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Halloween II (2009)
Hear me out...
6 February 2021
I actually really liked this movie. It follows Rob Zombie's sequel to his remake of the horror classic 'Halloween.' Zombie's remake of the original mostly follows its original storyline, while adding some storyline of Michael in his childhood, that honestly I didn't feel like it was necessary. But Zombie's sequel strays far from the original Halloween II and basically does his own thing. If you're a Halloween fan but not a Rob Zombie fan I could understand if this movie isn't for you. And if you're a Rob Zombie fan, you'll probably enjoy this movie. As a Halloween fan and a Rob Zombie fan, this might be one of my favorite Rob Zombie movies to date.

The main reason being is I love how Zombie was really able to capture Laurie's struggles with PTSD accurately, specifically in the director's cut. This is something that H20 touches on lightly but really missed the mark. The only thing with this that I really didn't like was Laurie's visions of her birth mother with the white horse. Like how, why? But her attitude change from the first to the second is something I really appreciated and is something we almost never see in horror sequels. As much as I love the Scream franchise and Sydney Prescott, she kind of just moves on with her life as if nothing has happened, she only becomes smarter and stronger, which is a cool idea but just so far off from reality.

There were some certain things that a lot of people have already mentioned that I didn't like. First of all being Michael grunting and even speaking. Why? Michael Myers has always been a silent killing machine and even was in Zombie's first depiction. Another thing I didn't like and mentioned above was the visions shared by both Michael and Laurie of Deborah, often accompanied by a white horse. I felt like this was just completely out of left field and just plain off and was only put in for Zombie to put his wife in yet another one of his movies (no disrespect to Sheri Moon Zombie).

But ultimately I felt like the good outweighed the bad and I know for certain that I'm in the minority here but I think if you just keep an open mind, you might actually like this movie.
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Ratched (2020)
It's okay but this is NOT Ratched
24 September 2020
I started watching because I was very intrigued at the idea of a Nurse Ratched origin story and Sarah Paulson actually bears a slight resemblance to Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

While the story of the first season of Ratched was somewhat interesting on it's own, this is worlds away from its original counterpart. I feel like Ryan Murphy wanted to make a new show about a manipulative nurse set in the late 40's and thought slapping on Ratched's name at the last minute was just an easy cash grab. No disrespect to Sarah Paulson, I'm sure she did as best as she could for what she was given, but I don't see even the faintest hint of the evil antagonist from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's, even though the two actress do look somewhat alike. Anything bad this version of Ratched does is just an intelligent woman with a tragic past doing what she feels she has to do to protect her loved one. Rather than a miserable witch being a miserable witch just for the hell of it.
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Black Mirror: San Junipero (2016)
Season 3, Episode 4
A weird masterpiece
12 July 2020
I don't often call things a masterpiece but I can't think of any other word to describe this episode of Black Mirror. It's simply perfect. It has everything. Little foreshadowing, stellar character development, beautiful cinematography, nostalgic soundtrack and a grand romantic ending. And they don't just spring the twist on you, they ease you into it about halfway through and it's still somehow an amazing payoff.

I was incorrectly told by a friend, before I started watching the series, that Black Mirror was a horror anthology about futuristic technology. While they were kind of right, it's not at all a horror series. It's mostly an anthology about the negatives that technology may bring in coming times. San Junipero is a standout in the series for many reasons but one being that it completely flips the series premise on its head and shows us the wonders of possible technology that may come. While current and upcoming technology might intimidate and scare some of us of its potential, myself included, San Junipero highlights the positives that we could all benefit from.

Ultimately I gotta give San Junipero a rare 10/10 for myself. That great thing about Black Mirror is each episode is its own story with its own characters so you don't have to watch them in order. If you're new to the series I would definitely recommend starting here, on a high note. While there are many great episodes in the series, this one, to me, is the best.
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A stand-out in the Happy Madison collection of the past few years
26 May 2020
In the past decade, Happy Madison Productions has produced mostly "ehh" movies at best. We got Grown Ups in 2010 which I really enjoyed but that was pretty much the last one. Every film since then has been okay at best.

But I really enjoyed The Wrong Missy even though I thought I was able to predict the ending before I even started it. Lauren Lapkus as Missy definitely steals the show here. Granted this is no Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison or The Wedding Singer (I know these aren't technically Happy Madison movies) I still laughed out loud several times and would recommend it especially during this pandemic. If you're bored at home, why not turn this on?
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3 from Hell (2019)
Massive disappointment
15 November 2019
I thought the ending to Devil's Rejects was strangely beautiful. You got Free Bird playing in the background as the three characters we've come to love are all gravely wounded trying to make their escape only to run into a blockade of officers all intercut with a compilation of home movie like shots. This is where they meet their demise. Just kidding, they actually all survived...somehow.

This film just wasn't necessary and clearly only made to pull in money. And why not? In the era of unnecessary remakes, reboots and sequels, everything's getting revamped. But I thought Rob Zombie was better than that, regardless of what other people may say, he does his best to put art into his work. But I didn't see any of that here.

I would say it was nice to see the old gang back together but we don't even get that. I can't be too mad about that though considering Sid Haig's health was deteriorating (RIP btw) but we're lead to believe that we'll but getting back Baby, Otis and Spaulding. Throwing in some half brother who has never been mentioned felt incredibly cheap. The story probably would've worked better with just Otis and Baby.
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Child's Play (2019)
Why would they do that?
15 November 2019
When I first heard they were remaking Child's play, I was a little skeptical but also excited (and not at all surprised with all these remakes Hollyweird has been doing). I knew of course they would make changes, but they basically changed the entire story with just one (main) change: There is no Charles Lee Ray. Chucky, or Buddi in this depiction, is now simply just a smartdoll gone haywire. He's not evil or possessed, he's just basically just a broken computer. Why??! It really ruined the entire thing for me. It just seems like a nonsense decision by the writers and completely takes away what made Child's Play so fun in the first place. Don't get me wrong there are a few fun moments but ultimately it fell flat. Had they done a completely different story separate from Child's Play with different characters, I'd probably have given it a higher rating. And if it wasn't for Aubrey Plaza I'd have given it a lower rating.
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Evidence (2013)
Actually not that bad (for a found footage movie)
8 September 2013
So pretty much every movie that's been a POV movie or a "found footage" movie has been pretty crappy ever since Blair Witch (and maybe the first Paranormal Activity). So when I went into this I wasn't expecting much, but I was pleased. I honestly probably wouldn't have watched it if it weren't for Stephen Moyer and Radha Mitchell, but I wasn't all the disappointed, aside from the incredibly stupid characters. This movie seems to be getting a lot of negative reviews here on IMDb, but I disagree. While I wouldn't say this movie is good, it's still okay. Again, my high expectations weren't high before watching it, so maybe that's it. But if you're looking to kill some time and in the mood to watch a fun movie, I might recommend this cause all in all it's okay. I give it a 5 or 10 rating.
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Prom Night (I) (2008)
Much like "Donna," I witnessed a murder...
12 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
That's right much like Brittany Snow's character, Donna, I witnessed a murder...A murder of the original 1980 horror film, 'Prom Night.' I don't care if YOU think it's not a remake. It's a remake, people. Under movie connections, it says, "Remake - Prom Night (1980)" That wasn't put there by an IMDb user, it was put there by the fine people at IMDb.

The reason I gave this "movie" 2 stars was for the following:

---The scenes were WAY to predictable. I mean you got the "Turn Around! Turn Around!" scene, which is dead, it was killed about 3 years ago.

Then, there's the plain stupidity of some of the characters AND writers. ---The animated voice saying that it's an emergency, and Donna goes and gets a scarf out of her room. There could've been a fire. ---And what's with the pigeons in the hotel? I understand if you wanna get a good jump out of the audience, writers, but seriously, and I understand it's under construction, but it's inside, how'd they get in, and why aren't they anywhere else? ---The variety of killings were VERY slim and very uncreative. ---The killing of the bellboy was completely unnecessary. He could've just said that he hasn't seen the maid. ---Why would Donna go to the bathroom after she just had a dream about being killed in one? ---Why the hell would Lisa go up into the suite minutes before they announce king and queen, when SHE'S nominated?!

Then the final, and biggest reason why this movie disgusted me, was because there was NO twist. I was totally expecting a twist, especially when they took a movie with such a great one. But, no, it was to difficult for the writers to come up with one.
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Smallville: Subterranean (2006)
Season 6, Episode 9
Why did everyone hate this one?
9 April 2007
I honestly really liked this episode. It would make a fantastic movie. I was on the message boards and a lot of people really hated this episode. I'm left clueless as to why. The plot is great, and the ending was amazing, probably one of the best Smallville endings. And the ending shot was also fantastic. I don't want to give to much away. Again, if a writer/director took this plot and made it into a movie, it would SELL! The title of the episode is also very clever. I'm just still stumped as to why people hate this episode so much.

The writing was terrific, the guest star appearance was a great choice. The only thing that got to me, was the Javier didn't even have the slightest bit of an accent. But still, this episode is up there on my favorite Smallville episodes.
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