
7 Reviews
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Aliens (1986)
Even after all these years
9 September 2016
still the best sequel to any sci-fi film, even by the dated effects, brilliant editing, brilliant acting, brilliant story-line, just wish that these days directors/producers would make something just as good, but all we get are over produced rubbish stuff, with far too much push on military rubbish about how big and the best the USA are, influencing films (how many times do we need to see a slow motion cliché of people walking in a line, with over the top music) or just films about evil cults/demonic crap

its a shame that it seems like the film industry has given up on really good scripts and ideas and gone the way of "lets make a film and try to make as much quick bucks as possible, and onto the next"
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Yep another American "we are the best" military film
27 May 2016
Full of effects, great Hollywood style lighting (some overused and badly done light glares, made me laugh), nothing realistic apart from the weapons used so many American military films seem to fall into the same over the top "we are the best hoora" style, to be honest, its a shame, that this style of approach so called "realistic" films, (thats if its supposed to show that), just falls into the embarrassingly, "we are superior than the rest of the world" style so over the top, get over yourselves please really! If your going to make a "realistic" or true to story/report film at least try to make it realistic looking without all the over the top effects!! and over the top "dramatic" acting and "hoora" scripts!
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Immune (2016)
sooooo bad, cringe factor 100%
8 May 2016
I watched this only because members of my family were "extras", the story and idea behind the film, was not to bad….but that's where it ends What can I say? Please Mr director/main actor (if you can call it that) please don't try to do another! Just terrible, worst I've ever seen, I know it's a "B" movie, but oh my word, absolutely terrible Acting, if you can call it that, was so bad, timing so bad, editing so bad, scripting so bad In the credits there was a "script supervisor", what on earth was supervised?? It was so bad!! The main actor so many times was so badly acted just made us all laugh at how bad it was done The 2nd "support actor" was just as wooden and badly acted Was this a serious attempt for a "horror"? I hope it wasn't! So many "silent" scenes, badly acted, and consistency errors, just made us all say "WHAT?" The main actor runs about (or cycles when he remembers that he's got one) with a butter knife, yet in his kitchen there's a bigger knife in a draw! Under his bed (he used to be a carpenter) is a hammer!! Then for some reason in another scene, he randomly goes (or cycles when hes got it) into wooded area and "finds" a deal person with a gun But chooses to stay with the butter knife!!!!! Oh and we fell about laughing in the "bike accident" scene For comedy values just watch the scene with the chicken…"my mother showed me"…so bad Please, don't try to make another film, even the Justin Bieber 1/10 film would probably been more entertaining than this.

If you want to waste an hour and a half, get some beers and a take away, and fall about laughing at this.
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Interstellar (2014)
Not as good as others make out
20 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So what is so special about this, I'm trying to find what other people find it so "wow, excellent, best scifi", etc etc The story is OK,,, ish, nothing special, the cgi used is OK.. (well the last 20 mins of nearly 3 hour film)

Back to the story, I don't want to give anything away, but spoiler alert im afraid here

a farmer goes back to nasa, to save the human species, and that's where it goes a bit strange Flies off to a new planet, finds out nothing there has a fight with Mat Damon, docks back at orbiting ship, flies into a black hole/sphere, all goes weird, works out He was the one contacting his daughter

Bit of a time warp paradox thing here, alien's works out it's the human race that will save themselves, because they construct something to "link" a 5th dimension

I guess by this part they tried to do a 2001 space odyssey type of film as in not much made sense and left it upto the imagination of the viewer to make sense of it, as in just random stuff going on

Then the ending, the bit this that just doesn't add up,

on the planet he went to, 1 hour was 7 years on Earth, he must of spent 2 days or more on the planet he went to, that works out to be 336 years (if it was 2 days) , but when he manages to get back home (to a future ship or something), he gets to meet his daughter who looks about 90 ish!!!!

His daughter on her death bed tells him to go find the missing crew member stranded on the planet, he steals a ship, leaves the ship/station.............and then credits!!!!!

Doesn't make sense
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Godzilla (2014)
9 August 2014
so what is this about..whats the story?

2 big sized bugs not related to Godzilla at all trash everything Godzilla himself turns up half way through and becomes a good guy

Acting was usual Hollywood style, badly scripted and bland relying on CGI

i feel sorry for Ken Watanabe, he must of hated this, he just seemed oblivious throughout as if his character was constantly stoned!!

film went on far too long, stretched out the ending of what we all knew was going to happen anyway

and PLEASE USA film makers/directors, stop the military cliché style corny "we are marines we are the best in the world" type films/editing, its getting boring now
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Against the Wild (2013 TV Movie)
not bad but not that good either
13 May 2014
kids might like it, its an OK waste of an hour and so on acting not that good, from the lead actress, script could of been better, for example, when the see plane lands, they young lad says "i think the plane is here", really? when the plane crashes, )i wont say that as a spoiler as it so obvious that's how it all starts off), the kids are hardly scratched, the young lass asks her brother, have you got your phone?, he gets it out of his pocket, "broken he says", wow weak phone!

but the most laughable part is just before the plane crashes, the person in charge of doing the background window shots (obviously not in a real flying plane), just watch the direction of the trees, each shot of the kids the outside view looks like they are flying sideways sometimes right sometimes left, and one of the last shots, from the lads view is the plane is appearing to be going backwards!!

i would say this as a Sunday afternoon family film where kids might get bored whilst the parents doze on the sofa.
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Noah (2014)
what did i just watch?
13 May 2014
I'm still unsure what i just watched, the only biblical thing about this was the words "NOAH", "ARC",and that's visually that has anything to do with what its supposed to be about At 1st i thought, OK this might be an interesting film, some good actors appear to be in, but to be honest, they didn't do that much of a good job, Russell Crowe, his usual moody self, Anthony Hopkins with a 5 minute cameo, Ray Winstone, usual good bad guy, Emma Watson, gets to cry again Jennifer Connelly had the same look on her face throughout, Nick Nolte, he was in there somewhere, the others did what was needed to do

but the best actors where the rock transformers......WHAT?!??!

The rock what i here you say?, yep from somewhere the writers decided to Hollywood it up and use some cgi to make transformer moving style, rock creatures called the watchers,..erm....i don't know much about the bible, but I'm sure that that wasn't in original story.

In the Arc they kept a steady supply of knock out gas for all the animals, now that should of made Noah and the troops also the same or at least float about the ceiling spaced out this really should not of been called Noah, it should of been called "Tranformers- survival of the animals (with a man in a boat)"
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