
7 Reviews
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Drakensang: The Dark Eye (2008 Video Game)
28 April 2009
It must be one of those gems of PC gaming who are lost in the glitter in the more high profile games. I haven't heard about the game from long time but reading IGN review made me convinced that it was worth getting...and boy it was! In veins of The Witcher, this RPG is one of the finest RPGs this year. Being a PC exclusive, it also caters to PC audience better. The graphics are great, menu and inventory perfect and the interface isn't consolized. What makes it great exactly? The answer is that it being a classic RPG makes it great. With a lot of upgrades, abilities, spells, a great combat system, a wonderfully realized universe and decent story. Initially it did make me a little nonplussed but later as I understood the up-gradation system and spells and abilities, this game became so good that I couldn't stop playing it. Also, the game is quite long. Even if one follows only the main storyline, it's going to take at least 45 hours. With side-quests added in, it becomes really long and is definitely worth the money. It does lack a little in voice acting, but that was to be expected cause the studio couldn't afford the budget of bigger titles. Recommendation- go get it! You won't regret it!
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Half-Life 2 (2004 Video Game)
Hands down...the best PC game ever has arrived.
24 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I don't know from where to begin and where to end. There is so much to say. I will start from where I feel I should. As soon as it begins, you know its a masterpiece. You feel you are there and as you progress, you feel what Valve intended to make you feel. You feel like everyone is under control of the combine, the earth is taken over and people are afraid of even just talking!!!! You go near them and press 'E' and some of them will say- 'I don't want them to watch us talking'. Strange, but awesome. You move further and you notice Combine breaking into houses, beating people, striders walking (that was cool) and people afraid that they are next ('This is how it always happens. First the building, then the whole block.') Then the action begins, and it is never so hard in initial levels. It is like they are making you ready for the actual combat. Then you encounter some cool physics puzzles, one or two choppers while sitting on an Air boat. I like the buggy level most. I see the graphics are almost photo-realistic. I will someday, explore the world. I just won't fight. I will leave my buggy, will move towards the shore and will stay there. Just to see birds flying and to hear distant sounds of water and waves. Then I will go to the highest point, to see how it looks from there. In between, you begin to feel that you are indeed the hope. The only free man- Gordon freeman. So well crafted were the maps and the game-play that you not only play, you feel. I can only admire the genius of those guys at Valve studios. As you move towards base areas, the battle begins with fury. Rebel groups join you (or you join them) and striders stands between your way. In the end, City 17 becomes yours, and you know it is only the first big hit on the Combine. If you have ended the game, you can't wait for the next installments, to once again become the only free man and to free the earth.
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The Ring (2002)
I expected it to be creepy, and it was nothing like that
24 December 2006
I am writing this after four years of the release of the movie, and I normally don't write comments. But I am doing so because I felt that the movie was nowhere near the creepiness I was expecting. I heard, and heard from lots of people that this movie was sicko horrifying. So I had expectations, and many expectations. I made environment for watching. I watched this movie when it was 2 of night, alone in my room, wearing headphones and volume cranked to full. The movie began and for whole of the movie I was expecting that now the hell is going to loose, now it will bring the horror out of me. But was I wrong? Yes I was. True that I am kind of person who do not feels horror most of the times. I watched 'Dawn of the dead' (2004) in the same environment and wasn't feeling afraid. If you don't think that Dawn of the dead was creepy, maybe you are right. But I am sure that the first half an hour of that movie is indeed creepy. The movie ended and there was no scene when my heartbeat was increased. I felt that 'Dawn of the dead (2004)' and both Exorcist are more creepy. And this movie lived up nowhere near to the hype.
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Smallville: Zod (2006)
Season 6, Episode 1
A bit short...well...may be they tried to make it too twisty
5 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It was a very good episode, but I was not expecting that the ZOD saga will end so soon. I was thinking that they will continue this story to the whole season. They showed ZOD so powerful but still KAl defeated him so easily!!!! Nevertheless, the entry of the phantoms (although I am also a bit confused if it was Zod!!! The scene was too fast) is also very interesting and I hope to see some really good action later. I think this all happened cause they thought of making this episode full of twists and surprises. One more point to be noted was that there are some new and interesting sub plots to the love saga of every character. They showed Lana and Lex still together (??), they also showed Chloe and Clark still friends (??) and they also showed that Lois and Clark are still....well....hmmm....I don't know (and I think they also don't know). That Jimmy 'James' Olson was OK character (Just to remind... I think he is the same guy about whom Chloe once said that she lost her virginity with) but I just don't understand that what is there between him and Chloe, and also between Clark and Chloe. Although I am depressed somewhere about the ZOD saga end, still it was a very good episode and I pretty much enjoyed it.
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Tauba Tauba (2004)
they were searching a new way to show vulgarity to viewers
26 August 2005
There is enough vulgarity in some of the Indian movies.And the producer of the movie was just searching for a new way to show this.They found a lot of such scope in the story,which is as follows-A teenager founds his new neighbor quite sexy,tries to spend more and more time with her.The girl is transplanted there by a servant of the boy's father.One night the girl allows the boy to come into her bad,and gives a lot of whiskey to the boy.When the boy wakes up,he finds that the girl is dead.He thinks the girl died due to the mating.He feels sorry and goes to the servant to make plea of saving him.They dispose the body,and the servant cunningly takes some photographs of the while disposing.Servant shows the photographs to boy and says that the blackmailer is asking a large sum.The boys gives it.One day the boy finds that the girl is actually alive,and the rest of the story is describing how the boy comes out of all these ill-happenings.But what is the notable point?It's that the girl is of 25 and the boy is of 15.Isn't it is a new way.A quite large part of the movie is such that teenagers should not see,and the ending is fully childish.So,what was the aim of making this movie?The movie was a great failure at the box office also.Thank GOD such low budget movies are not finding their way in overseas territories of bollywood.Otherwise the little bit of praise,which bollywood earned recently,will be no more.Don't ever watch this movie.The worst and vulgar scenes of this movie are not going to make you feel happy.
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Kaal (2005)
spend 2 hrs. of your life on something more useful
25 August 2005
Amazed by the promos,I happily took the risk of putting my studies apart and watched the movie.And it is necessary to say-I WASTED MY TIME.Truly,a ridiculous movie,with no aim,no theme and no direction(of course we can say this).I was thinking in the whole movie that when the movie will begin?That's true,there was no beginning in the movie.Just a fool effort of horrifying the viewer.And the reason behind all these murders-the ghost,My GOD,how one can write such a boring story.And the ending of the movie was the worst one I ever saw.The only plus point of the movie was it's background score.Salim-Sulaiman done their job quite nicely.The part of the forest officer was forcefully send to the doubt list.With so many flaws,the movie only puts the fame of Johar camp down.DON'T WATCH IT,EVEN AT FREE OF COST,USE TWO HOURS OF YOUR LIFE FOR SOMETHING USEFUL.
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Swades (2004)
Story of a NRI,who settles down to India to help rural ones.
24 August 2005
By making this movie a failure,Indian viewers indicated that there judging insight is no more.There was enough praise of Swades in other comments,but most of them were slightly old,near the release of the movie,so i thought it will be better to write a new one now.well,box office collections are saying that Swades was a failure.if such a movie falls on Indian box office,it shows that we are loosing our sight of judging a movie kindly.Swades is one of the greatest movies ever made in India.and also SRK at his best as an actor,Ashutosh at his best as a director,and of course,ARR at his best as a music director.also the other ones,like the villagers,have done quite well.I am still unable to find just a single true reason why Swades failed.The epic fell down,showing how a movie,coming right from the heart of the director,can face such a condition,against the stupid part of Indian viewer.The only part of mass,who liked the movie,was the youth part which is still doing studies(not that part of youth who sits in the plex with his girlfriend expecting the so called 'around the tree,in the rain' scene.I am quite sure that they fully refused the movie).Where Indian cinema will lead if such incidents will happen again?Whatever the box office reports say,without any doubt,Swades is one of the brightest gems Indian cinema ever had. my rating-10/10.

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