
13 Reviews
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Welcome to Eden (2022–2023)
4 July 2023
There is a good tv show somewhere in welcome to Eden but they fail to execute. First season is interesting but things get repetitive and boring once we get to the second season. A lot of the characters(especially the military) are not believable at all. It has really good visuals and the story had a lot of potential, but everything gets wasted. Most characters are forgettable, I think the only interesting and unique character are Mayka and Bel. The second season managed to dry away most of the interest in the show. So, overall, when you take into consideration the first season that was good and a bit interesting and the second season that was kind of a drag you en up with an average tv show.
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How to be boring
1 August 2016
I watched the trailer for this movie and didn't have huge expectations but went into the movie expecting a decent movie with some funny moments but I was wrong. How to be single is one of the most boring and meaningless movies I've watched in my life. This movie is a total waste of time, it doesn't even have one moment when you can say "at least this was good". Dakota Johnson gives another lifeless performance and Rebel Wilson proves that she is a one trick pony, using the same antics that once where funny but now are more of the same. There is not even one character who stands out in this movie. My advice is don't even watch it for free on TV, you are going to waste precious time of your life.
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Great movie, it doesn't deserve any of the hate.
24 March 2016
I am more of a marvel fan but I also enjoy what DC has to offer. I went into this movie with some reservations because of all the hate it received from the critics. To my surprise, I ended loving this movie and it was very intense and beautiful on the eyes. I am not a fan of DC extended universe superman but the rest of the characters did a really good job. Batman and Wonder Woman where really cool in this movie, especially Wonder Woman. The villains are a little flat but the same can be said about the villains in the MCU. In my opinion it was an improvement on man of steel and its a good start on the right path. It has some flaws but the good things outweigh any flaws in the movie. I have to say that this movie provided a really good, fun superhero experience.
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Masterpiece, a mix of great things.
20 May 2015
When I first heard that there was going to be another Mad Max movie I felt like it wasn't necessary, I really liked the previous ones but I thought that something similar to the new Robocop was going to happen. Then the trailers came down and they looked really good. But I never imagined just how great this movie was going to be. I left the cinema with my mind blown, it was such a masterpiece. The visuals of the move where great, they looked like real art, the music, characters, the world, everything was perfectly crafted. It's such a mix of action, visuals, music, tone, characters that feels like perfection. One of the best movies I have ever seen in my life. That's what an action film should be.
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decent adaptation
29 December 2014
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I have to admit that I went into this event with moderate expectations and I am satisfied by what I have seen so far. Not the best show ever but does a good job in presenting the events and a really good adaptation of those events. A good thing is that the show doesn't try to push any agenda, it presents what they where selling, a dramatization of the book of revelations. It does a good job at describing and showing all the events but the acting, as expected is not that good. A nice and interesting show, not the best thing ever but not the worst thing ever. I am really waiting for the next part tomorrow. They left all the better events for the last part as expected.
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The Giver (2014)
starts slow but gets better every minute
21 December 2014
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The giver is the kind of movie that is good but had the potential to be a lot better. The movie starts with a slow and a little boring tone, but with every minute the story keeps getting more interesting. This movie has a very strong story, it is very interesting. It could have been better if there was a little more energy. That's the major problem with the movie, it lacks the energy and impact to carry the great story. Another problem with this movie is the recent release of similar movies with similar stories, but this movie had the potential to be something special. The giver is a good movie with a great story but the challenge is to survive the boring lapses trough the movie.
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Not as good as the first one, not even close.
18 December 2014
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I really loved the first one, I was expecting something close tho the first one but it never happened. I have to admit it was a good movie, it was really funny, but not as good at the first one. It lacks the character development in the first one, doesn't have the same life as the first one and the premise is not as entertaining. Horrible bosses 2 has some laughs, it is an entertaining movie but it is just average, nothing special. By no means it is a bad movie, it will keep you entertained and bring some laughter but nothing else. Don't go into this movie expecting anything special, if you go with those expectations you are going to be disappointed. What horrible bosses 2 brings is a good movie, and a promise for a good time, nothing more, nothing less.
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Left Behind (I) (2014)
Not intended for people with a brain
18 December 2014
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One of the worst movies ever. I was really bored and already watched all the good movies and I made the mistake of watching this excuse of a movie. It was torture, I don't have enough words to explain how bad this movie was. It even fails to deliver on the premise they are promoting. A movie about the end of the world that is actually about preventing an airplane to crash in the en of the world. The world ended, what's the point on saving that airplane, what's the point on everything in this movie, it is just a lot of nonsense. To make matters worse the acting was horrible, no special effects, really bad visuals, pointless plot, no character development, everything was bad about this movie. There where no bright spots in this movie, nothing special, and a huge lack of creativity. Probably the worst movie ever, and it is the worst movie of the year by a huge margin. My advice would be to stay away from this movie, please stay away!
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weakest film of the franchise but a good movie.
18 December 2014
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I have to start by saying this one is the worst movie of the franchise. It is a good movie and Jennifer Lawrence gives another strong performance but they should have made only one last movie instead of two. That's the major problem with this movie, they tried to stretch the last book in two movies and it feels like that on the movie. The movie lacks the energy and life of the other two movies. All the situation with the resistance is good, it has son good drama, some good scenes and some emotion but it feels like a preview for the next one. The movie stays true to the book in almost every aspect and does a really good job on bringing the book to life but it fell short of my expectations. The good think about this movie is that they left most of the best scenes, action and drama for the next one.
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the best of the hobbit trilogy
18 December 2014
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A great way to put an end on a great trilogy. It was the best piece of the hobbit trilogy and one of the best movies of the year. This movie is going to be a great hit in the box office, it has all the tools needed to reach the 1 billion club. Other than interstellar, there is no movie with better visuals and special effects this year, it also packs a lot of action, great battle scenes and great character development. The only miss may be on the length of the battle, it took a little too long but it was expected. They did a really good job in developing the relations between the characters and bringing a high level of emotion. I loved the way they developed every character and not only Bilbo. The conflicts between the desire for obtaining the gold and the value of friendship was a bright spot on this movie. Like I said before, a perfect ending for s great trilogy.
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Decent movie, nothing special but not bad at all
17 December 2014
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I have to start by saying I am a huge fan of Bale but this was not his best movie. As always he gave a strong performance but the movie was nothing spectacular. I went into this movie with low expectations based on previous reviews but I have to say that it was a decent movie. By saying it was a decent movie I think it can explain a lot about this movie. Everything about this movie was average except the visuals, the visuals where really good. It had a decent storyline, they didn't take to many risks or stayed totally true to the story, the acting apart from Bale was average, the action sequences where average and everything else was average, I think I made my point. I really liked the way they portrayed Moses, and the way they portrayed his struggles between helping his people and the feelings he had for the people who raised him. On the other hand I think that the use of the boy to portray god was an interesting twist but it was kind of silly.
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Interstellar (2014)
the best movie of the year
17 December 2014
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I went into this movie with huge expectations, I was expecting a really god movie and it delivered. Interstellar is the best movie of the year. The visuals on this movie are great, the science behind everything is mostly accurate and it was really a very smart movie. For such a long movie you feel like time is flying, it is so good and so entertaining that it doesn't feel like a long movie. The story is developed in a smart and refreshing way, it is interesting, smart and full of life and substance. The movie is so perfectly crafted that you feel like you are part of the movie. You get involved in the characters situations, you get immersed into the movie. I don't think there is a movie this year that can bring such a great experience like the one interstellar brings.
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Ascension (2014)
waste of time
17 December 2014
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This is my first review and for a good reason. Ascension had the potential to be a good show but it failed on a huge scale. They failed at developing the characters, the acting was horrible, the story was nonsense and lacking of any imagination. I was really excited about the show and it proved to be a huge disappointment. They waste a lot of time with nonsense, instead of using that time to expand the plot or the characters. Ascension was another example of a show with potential being wasted with a huge lack of creativity. This is one of the worst shows I have ever seen in my life. I'm happy that it was a 3 night event because I didn't waste that much time on this excuse of a show.
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