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Dune (2021)
11 March 2024
God, as if the first film wasn't dull enough, the second one makes it seem almost enjoyable.

At least Lynch had the good sense to wrap this boring story up in one movie and give us Sting in a rubber jockstrap.

I felt like I've just witnessed two hours of dust, people waffling on in robes, a failed love story, and a little action.

Love or hate Lynch's version of Dune, it wasn't as barren as the desert like Villeneuve's sprawling and tiresome sandstorm.

And to make it worse, he's planning a third. Can't they just take these millions spent on this dross and do something good with it, like, I don't know, house the homeless or fund green initiatives.
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Leave this movie behind
21 December 2023
From the very beginning I got the sense, Leave The World Behind, is poorly scripted and equally badly acted. As the film progresses, both the dialogue and acting make you feel increasingly uncomfortable, and not in a "good," and suspenseful way. Which then leads me onto the background music which is as increasingly irritating as the acting and script, to the point where I wondered if the movie would be improved if I muted the sound. It's unsettling mood would be fine if it was used appropriately, but it's almost as if the director decided to just let it play on a loop throughout the entire film. As for the storyline itself, there are no surprises. It implies mystery in a hamfisted way and it does make you curious about the ending, but neither deliver anything satisfying or worthy of more than a lousy 5 minute commercial. I'm genuinely shocked that anyone would rate this movie above 1 star.
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Send this movie back to hell
2 September 2023
I was really looking forward to watching this and that only added to the disappointment. What could, and should have been, an original and scary film recounting the voyage of the Demeter quickly turned into farce when low and behold a black doctor trained at Cambridge turns up in Varna. Seriously!? Suddenly the rubbish cgi of a bat-thing takes second place to more pc nonsense ( I'm just waiting for an all white cast remake of Roots.. why the hell not pmsl) and you feel so little for any of the characters that the only thing you can look forward to is their deaths, which again, were disappointing. If only this movie had been produced by A24 we might have gotten something completely original and terrifying.
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Priest (2011)
10 years on and it's still better than most Marvel movies
7 May 2023
Priest is a very underrated film in the action/sci-fi/vampire genre. Even now, over 10 year since its release it hasn't dated like most films.

Even small details look slick and expensive compared to most action/Marvel movies with budgets twice as big.

The acting is excellent by action movie standards as are all of the action sequences and special effects.

The story is modest and simple and that makes it a joy to watch unlike a lot of films that suffer highs and lows throughout unnecessarily long movies.

Moreover for vampire and horror fans you get an original story and some terrifying vampire monsters.

It's a crying shame this film didn't make more money at the box office and go on to inspire more movies.

If you haven't seen, watch it, and you'll soon see the injustices this film has suffered in light of the many rubbish Marvel/Star Wars movies that have cleaned up at the box office.
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This movie should be damned to hell
7 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As if we haven't seen enough terrible exorcist movies since the original and unsurpassable The Exorcist.

This movie damns the whole canon of terrible exorcist movies with one cliche after another. The deep raspy voice of a man as the voice of a demon coming out of a child. Staying in a spooky old house and repeatedly staying there or going back into the room where the boy is possessed. Approaching the possessed child when you know it's going to attack. Flames, people flying about. Every cliche in the book is trotted out to torment the viewer.

Are there any positives to this movie? Sadly not. Russell Crowe gives us a modified version of his character Zeus, from the god awful Love & Thunder, only with a more Italian flavour. And frankly, since doing any notable acting turn, he seems happy to turn up in any old movie, do his schtik, and get a pay cheque.

The other characters are very forgettable and it's nice to know this movie will forever remain a stain on their CV.

If you want to watch a good movie with fine acting just watch The Whale.
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Nope (2022)
Is it any good...Nope!
31 August 2022
I can't help but feel that Jordan Peele is another M. Night Shyamalan, in that his movies are very hit and miss. "Get Out," hit the right mark but "Nope," falls flat on its face once the mystery is revealed. The best and most interesting part of the movie (and the idea that should have been expanded into a movie of its own) is Steven Yeun's traumatic childhood experience. It literally terrified me and could have been the centre point of an outstanding movie, but instead it was added as if Jordan Peele really didn't know which direction to take the movie in. The two storylines do not successfully meld to make a cohesive story and what's left is a daft sci-fi. As for the acting, it felt like Daniel Kaluuya was told to act the same as in "Get Out," only to be more socially awkward, and for Keke Palmer to ramble and add so much slang that the majority of the audiance wouldn't understand hardly a word she was saying. So my take home from this is to watch all the brief moments that retell the story of the chimpanzee, imagine it as a short film, and don't bother with the rest of "Nope."
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The Sandman (2022– )
Utterly tiresome childrens series
7 August 2022
Like the worst of series, The Sandman draws you in in the first couple of episodes, then draws out characters in a tedious and lengthy manner before evolving into a children's TV series. By the eighth episode I was skipping through each episode for any sign of improvement. Sadly there was none!
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When you can't find fault you can only give it a 10
25 July 2022
After watching The Black Phone I considered what I would rate it out of ten. Instinctively a seven seemed appropriate since I really enjoyed the movie. The first part drew me in with its nostalgia and dynamics, plus the fine acting. Then the second half kept me on the edge of my seat blending tension with the paranormal, which served a couple of moments that made me jump. Then in the finale the tension ratcheted until the very end. I can't find fault with the movie, so a ten is justifiable appropriate. Well done to Scott Derrickson (and a lucky escape as Marvel have lost their way).
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Home (2020– )
Only Apple could make such pretentious rubbish.
20 June 2022
Personally I love architecture, especially sustainable and affordable homes. It's something we all need. So when I came across this series by Apple I was excited, but it didn't last. Each episode is like an iphone. In fact I'm sure everyone in the series is an iphone user. Wealthy architects. Pretentious vapid morons spouting a load of nonsense about connection, landscape, nature. Yeah right! In fact most of each episode is taken up with these pretentious millionaires lives and very little is said about the homes themselves. Worst of all, they're not even innovative. Most are only suitable for a certain climate and use conventional materials. Some don't even really work. A case of aesthetics over functionality. Funny how they don't talk about the flies in their house as they sit strumming guitars in their windowless home like a bunch of idiots. Such a disappointment.
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Animal cruelty.. why should I be shocked by Putin
5 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Cruelty is cruelty, and it's ugly face rears in the frightened face of a horse as Cumberbatch lashes out and terrifies it. I think anyone involved in the movie should be ashamed of themselves. Apparently a bull also gets castrated by Cumberbatch later in the movie. No CGI or FX. This world is full of vile and cruel people. The fact that they should have fame or money due to cruelty makes me sick! Shame, shame, shame!!!
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Refreshing Ride From Hell
8 January 2021
We've become so bogged down with big budget movies that run for over twp-hours and then disappoint. Shadow In The Cloud reminds us how good a simple film can be. Mysteries and secret's are peeled bare throughout, but one thing stays true, the hero of the movie is a woman. The overall feel of the movie reminds me of a cross-over between Cloverfield, Dunkirk, and a story featuring William Shatner. In less than ninety minutes you get a thrill ride that keeps you gripped like an Agatha Christie novel meets The Twilight Zone. Perfect popcorn perfection.
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Paddington 2 (2017)
I laughed, I cried 10/10 perfect!
22 December 2017
While the original was a great introduction, Paddington 2 knocks it out of the park with sheer delight... laugh out loud funny moments, thrills, action and heartfelt joy.. just perfect
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Mother! (2017)
An allegorical nightmare brought to life
22 December 2017
Like most I went in to this movie blind and needed some help via the web to explain much of the movies metaphorical story at the end. The tight and claustrophobic camera work and visceral unsettling dialogue and storyline tightens moment by moment like a rope around your neck. Scene by scene the movie descends into a nightmarish hell, like one we've all experienced in our own nightmares. You'll squirm in your seat, empathize maddeningly with "Mother", until you'll share her every moment, descending into a suffocating madness that makes you want to scream or die. In short this is brave, bold, painful and extremely divisive... and for these reasons alone I think "Mother!!!" is pure hellish genius, that I welcome in an era of cgi robot movies that only the moronic could rate higher than this movie.
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The Punisher (2017–2019)
I forgot I was watching the Punisher!
18 November 2017
So the first couple of episodes start off with some action, but it isn't long before the storyline gets sucked up with telling a story and completely neglecting any action. So far with the Marvelflix superhero's (and I use the word "superhero's" very very loosely) only season 1 of Daredevil delivered in both story and action. I could forgive the casting of Joe Bernthal as the Punisher if the storyline was pumped full of action and exciting, but it isn't! The Punisher is a strategic thinking, gun-toting, unstoppable one man war-machine. who's tall, strong, and athletic.. nothing like Bernthal or the character we're getting! This is so frustrating that they can never get the simple things right.. why choose an actor who doesn't resemble the character.. and then worst of all blow the budget on a non-action melodrama, masquerading as a super-hero series. It's not as if it requires any SFX, he doesn't fly, shoot laser-beams or throw cars. Sorry Marvelflix but you've let me down again, BIG time!
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The Defenders (2017)
The sum of all it's parts is weaker than the few!
19 August 2017
Building on the individual story lines of Marvel/Netflix's Defenders, was on shaky ground to begin with. Daredevil Season 1 was great in it's hard-hitting fresh approach, bolstered by the supporting cast and villain, but ended on a resounding and laughable disappointment when Daredevils costume was revealed. A mistake they failed to rectify! In the second season the story-line over-stretched itself introducing more characters, which only served to dilute the success of season 1. Then there's Jessica Jones, arguably the most disappointing reluctant "super-hero" ever created. Watching her mope about like an angsty teenage alcoholic is an excuse for budget constraints so as to not display her super abilities, which should have made her a B-list Captain Marvel, but instead falling flat and sinking to a Z-lister. The stories only high-point once again being the villain. Then you get Luke Cage, who once again due to budget restraints gets lost in a load of back-story and hood gangsters, when what we should have got was some kick-ass super-human displays of strength. Filming a guy pretending to be shot while being invulnerable to bullets is cheap! And finally Iron Fist, who despite getting slammed by critics, for me it was more entertaining to watch than both JJ and LC, once again in part due to the villain elements and back-story. Sadly though Danny Rand never comes into his own and it seems that almost everyone is a better fighter than him. Ironic when that's supposed to be his main skill, that and of course and his Iron Fist, which is over-talked and more so-so than so-cool. And so finally we get all these "heroes" pulled together to form some semblance of "The Defenders" comic book. All I can say is, thank god the comic wasn't anything like this mess of a TV conjunction. If it had been ,they would have issued one comic, then binned it! The Defenders is nothing more than a culmination of all the weakest elements of each "hero", carried over into a cross-over story. Once again the best elements are Sigourney Weaver as the villain, and the peripheral characters, Foggy, Misty, Karen etc who put some meat on a hollow shell.

The script and dialogue is clunky and awkward like an am-dram rehearsal and the action, underwhelming! In fact unless you're a Sigourney fan (and please can someone make sure the person who supplied her clothes never works in wardrobe again), I can't think of a reason to recommend this series, unless you happen to be bored and you've watched everything else on Netflix!
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Jessica Jones (2015–2019)
The most useless superhero
24 November 2015
I have to say I'm really irritated by Jessica Jones. Daredevil was an outright triumph and when they announced the next series would be based on the character Jessica Jones I was a bit mystified as she's not a character I know from the golden days of Marvel unlike, DD, Luke Cage & Iron-fist. Having done my bit of research I put faith in Netflix in going one better than DD. How wrong am I...??!!! She doesn't have any focus or lust for justice like DD. She's supposed to be super-strong and can fly.. ha! Apparently she can't fly.. she mostly falls (wtf)?! As for super strong.. let's just edit that down to strong.. she's good at breaking padlocks and that's about it..snoooooooze.. boring! I fail to see how or why they've chosen to make a series on a character who might even be a bit pretty if she wasn't so goddamn miserable all the time. Moping around and getting drunk.. so flipping lame! Don't even get me started on why the hell she hasn't just offed Kilgrave by now.. also lame! She doesn't seem to have a problem lying to, threatening and turning a blind eye to all the people Kilgrave has killed or attempted to kill... Seriously.. yet she's so moral she feels she has to catch Kilgrave and bring him to justice.. LAME!!!!! I think Netflix have made a huge mistake investing in JJ.. DD deserves a hell of a lot better if they are going to form The Defenders.. maybe Netflix thought The Defenders needed a team member who was morose, drunk and about the most pathetic superhero you could imagine. Booo Jessica Jones and Netflix!.. Give us a proper superhero who can actually fly and do more than break padlocks!
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Wer (2013)
a fresh take on werewolves with plenty of scares and gore
19 October 2015
Somehow in the recent lists of werewolf movies or even good horror movies, Wer has been missed out. The first thing to point out is that it's not a video-diary movie (please enough of them already!) and instead it's filmed in a more fly- on-the-wall documentary style. This actually helps when building moments of tension as you feel like you are in the room when something bad could happen. Strangely the film is set in France which is only incidental as most of the time the characters are American or speaking English. The only downsides to the movie (and they are very few) are the reasons for the presence of Kate Moore and Eric Sarin to be involved in the hunt for the baddie, especially when things have already turned really, really nasty. Frankly I would have been a million miles away from the baddie as possible. Also the character Eric Sarin played by Vik Sahay makes an unconvincing deduction that the baddie is a werewolf after spending 2 minutes on the internet... it would have been better to leave that out... or any mention of werewolf. Also a character (no spoilers) decides to shave his entire head... I don't get it!!!.. but there you go, that's all the negatives out of the way (ooh, opening credits were a bit rubbish, don't let them put you off!). Now for some of the good bits... the story is fresh, the script steady and the pace perfect. There were several scenes that had me on the edge of my seat and genuinely made me jump (hooray for any horror film these days that can actually make you jump). The gore was just enough and appropriate, with an eye-watering scene involving a broken glass slide. In some ways Wer reminded me of Chronicle. I think it's the docu-video style down-playing some great action and SFX. So to sum up there's a lot to like in a fresh take on the werewolf movie, with plenty of tension, scares, gore and action.
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Howl (I) (2015)
so bad it makes me want to howl
19 October 2015
I had high hopes for this movie being both British and connected to werewolves. Naturally it's going to draw comparisons to Neil Marshalls Dog Soldiers. Produced on a low budget with a great mix of storyline, humour, gore, werewolves and squaddies... Sadly I was extremely disappointed with Howl! Not because it's not as good as Dog Soldiers, but simply because it's a really terrible film despite having some known British actors involved. Within the first 10 minutes you start to cringe at the terrible acting made worse by the most awful script. This only becomes confounded with an unrecognizable train made poorly from plywood and resembling an underground tube-station train. Thankfully it doesn't take long for a creatures to pop at which point you hope the cast have horrible deaths if only to stop them talking. I hasten to add that the creatures are nothing like werewolves and are very poorly conceived... think wigs, glue, sticky-back plastic and teeth.. you get the idea! This is truly one film that I'd like to see burnt and all traces of ever being made removed. Clichés abound. No originality. Not even funny in a B-movie way.
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The Best just got Better
23 April 2015
To give this film less than a 10 would be an insult. From the beginning to the end the movie rampages with so much action and wit you can scarcely take it all in. It's like Avengers Assemble on steroids!!! Even now I feel like I need time to process everything I just watched.. then head back in to see it again. Each character gets their moment to shine,only taken to another level.. and Ultron is wonderfully insane with a wit to match.. even beating others to the punch-line. And yes we finally see the Vision.. and he's amazing.. and yes you get to see lots of him.. he's not just tagged on 10 minutes from the end. I could write for days about this film.. but why bother... JUST GO SEE IT and be AMAZED!!!!
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Even I won't forgive!
28 March 2014
Terrible acting, implausible to non-existent script, style over substance, B-movie. Awful, awful, awful awful, awful, being over generous, awful, awful, really dreadful, can't believe they made this, can hardly be bothered to say what a waste of 80 something minutes this is. Shame on all involved. Feel sorry for the backers and cast. Think you get the idea. Not even worth seeing for free. God why do they insist on 10 lines of writing for reviews on here when the film only had about 2 lines of script. Terrible is too generous a word.. not even pretty lighting could improve Dick Tracy so why did the director think it would be enough to make his film worth watching?!
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