4 Reviews
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I.T. (2016)
Mildly good, nothing special to be remembered for.
9 September 2016
I never came to the theater with great expectations of this one. It just follows an already known path and delivers nothing special to be remembered for. The acting is on a similar level, maybe the antagonist stood out a bit more than the others, but not by a huge margin.

The plot was linear and did not offer very much to begin with. It had some illogical things happening too. Felt rushed to me. The ending was unsatisfying and did not provide much to complete the movie.

Something was missing between the first act of the movie and the second act - the transition was not smooth. The story of the antagonist was given out so lamely that it made exhale more air than usual... It could've been done better. Everything could have been done better, might've ended with an okay movie to spend some time on.

Unsettling movie. 6/10 (I mainly rate movies from 5 to 10 so this is really low for me)
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Interstellar (2014)
No words
7 November 2014
As a sci-fi fan, who loves 2001 SO, Contact, Gravity and many other movies that deal with with the topics also covered in Interstellar, I have to say, I have no words to describe the movie. It just took me for one hell of a ride! The score provided by Hans Zimmer was an extraordinary piece of work. It fits the movie so well that it was like the movie was made to fit the OST and not the other way around. There is an interview with Christopher Nolan, in which he states that he wouldn't allow Hans Zimmer to know exactly what the movie's plot device is, he only told to him that he has to focus on the connection between father and daughter. If this is the truth - WOW! it worked flawlessly!

I won't go and describe what I saw on the big screen because this is something that anyone that goes to see the movie has to experience for himself... I can only tell you that after I saw the credits, I attempted to get off my seat, it didn't worked. I tried again, pushing harder - it barely worked. Moments after I was at the theater's exit heading out for the bus. I saw it coming just right on time with me, but I didn't get on. I was compelled to walk and think. Think of what I saw... My head was aching, my ears too and my eyes were closing only to call back images from the movie. I got home and found myself undressed and dressed with my casual home clothes. Then I realized that I have also walked the 7 kilometers road to my home without noticing... I was still in the movie, I must definitely been, because only there the time behaved the way I was feeling while coming home...
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How they managed to make it so bad?
4 August 2014
Where to begin... Oh yes, I downloaded the leaked screener out of a torrent tracker and watched it. And thought - this movie can deliver some nice classic action. Damn, not only it failed to deliver any good action besides CGI expositions in Michael Bay style, but also the attempt to bring any logic into this movie and philosophy... It was utterly ruined. And the action scenes were like 50% of the movie, the other 50% was the "attempt of storyline and plot" HA-haaa... good that I have not paid for this, except for my wasted time and electricity bill.

About the acting - overall performance was horrible to "meh". Antonio Banderas' performance as a total clown was good though. Nothing memorable but was funny, at times.

Verdict: Bad, way worse than the second installment. Watch at your own risk!
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Noah (2014)
Entertaining story, but far from classic Aronofsky
28 March 2014
From the first time I saw a trailer of "Noah", I thought: "Please, don't turn out to be yet another action filled story!". Well, it wasn't. "Noah" as it is, delivers great story with depth, nice, a bit modernized view of the Biblical story of Noah, with nice touch of Aronofsky's visual style. The acting was good, the characters were slowly evolving, showing how the upcoming events impacted their personalities and their response to these events. I went to the cinema to be entertained, with not high expectations, but I admit it: the movie delivered. Yet there were some letdowns. If you have seen the other classics of Aronofsky - starting from Pi and all the way to Black Swan, you would easily see that "Noah" looked different. It was not anything like he did before. Yes, the style used to visualize some of the story, was 100% his old style, but the story... the story was not delivered how I expected it to be, from what I have seen before. Overall - very good movie, but not classic.
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