy his projects, which made me curious to see him in a more serious role. I must say,the content in this show is top-notch. I could write a paragraph praising each individual element - the writing, the cinematography, the direction, the tension, the acting. Gideon Raff has curates his vision beautifully. It does what most spy stories don't, which is dive into the psychological consequences of going undercover. The fact that its set in the 60's gives such realistic tension to the tone - you don't have air strikes; no one is coming to save you; you're all alone, infiltrating a foreign country and one small misstep could have you tortured and killed.

I was also impressed with how the writers trusted their audience; There's a lot of "show-don't tell" principles applied here, which is welcome change. You discover the plot as its happening on-screen, as opposed to someone expositing, and I admire that.

Cinematography is on-point. I usually don't enjoy films shot on Sepia tones, but the editors really managed to give every scene such a good color palette. The visual aesthetic moves very cohesively with the framing of the scene .

But at the crux of it all,this would be nothing without SB Cohen at the helm. He's known for his chameleonic roles, which makes him a perfect spy. He seamlessly switches between agent, husband, businessman and diplomat, and if you think he's just a funny dude, this will blow your mind.

With nothing but praise, this show is a strong recommendation from me. Take the weekend, and just delve into 6 hours of historic espionage. You'll discover a new respect for the genre, the actor and the director. 10/10
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Ad Astra (2019)
Such a slogfest
20 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
How much Brad Pitt acting do you really need to sell you on this movie? I'm gonna start with a compliment, before I dive into what I feel are my major flaws with this film.

The visual aesthetic is incredible! This project simply looks beautiful; every few minutes there will be amazing wide-angle space shots, exquisite astral images and gorgeous planets. Even the directive choices are pretty clever - they add a few front-angle jump scenes,and first-person perspective shots, that gives you this really cool video-game vibe; Kinda like you're playing Halo. I saw it IMAX, so I was spellbound the entire time. But thats really all I can say about it.

The rest of this film is a real slog-fest. After a very enticing first act, this movie get sloooowww. By the 60 minute mark, you'll feel the dip; 90 minutes in,and I was just waiting for it to end. Thats not entirely a bad thing - if slow films are your vibe, you won't mind this. But for me, I just got so bored.

The plot also didn't interest me. The key focus is a father-son relationship, which is fine, but not what I was promised. The sub-plots in this story would've made for much stronger content. There's a mission on the far side of the moon,where they're ambushed by lunar space pirates (which lasts 2 minutes). There's a rescue mission, stylized as horror, where experimental primates take over a space shuttle (this is about 10 minutes). There's an entire mini-segment about humans living on mars that is literally 20 minutes. The rest of the story is just dedicated towards his father, which is a let down. You're teasing me with a full course meal and then delivering a salad?!

This eventually led to a very underwhelming, unsatisfying climax, which had me going, 'Just end it. Say what you need to say,and finish it already. I don't care anymore'. Honestly, towards the end, I didn't even want to know what happens, because anything I found interesting was brushed off.

Its really not as horrible as I'm making it sound; its just underused and wasted potential. I, personally, would not recommend it, unless you have access to your phone for easy distractions.
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The Comedy you just dont hear no more
3 September 2019
As someone who constantly supports no barriers within comedy, I respect and admire Dave Chappelle for the work he's put into this stand-up special. In a time when everyone is apparently allowed to make their feelings well known, we've succumbed to an age when political correctness means more than the right to free speech. And the entertainment group that gets hit the worst, are comedians.

Comedians are seeing a decline in their audience, because you can sense that they're afraid to be themselves in the material they present. While folks like Kevin Hart and Aziz Ansari are riding this out based on their established audience, Ricky Gervais and Dave Chappelle are pushing forward, doing their best to show how comedy is meant to be unrestrained.

With no apparent fear, Chappelle takes on the topics of school shootings, feminism, homophobia and opiod addiction, by elaborating their funnier elements. They're jokes that you're bound to make when you're drunk within a safe space, but wouldn't dare say out loud in public environments. This is exactly what we're missing. If a collective group of people can ruin a comedians life based on tweets made 15 years ago, you're effectively killing their art form. Their art is expression, and someone telling them 'how' or 'what' to express, is counterproductive.

I'd encourage everyone to give this a watch. Its extremely controversial, but you need to understand why that is relevant to humor; why hearing these bits are important for comedic progression. I hope this does well enough to bring back old-school stand-up.
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The Good Place (2016–2020)
Season 3 dropped the ball
2 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm really disappointed with the quality of this show over the course of its third season. When The Good Place first dropped on Netflix, I was genuinely impressed with its smart writing, witty humor and meta-commentary. I don't remember too much of seasons 1&2, but I do recall enjoying them. This latest season does not bode well.

Once they left the realm of the Good Place, and focused on Earth, the show had no idea how to move forward. Its very clear with the progression of the episodes that they're just making it up as they go. If you watch carefully, you'll notice that the end of an episode introduces a new plot point, that is rendered irrelevant by the subsequent episode. Chapter 32 introduces something that will be relevant for Chapter 33, but nothing more. And this pattern continues throughout the season. As you're watching, keep track of how many plots they begin, but never go anywhere; its embarrassing.

The overall story also doesn't intrigue me anymore. These four characters had important arcs in the first season; Now, they're bouncing from continent to continent just.. doing things with no purpose or consequence. Even the comedy is lackluster, because there's no substance beyond it.

I'm basically forcing myself to get this over with, and I doubt I'd continue watching if they make another season. Feel free to skip this one, or re-watch season 1 instead
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The Lion King (1994)
Its all right...
2 September 2019
This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I might as way say it - I enjoyed the remake of The Lion King (which I'll call LK2) more than the original (hereby called OG). Its possibly attributed to the fact that I saw the LK2 first, but even while watching the animated version, I felt it was really... choppy.

Without the nostalgia goggles, as an objective viewing, its not that different from the remake. In fact, LK2 is more drawn out, with the story really taking its time to explore themes and characters. Compare this with the OG, which just bounces from scene-to-scene-to-scene without holding on long enough for anything to marinate. I suppose you could say that about most animated films, but once you have a live-action that actually explores more, its hard to go back.

Here are a few things I did enjoy in LK2, which were missing in the OG: The humor is better written, especially for Timon and Pumba. Most other lead characters have the same dialogue anyhow, so why bother comparing. The hyena antagonists are given more stronger plot threads as opposed to the OG,where they were just maniacally laughing. LK2 is also really beautifully shot; the photo-realism is a huge push in its favor.

I will say, however, that the original music is way better. Songs like "I just can't wait to be king" and "Be Prepared" are bright and colorful,with such a unique charm, I found myself just pulled into the world. If the remake didn't reuse the original soundtrack, and focused on a more updated version, I feel it would have been a better film.

I'll probably never see either of these films until I have kids, but I'm a little more inclined to choose the live-action story. Though the OG would have been amazing in its time, its definitely a kids movie going forward, as opposed to a more general-audience film.
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
I'm Ready
2 September 2019
For a low budget, small scope film, I am genuinely impressed with Ready or Not. This definetely has the vibes of a first-time director, but you can really appreciate the effort and creativity they've put into their work. The story is quite simple, and the location is tight, which gives them a lot of room to focus on what really matters - writing, humor and cinematography.

The characters are well written, and more importantly, not stupid. Everyone behaves as one would in this scenario. Each character has a distinct trait, that plays well in they family dynamic. They're unapolegettically one-dimensional, but the script and the actors work cohesively to make them memorable.

The cinematography is beautiful - its set in a mansion, which again is a very effecient for the budget. They incorporate dark lighting, and faded shots to really push for an 1800's ambience.

The plot is an excellent example of effecient writing. Even though there's a lot of crazy stuff happening, this feels real; like this is how people would behave in the situation the movie concoted for them. The directors choose to explore certain themes using black comedy, which flow really well within the story. In this case, we get a glimse of the rich, elite families,who are so above the norms of realtity,that they've distanced themselves from any sense of humanity. It explores how money can literally give you the power to do anything withou conviction, and the effect that has on your morality.

If you get a chance, check this film out. Its paced really well at 90 minutes, and is funnier than it is fear. I'd compare this to a less intense version of Get Out, with a similar premise, but different styles of exectuion.
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The Boys (2019– )
Morally Ambiguous Justice League for the win
2 September 2019
Just when you think you're done with the superhero fatigue, a show like The Boys gives you hope. Which is ironic, because nothing about this story screams hope.

The Boys explores the introduction of super-powered individuals with much darker themes (like we don't have enough of those also). By focussing on the influence of social media and the marketable image of a 'hero', this series remains very grounded. It poses the real question of - How would the world look at superheroes today, and then dives into a very well thought-out reponse.

With no surprise, corporations begin trademarking Supers as their own product, carefully crafting their backstories, choosing their marketable demographics, using them for product endorsements and scripting out crimes for them to stop. Its House of Lies meets Watchmen.

The cinematography is stunning; there are some beautifully shot scenes. The characters are well-written,and quite funny. I also like how no one in this show, except Karl Urban, is famous in the US. So we're seeing relatively unknown actors, who do a good job with what they're given.

Its such a meta-relevant series for 2019; I think about how Tom Holland is basically now a multi-billion dollar property, being fought over by two megalomanic corporations,as easily something that the Boys can get into in future seasons. This series does a good job of blending comic book mythology with real world consumerism. Its a good example of how vast the comic lore expands into, how you dont always need a "world-ending threat" storyline, and how small scope think pieces actually hit the mark better. This is basically an alternate version of a morally ambigous Justice League, and if that appeals to you, get on this.
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Average Tarantino film; still worth a one time watch
1 August 2019
I'm not the biggest Tarantino fan, but I respect his style and love of filmmaking. It's not for me, but he's definitely left a unique calling in the timeline of film. Going into this, I knew exactly what to expect - an enticing setup, a slow middle-act build, and an extreme climax. That's exactly what I got.

If you know his work, this will be enough film to digest. It's definitely not his best, but I'm happy to see films that don't stick to conformations of established story-telling. Everything you want is there- long drawn out scenes, biblical quotes, extreme violence and awkward comedy. And that's pretty much all I can say.

Brad Pitt is the clear stand out, and Margot Robbie has no role (don't expect much from her plot). Leo also does a stellar. And that's the point- there's really not much to go on about. This film depicts a collection of events that took place in 60's Hollywood, that may or may not contribute to an overall story arc. Everyone does their jobs pretty well.

Fans of Tarantino will find moments to enjoy,but I must emphasize the following : If you're not aware of his film style, and if you're a casual movie goer who needs compelling plot and action driven moments, please skip this movie. There is nothing here for you. I will probably never watch this again, but for a one time viewing, it's not bad.
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The Lion King (2019)
Decent, if you've not seen the original
30 July 2019
As a person who walked into The Lion King 2019, with no past baggage or childhood nostalgia, I'd say this was quite a pleasant experience.

Let's go over the pros -for starters, this film is visually incredible,no doubt about it. There are legitimate moments where I would believe that these are real animals in the wild; they look,act and sound like their realistic counterparts. It's a beautiful movie to watch.

The humor,when it's there,is incredible. I am,of course, referring to Timon and Pumba. I have no idea how they performed in the original,but I'm sold on a Lion King 1.5 sequel. They share genuine banter, which really lighten the tone of the film.

In terms of negatives, you've probably already heard,but the film is pretty bland. The lions have no real emotion, nor are they allowed to,cause it would be hard to animate. In that sense,this comes off as a nature documentary, with A-list actors performing mediocre dubs. I don't even blame the actors,it's just that since the animation is so real, the emotions couldn't be. Speaking of which, there's also a weird disconnect between scenes that are clearly meant to be brutal (the stampede, the final fight),but are toned down to PG13 . It takes you slightly off rhythm, because you want it to be real,but you know Disney won't show you the blood and gore.

All in all, I'd say this film works best as a chapter in a photorealism course for budding visual effects artists. I enjoyed it (having nothing to compare to), but if anything, it's gotten me excited to see the original,as well as the Broadway play. I know there's better versions out there, so I'm comfortable not thinking too much about this one.
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Good Omens (2019– )
A fairly strong mini-series; amazing character chemistry
26 July 2019
If you're a fan of weird, cooky British biblical humor, this is an easy pick. I was looking forward to Good Omens, primarily cause of David Tennant; he's mastered at portraying a charming balance between an antagonist and anti-hero. The morally ambiguous persona is not one to be taken lightly,yet he excels at it. Michael Sheen was a surprising addition to the cast; the chemistry between the two of them is primarily why this show works. The constant banter between an angel and a devil, who really care about each other, since time eternal, is akin to a modern day Romeo & Juliet bromance. It's funny, it's believable, it works.

I also need to give huge props to the plot and the direction. There is so much information in the show,but it's presented in such interesting ways, that you're never bored or overwhelmed. They've given the Bible a modern retelling, without straying too far off from its origins,and that is not an easy goal to pull off. The special effects are also impressive for the most part, often coupled with really well developed secondary characters.

The finale is a little diminished, especially with all the build up; but I can forgive that, since the overall series delivers memorable content.

There is no hero to this story,it's just the end of the world, and the parts that various factions play. If you're on Amazon Prime, I'd recommend this 6-episode mini series. Do pay attention though,because like I said, there's a lot of information throughout the runtime, and it's not the kind of content you have view while texting.
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Decent for an Adrian-American audience
26 July 2019
Time travel films are my jam; if you can successfully weave in time-puns in your title, I'm sold. So when I heard about See You Yesterday, I was mildly intrigued. An all black sci-fi film is new to me, and the idea seemed like it would hit.

For the most part,it did. This is a pretty hard film to review; as someone who is well versed in how time loops work (in theory and on film), there's nothing new here. It uses a very familiar, and comfortable plot, making sure to play it really safe. But for a growing black audience,I see inspiration towards a science-fiction subset.

It's not much, but it's a start; one that could lead to much better Adrian-American science fiction film in the late future. If you're a time travel enthusiast though, you can skip this one. You've seen it before (probably yesterday).
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Stuber (2019)
Boring,cliched and stupid AF
26 July 2019
Why are films like this still getting studio greenlights in 2019? It feels like they wrote the script just around Kumail Nanjiani, and added the most cliched plot, to give you the minimum expectations of a buddy cop film.

Let's start with the bad,cause I'd want to end on a positive note. Nothing in this story works - from the first scene, you can tell that the director is not too familiar with camera work; shaky cams,overly drawn out scenes, and stupid characters are rampant during the runtime. Dave Bautista's character is by far the dumbest movie character I have seen in a while; so arrogant,yet small minded,I'm amazed he plays a cop. A cop like this in the real world would be dead in 3 minutes. I mean, Uber has more character in this movie than Bautista. Product placement is literally once every 3 minutes.

Everything else is incredibly cliched - the villains monologue, cars explode, impossible trick shots, fight and make up moments. This film also had no idea what tone it wanted to establish- it starts out being very real,and then turns into an obvious buddy-cop scenario,and then tries to be real again; pick a lane and stick to it! The plot is mundane and boring- characters have no reasons to do what they do.

What really go me through this is Kumail Nanjiani. If you like his humor and nature, you'll enjoy the time he's on screen. Every moment we transitioned to another character,I was thinking, let's go back to Kumail. He's got funny dialogue, witty humor and expected, but acceptable character growth.

I wouldn't recommend this 90 minute Uber commercial for the big screen,but if you find it on a streaming service, it's good for background comedy.
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Post credits make it a 10/10
3 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't even know to begin. Let's start with a quick,though huge, compliment to Marvel, for actually listening to its audience. For understanding what we want and aspiring to deliver. Spider-Man Far from Home had the challenge of being both a sequel to Homecoming and a direct follow-up to the biggest film of the decade. How does it hold up? Really really well.

This film is a lot of fun to watch; the writers and director have crafted a Spider-Man story so unique,that it can only apply to this specific iteration of the web-slinger. This isn't based on a comic-book,because none of them have had this story before. Yet, with such an action packed and comedic delivery, you're constantly entertained (watch the post-credits scenes).

Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio is top notch; we have another excellent Spider-Man villain,ladies and geeks. Tom Holland as always, brilliant performance. I also love how all of Spidey's entourage and family grow with him through the film.

But holy hell,the references and homages are off the charts. Remember 12 years ago when we used to be happy with an Easter egg or two; we're now a at a point where Marvel films drop universe altering knowledge bombs every 15 minutes (seriously,don't miss the post-credits scenes). There's throwbacks to the Spider-Man cartoon, the original comics, the Raimi films. Heck, fans of Spider-Man PS4 will love this film. There so much to process,and it's impossible to do without spoiling.

This isn't perfect though; I did notice some really unfortunate editing. The CGI on Peter Parker,when he's not Spider-Man, isn't the best. And of course, the plot is a little more stretched out than it should be. But at the heart of it, this pulls off a very contained story. (There are two post-credits; don't leave the theatre). It's relatable, funny, cute , quite emotional and also very light.

As a film, and as a Marvel fanboy, this is a good summer flick. 8/10. Those post credits scenes though, 10/10. The best by far in a movie! Incredibly bold; it's all you'll be talking about.
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Yesterday (III) (2019)
A unique experience
29 June 2019
To set your expectations straight, there's very little Beatles in this story. I feel like people are going to expect something the likes of Bohemian Rhapsody or Rocketman, but that's not the case. This story is more about the lead character, with the sprinkled essence of the Beatles. Now that we've got that out of the way, this was an absolute delight. It's been some time since I've seen a Danny Boyle film, but I'm glad he's still got that unique touch.

This movie feels different. It's shot quite well (beautiful cinematography), the humor is brilliant (I burst out laughing multiple times), the story is fun (absolutely childish), the themes are subtle (but impactful) and the character satire is on point. Everyone has memorable moments in this film.

The story is a weird mix of unpredictable and cliche, but it's paced well. The first two acts fly by, leaving you with a slightly long,but acceptable climax. It's also riddled with meta-references,so if pop culture is your thing, entertainment is guaranteed.

If you appreciate the following, you will enjoy this film - British dark comedy, the music industry, irony and anti-humor, the love for Beatles (in that order)

I know that this is a relatively minor film in the summer scape,but it's worth your time,if you choose to see it. It's most certainly the funniest movie I've seen this summer.
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Toy Story 4 (2019)
Pure perfection
22 June 2019
Perfection. That's all that's needed. This movie is absolute perfection; this franchise is pure perfection. Honestly, most people were skeptical about this movie to a certain degree. I saw the first toy story 20 years ago; I saw the last toy story movie 10 years ago. And I loved this trilogy; didn't want them to reach too far and ruin it.

But my god,Pixar, you've excelled; and by that I mean, you've delivered a dish that no one wanted,but might have been the best experience of the last decade.

From the opening till it's last scene, you're never for a second doubting the quality. The music is beyond incredible, the animation is spectacular, the plot is somehow as emotionally powerful as the others. The characters are all beautiful presented and really impactful. The humor will leave you gasping for breath. There's nothing I can say that actually didn't work for me.

All the new toys leave their mark; the original roster still delivers. I was legitimately scared in this,I'm not kidding. There are scenes that are incredibly chilling. There balance it out quite well with light-hearted tones. I can't remember having such a good time this summer during a film.

The most important question though: did you cry? There wasn't a single dry eye in the theatre; and I couldn't believe it. I can't believe Pixar made me cry AGAIN.

Please go watch this film; it's a cinematic masterpiece, for fans of otherwise. I laughed ,I cried, I gasped, I felt the entire spectrum. The best movie of this summer so far and a truly worthy addition to the Toy Story franchise. My rating goes all the way up to infinity and beyond.
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Cinematic beige
18 June 2019
"Hey,let's put Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson in a film; people love them, we'll make some summer cash. Just let it be whatever" - the producers at Sony

I'm a fan of the original trilogy, I loved all of them. And going into this,I wasn't really hyped,I was just curious. Well, curiosity did kill the cat.

Nothing about this film really stands out - the plot is predictable, the writing is lazy, there are no real antagonists, character motivation really doesn't matter anymore. It's your run-of-the-mill, straight down the middle MIB mission.There's nothing 'new' in this reboot; it's the same story we've seen a hundred times, just dialed down to the bare minimum. Even the futuristic technology and the exotic aliens look second-rate.

There are some saving graces though- some of the characters are quite good; Kumail Nanjiani as Pawnie kept the energy going. A few chuckles here and there,I suppose.

This is just an average, cliched Men in Black movie. You don't have to see it if you don't want to; if you're a fan of the franchise, there are moments you can find to like.
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Ma (I) (2019)
If you enjoyed Split, you'll appreciate Ma
3 June 2019
Let this be a lesson,kids - if you're underage, don't drink at a strangers house.

I was really interested in Ma,as soon as that first trailer dropped. The story of a woman, who just wants kids to have a good time, can be spun in either a helpful or creepy way. Octavia Spencer conveys that terror perfectly. I was legitimately afraid for the kids in this movie; The character of Ma is so mentally unbalanced and unpredictable, that at no point could I see what was coming. The third act drives it in hard ,and certain moments are gut clenching; I'm terrified of this woman.

The story and editing are pretty good. They flesh out Ma really well, and you understand her actions. The other actors aren't too great, but none of them really seem to know acting, so I give it a pass.

Truly terrifying,but not quite scary. If you enjoyed James McAvoy in Split, you'll appreciate Ma.
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Only worth it in IMAX; or else ,you can skip it
31 May 2019
Before I begin, I should say that this is most Boston movie I have seen since The Departed. If you have strong feelings towards Boston, you should check this out.

Now, when it comes to Godzilla,all I want is big dumb CGI monster fights. I wasn't a fan of Godzilla(2014), but I did enjoy Kong:Skull Island. I feel Kong vs Godzilla would've been the perfect little trilogy, but now we have this weird 'middle' movie, that exists cause the studio can squeeze more money out of us.

Let's get the negatives out of the way- if you don't like Monster Mortal Combat, there is nothing else for you here. The plot is downright embarrassing, the characters are insanely boring and your suspension of disbelief is tested to its limits. The main humans in this movie are immortal- so much so, that they amaze me more than the Kaiju. I'm more worried about the monsters getting injured, because the movie establishes pretty early that leads actors will never ever die (and further go on to survive radiation blasts, hyper cold arctic temperatures, citywide destructions, the works). The story makes no sense; don't attempt to think about it if you hope to enjoy this movie.

All that being said,I was prepared to ignore the flaws in lieu of monster fights, and it totally delivers. Any Kaiju sprawl is incredible - visually stunning, beautiful soundtrack and cinematography, top tier VFX, in-depth design. I was completely pulled in during a clash or throw down, or even just watching from afar. That's pretty much the lone plus.

As someone who wanted 'only' a CGI fight-fest, and didn't expect anything else, I was not disappointed. The fact that Boston is such a pivotal part of this film, scores a slight bump from me. I'd say, if you want to watch this, go for the IMAX Dolby large scale experience. If you miss that, there's no point watching this film later.
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Booksmart (2019)
A high school film for this generation
29 May 2019
The one thing that really sells a story is the characters- if everything else fails, as long as I enjoy the characters, I'll give the film a pass. That being said,every single person in this film has such a unique personality; I would have no problem watching a season of television season around their lives.

I only have good things to say - the writing is incredible, the film is shot beautifully, great dialogue, very self-aware and self -referential. The acting is top notch;Every kid actor in this film is going to be famous in 15 years.

I usually don't relate to high school films anymore because I feel my generation has passed it. But this film manages to show you what current high school kids go through while wrapped in the common themes of adolescence.

Olivia Wilde really delivers a very memorable experience, especially for a feature directorial debut.

If you're a sincere fan of Mean Girls , 10 things I hate about you or Superbad , Booksmart is on par. I had a smile on my face the entire time.
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Brightburn (2019)
Wasted potential
25 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film pitched a very simple question - 'What if Superman was evil?'. After watching it, I feel like this was a marketing ploy used to sell the script and bring audiences to the door. Honestly, if you take the Superman aspect out of it, this is really just your generic low-budget horror flick. The gist of it is a kid wants to be evil one day and just goes ahead killing people. That's really it.

This is one of those rare stories,that I feel could really benefit from an additional 30 minutes. The fact that the runtime is limited to 90 minutes, results in a lot of rushed scenes, which are consequenced by my biggest complaint, the editing. It feels like they shot all the scenes individually,but had no idea how to transition, so they stitched them together. You're just bouncing from scene-to-scene-to-scene and it's incredibly jarring. There are several moments when I thought, yes, this is interesting,but please slow down so I can marinate in it. Nope,next scene.

There are,however, a few redeeming aspects. The actors do a really good job, and I really wish they had more time to sell us on the material. The gore,is actually quite good; there are some really brutal, bloody moments that I enjoyed. And finally, the creative decision to add Billie Eillish' 'bad guy' was genius.

Overall,I don't really know what you're looking for in this story. If it's a dark Superman twist, you won't get it. If it's horror, it's mediocre. As a slasher gore film, not bad at all. I'd classify this as wasted potential.
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Aladdin (2019)
This was a weird film
24 May 2019
Full disclosure, I have never watched the original Aladdin. Disney wasn't a huge part of my childhood, and my opinion is from a blind perspective. For this remake of a Disney classic, I bring no baggage to the table.

I found this movie very...weird. Through most of it,something seemed off; you can't really place it; all the pieces of a scene are done well,but they don't gel cohesively. This wasn't adapted well. I'm always aware that this movie isn't real and trying to be cartoony. But that's the point - if you don't believe the world you're in, you can't really buy anything it sells. The signing and music felt forced, the acting was overdone, the plot wasn't convincing, the characters weren't believable and the ending seemed rushed.

They give you an exact replica, which doesn't work because the audience isn't the same. This is the kind of movie, where if you stopped and thought about what's happening in a scene, you're completely taken out of it. And that shouldn't happen in a movie about magic.

Speaking of magic, any positive feedback I had , goes to Will Smith as the genie. He doesn't take a Robin Williams route, but plays himself instead. Any scene with him is elevated; he holds up the entire second act. This Genie was the only believable part of this story, which kinda sucks because I wanted to enjoy everything else too.

So there you have it, my unbiased opinion . I can't say how this film works as an adaptation, but as a movie, it's a 6.5/10 from me.
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The Hustle (I) (2019)
I fell asleep multiple times
20 May 2019
Oh god, this film was worse than Game of Thrones season 8. Think of the most cliched, cringe-worthy, bottom-of-the-barrel jokes you could do, and then watch how much cheaper they can go.

Rebel Wilson is not funny; if you think she is, you'll probably smile at her lines. More likely than not, you're going to fall asleep since any attempt at humor fails terribly; Anne Hathaway is playing herself, in a horribly written plot, with terrible actors, really bad editing and amateur direction. I'm surprised they even let this film get made, cause it delivers nothing.

The 'hustle' itself, the big con they're trying to pull, is so predictable and anti-climactic; it's such a generic film, in a time when 'women' casted remakes are the norm.

I fell asleep multiple times, so my word of advice: Just don't watch it
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