
6 Reviews
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American Gods: A Prayer for Mad Sweeney (2017)
Season 1, Episode 7
Oh for Gods' sake no more Emily Browning
21 October 2017
Laura Moon is definitely the worst character in the entire American Gods' universe, and they made a whole episode about her, now another episode about Laura AGAIN?? I wish she just stayed in the ground, the show was totally watered down with this forced character...I really hope this is the last time we're seeing her.
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Two hours of garbled CGI mess
20 October 2017
It's like some art class full of 10-year-olds got a box of cgi scenes and effects and was told to be creative and then the teacher left the classroom for two hours. There are moments (although rare) when CGI's are absolutely stunning, but they are shadowed by the other 90% of horrible and insultingly bad CGI's that appear to be copied straight from Kurt Wimmer's Ultraviolet.

I'm not even gonna talk about plot-holes, I'd need to write another review just for that.. This whole movie is one huge plot-hole...

It's a mess, there is some sort of a story, filled with numerous Mexican soap opera twists. Embarrassingly bad writing, really bad directing job - actors were doomed even before camera started rolling..

Such a shame, so much money invested, so many great actors that gave decent performances, yet all thrown down in toilet...

All People who were in charge of this project should be banned from Hollywood for the next 10 years, and sent to re-education...
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Jessica Jones (2015–2019)
From Magnificent Seven to 7 Lesbians
8 April 2016
This show is basically a cliché, filled with unnecessary feminist and LGBT agenda where the only women that actually speak are strong feminist lesbians, and all men are either weak or submissive and pathetic Betta males, who serve no other purpose but to be dominated.

According to the creator of the show, a strong independent woman, should strictly cheat, be moody, drink at least several bottles of cheap liquor on daily basis, not get emotionally attached to any male,and if she happened to meet someone than she shall use him only and I repeat only for simple sexual pleasures and discard "it" afterward...

Sounds familiar? Well no doubt, since that's how "men were behaving towards women" since the beginning of time, so this show is basically a mirror image of our society, where women now do what men used to do...

It's basically Sense8 without a wet dildo on the floor (yet another utterly worthless TV show) ... Quit watching it after couple of episodes, not gonna waste my time on this joke... If I wanted to watch feminist fantasies, I'd go on YouTube...

Shame, cause it sort of has some potential story wise, but it's obvious that story was not director's concern, it was this hidden feminist/LGBT agenda...
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It could've been way better...
20 September 2014
The movie itself is basically a sequel to a great move called The Beautiful Truth (2008) and pretty much takes off where the first one finishes.. It's like Steve Kroschel had some extra material that would've made the first movie too long, so he decided to save it for another if the first one gets good reviews.

It's the same idea, and similar topics as the first one and it is very interesting, however at the same time it very annoying at the moments that i had a hard time keeping it playing..

Steve Kroschel is a great director, but forcing himself so much to find a place for his son in this documentary was a horrible idea...

Even though he was trying to present this documentary as a brainchild of his son, there was no single moment in the movie where it hasn't been blatantly obvious that his son is not even able to read a single paragraph properly let alone to direct a part of the movie and make something on his own..

It was basically "Show the kids,where the daddy works, day" turned bad...

He made the same mistake, Coppola has made in godfather trying so hard to fit his kid into the picture not thinking that it is a movie and not a "family thing", and that he should find someone who can actually act, not a total anti-talent so he got the similar outcome..

It was so annoying that rating the movie with 6 stars i feel i am being generous..
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Really refreshing, and full of hope...Nicely done!
19 September 2014
It is hard to be objective when evidences starts to pile up and you're getting more and more angry, but he has somehow managed to stay true to the course and objectively approach every single goal he has set until the final one.

Very nicely done, it is refreshing to see for a change a documentary in which facts are presented as they are, without bias toward either side and without director constantly trying to convey a single message to the point where it gets so annoying and you say "Al right i got it, i got it.. can i please see the rest.."

I get the feeling that he was filming this movie for his own personal records, so that someday, in 20 years from now, he can lean back in his sofa with his wife and watch it in the evenings, and remember where we were once..

Surely we will all watch it one day as a historical footage, while trying to explain our grandchildren how we had our reasons to let powerful people become what they are now...
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Chef (2014)
Is IMDb rating relevant at all any more??
18 September 2014
I really had high hopes regarding this one, considering the actors involved. But it turned out to be the worst movie i have seen in 2014.

I didn't even know that it is possible to make a bad movie containing Scarlett Johansson. Just filming her walk for 2 hours would have made a great movie, one that would score at least 9.5.

But Jon Favreau has reassured us that it is quite possible, and he has made an art out of it. An art of ruination.

Can someone please take the camera away from that kid, and give it to someone who will use it to record an actual film..? Thanks!

That being said I really don't understand how can such a horrible movie score so high on IMDb board, unless there are people paid to write positive reviews for disastrous movies.

I truly wonder if IMDb rating is relevant at all any more, after so many fake scores that i personally witnessed...
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