
19 Reviews
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The Creator (2023)
great visuals
21 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Cinematically it's a great looking movie. Really good CGI, good looking techy stuff. But yet again, we have to see disney's political policies on display.

The further you get into the movie you start to realize that the USA is the big bad and the Asian component in the movie are the good guys. I think disney made this movie to make the Chinese communists look good and they're righteous and that America should change up everything and be more like them cause we're so evil. It's not original thought, it's just another remake of many movies that came before it. I would think the crowd they want to watch this, the younger crowd, won't even realize what they're watching but I bet they'll be rooting for the other side and they make them out to be so good and reverent. It's ok to waste a couple of hours watching it, just know what you're watching.
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they deleted my previous review
7 August 2023
Firstly, after the first season of SNW I thought alright, they're getting back to real Trek. I mean the first season only really had 1 throwaway episode. The one with the fairytale type plot. That was trash. But I thought, the rest of the eps were pretty good. Then this 2nd season. It took 4 episodes before we got to see more than a minute of screentime for Pike. Still can't get over why in the world the writers and producers would want to put a resident comedian on the bridge, and one that constantly questions orders given to her. Then the fact, I don't even know why they have men in this series, they've even managed to turn Pike into a secondary character.

Man, I long for the days when women were women and men were men. Now, they want to make most of the women act like men. Seems the writers in Trek now want to make all the women be tough guys.

I'll sit sometimes and I'll start out watching ep 1 of TOS and I'll binge all the eps afterwards over time, not skip a one. I do the same with TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise, and then the movies. When they were first run on TV I couldn't wait for them to come on, I had to watch them then. I didn't want to tape them for later, I had to watch them as they were broadcast. I never once sat there and thought to myself, man, when is this episode going to end? How long is this episode? They could've ran an extra 30 minutes, I'd been more than happy to watch it. But with this "NU TREK" of the past few years, I'll watch the episodes sometimes 2 weeks after they're released and while I'm watching I keep thinking when is this thing going to end? I hate what they've done to Trek, they've actually turned it into more of a chore for me to watch them. I absolutely love pre 2005 Trek, all of it, tv shows and the movies. Some eps I like more than others, just like the movies but I love them all. I wish I could stop watching Nu Trek, but I feel I have a duty to watch them. I haven't gone back and watched Disco except when they were first released, so I've seen each ep one time. Same with Picard, altho the first and 3rd seasons were pretty good. And I'm sure SNW has moved into that section now as well. It's a shame. Almost 60 years of Trek and now the writers and producers are more agenda driven than they are story driven. Trek always had such great stories. Not anymore....sad.

It seems ep 9 is going to be the weird eps of the seasons. 1st season ep 9 was really bad, but season 2 ep 9, they have gone to a new low that I didn't think they could reach.....Star Trek: The Musical, I guess all of Trek canon just be damned. Nu Trek has too much crew familiarity. It seems no discipline at all, captain just opens up in front of the crew. For sure a show of its times.
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The Mulligan (2022)
great movie
9 April 2023
It was great seeing Pat Boone doing this kind of role. Perfect fit for him. I've always liked Eric Close and he did a very good job with this role. Overall, yes it's a religous inspirational movie but if you go into it with an unbiased approach and just take it as it comes you'll find it is a good movie with a good solid life message. I'm not very religious myself but do enjoy a well written clean movie. In this day and age you don't see many so when you find one, it's good that I can leave a review for it.

Not enough of these good natured good hearted movies come out. Support them so we can have more.
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1923 (2022–2023)
MTV Studios struck gold
2 March 2023
MTV struck gold with Taylor Sheridan. So far everything I've watched created by him has proven to be well worth the time. Whether it be 1923, 1883, Mayor of Kingstown, Tulsa King or probably a dozen other projects. I seriously can't wait to see what his next projects could be. 1923 is a sequel to 1883 and is set in Montana in what appears to be some trying times for cattle ranchers. There's a few different plots going on but all are interesting. As usual Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren are flawless in their roles and the other actors seem to have been cast perfectly for their parts. The series thus far isn't always centered on them but even when it isn't it is still very enjoyable.
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the characters make the show.
13 January 2023
I can't believe I've never done a review for DS9. Yes, it is a Star Trek series set on a space station but it's not where they constantly stay. They leave the station on different trips constantly. Plus they have many different interactions with so many different alien species.

But out of all the colorful characters, I have to say O'Brien, Garak, Quark, Rom, and Nog are my favorites. Garak has a quip for every situation, and they're always delivered with perfect timing. And to see Quark's character grow from the beginning of the series to the end is amazing. If you've watched TNG then you're already familiar with O'Brien and he brings the same personailty with him to DS9 but it also gets broadened with much more depth. I can't say much about Rom and Nog but they're very integral to the series. It seems every scene they're in, it just makes the scene better.

It may start a bit slow but stick with it, I think you'll grow to love it.
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Fire Country (2022– )
fairly childish
10 November 2022
What I would like to know, I wonder how a 10 year old got so good at typing, so good that he could write this show. Well, it's not very creative, predictable as hell and it seems like more of a high school drama at best. Seems a lot like a CW series. Too much teenage angst for 20 somethings. Sad too, I like most of the main actors, not sure about their characters. For Max tho, I like him on Seal Team and I'm not sure if this is the first show he helped to create and if it is maybe he can do something later with some more depth to it and a better premise and hopefully better episode plots. Signed off.
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The X-Files: How the Ghosts Stole Christmas (1998)
Season 6, Episode 6
8 July 2022
I didn't realize it when I saw it first run but now that I'm binging the series, I was laughing so hard. This has to be one of my favorites if not the favorite of the series.
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can't say enough
28 August 2021
Man....can't say enough about Luke Wilson's performance. I've always liked his laid back style of acting. Loved him in Idiocracy. His acting style fit this role perfectly and he did a great job with it. Glad whomever offered it and glad he accepted it. And then there is Martin Sheen, did a great job as well. It's just an average feel good movie that tugs at the heart, but it does it well. I'm sure plenty of people will find something wrong with it but let them have their own opinions. As for me, I thought it was a great movie.
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The Battery (2012)
not a bad flick
25 December 2020
Wasn't sure what to think when I went into this movie. I read some of the reviews but honestly a zombie flick on a budget......usually not very good since they put most of the budget into F/X. This was kind of in the vein of the walking dead, they spent a lot of time on the buddy relationship and didn't spend a lot of the zombies. Turns out Jeremy knows what he's doing and he did a nice job on the budget. I found I was wishing the movie to be a little bit longer.....and when you see the ending you'll see why for yourself. But with all things considered, good movie and Jeremy did a hell of a job.
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great movie
28 October 2020
If you like Zombieland, this movie should be right up your alley. Joel, the main character, is a very likeable guy and he has a great dog. And then throw in Michael Rooker and got the makings of a good movie. It was much much better than I was thinking when I went into it. It was very entertaining. The FX on the monsters were really well done. The plot and story are great. Now this is the kind of movie that I would love to see them make a sequel. And once you watch you'll know why.
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Modern Family (2009– )
I can say I
8 April 2020
Have watched this series from the beginning and I'm truly going to miss it. It has given me so many laughs and smiles over the years. I've never been much for sitcoms but if this doesn't rank up there with the best sitcoms ever on tv, I don't know what would. All the relationships on the show were perfect. I can honestly say I'll miss every single character on the show. Well done guys. And I loved the series finale.
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season 9
13 March 2020
After season 1, which I liked, I kinda took the rest of the seasons with a grain of salt. But here we are in season 9, which I'm finally watching, and here is Emma Roberts and John Carroll Lynch, gotta love it. And the throw back to 1980's slasher films. I have to say they're doing a good job of it.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
I'm just flabbergasted.
30 January 2020
I must tell you I'm not much of a reader and that definitely includes Stephen King books. But I have liked a few of King's movie adaptations. I found The Stand, Rose Red, Misery, Carrie, and The Dead Zone to be some of the best. But I must say, I think Doctor Sleep has moved into one of my favorites. I went into it just like I do all King movies, thinking it might be ok with a score of 5 or 6 but I was way off. The director did a hell of a job with this movie. And all of the actors gave top notch performances. Needless to say I was very impressed with the movie as a whole. The ending wasn't my favorite but it wasn't bad in the scheme of things. If you watch it, I think you'll find the plot and the story engaging and quite possibly unique. I've seen a ton of movies(my hobby for enjoyment) and I'm not remembering another movie done quite the same way. Give this one a try and I think you'll like it.
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what the hell
23 September 2019
What in the cold cool pools of methane on Europa did I just watch. Just to let you know, this isn't for sure a zombie flick. It's more of a bunch of crazed maniacal killers on the loose. I'm not even sure why somebody would put this movie in the zombie category. I love zombie flicks, all hail George Romero for bringing us the modern zombie genre. But this came out about the same time as Dawn of the Dead, the original, but in no way should it be confused. Cheap fx, bad plot, the main dude is calm as hell one second, like nothing is going on, then somebody tells him no and it's like somebody lit the fuse of a nuke. I guess it's watchable if you ain't got nothing else to do but be forewarned.
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Hellboy (2019)
not sure what other people saw
17 July 2019
But to me this was a better movie than the Ron Pearlman Hellboy. I almost didn't watch it cause I didn't really care for the older one. But I also have never read the comics so I have no clue how closely it aligns with them. I'm just going on pure entertainment value. I think it's much better than critics are giving it. Plus, don't listen to most of the people on the net talk about it. Watch it and form your own opinion. Give it a chance I think you'll like it.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
an absolutely excellent series
26 April 2019
I really have to give youtube and the other producers for this series every bit of respect that could be available. The fact that they went out and got the original actors to play the primary roles, not to mention Daniel's mom and then they went above and beyond and got Johnny's old crew back together even with Martin Kove coming in. I'm a Trek fan from way back but I have to tell you, I look more forward to this series than I do to the new Trek Discovery series. Both seasons I've binge watched and both seasons after the last episode I sit there and say damn, now I have to wait another year. When they first talked about the series I was a little reserved with all the reboots, re-imagined, sequels, remakes and what have you coming out of Hollywood but this is one series I'm glad that whomever had the idea, I'm glad they got it and glad they knew how to go about getting it produced. They have hit a homerun with this series and they did it perfectly.
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ABC hit the mark with this show
10 November 2017
I have to say this show reminds me a lot of "Touched by an Angel" in the fact it just makes you feel good. I've seen Jason Ritter in quite a few different roles but it looks like he found the role that was made for him. The other characters seem to fit well with the actors portraying them. When I first saw the previews for the show, I thought I may give that a chance. I don't care for too many of the new shows because they're usually just a slightly different clone of some previous show. You can also compare this to other shows but regardless, it is well done, funny, and just gives you a good feeling. I would hope ABC can get at least 7 seasons out of it.
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American Grit (2016–2017)
they have screwed this show up
26 June 2017
the first season of this show was very good. It took in shape people and made them accomplish military style drills and situations. The cadre were also of the highest caliber. This sophomore season has not fared well. They've turned it into more of a Doctor Phil feel good show. They've taken average or below average people off the street and they're trying to "help" them with their problems. Even the "cadre" have their own problems. They decided to put 2 "hardcore" women marines in the cadre and they are anything but hardcore. I keep expecting to see them cry every episode just like 2 of the contestants that cry every time the camera is on them. Like I said, first season was really good, this 2nd season, not so much.
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Max (I) (2015)
an excellent movie about a dog and other things
30 October 2015
I have only written 1 or 2 other reviews here but after having watched this movie, I felt the need to do another one.

I wasn't sure what to expect out of this movie going in but I was very pleased with it. I'm not saying the movie is perfect but what movie out there is. This movie will tug at your heart strings and I almost lost it completely during one scene. I'll bet if you watch it, you should know which scene it is as it comes early on and if you can watch it without a tear forming in your eye, then you're a far colder person than myself.

All of the actors give a solid performance and Max the dog himself will not let you down either. Whomever trained this dog did a very good job. The plot was well thought out, the dialogue was well written and just the overall feel of the movie is enjoyable.

This isn't one of those movies that if you don't have anything else to do or anything else to watch then you throw this in. This is one that you want to carve out 2 hours of nobody bothering you time so you can sit and enjoy it type of movie. I've already recommended it to people I know and will be recommending it to anyone that I know that enjoys a good movie.

In closing, I would like to thank the people involved in the making of this movie for their best efforts as I don't see any way anyone else could've done a better job of it.
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