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Frenchie's plots continue to be boring filler
18 June 2024
Season 4 seems to be leaning heavily into filler content with boring 'character development' taking in the form of Frenchie and Kimiko. He's never been a character that has been written well for and he's the weakest element in the show, him and Kimiko.

Besides that, the Boys make for a triumphant return even if it gets fairly heavy in it's own political satire that has the risk of ruining the illusion when it mirrors our own world so closely.

The show has the risk of going around in circles without actually pushing the narrative forward, hopefully that won't happen.

Butcher, for me, remains the most important element of The Boys and always has, and I really do hope his screentime isn't reduced any further than it already has.
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The Acolyte: Destiny (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
Another excellent episode!
13 June 2024
This is, so far, shaping up to be an excellent prequel series. It's no Andor, but it is very much Star Wars. The CGI, the effects along with the costumes and backdrops have been far better than what I've seen on Mando/Book of Boba Fett and by that alone it's excelled.

The writing can be a bit... hit or miss at times, but not to such an extent it takes you out of the show. My expectations were never to expect the same level of quality writing as Andor, but what we got is great all the same.

Lauren Brady as the younger Osha is surprisingly an excellent actress for her age with a good range of emotion on display. Really drew me into the episode.

I expect this review to get downvoted like hell from the 'legion' of bizarre 1-5 star reviewers, some of whom were criticizing the show before it was even out!

Ah well - some folks were just born to hate! Reminds me of all the hate that the Prequels got and now most people look back upon the Prequels with a different perspective. I doubt that's gonna happen here since the level of hate directed at the show is born out of unnatural reasons.
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Outer Range (2022– )
Starts off excellent, quickly steers into a trippy-nonsensical whimsical show
2 June 2024
Outer Range is the latest show to get trapped amidst its own entrails, tangled and twisted up in a plot that overstays its welcome by a whole season.

Wonderfully headlined by the excellent Josh Brolin along with a good supporting cast who you can't fault for acting chops, Outer Range is not lacking in the cast department and the deluge of characters is plentiful here, albeit some more quirky than I would like.

Outer Range sets itself up as a mystery-western and there's a fair few twists and turns in the plot. One twist in particular was blaringly obvious (looking at you Amy!) but Outer Range quickly falls flat by episode 5, with early signs showing themselves in episode 4.

I like my slow-burn mysteries and this is as slow-burn as it gets, so I would not personally fault it for that; but I still expect the show to 'go-somewhere' and sadly, it fails to achieve even that.

This was and should have been a season 1 one-shot; a much tighter compact show with delivery of the plot. Instead we get a dragged out narrative because the writers/creator decided that milking this for all its worth is what they want to do. All well and good if the cow is producing, but that ain't happening here. Just sour milk is all you'll be getting!

By the end of season 1, I was so dissatisfied with it all that I knew I wasn't interested in season 2. I gave it a shot, if only for the fact that I'm a big Josh Brolin fan - if the latter half of season 1 let me down, season 2 was a narrative carousel going around in circles. There was no substance to it all and I can't imagine the actors knew what the hell they were getting into either. This was the equivalent of LOST the TV series during their most confusing plotlines... Nothing made sense!

What a shame.
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Star Wars: Tales of the Empire: Devoted (2024)
Season 1, Episode 4
Fairly inaccurate portrayal of Inquisitor training
4 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So far I'm enjoying Tales of the Empire, but this episode... stands out and not in a positive way.

This episode follows former Jedi Barriss Offee and her descent into the dark side of the Force, where we see her undergo "training" to become a Sith Inquisitor.

Now, normally I'm not one for nitpicking or griping too much, but this episode was the poorest one so far.

Apparently all you need to do to become a Inquisitor is to push your teacher, give him a nosebleed and then duel your bestie in a duel of death.

Hilariously... PG. Even for Disney this was a poor showing.

From the comics, to the Clone Wars, to nearly all of the media that depicts the Inquisitors shows that their training is brutal, torturous and downright sadistic. Disney however didn't even show 1% of that!

It was a waste of an episode and sadly a very much unbelievable one.
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An Excellent Sci-Fi Epic
10 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Dune: Part Two doesn't drop the ball when it comes to the narrative, visual and audio masterpiece that it is. Having seen it in IMAX quality, definitely an experience and one that I will look forward to seeing again outside of the Cinema.

Butler's role as Feyd was impressive despite the limited screen time that he had, although it's hard to say he amounted to much in the film but this is how the book narrative goes so it isn't surprising.

I've seen the original David Lynch's Dune, which is still decent for what it is, but the modern takes are far superior in almost everyway.

One thing that I enjoy about these films is the audio impact. Denis Villeneuve cannot be criticized for the sound design on these films; they feel iconic, impactful and futuristic, particularly certain scenes that have the mongolian-like throat singing being uttered as a different language.

Visually, just like Villeneuve's Blade Runner, it's beautifully shot and there are some amazing visuals of the Dune stretched sand plains. Despite it being a desert, you still get the sense that this is an alien planet.

I did personally feel the ending was almost rushing towards its conclusion and the big battle that takes place towards the end was let down in scope and design somewhat. It was one of the very few areas that I thought the David Lynch film did better, if only slightly. It didn't sour the experience though.

Denis Villeneuve has made a setup for part 3 and that is most certainly gonna happen.

One disappointing post-movie element that concerns more about Villeneuve than the film itself is his obsession with refusing to release deleted scenes. Normally these things get brushed under the carpet and rarely discussed, but so much talk about this has popped up in the media recently and the reason is because the actors in these scenes have spoken out concerning these scenes.

Villeneuve seems almost obsessed with the notion that his theatrical vision is finale and the fat that he trims from the film are discarded. This is understandable and you can't fault him for it, but it is disappointing that this is his stance.

You could look at Blade Runner's disappointing theatrical cut vs the directors final cut and you can see the difference; the directors cut is the superior with deleted scenes added in and the narrative greatly improved.

What if we never saw Saruman's downfall in LOTR: Return of the King if Peter Jackson decided that infamous scene should remain cut?

We have the same problem in Part 2 with a certain character who was in Part 1 conspicuously absent. One could make the argument that Villeneuve's vision is somewhat hampered by him fighting the runtime limits enforced upon him by having him cut important scenes that sometimes add the missing context.

Regardless of that, Dune Part 2 can't be missed; Part 3 is going to have a very tough time to follow up considering it's story is profoundly different from the previous two iterations.
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A Dark Origin Episode That Makes You Think...
27 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It can be said that whenever Star Trek has it's 'dark episodes' such as Yesterdays Enterprise, Best of Both Worlds or Balance of Terror, it brings out the best in Trek.

Under The Cloak of War explores M'benga's history with the Klingons and it proves to be a complicated one.

This episode goes heavy on the horrors of war and the PTSD effects that it has one those who suffer through it. It's a solid episode with some good writing and it can leave you conflicted.

We see a Klingon Ambassador arrive on Enterprise who speaks highly of the Federation and seeks to redeem himself from his reputation known as the 'Butcher' from a brutal colony conflict that M'benga and Nurse Chapel participated in.

Throughout the episode, it's easy to doubt the sincerity of the Klingon considering the crimes and butchery he's responsible for. This is compounded by M'benga's flashbacks to the conflict and the emergence of his PTSD, his struggles in dealing with the presence of the Klingon.

There's a message here, but it's a muddy one; the ending of the episode complicates things greatly. We see M'benga essentially murder the Klingon, albeit, after warning him to leave and wanting to be left alone. It's a tragic turn of events made even more complex by the fact that his crime is covered up with Nurse Chapel and M'benga stating that the Klingon started the fight, grabbing the knife.

This is a very bold ending because it puts these two characters in a very dark light and makes one an accomplice to murder and the other a murderer, both of whom are covering each other's tracks.

What's interesting is that we don't actually see how this fight plays out, which may suggest that more remains to be seen.

I do hope there will be consequences for M'benga and Nurse Chapel, because if not; then not only is this the wrong message to send out to trek fans, it's not very Trekky.
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The Best Resident Evil Film You'll Ever See...
27 July 2023
A film that has been the victim of a poor release window and zombie fatigue when clearly it is the superior film out of the entire Resident Evil franchise.

This has gone under my radar for sometime until it surfaced again, and I was almost persuaded off from watching it due to the bad reviews. I watched it anyway and I am glad I did!

The majority of the RE films are an action-filled special effects bonanza of bad dialogue, cringe moments and often than not, lacking any horror. They have their appeal for some fans, but for the most part, you know what you are getting.

With this film? I had expected much the same, and oh boy was I wrong. This is a far more grounded film filled with 90's nostalgia and a love-letter for the first two games from the franchise. Had this been the very first Resident Evil film to don our screens in 2002, well; I think the reception would be much kinder.

From the sound design, special effects to the acting (which was mostly good), this has easily become my favourite film of the entire franchise, which lets be honest, is mostly filled with crap. Yet in no way was this even remotely resembling the quality of the other films.

What really sold it for me was the cinematography. As a student of film, I can appreciate every shot undertaken in this film, which was beautifully shot and rendered in superb lighting. I noticed many shots were taken/inspired from the first two games. From how the camera moved, to the angle to the placement of the actors, recreated with the nostalgia of that era onto film.

The whole film had that 'vibe' to it that kept me intrigued. The story was nothing amazing, after all, it's Resident Evil, what do you expect? But it was a far superior narrative to what we were fed before from this franchise; this could easily have (and should) be a reboot of the franchise, but we certainly won't get that, or probably need it.

RE:WtRC is a victim of release fatigue from a franchise that spawned far too many rubbish films. This is a seriously under appreciated film that for the most part, can really only be enjoyed in full by the fans of the first two games, which makes a lot of sense to me considering that the first two were my favourite, while the later less-horror filled outings became more action orientated and lacked the clever design of the first two.

What surprised me most about RE:WtRC was the amount of horror scenes in it that actually gave some pretty good jump scares. It really did feel like true classic Resident Evil horror.

I'm glad I gave this one a watch; it's a niche film and films like this will always have more detractors than fans, but if you are like me and appreciate a well-shot film with good pacing, and are a fan of the earlier RE games, (as well as being a 90's kid), then you will hopefully appreciate this film for what it is.
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Charades (2023)
Season 2, Episode 5
Where's The Chemistry?
16 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There's none. Zero. There is no chemistry between Spock and Nurse Chapel; what little there was in TOS has given incentives to write a romance for Spock. It didn't work in Abrahms film and it doesn't work here.

Aside from that, the episode was of decent affair but extremely odd. The 'first contact' that they have was bizarre, featuring corporate mentality aliens with strange dialogue that seems to be purposefully written for comedic purposes but lacking any sense of humor as well as not fitting in with the general theme of Star Trek.

Comedic episodes are great when done right. One review called this the most comedy-centric episode of Star Trek yet. I'd love to be smoking whatever they were having.
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What a terrible start to season 2!
22 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
An action packed start to season 2. This went from an excellent season 1 of Strange New Worlds to Discovery: Strange New Worlds.

How utterly ridiculous was the scene of Nurse Chapel and the Doctor kicking ass bourn-style to a bunch of Klingons who take the Worf meme of getting beat up all the time to a whole new level.

Unfortunately episodes like this are not a rarity when it comes to Kurtzman and co and if this is merely a taste of what's to come then I am deeply concerned for season 2 of Strange New Worlds.

I enjoyed season 1 of Discovery, until the quality took a sharp turn in the writing. Picard season 1, 2 suffered throughout until it found its place in season 3.

Strange New Worlds season 2 has got a lot of potential to carry on from an excellent season 1; lets hope that it doesn't get lost amidst its own love for over-the-top action sceens.
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Star Trek: Picard: The Last Generation (2023)
Season 3, Episode 10
A fitting end... with some minor complaints
21 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Picard has come to its conclusion. There should be no season 4, this is a fitting end; but of course, who knows, as the studios may try to milk more out of it. That would be a tremendous mistake.

It's just a damn shame that Season 1 and Season 2 of Picard are utterly rubbish and could easily be skipped in their entirety. It's almost as if Season 3 was specifically designed to be standalone. Despite a far better and much improved Season 3, Picard remains a flawed show with persisting issues in plot and writing that bled into Season 3 from the prior ones.

But there is no more fitting end than the one that was given as the Last Generation bid farewell and a new one takes up the mantle.

I'm not sure how to feel about ST: Legacy. A prominent character that I dislike (Raffi) will seemingly continue to be a feature of the show, and she has just not grown on me since her introduction in Season 1.

There's also a notable absence of Janeway. The Showrunner has expressed the reasons as to why (budget and studio overheads) but if there ever was a fitting moment for Janeway, season 3 was it. With her name being dropped on more than one occasion, it seemed almost too much of a tease and ultimately led to disappointment when she did not turn up.

Despite this, the episode was a thrilling one and saw expertly well-done fan service deliver what was a very good finale of Picard.
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Star Trek: Picard: Imposters (2023)
Season 3, Episode 5
Good episode, Absolute Waste of a Character
26 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode sees the return of Ro Laren. A character that I was excited to see return because it completely surprised me.

But once again, like they did with Hugh the Borg in an earlier season, they just don't know how to develop a character without killing them off. Any worthwhile cameo is quickly done away with.

Ro Laren is the most criminally underused cameo that has popped onscreen yet, and could have been a terrific redemption arc that did not need to come to a conclusion in one episode. It's frankly just lazy writing, not to mention it made little sense as to how she went out.

While Season 3 of Picard has proven to be a pleasant surprise, there are still incidences of when the writing and plot lets itself down. This is one of them.
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Taika Waititi At His Best...
14 November 2022
Taika Waititi at his best is not to our benefit. Before watching any trailers, or anything about the film, soon as I learned he was the director, I knew this would be a film I would detest. God help the Star Wars film he's down to direct in 2025, if that even goes ahead.

Waititi has an over reliance on childish humor and dialogue that doesn't translate well onto the screen. Regardless if the film is a Marvel or Star Wars, he never treats the lore or the in-universe settings with due respect; instead he turns whatever project he's working on into his own personal art project. That's what Love and Thunder is. It's Waititi's love letter.

And this is one love letter you want to avoid.
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Chucky (I) (2021– )
Weak Lead, Muck Writing, But Fun To Watch
17 October 2022
While it's easy to blame the quality of acting in the show, the lines they are given doesn't help matters. The writing is pure muck, often times the inherent character drama that occurs on the show feels forced by the cliché lines and characters that are caricature villains/bullies.

What makes this show just barely watchable is the mayhem caused by Chucky and of course, the comedy that results from Chucky's antics. It's a shame the actor is somewhat weak in the lead role, and the lines he has to deliver never feel genuine in any sense.

I'm hoping there's improvement as the season goes on, but it's hard to see how the writing will improve.
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Andor (2022– )
Finally! Star Wars!
22 September 2022
Book of Man-Sorry, Boba Fett started off promising but proved lackluster despite some good moments.

Kenobi had so much promise, but shoddy writing and atrociously bad editing turned it into a dull run up until the final episode.

Andor has re-captured that Star Wars feeling. It's no coincidence that Rogue One was the better of the new Disney films and Andor manages to capture the mood and tone of that film, incorporating a great sound track along with superb editing and solid writing. *No dreadfully slow chase scenes here... so far!*

I think Andor does something that Star Wars rarely ever achieves; putting soul and character into the antagonists and making it clear that not everything is so black and white. It also provides insights into the universe while exploring the morality of the heroes/villains and shows you the 'face' of the enemy, so to speak. Really well done.

3 episodes in and so far not a single let down. That already surpasses Book of Fett/Kenobi. Can't wait for more!
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Better Call Saul: Waterworks (2022)
Season 6, Episode 12
Twists & Turns
10 August 2022
Wow. This is not how I had expected things to go. It's certainly the best 'end-game' that I feel for both Saul & Kim. A fantastic episode and a great performance by Carol Burnett.

I will say however, to knock off a point; the writing for some of the 'joe soaps' in Kim's life, the so-called normies, are certainly a purposeful caricature of everyday characters just highly exaggerated to emphasis the monotonous routine in Kim's life. However I feel these caricatures take away from the immersion of the show as they become a written-meme.
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This Is Not The Kenobi You're Looking For
9 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Good GOD the Music! Good GOD the plot! Holy moly is the editing bad!

I thought we were done with slow moving action scenes after the dreadful chase scene in Boba Fett. Please, let us never again have to watch a 4 foot small child run through a forest being chased by 3 grown men who are incapable of catching a small child let alone dodging tree branches. It really looked like a Disney resort action scene with some random kid having a goofy time.

A wise man who happened to be a well known star wars voice actor and fan once said to me, "You don't have to like it, or embrace it, but you can be thankful for it existing. Because it makes you appreciate the prequels and Lucas more." He was right.

I appreciate Kenobi existing. I would rather have it, than not. I like star wars content. Good, bad and the ugly. Give me more star wars. Even if it ends up being tepid or woeful, I can find the good bits in it.

With Kenobi, Ewan McGregor is a treat and delivers a great performance as Obi-Wan, and he cannot be faulted. As does the voice work for Vader, which sounds much crisper and clearer than his Rogue One cameo. Their scenes, while problematic from a editing sense, are always fun to watch.

I think the biggest complaint I have about the Kenobi series, which to me is an odd one considering the show has much greater issues (writing), is the music. I really dislike Natalie Holt style for this series. You look at her credentials, impressive as they are, and you can see why her particular style does not meld well with Star Wars. It's far too boisterous, loud and in your face. Anytime there's a Sith Inquisitor landing or doing something important, the music kicks in and you feel like you are watching a Disney cartoon villain reveal. It's heavy and unapologetic for it kicking your eardrums in.

Kenobi has unfortunately inherited a lot of the problems that Book of Boba Fett had. From editing, to plot pacing, episode structure and writing, there's no real 'grit' with Kenobi. I like the off-planet stuff. I like the involvement of Leia. I haven't got an issue with the general concept of the plot. The implementation of it, how it's done, it all feels like Disney have hired a full crew of film students and let them go at it.

That's obviously insulting, and isn't the case, but Lucas was very much involved in all his projects, always checking in and lending his input. Not always a good thing, lets not pretend Lucas didn't have problems producing quality content. But it feels like Disney have too much input and their influence here is perhaps better if they take a more stand-offish attitude.
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Star Trek: Picard: Watcher (2022)
Season 2, Episode 4
All Filler, No Substance
25 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Easily the weakest episode so far with about 5-10 minutes of actual narrative development.

Most of the episode is filler, with Raffi/Seven driving around in a boring chase, Captain Cigar flirting with Ice Officers, and some decent but ultimately unfilling dialogue between the Borg Queen and Sassy Woman.
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Minimalistic Film About Nothing At All
22 March 2022
Decent action at times, visually appealing, great acting... but no plot.

The narrative structure of the film essentially boils down:
  • time travel
  • the hero saving someone
  • parental issues

There's no actual plot development, there's no twists, there's no 'AHA!' moment, there's none of that. It's a relatively simple story with multiple things happening with no actual background explanation given as to why these things are happening.

The whole time travel thing is explained, but at the same time, the motivations for the antagonists are mystifying if not basic.

There's really not much to the film, which is a great surprise considering Ryan Reynold's name is attached.
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Moonfall (2022)
A Disaster Flick That Is A Complete Disaster!
8 February 2022
What a load of *****!

Once in a blue MOON, something comes along that is so bad, compounded by how big the film is or the director behind it, that deserves any decent recognition at all.

Roland Emmerich continues his unbroken run of bad films and Moonfall is it. If I was to sum up Moonfall, it would be: Take all of Roland's past/recent disaster films, take their uninspired characters and shove them into a movie with a new disaster of the year plot. That's what this is. Uninspired tripe.

Roland recently went on about the lack of originality that franchises like star trek and star wars have, that are sucking the market dry and preventing people like him getting a 'fair shot'. Well; he's not wrong about the franchise, but nor is he rolling around in creative originality either since this film is clearly a re-hash of what has been done before with similar cliché characters once again put in peril.

This is the best worst film of the year. If Roland is concerned about why studios are not giving people like him enough money to do big budget films, this is probably why.

Avoid like the damn plague.
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Weakest Episode Yet
12 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike episode I & II, this one had the least memorable bit. Even Black Krrsantan encounter with Boba Fett felt off, further emphasized by the poor mismatch of putting him up against what is essentially a out of placed biker gang that is comprised of street kids that look like a bunch of pikeys from a london suburb. One even chats to Boba Fett in a very thick British accent, calling him, 'Mate'.

However the worst part of this episode was that painfully slow chase scene. Both Mando and Boba Fett have suffered from poor episodes. It's a given. However this episode is right at the top I feel, out of all the episodes in Mando and Boba Fett, this one is up there for being the worst so far.

The acting can be a bit spotty as well at times, especially from the supporting cast - but again, nothing new, but at the same time it still feels genuine and has a certain charm to it.

Loving the series so far - but they need to stop including these scenes that are done in a way as a homage to George Lucas. If you plan on doing a scene like this, do it proper and make it star wars. It felt like I was watching a crossover of American Graffiti and Star Wars. Who wants that?

I also feel the director of this episode (Rodriquez) who also directed episode I, shows his weakness and it really comes to the front here. Both this and episode I have so far been poorly received.

As a fan of the show, I hope this pattern doesn't repeat itself.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Season 2 is great, but...
29 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Season 2 is a vast improvement over season 1. My main gripe with season 1 was the confusing nature of the different timelines. That and the horrendous Nilfgaard armor which got memed to bits, rightfully so. It wasn't until episode 3 in season 1 that things began to fall into place.

Season 2 however has resolved a lot of the issues. The production value seems to be higher, and while Geralt gets a little less screentime, that's understandable with Ciri taking the forefront in some episodes.

Yet despite this, oddly enough the Showrunner is still making the odd mistake. I'm not alone in this either, having conversed with other fans of the show about this aspect; that is the locations/places that the cast end up at throughout the course of the story. If it wasn't for the fact that I played the games, and read the books, I had some understanding of where someone was at any point in the show. I knew they were in Oxenfurt at one point, but that involved some deduction on my part.

There's a lot of this going on, and I don't know why they don't just put down the name of a place on the screen for us to understand. It makes it very hard to get a sense of where people are going, where they are and the sense of the world.

Season 1 suffered from the timeline issue that was near-universally criticized. Season 2 is now suffering from a similar issue, except it's to do with locations. There's more travelling about in this season, so it's even more important. The showrunner should not be making these mistakes.

There's also a lot of misinformation going around about the show vs book form. One article in Forbes was horribly misinformed; apparently some fans were upset about a scene that takes place that shows an eyeball being taken out with some kitchen ware. It's very reminiscent of a scene in the game. But Forbes seems to think it was book fans that got upset over this, as it was meant to feature a character called 'Gaunter O'Dimm'. Sorry to say Forbes, but Gaunter O'Dimm wasn't in the books, he was created for the games; so it wasn't book fans that got upset, if anyone at all got upset over it.

But I'm sure some did; because of one little idea stolen from somewhere else. Some of the reviews trashing Witcher season 2 for the most basic things are people who don't have the mentality for a show like this and either want a straight video game conversion or a true to book show.

Changes are to be expected specifically with Eskel and other characters. TV is a different medium and I completely understood why they went with Eskel. But this isn't Game of Thrones, which did some notorious changes that I was not happy with at all.

The Witcher so far has only made changes that have made sense, and if anything, knowing the quality of the books for what they are, I do hope the show steers away from the books a little more. Especially some cringe-worthy chapters that come to mind...

I am hopeful for season 3, and certainly hope that the showrunners can at least get the ball rolling with making this series less confusing as possible, especially for the book/game virgins out there.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
It has legs, but odd casting choices!
3 December 2021
Rosamund Pike is perfectly cast, but, the younger supporting cast lack the acting chops or screen presence to carry the series.

Marcus Rutherford as Perrin goes around with his mouth open all the time and just looks bored.

Josha Stradowski, a model, was not chosen for his acting abilities, that's for certain. When he's not whispering or standing around expressionless, he's just... there.

Madeleine Madden isn't so bad, but her character isn't appealing and its hard to like the character.

Barney Harris is the better out of the young cast and carries the scenes he's in easily, but his character as written can become grating.

Overall, the series has high production values and the effects are really good, especially the Trollocks. But will it be enough with this cast? I've never seen a high production series like this so horribly miscast. I hope it can survive because I am invested, but I am just not convinced by the characters.
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Wolf Creek (2016–2017)
Fun, Gory & Unoriginal, Tiresome
28 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There's such a thing as milking something to the point of saturation.

3 films and 2 seasons, are we not sick of Mick Taylor's seemingly immortality at this point? I sure am.

Much like the SAW films, you can milk something to the point that it just ends up being glorification. That's where we are at now with Wolf Creek.

Even the conclusion of the Wolf Creek's series leaves a shadow of doubt concerning what should be an implausible scenario where Mick Taylor somehow survives getting impaled, and manages to escape just in time. It's a cheap trick, a very cheap trick that belongs to the annuls of Friday the 13th and Halloween.

The first film was great for its grounded approach. Mick Taylor was a sick twisted human. In later films and in this series, he starts to transcend into mythical status as something more than that. The series is no longer grounded in sick reality, but simply just sick from its own refusal to give closure to what was once a fun character to hate and despise.

Will Mick Taylor return? I sure hope not, for enough is enough.
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Dune (2021)
Criminally Underrated even above 8.0!
19 October 2021
Dune 2021 is this years masterpiece. I went expecting to be disappointed or at least, to be met with another Blade Runer flop from the director. All because I have read some reviews that have lambasted the film, mostly from so-called professional critics.

I don't get it. I really don't. The pacing was just right, the editing was fantastic, the music was amazing, the casting was perfect and the film was a visually amazing experience that I will surely enjoy again.

I'd have given this a solid 10 if it wasn't for the fact that the film ended when I wanted it to continue, a rarity these days. I am stoked for part 2, and any naysayers don't know what the hell they are talking about!
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Foundation: Upon Awakening (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
Should have been the pilot!
16 October 2021
The series should have led with this episode. Not a fan of an episode dedicated to a full origin story half-way into the season.

If Foundation opened up with this origin episode, with some edits to blend it in with the pilot we ended up getting, then this would have been a more coherent consistent story than the mess we got.
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