8 Reviews
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Well handled and brings a few laughs
15 May 2019
A tricky subject that could have been gringeworthy but so well written and acted that it was entertaining and funny without taking itself too seriously. Hugh Grant was a revelation, best acting I've seen from him and Ben Wishaw perfect in his part. Very entertaining.
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On the Ropes (2018)
Thought it would be good
13 May 2019
Tried my hardest to like it but found that after a couple of episodes that I didn't recognise the Australia I know and love and didn't have any empathy with the characters. Maybe if you're from Western Sydney and like female boxing it would be OK.
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Great movie
20 February 2019
I expected not to like this. Thought it would be a chick flick but was on a long flight and thought I'd give it a go. Loved it, great acting from everyone, good characters, good story, humorous in places you didn't expect. Really entertaining and made the flight enjoyable.
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First Man (2018)
Slow and disappointing
19 February 2019
I thought it would be good and it wasn't. Start of the movie was good and it went down hill from there. Neil Armstrong didn't come across as a very nice character, a bit boring really, bit like the film.
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Life (I) (2017)
Suspenseful film
19 February 2019
I enjoyed this movie. A lot of comparisons to Alien have been made, which is fair enough, but it's totally different and the suspense builds very well.
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Great movie
19 January 2014
A bit long but the dialogue and action is fantastic. Typical Tarantino film and doesn't disappoint. Jamie Foxx and Christoph Waltz are both brilliant and deserve Oscar nominations. Thought Leonardo struggled a bit with his role and seemed to be trying too hard. Some seriously funny moments with Don Johnson showing a knack for comedy. Unexpected but there you go. It's in my top 10 list and hope everyone enjoys it as much as me. First seen on a flight from Australia to England so I enjoyed seeing the whole thing again on a decent TV. Tarantino has a knack of injecting humour into the most horrifying situations to make them acceptable and part of the action. Without this some of his films would be cut more than they are.
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Man of Steel (2013)
Worst Superman film
19 January 2014
Tries very hard to build up characters from the beginning of the batman story but none of them are interesting enough to be bothered about. By the time the action starts I'd sort of lost interest in the movie. I think it's the worst of all superman films I've seen and wants to be too serious for the subject matter. It needs a good actor to play superman and some good dialogue, a bit tongue in cheek, is always good. Neither of these were in this film. If a director wants to make a more serious film about superman, like they've attempted with Batman they need stronger actors, a better love interest and a better storyline. Falls into the trap of a lot of movies these days. Too much reliance on special effects to the detriment of storyline.
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19 January 2014
I've never been a massive fan of the Lord of the Rings. Never been able to care enough about the characters and whether they lived or died. There wasn't one actor in this able to carry a film for 20 minutes, let alone the time this ran for. Things improved a bit when the elves were involved but I was just hanging out for this to end for the last 30 minutes. My son didn't like it either and he's a fan. I got the feeling that the director felt he had to somehow make it a long film and totally lost me in the process. There seems to be two story lines, one with the dwarfs in and one with Ian McEllan. He could have made two reasonable films. Instead he's made a mishmash and one awful one.
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