
3 Reviews
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Drive (I) (2011)
Wonderfully Tense with a fantastic soundtrack
30 October 2011
I didn't know what to expect when I went to this movie. I just knew it had Ryan Gosling and that was enough for me.

It blew my expectations out of the water. To me a good movie should be something that takes you through a variety of emotions and leaves you wanting more at the end.

This definitely had that. The soundtrack to this movie matches it perfectly. A definite must see - I am still thinking about this movie and want to see it again.

There are some graphic scenes in this movie with a lot of blood so if you are squeamish beware. I tend to be a bit myself, however, the blood didn't bother me in this movie. It felt very real, definitely not blood just for bloods sake.

There are some very original romantic scenes - where Ryan and Carey are just staring at each other - not saying a word. Almost hauntingly romantic.
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Avatar (2009)
The Best Movie I've Ever Seen
21 December 2009
This was by far the best movie I've ever seen. Perfect from start to finish - it was a longer movie but felt like it flew by. Incredibly entertaining and moving. The effects are Amazing! Definitely go see the movie in the imax 3D theatres....incredible.

I've already seen the movie twice and it just came out. After leaving the theatre all we could talk about was how we want to be Avatar' I would recommend this movie to anyone, young, old, male, female. I think this is an enjoyable movie to go see with anyone. As i said earlier the effects are incredible but the acting is also superb. I am not usually a fan of michelle rodriguez, i find her acting to be corny most of the time but the part she played was just the right size and she actually did surprisingly well. Great Film all around! Go see it!
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11 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I had read the reviews prior to seeing this movie and nothing prepared me for what i saw. It started out slow but built up quick and i was hooked. There is one point in the movie that I almost had to walk out of the theatre it was so disturbing, i'm glad i stayed though...i think! this is the first movie in a long time that kept me up at night not wanting to fall asleep...and I am 25 years old! This movies has a documentary sort of feel to it which makes it all the more horrifying because it feels so is so real.. i don't know! i firmly believe in UFO's but my boyfriend is a HUGE skeptic, after watching this movie he is now a believer as well...or at least more of a believer. It is an extremely convincing and terrifying movie.
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