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Very little in common with Christie's story.
11 May 2023
This is a good series which misrepresents its origins. Episode 1 part 2&2 is represented as an Agatha Christie story but only has taken bits and pieces. The title is the same. The names of the main characters are the same, but only the names and not the characters really. Yes, it happens all the time when an author loses the rights by selling them they also lose any say in how the story might be reproduced in film, television, or other means. In this rendition of "A Secret Adversary" so much has been rewritten it is no longer a story by Agatha Christie but only a story claiming to be "based on". "A Secret Adversary" is Christie's debut Tommy and Tuppance who are friends, not married, and decide to join forces as crime solvers. It's a complex story set between WWI and WWII. A pre-Nazi force threatened England with a revolution. In this version Tommy is not the suave smart and funny man who works with Tuppance but a whimpy milquetoast.
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Marple: The Secret of Chimneys (2010)
Season 5, Episode 2
A Rather Poor Adaptation
26 April 2023
Good actors and although Julia McKenzie is my least favorite Miss Marple, in this episode she gives one of her better performances. Edward Fox always brings a higher level of class to the characters he portrays. Charlotte Salt as Virginia in this adaptation does well.

Now, we know few are the times when a movie truly does right by the book but "Chimneys" TV episode is woefully lacking Agatha Christie's clever and artistic work. The book Christie wrote is delightfully complex and broad. The lead up to the action at Chimney's is so clever but the TV adaptation is nearly an abomination rendering a confusing and uninteresting backstory to the mystery. The characters Cade, Lorax, and Eversleigh are portrayed stiffly and empty of any reasons to either like or dislike them. The book on the other hand paints complex characters with purposes and motivations which are good, bad, and excellent and not necessarily in the same order.

I could easily include what would be spoilers for reading the book without giving away the TV show version. But I will not for it will spoil any ones effort to read the original story. It's a pity such s great Christie story is diluted down to cheap shorthand with what certainly was done with weak excuses. Thankfully not every Christie story brought to the small screen suffers so.
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Risen (2016)
A Good Film for Easter - One of the best
10 April 2023
What is included from the Bible about the death, burial and resurrection of Yashua/Jesus is accurate even though the order might be a bit rearranged. Facts are left out and rearranged to augment the fictional scenes. The "what if" story that is woven into the historical account is very good and even plausible. As usual, the disciples lean towards being much older than what they probably were. But, that is minor. There are several really strong moments and very well played. Just maintain attention to not miss any. Those who know the Biblical accounts very well should be able to handle the ones that are a bit mislaid in the order of the Biblical account. The payoff of the "what if" satisfies even if it's predicated.
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A Senior Film Student's Failed Project?
12 March 2023
This has to have been a required project. Worse acting, sets, directing, cinematography, and writing has never been made. It should be scrubbed from history. I have to write 600 words and can hardly figure how to come up with that many without repeating myself. How could anyone find the way to do so bad job of screenwriting directing and editing. Finding it on the streaming service we use, I laughed for about 3 scenarios. Camera angles? There were none. When Johnny Ringo pulls his small gun to kill the Cowboy who wants to quit he can barely do it. I doubt there was ever a second take on any scene.
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Great Story Told Slowly
24 December 2022
The story is inspirational. HW Longfellow is a beloved poet and his works reflect a man of faith in God. Longfellow also believed in the value of each person. The poem I Heard The Bells is now a favorite Christmas time song but not technically a hymn. Longfellow, was an abolitionist leading up to the War Between the North and South. After the credits (if you wait for it) is a behind the scenes short documentary.

In the short film about the making they mention that the project started as a documentary but morphed into a 110 minute feature. That is where this film slipped up. There is not enough story to make that long a film. Back in the day it would have been an excellent made for TV movie with commercials it would be 90 min.

The pace gets to be so slow. First hall is Longfellow and his wife enjoying long moments looking at each other. Ok, we get it, they were really in love. The most dramatic scenes are so easily predictable the tension is not surprising. Other scenes don't make sense why or what they are about. Is there anything surprising? Not a bit.

At least it doesn't have the Hollywood stink all over it and yet is very well filmed with just a few moments of incongruity.
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Totally loved his film
6 December 2022
What a well told story about the rover program on Mars and the people who made it happen. Just enough science to satisfy those who like such details. Always a supporter and fan of space exploration this added to all the photos that have been published from these missions. The way Spirit and Opportunity exceeded their expected lives and the bond so many had with these high tech bucket of bolts and wires was fun to watch. It is the visionary people who advance human kind. A diverse team was a pleasure to see. The man from Ghana impressed me in how he saw and interpreted various aspects. This is the true "To infinity and beyond" story.
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The Kid (II) (2019)
Why can't they get it right?
1 October 2022
The movie is probably better than the 3stars I give it but the story about the killing of Billy the Kid is nothing like the story this movie tells. A significant amount of research has happened about the Kid's life and death and the true story has more drama than this make-believe version. Probably so that Pat Garret, who killed Billy would not look so very treacherous. Why can't movie makers get true history right? Creative license is one thing but writing fictional accounts when the verifiable account exists is cheap. Yes, there are threads from the true account woven in but the way Billy was setup and killed while visiting his woman shows the nearly criminal motives of Sheriff Garret. Two who started out as friends but their lives diverge and Garret has to track and bring The Kid to justice. It was an arduous task.

Acting this version was well done by all. The cinematographer and art direct do a good job. The only thing not good was the rewriting of the historical record of Billy's life.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
A Gripping Series
10 August 2022
I almost never read or listen to critic's views of movies any more. I did once but today's critics have an agenda and very little integrity. I made an exception because this new series is very good and gripping. Better than anything currently showing in its genre. It's not Woke (we used to say politically correct and it's not that either). It is a Ludlum and early Clancy style and will keep the viewer locked. No surprises the self-righteous Woke don't like it.
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Another True Story That Fails - mild spoilers
9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Movies that are made to tell a true story rarely do. Therefore this is a movie that is based on truth but largely a product of imagination. It covers a true very intriguing story. But it stumbles in the telling the same way all true story movies stumble. Gaps in the true story are routinely filled with non truths. This story has an ending that no living person who participated has ever told any one. Yet facts are wildly fabricated and presented as true because "it's a true story" and accepted just as true as the truly true and verifiable parts are true. What happened to father and son explorers, who never came home and we're never found? We do not know even the part.

In the Perfect Storm, the boat and crew are lost at see and never seen. The movie however fills the gaps with fantastic scenes of gigantic waves swallowing the boat and crew.
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A Fun but slow lower grade film.
7 June 2022
The movie get a 7 because it has enough to keep the viewers interest wanting to see the end. James Colburn is his usual self as he rarely I ever actually becomes the character he plays. Always an overrated actor, it puzzles us how he developed any following. But knowing that, this role is quite perfect for Coleburn and does not tax his acting skills. Trish Van Devere is the second best after Walter Pigeon who rarely fails to become the character he plays. Michael Sarazzan as usual stiffly delivers his lines as if he just memorized them just as a pro amateur would. The story has huge gaps which play no purpose in moving the plots along. One does not need these breaks in what is a low tension and predictable story. But still we find these "filler" movies made at a time theaters were one screen and offered an afternoon of double features. The most disappointing thing about movies in the late 1960-1970's are often the endings which don't really exist as the movie sort of just stops without resolution. This again is a disappointment in this movie about pickpocket gang. After watching "Harry in Your Pocket" one might enjoy another Colburn movie, "Duck Sucker".
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Main Street (2010)
How can one not love this movie?
25 March 2022
Let's count the ways. The cast is superb; picked because of their talent certainly, no? But that's it folks. Nothing in the story was told in an original way. Script ideas harvested from movies and soap operas. I can hardly believe the same screenwriter also wrote "Tender Mercies" - close to one of the best movies and a personal favorite.

Firth, Burstyn, and Bloom are never fail actors. Clarkson and Tamblyn were great although I had to give Clarkson a bit to show her stuff. Tamblyn is still in a breakout phase. Adult, attractive as both cute and pretty, well in control of the character's emotion.

So, how can I not love the movie. A story doesn't have to tie up loose ends but this movie leaves them all loose. Is Gus going to succeed and survive? Is Mary going to wake up or remain lost? Does Harris reap the rewards for being so stable and level headed? What is Willa's future, hum-drum or new opportunities at having a life. Only Georgina seems to have found redemption.

In a word, maybe more, painfully predictable, flat, holes abound, unfinished, and left dangling. Not much of a payoff for the viewer.

Yet, some will love it for reasons only they can explain.
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Hardly History and Not Intended To Be
15 March 2022
This is the fantasy American Revolutionary War's Zorro, or Batman, or whoever it is that exacts vengeance on the crooked British con man and saves the good patriotic or near patriotic. The problem is This super hero isn't quite super enough. He even looks dull like he's trying to figure out what is going on or what to do next. Want to talk plot holes? This is a sieve. But it's action scenes are fun enough if you don't take it too serious.
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Death Alley (2021)
3.7 Average Is Too High
12 January 2022
This is one more of recently produced westerns that cast a bad shadow on the genre. And the cast doesn't do anything for the acting profession. It's so poorly done there's no part left to commend. Plus, it's a story that happened but this movie gets it all wrong. Like, there was no research by the story writer or screenwriter. Full viewing is nearly impossible.
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Lion (2016)
Powerful Stories are the Most Difficult
16 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Attention the one minor spoiler really doesn't spoil so much.

This is such a powerful true story and recent too. Making it into an equally powerful movie is difficult. Especially difficult when significant portion of the true story are sacrificed on the alter of Hollywood artistic license. This suffers from liberal artistic license because screenwriters, directors and producers fail at being able to bring to the screen a most unique story of perseverance, love, and sacrifice. I'm glad to know that the real story was so much more powerful. The actors do a good job Kidman always does Kidman, so she was there for the box office. The actor playing the girlfriend made me question whether she was even a character in the story. Weak to the point of forgetful.

We give 7 for the story but wish we could give 10 for all of it. The movie is worth watch but hang on through a very mixed-up confusing as soon as 20 years after the adoption. From that point forward you may wonder why most of the movie is flashbacks. I think they used most of them to pad the length.

Finally, minor spoiler that does not really spoil, Saroo did not find his home on Google Earth Pro. The way he actually did was so much more human.
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Not historically nor Biblically accurate
12 October 2021
So much accuracy traded for dramatic effect when it is not necessary. The story has its own drama without having to resort to fictionalization.
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The American (2010)
So thin, it neatly wasted away.
17 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Major Spoilers. The movie and the story does not deserve protection. Viewers do to avoid wasted time. So, skip this review if you think you might enjoy George Clooney squint and chew gum a lot.

I did want to like this movie. I like movies about professional killers who are so good even their clients want them dead. But they don't die. This film and story was weak in many ways. 1. It is obvious who is out to kill him in Sweden has to be in his network. 2. His contact acts like he doesn't know what he is asking but what handler would not know since he has to do the cleanup. 3. What was very contrived happens everywhere. Hardly anyone else is seen beyond who was necessary for the scenes. Production saved a lot of money and production time by having hardly any extras or crowds except at the end. The road both country and village are empty. A rare vehicle is seen. While walking streets, no one else is seen unless they are in the story. The priest is so very contrived he seems to be only a device. Like a spiritual conscious but not real yet he is there on purpose without a reason. No, shooting with left had from a two wheel Vespa scooter while steering with right hand on the throttle, Jack could not shoot out the tires. All other shooting with the 007 gun was with the right hand.

Very clever way to take the one sent to kill him. It's a good thing Jack had to make the rifle that was going to be used to kill him.

The ending is pathetic. It make all the rest of the super hit man skills worthless. Wounded in and bleeding the left side when that was the away side when he kills his handler. The girlfriend prostitute was beautiful and the second best actor. George had so few lines, but he was eye candy. Superheroes and secret agents don't die like that.
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Murdoch Mysteries: Anything You Can Do (2009)
Season 2, Episode 13
Jumping the shark a bit early?
24 May 2021
An avid fan of this series I find the stories very interesting and involved. However with this episode the story is a goofy caricature. Full of quirky errors.
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Reality as Fiction as Reality
12 May 2021
If this was actually presented as a reality show it would be a total disaster. But it is fiction "based on presumed real things some people might actually do" so for that it was at least fun to laugh at. It must have been written by a committee of wannabe writers/producers. What is real is that the concept makes it fun. How many times can two sides run a scam on each other? Many times. It was the only reason to watch this contrived accident. 5 stars is being generous. The fake quips about "what happened after/where are they now" lost at least 3 of their stars.
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I Only Wish We Could Rate with -6/10
6 May 2021
I do like Randall and Morley but despise everything about this film. Three times I tried to finish it but simply cannot bear to. It is not a spoof. It is a sham. Neither of the characters play anything like the originals. SNL could do a better job having fun with Hercule and Hastings characters. This attempt was a sad effort.
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Excalibur (1981)
One may well grow to like this movie.
6 May 2021
I really did not like this film for the first 40 minutes. But I came to like it once Arthur stopped being Henry II's petulant youngest John. Nigel Terry just barely works. He looks to much like the imbecile John in Lion In Winter and early on act that way too. As most of the film becomes a pleasure to watch the feeble attempts at comedy/humor make me think of Monty Python rendition of prancing knights with no horses. Clippity Clop.

The quality and story otherwise being near excellent, we can look past the poor casting of Arthur, Merlin, and Percival. Also the amateurish bits of the directors. It is such there had to be some assistants directing.
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NCIS: Ephemera (2020)
Season 17, Episode 16
All except double roles.
25 March 2021
Yes, the mystery is very good and a real brake away from their same ol same ol. But I am one who did not like using the casting of those in the flashbacks. It is gimmicky and distracting.
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1984 (1984)
This Great Book that fails as a movie
9 March 2021
Not every great work of fiction as a story is able to keep its greatness when made into a movie. The inner eye and imagination are wonderfully fed when reading (something done more than once). Each time the mental images change. It holds up wonderfully as an audio book narrated by a skilled reader. But the movie simply cannot capture and deliver the same experience. Perhaps those who enjoy the movie haven't actually read the book. That would explain the positive comments were that the case.

As a movie the characters as portrayed are nothing like the ones that are shaped in the book by the author. Multi layered in the author's writing but thin and boring in the movie.
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The Story of David (1976 TV Movie)
A good story with faulty presentation.
10 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Biblical story of shepherd David to King David is a thrilling story with all the element needed in a good true story of one's life. The movie, (which we watched in one sitting) was s better attempt than many of its kind. It covers most of the important touch points of David, BarJesse life. Only a few that should NOT have been left out were missing.

Is it that the screen writers failed to truly understand David's life and his place in the line of Messiah? Or did they rely on advisors whose respect for this most important story lacked dedication and conviction necessary tell the story.

Four stars because of thin scenes with few when multitude were called for. So 2 stars gone for the same motive - too few when more would be better. By the count of four holes that canceled the other four stars. 1. The movie's look lacked careful proper art direction. It did not fit the culture of the period that the story happened in. Samuel's alter, seat of judgment was so far off that the movie had a cheap sci-fi look. Almost like the first seasons of Dr. Who. 2. Casting was poor with the minor characters. The actor portraying Saul's daughter/David's first wife left so very much to be desired. Main character actors were better. Quayle did well as Saul. Are there really that many long haired blond women among the Benjaminites? And, with one major character. Young and old David did not fit what an Israelite would look like unless the few exceptions were there for the movie. Thankfully Bottoms was able to carry the role. 3. Staging of some key events were so off the clear record. Absalom death and the significance of how he died did the story an unjust play. The only true accurate is in the Bible. Was it too hard to find a way to stage it and to include Absalom's excessive arrogance as the why he died the was he did? 4. The Ark of Testimony or Ark of Covenant was the worst disgrace. I'm sure the reason it was not fashioned with two cherubim and their outstretched wings touching over and covering the Ark's Mercy Seat was to avoid unintentional blasphemy. If orthodox Jewish scholars were involved, it would likely they avoided any offense. Yet the name Yahweh - the holy name of God Almighty was spoken often and in ways that orthodox would consider vain. The Ark of Testimony was brought to a Tabernacle of the kind which Moses had fashioned with God's instructions. Further staging its place in Jerusalem in a room and the curtains open to give a view rather than the Holy of Holies.

Most overlook such petty matters, we do not.
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Dark Waters (2019)
A Serious Gut Punch
6 February 2021
It is true that we seem to never answer the wake-up calls sent our way. No matter how many victories victims win in court; no matter how many millions that amount to billions of dollars are in the settlements; no matter what greedy corporate lawyers are defeated in court, the corporations continue to mostly get away with it.

This movie should be bigger than Erin Brockovich but corporations protect each other so the movie media, news media and their moguls buy politicians off.

This is the best of the best such movies.
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Endeavour: Zenana (2020)
Season 7, Episode 3
1 February 2021
I have to agree with many that this is a disappointing last episode of a season that did not live up to the rest of the series. Not every great actor is a comparable great director. In my opinion, Sean Evans is one like that.
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