
22 Reviews
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The Whale (2022)
A Visceral Experience
15 December 2022
This was truly an experience. I went into this with very high expectations and I can truly say they were exceeded.

The acting was impeccable. I honestly think Brendan's performance may be the best performance by any actor that I have witnessed. If that statement isn't true, I can assure you that he brought the most emotion out of me than any other actor. Sadie Sink was also phenomenal here. I was blown away. Hong Chau, who I somehow didn't know before this, was also out of this world.

As always, Darren makes the whole thing gorgeous to watch-even when the scenes are filling you with dread, disgust, pity, sadness, etc. I feel like this film made me feel every emotion I've ever felt. I absolutely do not want to see it again anytime soon. I drove home in silence and before long I was sobbing.

I went to see this film alone for more than one reason-but mainly because I wanted to allow myself to feel my emotions in full (aka I wanted to allow myself to cry my eyes out, which I did). I reserved a great seat in the middle so I had a couple to my left and a couple to my right. Both right next to me. When this film ended, none of us made a sound or moved for at least 5 full minutes. I was the first to get up and leave. I've never experienced that before.

This film is not an easy watch but it's an important one. 10/10.
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The Crown: Couple 31 (2022)
Season 5, Episode 9
This was a great episode
13 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode probably doesn't deserve a 10 but I'm giving it one to offset these ridiculously low scores.

I enjoyed this episode. To the reviewer below me: the point of the different couples being show discussing their divorces wasn't to lead up to the divorce of the Prince and Princess. It was to show how incredibly common it is for two people that loved each other and chose to marry to then grow apart. You become two different people and divorce becomes your last chance at happiness. They were showing that is outdated and ridiculous for the royals to be expected to no longer be human beings and simply stay married (and miserable, in this case) to live up to these ancient standards......and it was leading up to Diana's divorce.

I also want to mention the incredible scene towards the end when Charles shows up at Diana's place unannounced. We get a glimpse of their chemistry. This was some incredible acting from start to finish. I caught myself rooting for them for a second because it was nice to see them both happy for a few seconds. There were a few tender moments there. Then, the inevitable happens and we are reminded that this is doomed. It was just a great scene and ELIZABETH DEBICKI absolutely stole this season. When the camera lingered on her at the end and she was doing that hand thing. I was shook.

Great episode.
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Can't understand why this is rated so low?
25 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love this show and it's episodes like this one that really exemplify why. It starts off with a pretty typical sci-fi plot but quickly evolves into something unique, beautiful, and unexpected.

For me, this is a story about the ebb and flow of living and how we are all connected. It's about the possibility of our souls living on-even after our bodies are gone-which is such a lovely thought.

It made me feel an almost indescribable feeling of hope mixed with deep sadness and I welcome those feelings. I'm just so happy this exists and I've had the privilege of watching it and being so moved by it. I've now re-watched twice and it just gets better and more meaningful with each watch.

Side note: I noticed at least one reviewer complaining about how dumb it was for Martha to drag around her dead friend when she was pressed for time and could always come back for her later. I guess they forgot that Martha's oxygen tank was damaged from the crash and she needed her friend's oxygen supply to survive. It wasn't like she could just swap outfits so she had no choice.
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Lisey's Story: Jim Dandy (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
21 June 2021
What an episode! I was just mesmerized the entire time. Now I'm completely hooked. Incredible acting from Julianne (as always) and I love every moment spent in Boo'ya Moon. Those screaming souls were terrifying. Can't wait to find out what's coming next.
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Love, Death & Robots: Zima Blue (2019)
Season 1, Episode 14
Reaaaaally trying to be deep
9 June 2021
I'm sorry but I'm just not as blown away as the majority. Shocked to find this is the second highest rated of the season on here. I felt like it was really trying to be super deep. Pretentious. And, worst of all, boring.
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10/10 would recommend
12 February 2021
I've enjoyed every episode of this show a tremendous amount. This episode in particular is my favorite so far. It delivered on every front: story, acting, creepiness, COSTUMES, special effects. I am blown away by this show and so happy/shocked that Marvel produced this weird/fascinating/powerful show!

Ps if Elizabeth doesn't get an Emmy nom...
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Servant: Jericho (2020)
Season 1, Episode 9
First truly good episode
12 January 2020
This was the first episode I enjoyed and didn't feel frustrated when the episode ended. It was excellent. The acting and suspense was top tier.

I see another review saying they "don't understand" how people find this show too boring. Come on, man. Are we watching the same show? Let's just be honest here. I understand liking the show but it has certainly been very boring a lot of the times.

Regardless, I have stuck with it because I am interested in the premise and how this pans out-and it definitely helps that episodes are so short. Otherwise I probably would have dipped by now. I'm glad I didn't.
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Very pleasantly surprised
12 January 2020
Don't know why this doesn't have a higher rating on here. I don't watch rupaul's drag race and this show made me a huge fan on rupaul. His acting was excellent (I was super impressed with his dramatic acting) and I enjoyed each episode. Izzy G was also an impressive young talent.

Though rupaul and Izzy g are the undisputed stars, the side characters are also very likeable. I found myself rooting for nearly every character. This show has drama and plenty of comedy. It also has a message.

Check this show out. You won't be disappointed.
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Servant (2019–2023)
So confused about this shows rating...
5 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What are these reviews?

"A perfect psychological thriller" "The only Apple TV show I like"

WHAT?! Nothing happens!!! Can all these 10/10 reviewers let me know what they're loving so much because I know for a fact they don't know what is going on.

One second it's a doll. Next second it's a baby. Woah, the dad keeps getting splinters! The dad can't taste anything but for some reason won't see a doctor? So sick of watching these weird protagonists not acting even a little but like human beings.

Oh look! The mom just acted like a psycho again but somehow maintains a full career. One second the babysitter is normal, the next second she's a full fledged psycho.

Tried to enjoy this but it's so lame and my patience is up.
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Knives Out (2019)
It was ok, but I was pretty bored
5 January 2020
I've seen all the praise for this film and it wasn't a terrible film or anything but I don't get the glowing reviews and ratings on here. It was pretty boring, in my opinion.

The acting was great but it just felt like it dragged. It did have a pretty good twist at the end but I found myself checking the time multiple times because I was ready for it to be over.
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His Dark Materials: The Fight to the Death (2019)
Season 1, Episode 7
Another solid episode with a few minor missteps
16 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed the episode. Iofur looked amazing and the voice acting was great. I do agree that the bear fight was way rushed but that's about the only part I believe felt truly rushed. I get that they couldn't show the jaw thing on the show to keep it TV14 but just the overall fight was so quick. And it makes no sense why they both had no armor on, even after the king yelled for his subordinates to "PREPARE ME FOR BATTLE"

I saw someone on here say the scene with Lyra and Roger riding Iorek was corny. I agree and disagree. I absolutely loved the wide shot and thought it was gorgeous and perfect. I felt the closeup stayed on Lyra and Roger way too long and it did seem corny.

I know a lot of people will disagree but a part of me does feel like they should have waited for season 2 to introduce Will-just because it feels like we keep leaving the main story to spend 5 minutes with Will every episode. Sometimes I'm just not ready to leave Lyra, even though Will is great. I think my favorite scene was Mrs Coulter at the end manipulating her way into the expedition to find Asriel. There was a big smile across my face. Also loved the scene at the beginning when she turned around to face the camera and let out that scream. Truly feral and scary. Loving the music on this show too. That music that was playing as she was looking at the destroyed machine was amazing and that music seems to always happen when Coulter is on the screen. I'm not complaining. My main problem with the episode was James McAvoy's terrible/over dramatic acting at the end. When he said "I DID NOT SEND FOR YOU" for the third time with that fake cry I truly felt embarrassment it was so bad.

Overall, another great episode. CGI is amazing on this show. Music is amazing. Cinematography is breathtaking. My only wish? That HBO was the one handling production. We all know this isn't REALLY a kids story. I wish it didn't have to be clearly watered down to keep it TV14. I want to go all the way.

Side note: the reviewers that keep name checking Jack Thorne and saying how pathetic his adaptation is... you guys CLEARLY went into this with the intention of hating it. I don't know if Jack beat you up in high school or what but it is so clear you are just being petty and overly critical.
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His Dark Materials: The Daemon-Cages (2019)
Season 1, Episode 6
Amazing episode. Best so far.
8 December 2019
This was an incredible episode. The acting was incredible, as always. Ruth Wilson is such an incredible joy to watch and Dafne Keen is so impressive-more impressive than ever this episode.

This was my favorite episode of the season so far. Kept me on the edge of my seat. The episode seemed to fly by because it was the perfect amount of action/suspense/drama. Just really great.

I hope if the producers/directors/cast read these reviews they know that 90% (if not more) are happy with this adaptation. They're doing a great job of telling this story and yes, I've read the books.

So sick of hearing these petty complaints from people that just live to complain and hate on things (see "nosedive" review-but actually just ignore it because it's a bunch of crap). That guy is just miserable and probably hates everything. A mess? Nope. Haters won't talk about how much more details we are getting (for example: Mrs Coulter) and all the gorgeous cinematography/music/acting. They want to cry about how every shot isn't filled with daemons and whine about how it's not a shot for shot reincarnation of the book. Get over it and stop rating episodes poorly because you'll never be satisfied!!
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His Dark Materials: The Lost Boy (2019)
Season 1, Episode 5
Pretty good episode
2 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this episode and I thought the pacing was pretty great. I see others are saying it feels rushed but I don't agree. I also do not get all the complaints about the daemons not always being visible. That would be very overwhelming visually to constantly be seeing a group of daemons in every shot. Also, as others have pointed out, Pan is often in her pocket in the books-to relax and to keep warm in the freezing cold. It makes sense.

I get that they keep making the ghost boy Billy Costa to add emotional heft but it still kind of bothers me that both adaptations went that route. It was emotionally impactful with it being a stranger, as well. And I do wish they would have gonna all the way, with him grabbing the dead fish in place of Ratter. That really hit me hard in the books. I also wish he would have been asking about Ratter more, though it's heartbreaking. I will say I teared up when he was dying and Ma Costa said it's ok. Devastating.

I agree with another commenter that pointed out how it looks awkward with Lyra on the bears neck while riding. That caught my eye as well and really confuses me. Otherwise that scene was gorgeous. Cinematography and acting on this show has been top notch from the start.

Really enjoying this show and, overall, I'm very very satisfied.
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His Dark Materials: The Spies (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
GREAT episode!!
17 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was great. I personally have loved each episode more than the last.

That scene at the end in Mrs Coulter's place was epic. Her just walking down the hallway with that revolver. YES YES YES.

But, for the love of god, can somebody give that monkey some pets! He's so cute!!!
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A fun movie for what it is
15 November 2019
What is with reviewers these days? They are so eager to give everything 1 stars. Honestly, I think they should start verifying reviewers purchased a ticket because I'm starting to think a lot of reviewers on here are just hating on the movie for whatever reason, without having actually seen it.

Look, this movie isn't a masterpiece and it never pretended to be. I went in there with an open mind, expecting some laughs and fun action. I definitely got that, and then some.

I can honestly say I was pleasantly surprised. It was fun seeing Kristen Stewart in this role, and she did a pretty good job here. In fact, I loved all three angels. They balanced each other out well. Ella Balinska as Jane was my favorite by the end and Elizabeth Banks was pretty great, too. Naomi was hilarious and held her own.

I wasn't bored for a single second so the ignorant reviewers calling this film a "cure for insomnia" clearly haven't watched many movies. You can say what you want about this film (because it's definitely not perfect) but it absolutely was NOT boring in any way.

So, basically, if you're not super lame and already decided you were going to hate this film before walking into the theater, you should have a good time watching this. You'll laugh. You'll cheer these women on as they destroy some bad guys.
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Dickinson (2019–2021)
Incredible. A triumph.
5 November 2019
I can not comprehend why this has such a low rating on here. I was mind blown. Tore through the series in a day. Hailee is Emmy-worthy and it's a fresh, unique show. Can't wait for season 2.

Make your own decisions, like Emily.
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American Horror Story: The Lady in White (2019)
Season 9, Episode 7
FINALLY an excellent episode this season!
1 November 2019
Great episode! I was absolutely enjoying every second. Lily Rabe is always incredible but this may have been her most impressive outing with AHS yet. She blew me away. Loving this new badass Emma Roberts. This episode alone made me excited about this season again--for the first time since the pilot episode grabbed my interest.
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Judy (II) (2019)
Incredible. Heartbreaking.
26 October 2019
I was blown away. Renee's performance alone is enough of a reason to see this film but it's certainly not the only reason. It's just the best reason.
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American Horror Story: Red Dawn (2019)
Season 9, Episode 5
This season is such a joke at this point...
19 October 2019
I seriously can't believe this is the season...and now there are only 4 episodes left. How are people enjoying this? At first it was a cool idea to honor 80s slashers-but now it's just ridiculous. There are basically no surprises because everything is so predictable.

I was really hoping there would be a big twist-like maybe that this was all actors filming a ridiculous 80s slasher. Now there is only 4 episodes left so if that twist happened in the coming episodes it would just annoy me, because I was forced to sit through more than half of a season of this crap.
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It's always a treat to see Angelina, but ultimately disappointing
18 October 2019
This was by no means an awful movie. I didn't hate it... but I definitely wouldn't say I liked it very much either. And I'm a HUGE Angelina fan and was excited all day yesterday to see her again on the big screen. After sleeping on it, I can confirm I'm very disappointed. I can't help but feel like an excellent cast (especially the women) was pretty wasted, though evil queen Ingrid (Michelle Pfeiffer) vs Maleficent was fun to watch-during the fleeting moments they were on screen together.

The film was way too busy with too much going on. Too many subplots, way too much cgi, way too little Angelina. It certainly wasn't as impactful or fun to watch as the first one, despite the fact that this sequel definitely felt more expensive. I agree with some of the critics who stated this film is trying to be a sort of "game of thrones for kids."

Angelina is always amazing and a treat to watch, but she didn't seem as into it (/enjoying herself/trying as hard) this time around. If you need proof of that, after watching this film, go on YouTube and watch the scene from the original Maleficent when she curses the baby. She's such an amazing presence in that scene, chewing the scenery beautifully. There is none of that here.

This film is a perfect example of the fact that sometimes less can be a lot more, in my opinion.
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A masterpiece and my absolute favorite film
8 December 2018
I've been a huge cinephile throughout my entire 26 years of life (ok, that's not THAT long but I've watched a lot of movies). Somehow I missed Mulholland Drive-probably because I was born in 1992 and no one else in my family is into films and especially films like this one.

This is my all time favorite film. I saw it for the first time in 2018 and immediately watched it three more times (one each day for the three days following my first viewing). I can genuinely, 100% promise you the film became more brilliant with each watch. Then, I did some research. Wow. How could someone be so brilliant.

David Lynch is a mastermind and this film is why I love film as much as I do. It's more than just a film, it's a feeling, an experience, a journey. And it's a journey worth taking, my friends. I assure you.

Go watch Mulholland Drive if you have not already. If you have already, go watch it again.
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Homecoming (2018–2020)
Hang in there, it's worth it!
15 November 2018
Like others have said, I'm really happy I stuck in there. The first two episodes were, in my opinion, slow. If it weren't for Julia Roberts, the great reviews, and the interesting cinematography I may have gave up after episode 2. It was after episode 3 for me that I knew I was all in until the end. Very interesting and unique show. Excellent work from the cast, director, cinematographer. Love the short episodes and the lingering camera at the end of each episode 10/10
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