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IF (I) (2024)
So much good with a few hiccups along the way
18 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is cute and I think that it is the kind of film we need more of honestly. The animation was very well done and created a beautiful sense of suspended disbelief.

A couple things I would say if I could speak to John Krasinski... Firstly: the IF explanation was a little heavy-handed and I think you could've left out the "but also IF like what if!" moment because it works better as a subtle thing the audience can put together no matter the age.

There were also just some pacing problems... The beginning could've been trimmed down a little and some more moments of growth for the characters later in the film.

I would've liked a clearer "aha" moment for B as it felt a little sudden, but more importantly a little more time for all the characters we see at the end who are suddenly able to see their IFs. Working in some moments where, during B's journey, she touches them in some way that brings back those memories would have helped it make more sense. After seeing how much work the other characters took to remember theirs, it felt odd that the characters at the end suddenly see theirs without any work... Took away the meaning of the other moments.

That said... Would love to see more family movies like this that have enough laughs for the kids but meaningful character-driven plots for all ages. Thanks John Krasinski!
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A truly timeless gem
1 May 2024
A lot of reviews on here are good but some show just how much people missed the point behind this awesome classic.

Elle Woods is a blonde, pink-obsessed fashion major who grew up in Los Angeles. Because of how she looks, people assume she's ditzy and unintelligent, but throughout the film we see that she is observant, intelligent and kind which is what draws people to her and is the foundation of the loyalty and support she receives from the other girls in her sorority.

When her boyfriend dumps her because he's headed to Harvard, Elle studies hard and gets in fair and square. The movie is truly feminist because it breaks down stereotypes that traditionally feminine characteristics make someone dumb, shallow or mean. Throughout the show we see the many different ways people judge Elle (and others) and how she fiercely breaks down their assumptions by staying authentic and believing in herself. What's truly inspiring is how she impacts those around her and helps them overcome the different boxes they've also been put in based on how they look, talk, what hobbies they enjoy, and so forth. It's charming and sweet and never fails to put a smile on my face.
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Road House (2024)
No Soul
24 March 2024
I really wanted to like this and I went in knowing what Road House is... But alas it still falls flat in key ways. Dalton has lost the intellectualism that his character had (this man does NOT have a PhD in philosophy) and the pacifism becomes something more hollow which could be partially because of the difference in the sociocultural components between martial arts and UFC. Also: Conor McGregor is brutal in this... Every scene he was in was hard to watch.

Jake Gyllenhaal as ever was a fine actor and Jessica Williams really shines as well. Some parts they updated for a modern context were well done as well... They just missed the important character-driven pieces that made the original such a classic.
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Spirited (2022)
So here's the thing...
11 December 2023
This movie is fine. It's a cute concept. What I find frustrating is seeing the same faces over and over again when we all know there are SO MANY talented Broadway dancers and actors that could do a far better job without charging $20 million for their salaries. I get Apple TV+ was looking for faces that could draw in new viewership but I felt kind of tired as I watched this because I can't remember a time when Ryan Reynolds played a character that wasn't just Ryan Reynolds... Or when quips weren't expected to the point of predictable...

Anyway. This movie is fine. It has some cute moments and some funny jokes. But there was a soullessness to it that seems ironic given the topic of the film.
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Truly Disturbing
29 November 2023
I'm surprised to see how low the ratings for this episode are... This one REALLY got under my skin. I felt a tension throughout because there were so many different ways the foreshadowing could have gone... None of which were very beautiful.

It was so nice to see Martin Starr again after so long (long time fan since Freaks and Geeks). The use of silence and sound was well used as well as the fisheye lens and other creative choices.

Fans of Chuck Pahlaniuk and other masters of the destruction of the human/deteriorating mental health will likely enjoy this one. Those looking for more of a "traditional" horror vibe likely won't.
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Monk: Mr. Monk Goes to the Circus (2003)
Season 2, Episode 4
Not my favourite episode
10 November 2023
This is a hard episode to watch because I find it hard to believe that Monk would be SO cold to Sharona when she shares her story about the elephant. We've seen that he has a good heart throughout the series and it just doesn't track with his character... Because his actions are awkward and honestly rude a lot of the time, it's his kind heart that makes it forgivable. If he's a jerk then it's harder to cheer for him in my opinion.

Last gripe is just that the accents of the circus folk are weird. Maybe just get them to use their normal accents if they're not good at the ones you're aiming for...
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Scare Me (I) (2020)
Just a good time!
23 October 2023
I just really enjoyed this li'l film. I laughed a lot and the acting was so well done! I really felt as though I was in the room with them enjoying an electricity-free Saturday night.

This isn't a "horror movie" per se so maybe keep walking if you're looking for a bunch of jump scares and stuff... But the stories are fun and there is an undercurrent of tension that's hard to put your finger on...

Aya Cash is an absolutely rockstar in this. She transforms beautifully between scenes and tells us so much with her facial expressions. Josh Ruben is also wonderful not just in his role but in the way he wrote this and built a very real feeling into something that simultaneously possesses such absurdism and imagination.
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Aussie Ghost Story
19 October 2023
I wouldn't call Run Rabbit Run a horror movie... It's much more a traditional ghost story. The acting and directing is decent but the pacing is a little odd... Maybe we need a little more time with the characters at the beginning to care more about what they're experiencing. It's hard to relate to the main character because we don't know a lot about her and aren't really shown any redeemable/relatable qualities we can latch on to as she starts to confront the strange goings-on around her. Overall I found it watchable but caught myself getting distracted as I watched it so I don't think I was very invested. It wasn't bad enough for me to turn it off but I also doubt I'll ever watch it again.
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Deadstream (2022)
Pleasantly surprised
18 October 2023
I had no idea what to expect when I started this because I try to avoid trailers for horror movies (since they tend to give stuff away)... But I genuinely enjoyed this one.

It starts out with every possible trope you've ever seen on paranormal YouTube channel stuff and made me laugh... But then the tone starts to slowly change.

It's very hard to find the balance of creating a main character you really don't want to cheer for and yet also being invested in what happens to them. It's also impressive how they keep the subtle humour in little ways even as the tone shifts and things intensify. Great job! Refreshing and enjoyable.
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Tár (2022)
A slow character study that is beautiful to watch
3 October 2023
I'm not surprised at the number of people who review this movie as "tedious" and "slow" though it is just a statement to the expectations people put on film as art.

At its core, this is a thoughtful character study. It looks at the meticulous nature of a person who thrives at their craft but how that same nature causes them to alienate others. We are not here to cheer the main character on, we are here to witness herself as the plot.

This is not an action or thriller movie so don't expect that. Cate Blanchett is a tour de force as always. The filming is gorgeous and the use of mirrors, lines and corners lends well to the overall analysis of hierarchy, compartmentalization, expression and the pressure of "genius".
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Resident Evil (2022)
Refreshing for a Zombie-Style Show
24 September 2023
Don't listen to all the angry neckbeards who down voted this so hard. It has decent acting, it's well filmed, good soundtrack and directing. I appreciated the pacing and the stakes felt real. I gave up on the Resident Evil movies because they became so lame over time but someone else started this while I was nearby and I got sucked in. You spend enough time with the characters to get to know them which is nice and even though Jade isn't the most likeable character I don't see a reason why she needs to be.

This isn't like the video games, but as someone who is beyond over zombie/virus movies and shows I actually found this show refreshing. It's insane how low the ratings on here are for it in my opinion.
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Jack Ryan: Dios y Federación (2019)
Season 2, Episode 7
Addressing some of the silly things that seem to make people angry this episode...
2 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I read through all the reviews and a lot of issues people with lower ratings have seem not to understand what's going on...

1) Jack is ex-military so yes he can handle a gun and use it to take out soldiers.

2) the satellite was never something hard to shut off, that wasn't the issue. They just didn't know what the satellite was being used for

3) Reyes bombs the poor neighbourhood because the poor and educated areas are the two places where most of his competitions votes are coming from. He's trying to cut down on the number of people voting for her and inspire fear in people who dare go against him.

4) Yes, the mercs were paid by Reyes to guard the containers. But at the end of the day, they're mercs... If they're offered a tonne of cash they can choose to change sides. Maybe then they can get out of that jungle too which is a bonus. (and in a world of violence yeah Greer cut off his finger but outside Hollywood many people will overlook something like that for a bunch of money. Ever heard of Nub City, USA?

5) The final prayer scene is maybe 10-15 seconds. Relax.

It's not the best episode in the series but giving it a 1/10 because you don't understand things isn't fair. There's twists and action in it like all the other episodes.
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Shallow and Disappointing
7 April 2023
I really wanted to like this movie because there are so many incredible actors in it but the script just isn't good. The dialogue is cringy and hollow. The characters are one dimensional. And the cuts and pacing are strange at times.

Again, nothing against those that acted in it. It was just kind of... Lame. Nothing they could do would overcome this repetitive and shallow script. It becomes especially terrible in the last half... I genuinely didn't want to bother finishing it.

One last disappointment... The action wasn't as good as I was hoping... Especially in the bowling alley scene. Good grief.

Great concept with lots of potential. Just not done right.
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Indian Horse (2017)
Tough to watch for all the right reasons
22 January 2023
I didn't know what to expect when I started watching this but it truly is an important movie for any Canadian to watch. It's depiction of how trauma impacts the individual feels authentic. It is understated and beautifully filmed.

It is hard to face the truth of what was done and how it still impacts Indigenous peoples today. But it's okay and even healthy to feel uncomfortable. These are the kind of characters you can really cheer for and the kind of stories that you can take with you long after the movie is done.

I assure you... The film does not simply leave you in a dark place. There is hope, kindness, love and healing.
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Willow (2022–2023)
We'll see if my feelings change, but so far so good...
2 December 2022
I laughed quite a few times and really enjoyed seeing so many of the characters I loved as a child. I went into this knowing it would be made to be enjoyed by the whole family... That was the charm of the original, after all... And it didn't disappoint.

This isn't some grand fantasy epic made for adult fans... Don't go into it expecting that. But it's satirical, has adventure, and so far I have no issues with the writing or directing. I am genuinely surprised to see how low the ratings are so far.

Give it some time to build and remember the cheese and fun of the original! These characters are young and this their problems start out feeling teen drama-like... But also, the whole point of Willow was that he also wasn't expected to achieve anything and overall was very run-of-the-mill in his community as well. Not everyone will love this show... But that's alright. See what you think for yourself.
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Underrated Sequel
24 November 2022
This isn't a perfect film. But it is a good family film. I like how Free Willy doesn't oversimplify the complexities of attachment trauma and non-traditional families. If you were to compare this to most family films I think you would be pleasantly surprised. It knows how to take its time and the filming and acting is decent. I like it for similar reasons to movies like Air Bud except I would say the characters are more complex than that series.

Does it deserve an Oscar? No. Are you looking for something to watch with your kids on a family movie night? I think you'll find it a good experience, and you may even be able to have some great conversations about it afterwards.
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So Help Me Todd (2022–2024)
Unexpectedly Charming
18 November 2022
I have to say that when I saw the idea behind the show I wasn't immediately taken by this. But then I got VERY sick and was stuck at home and it felt like I'd watched everything, so I gave it a shot. Wow... I was so surprised how much I enjoyed it.

This show definitely stretches the limit on how the law works and isn't the most accurate... But that's not why you watch a show like this. This show has heart and made me smile every single episode. I like how each character is slowly built and I really hope there's another season so I can learn more about some of the others!

Hands down the star of each scene is Marcia Gay Harden. The other actors around her are also good, but she really commands the screen when she's on it. Hope you give it a shot!
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
Fun idea, but...
5 November 2022
... I found the amount of silly choices made in the David Tennant side of the plot so annoying. The lack of communication and poor choices of every character were frustrating after a while and I just started fast forwarding through those parts to get to the parts with Stanley Tucci. He's always wonderful and continues to be in this. It's not a bad show, it's just also not the best. Great theme song though!

It's a ridiculous concept but that doesn't bother me. I don't approach entertainment needing it to be entirely factual. I just find it's lazy to make it so poor communication and lack of common sense drive the plot.
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Gross and Well Paced
31 October 2022
I thoroughly enjoyed this film. It made me outwardly say "ew!" and there were no boring parts in between getting to the point. I think sometimes people are harder on horror movies than other genres when they're rating them, but I didn't go into this expecting an Oscar worthy script. There were not jump scares for me but it was visceral, disturbing and eerie. The acting is decent and soundtrack well placed. I'm not sure what their budget was but they used it well. The CGI isn't perfect but their practical effects more than make up for it.

I highly recommend this movie to anyone looking for something new in the horror genre!
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Betty (2020–2021)
So much hate from people who just don't get it....
11 September 2022
This show is awesome, super nice kind of everyday life show that made me miss NY. I could relate to each character in some way which is a nice place to be, and it brought me right back to what it was like to be a teenager just getting through each day. So many shows about teenage girls are so dramatic and unrealistic, this show felt like the chill vibes of myself and my friends and it was really refreshing.

If you're looking for a comedy? Not really it. If you're looking for crazy drama? Not really it. If you're looking for something action packed? Not really it. But if you like to just see life through the eyes of someone else for a bit, you'll enjoy this show. If people can enjoy other HBO shows like The Wire and Treme, they can enjoy this.
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As a fan of the original...
19 August 2022
... I really enjoyed this rendition for a couple reasons.

Firstly... As a little girl, I LOVED the original. It will always be a classic.

But I also always knew that it was VERY loosely based on the reality of the women's lives to make it more palpable for a male audience. For example... Geena Davis' character? A lesbian in real life. But whatever. I loved it anyway for what it was.

Similarly... I enjoy this show for what it is! I didn't give it 10 because the filming sometimes ripped me out of believing this is actually set in the 40's....

It is not the original. But I'm glad it isn't! So often remakes of things I loved let me down... Charlie's Angel's, Ghostbusters, and I was SO SCARED this also would. But it's well written... It's fun... It brought in some things that are more accurate than the original... It's funny... And it's worth watching. Give it a shot!
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Evil Dead (2013)
A Well-Done Reimagining of the Classic
28 March 2021
I don't know why people are so hard on horror movies. I assume it's because they have to feel tough or something.

This is a beautiful reimagining of the original in my opinion. They don't treat the audience as fools, and the cinematography is well-done. Give it a try, I enjoyed the ride.
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Real Detective: Malice (2016)
Season 1, Episode 2
Tough to Watch for the Right Reasons
3 February 2021
I don't usually leave reviews for individual episodes, but this one was particularly impactful in its demonstration of post-traumatic stress and what it does to an individual. Very tough episode to watch, but it felt very raw and real which I appreciated. I'm not usually a fan of re-enactments but the narration and footage of the actual officer adds a lot so I don't mind it as much in this show.
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Don't hate the gender, hate the game.
1 January 2021
So here's my issue.... I'm tired (as a woman) of LAZY WRITERS changing the genders of people and thinking that is enough to make women not notice that, as always, female characters are so often one-dimensional and tropey.

We deserve better. I want to see more women in movies... I'm tired of how many leading men I see. But I also won't just settle for just anything.

Including my gender isn't a game of money. Please for the love of GOD just give us some more representation that isn't forced. As a child who loved Ghostbusters... I deserved better. And so did you. That being said... A lot of far more terrible movies have received higher ratings from people. So don't be angry because a bad movie stars women (note this movie was written and directed by a man). Just WANT MORE from Hollywood. I know I do.
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Bones: The Woman in White (2013)
Season 9, Episode 6
Cheeky but adorable
23 September 2020
I really appreciate the heartfelt joy and humour I find throughout this series, and I always feel rewarded as a fan for how often they call back to early episodes. I am not a fan of sentimentality... and yet this episode somehow made me happy as if my friends were genuinely getting together. Don't watch it for an Oscar-worthy script, but enjoy what the writers gave us. Much appreciated.
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