
28 Reviews
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Showing Up (2022)
Terribly slow and unengaging
3 February 2024
I think the concept of the movie- an artist being pulled into many directions by her life struggles (and inability to say no or fully stand up for herself) as she struggles to finish the work for her final show- couldve been okay.

But the execution did not bring it to life. It was insanely, painfully slow, even as a background movie. I didn't feel connected to any of the characters and by the end I didn't get the point of the story or almost anything in that happened in the movie. Nothing was resolved, there was no real character development as the story went on.

Did not get it or like it and would never watch it again.
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The Guilty (2021)
Unrealistic to a fault and only mildly captivating
25 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think the premise of the story is interesting, but it wasn't executed well.

Ultimately, the movie is about a disgraced cop awaiting trial for a murder (cause he doesnt follow protocol and he's itchin to hurt "bad guys"), coming to the realization that he's a bad cop and needs to take accountability after almost getting a woman and her husband killed (in a series of rule breaking high stakes shenanigans). There's a big twist in the end that leads him to realize he was doing too much and him breaking the rules to solve the case actually just obscured the answers and led everyone down a more dangerous path.

My ultimate issue with the movie is that it is insanely unrealistic to the point that's its distracting. He's in a dispatcher office with other people, also answering calls, yet for the whole movie it seems like no one knows what's going on, or is aware of the madness and rules and laws he's breaking... despite the fact that he's yelling, destroying property, cussing other callers out and calling every officer in the neighborhood to do warrrantless searches and go on man hunts. It just seemed unrealistic that he'd, in the midst of a trial for misconduct and abuse, have that many officers willing to break the law for him and that no one in the office would have something to say about how he's handling calls.

I also didnt really like the style choice. It's almost 2 hours of us starting at Jake have asthma attacks and listening to random voices describe what's going on. Didnt even get much from the people in the dispatch building.
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A bit gory but a great follow up to the original
1 October 2023
This was a really interesting and unexpected route for a sequel. It challenges what you thought you knew based on the first movie while also expanding the world and giving a little insight into what's happening in other places, and from different perspectives. The "hero" is also a villain that you come to understand and maybe even empathize with despite horrible actions in the first half of the movie.

It leaves space to continue the story or allow your imagination to make up many different endings. I'd honestly be interested in it as a series, like going into the different lives and perspectives and journeys of various pple's experience of the creatures and attempts at survival. Maybe something similar to the story telling in the Last of Us.

I gave the original a 10 and gave this one a 9 cause it just felt more gory than it needed to be (more then the first one) but maybe it's a 10 if ur into that kind of thing.

The overall rating seems really low tbh, not sure why this had such harsh reviews. It was really good.
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The Chi (2018– )
unfortunately downhill after the first season
26 September 2023
The first season was great, somewhat reminiscent of "The Wire", and I was excited about it. It made sense how the different characters and their individual stories intertwined. It made you laugh, made you cry, and even with new actors they acted pretty well, even the kids. I was excited for the next seasons and where it could go but I think they had to pivot a lot after firing the main character.

And the pivot... just went a whole lot of random directions. A random brother came out of no where, a lot of main character deaths, suddenly the shows all about abolition and gangster mayors and it wasnt seamlessly integrated into the story line, the storyline itself just became collateral for the political points the writer was trying to make. The Wire made similar points about corruption, the various situations facing Black/low-income neighborhoods, Black kids etc but with A+ storytelling that this series really lost after season 1. It just became like a soap opera with more soulful jazz and cinematography.

I think I'll still finish the series cause I want to see how it ends but it's definitely not something I'd come back to or rewatch.
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Comedy Horror w/ Humor Written for and by Black people
23 July 2023
It was a fun movie, a lot of good humor, and a couple jump scares. It wasn't perfect, the ending was predictable, and the acting was okay but I enjoyed it and I'd watch it again.

I felt the need to write a review because the great majority of negative reviews are angry nonBlack people complaining that the movie centered Black culture, humor and inside jokes they didnt get. But lets be honest, anyone who believes in reverse racism wasnt going to like this movie anyway so take the overall rating with a grain of salt. Anyone could enjoy this movie but there may also be nuanced jokes you don't quite get or that just arent funny without having certain experiences.

Anyway, my true rating is probably a 7 but I had to give a 9 for balance cause so many of these reviews are not about the movie.
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Good visuals and music but story doesn't make sense
21 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It was a bright and joyful movie with good music, good actors and singers, and for the most part an interesting plot. I laughed, I felt connected to the story and characters but there are a lot of points where the story line doesn't make much sense and therefore overall misses the mark.

Jingle Jangle is a story within a story, it's being told by one of the characters in the main story as she's an older woman with grand children. Through this story those children find out that they're part of a big toy fortune, and at the end of the story fly to the toy factory in the sky and it just makes absolutely no sense and is completely out of line with the inner story that that character's future children or grandchildren wouldn't know when their grandmother herself is a toy inventor.

It's a kids movie though so how much are they digging into the logic of the storyline anyway. It was cute for what it was, just not a 10.
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The Five (2016)
Illogical, ridiculously unrealistic, and slow
23 December 2020
I wanted to like this, and even though I was pretty confused throughout I watched the whole thing just to see if or how it all came together... and it didnt. The acting was good but the plot made no sense at all, the subplots were completely unrelated to anything at all (they could almost be completely different shows) and the characters were ridiculously reckless and dumb. There were so many holes, so many parts of the subplot that had no conclusion, it was just massively disappointing.

It was also just so unrealistic it was hard to even believe or feel invested for most of it. Like the friend that was on his own little killing spree, considering most of it was unplanned and random, there's no way he didnt leave dna or other forensic evidence pointing to him. The guy finds out who he is, and thinks it makes more sense to break into houses and burn pictures than to just have a conversation and ask questions? There's just a lot to unpack, very little of which makes sense. And the ending just makes it all feel like you really just waisted hours of your life for it to be a totally left field "plot twist" out of no where.
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A different type of serial killer series focusing on those close to the serial killer
16 May 2020
The acting, and cinematography were done really well and Zac Efron and Lily Collins were great leads. I think the idea of focusing a story not necessarily on the killer but those he interacted with was a good idea but it wasn't executed well. I think the main issue is that they just didn't go deep enough and it felt very surface and repetitive at points.

For example, we know his gf/fiance was the one who gave the police his name initially, that caused her a lot of guilt since she wasn't sure if he was guilty initially, and much more later on when she thought she could've saved more women had she said something earlier. What we don't get though, is why? If he was so charming, they had been in this long relationship, so much so he was heavily in her daughter's life etc there something deeper they could've and should've explored about what led fo that decision for her. Instead, the movie makes it as if she merely saw a sketch that resembled him on tv and reported his name just in case. There's no flashbacks or explanations of moments that caused her to be skeptical of his character, of moments she questioned his life because he took suspicious trips or was out late at night a lot, or had snapped in someway that wasn't violent but raised an alarm.

They also didn't really get much into the investigation. While it wasn't necessarily supposed to be focused on the murders themselves, and we do get some of the details that connected him to the murders he was convicted of, it isn't really made clear why they become convinced it was him (prior to having his teeth mold etc.). There's a sketch, she gives his name and then suddenly he's in lineups and standing trial in a bunch of different places.

There were also a lot of repetitive scenes where they could've used that time instead to go deeper into the story and background rather than repeat the same scene. The calling from jail to the gf/fiance scenes, the scenes where she's just drinking and arguing with her friend about whether she's spiraling or watching the trial with no real dialogue, etc.

That said, I still think it's a pretty good watch if you're into these things.
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Horse Girl (I) (2020)
Suspenseful, Trippy, Intense, Great Imagery with an ending that makes it hard to know what was reality
15 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The movie overall was very good. There was good pacing, the main character acted really well, the visualizations really put you in her mind and enabled you to feel and empathize as she's breaking down and not understanding what's going on and having this psychotic break (or realization of reality depending on how you interpret the movie). However, the ending doesn't make clear what you were meant to get from the rest of the movie or what the "truth" is. As you can probably see from many other reviews, it's hard to tell whether this is a movie about a girl having a psychotic break, delusions, potentially schizophrenia etc, or if this is a movie about a girl being abducted by aliens, and realizing it while everyone THINKS she's crazy.

I guess that goes to show how well they were able to convey her perspective, if even the viewer can't tell what's real and what's not. I think as you watch you grow attached, empathetic and concerned for her well being in the end, so to not have a true ending that clarifies where she ends up or if she's okay in the end feels unsatisfying. (But I'm also not a big fan of those "pick your own ending, you interpret the movie how you want" endings so take that opinion with a grain of salt if you are into that sort of thing.)

On the one hand there are a few things in the movie that seem unexplainable if she's just having a psychotic break. There's the scratches on the wall of her apt which we know aren't delusions since her roommate sees them, the scratches on her car, the bruises on her body, and then the horse thing while they're in the art store that happens in the beginning and the end seeming like a time loop or jump.

On the other hand there are also so many things she either dreams or imagines that haven't happened or aren't confirmable by anyone outside of her imagination and perception. There's also the fact that, if she was legitimately being abducted and she wasn't actually crazy, why would she do so much of the crazy things she did in the moments she was in a more sober state of mind. Also almost all of it is played out as a delusion or dream so even the things that are seemingly legitimate "reality" are still from HER perspective (which would explain the horse loop). For example, the graveyard scene with Darren. Even if she truly believed he was a believer in the paranormal and believed in what she was saying, what sane person thinks they can dig up a 6ft grave with a pair of scissors? Even people from the past had shovels lol. Or the 3 days she was in the psychiatric facility, she seemingly broke into the art store had the alarms going off, yet no one called the police? She seemingly sews this elaborate protective outfit for herself and horse, and gets caught by one of the stable people in the middle of the night looking clearly unwell but they also don't call the police? And then, the idea that she's her grandmother would mean she came from the future to go back in time to have her mother who had her? At the point the clone thing makes more sense.

Or maybe, she is both mentally ill and being abducted by time traveling aliens lol, which would honestly be a good strategic choice for the aliens lol.

Anyway, as you can see very thought provoking, would definitely recommend regardless of dissatisfaction with the ending.
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Overall Good Warm Romantic and Enjoyable
13 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The overall premise of the story is interesting and written relatively well. Hugh Jackman does a really good job as Leopold and really draws you into to the romance and makes you fall in love as you're watching her do the same. It has good humor, quirky moments, and overall good acting. I'd definitely recommend watching.

That said, there are a few parts of the story that don't make sense but are potentially acceptable since it's a fantasy romance movie. First, I think Leopold was there for about a week? Maybe a little more, and in that span of time they fell so deep in love that she was ready to jump off a bridge and give up her career that she'd worked her whole life to get, her family, her friends, her ability to contact any of them, the whole present and all that came with that including modern medicine, technology, cars, a little less sexism lol. That seems like an extremely drastic decision to make for a man you knew for less than a month, went on 2 dates with and cuddle slept with once. And on top of that she had only been broken up with Stuart for a month, hadn't even gotten all her stuff back since it starts with her trying to get the blackberry. I find it hard to believe that she could decide to marry a whole knew person she barely knows, only a month and a week after a different long term breakup. I get that it's meant to be some whirlwind romance that softens the heart of the corporate working woman who's given up hope on finding love, but it just seemed so in contradiction to her character.

Also, how does Stuart get stuck in the hospital that long? Does he not have any family? I mean the dude fell down an elevator shaft (and magically healed from so many broken bones all his body parts were hung up) and no onneee comes to check on him? Even if they put you on a psych hold they'd call family, an emergency contact, something.
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Pleasantly surprising and unpredictable
15 December 2019
I expected it to be a sort of comedy spy action movie, similar to Mr. Right (also featuring Anna Kendrick as a lead) but with moms. It was actually quite the dark murder mystery though. Definitely more on the quirky comedy side but it had a lot of twists I didnt expect and a lot more dark mystery elements that I didnt expect.

The ending was a bit silly but overall I enjoyed it a lot.
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corny but also lighthearted and fun
10 November 2019
Lighthearted movie with lots of action, puns, silly jokes and sarcasm. If you come into this movie expecting a complex logical storyline then you'll be disappointed and I think that's where all the scores lower than 5 come from. Kind of reminds me of Mr. Right w/ Anna Kendrick but the "bff" version.
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Extinction (2018)
Pacing was slow but they won me over with the twist
2 November 2019
I would rate the first half of the movie a bit lower. The idea for the movie was good, the acting was mostly good, but the pacing was too slow. I lost interest halfway through but they really brought me back once the twist was revealed. It was a good ending that brought the whole movie together and did really well blurring the lines between "good guys/bad guys".
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The Lion King (2019)
Good but perhaps a little too realistic
7 August 2019
The movie definitely succeeded in bringing the feelings of nostalgia and the voice actors did well. However, the hyper-realistic cgi didn't allow for the full emotions to show through. We lost a lot of the feelings by not being able to see the more human-like expressions you could relate to in the cartoons like furrowed eyebrows or teary eyes or big smiles etc. Instead it was kind of like those instagram videos where people do voice overs for animals in funny situations except with super HD national geographic type visuals. I think they could've gone for realism but held back some in the faces of the animals to allow for some of that emotion to still show through.

I wouldn't buy it or necessarily choose to see it again but I enjoyed it for what it was in the moment.
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Sex Education (2019–2023)
No matter who the audience is, weirdly pervy
14 June 2019
So the show is funny, I'll give it that. It does quirky comedy well and if we're being honest, many teenagers are having sex these days so that isn't necessarily what makes weird. But I couldnt get through a second episode.

The problem is that it's like hbo level nudity, sexual content and actions but it's about high schoolers. So, either the intended audience is adults, and I'm supposed to not feel weird about watching 14-17 yr olds "have sex", with the nudity to go with it. Or the intended audience is teenagers and then it's just extremely mature content for young people which is also weird.

I can understand objectively that the actors playing these teenagers are at least 18, and maybe the audience is adults but intending to get at the nostalgia of people's own teenage experience and lack of sexual knowledge. But no matter how you slice it, it's a show about the woes of 14-17yr old sex lives and one teenager giving other teenagers sex advice. And even beyond the awkwardness of knowing this character is playing a child having sex, on a larger level it just feels like another contribution to the over-sexualization of kids. Some 20 year old girl or boy playing someone meant to be 16 and contributing to the insecurities so many teens have about themselves and what they should look like because they're basing it on media images of adults pretending to be their age.
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Semi-okay as a stand alone
9 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So it makes absolutely no sense with any of the other timelines. People die that are supposed to be alive on later dates, Jean getting the phoenix powers doesn't align with this being a later time period than the last movie where she used said powers etc etc.

I think it works as a stand-alone movie not considering anything else that's come out but that's really disappointing considering this was supposed to be the culmination or closing of the xmen series. Also, even as a stand-alone it was only okay. The cinematography and effects were good but a lot of the acting was mediocre (like cyclops doesnt really stand up to sophie turner whose really built up her abilities during game of thrones), the story moves really slow and it doesn't really feel over when it's over.

Overall didn't hate it but it's not what I felt I was waiting a year for.
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Amanda Seales: I Be Knowin' (2019 TV Special)
It was cool, just not as good as expected
18 March 2019
I follow Amanda Seales pretty closely, I like her a lot. I think she's hilarious and intelligent (though often a bit dramatic- but artist you know) and I'd probably call myself a fan but this just wasn't as great as it was hyped up to be.

I think the main problem was that it was just super predictable, like it was just a compilation of stuff she says all the time compiled in a semi new way. It also seemed like she was trying to incorporate some of the "Smart Funny & Black" show aspects that just didn't fit quite right in the special (like singing the black national anthem, it went just a beat long enough to make it awkward).

And on the one hand, I get that it's her first comedy special, she was using some of the classic Seales humor that people have come to love her for. On the other hand, there was no real surprise elements, no truly memorable jokes. It seemed like she was just trying to create a special of like quotes/phrases everybody would walk away repeating all the time with the "how black am i gone have to get" or "i be knowin" which is kind of already repeated among the IG fan base (similar to Kevin Hart's, "pineapples", "you gone learn today" or Bernie Mac's "milk & cookies")...but for the most part it just kind of fell flat.

I also think she isn't an artist who takes criticism very well, even if it's well meaning. In a sense it's good she doesn't like live to please fans, she's just authentically who she is. However, everyone's not hater and if future specials fall flat like this she's not gonna reach her ultimate potential. I think it's especially hard with a semi-political special like this to separate haters from fans who just weren't feeling it. It might be easy for her to say, oh it just got low ratings cause white people were hating or cause I wasn't politically correct.

And don't get me wrong, there are definitely a lot of people (mostly white) who are just mad the special wasn't about them or made to please them...despite the fact that she told yall what it was before the special started. And the fact is, she was sharing legitimate and real aspects of the experience of being a black woman in America. It doesn't mean she thinks all white people are bad, it means black people and black women encounter a lot of white people and micro aggressions throughout our lives that are annoying/hurtful and funny.

However, there are also a lot if people like me (a fellow black woman btw) who legitimately are just criticizing the writing/pacing/delivery aspects of the special and hoping it gets better...who I also think she'll probably write off as hating or not getting it.
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So Good Every Episode Could Be It's Own Series
18 March 2019
Every episode was super intriguing and well animated. I wish they'd turn them all into full shows. Really good, one of the best series they've made so far.

My only complaint is that there isn't more and they're so short I watched them all in a few hours.
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Maniac (2018)
Slow start but definitely give it a chance!
18 March 2019
Writing this review just so that people know to keep watching lol. It gets off to a slow start, I almost stopped watching it because I couldn't really get into the first episode but it picks up by the third, maybe even halfway through the second.

There's a lot that's initially confusing that's revealed as the show continues. Just know it's a pretty trippy show.

As far as a substantive review the character development was done really well, the acting was also done well considering the various personas taken on (though the part w/Jonah Hill as a bad boy/gangster was unconvincing- tho it was more about the story/fantasy there so I don't completely knock it). I also thought they wrapped up the story really well. It wasn't super cliche or predictable but it felt reasonable and good. Also liked that the overall story itself was super unpredictable, I had no idea where it was going or what they'd be going through next. It being a sort of psychological thriller it also brings you to your own psychological trauma or negativity. Super interesting concept, would definitely recommend.
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Seven Seconds (2018)
well written, beautifully acted
3 February 2019
Great acting all around, even for some of the newer actors introduced in this show. the writing was good, realistic and really made u feel the emotions of the characters, even those intended to be the bad guys

as some other reviews have said, you are left with a lot of questions. however, 1. i think thats strategic, we cant get a second season if there's nothing left to explore and 2. i think its similar to real life. sometimes people get away with things, sometimes justice isn't served.

considering the awards and acclaim the show has gotten im definitely hoping for a 2nd season.
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I, Tonya (2017)
Really Great Acting
2 February 2019
The pacing and the story telling were really great but the acting and casting made this movie. they all did great jobs of embodying the characters especially margot.
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Venom (2018)
Really Good
13 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It was really good humor/effects/action etc.

I just have like 3 problems with it. (1) I don't think Tom Hardy really had chemistry with the love interest. It felt very awkward and forced (maybe excluding 1 or 2 scenes towards the end. (2) Her wig was trash the whole movie, it annoyed me so im sure her real hair would've looked better so why. And (3) they didnt really get into venom's choice to save the planet or stay on earth. It was like a few light convos, some light exposure to love and then suddenly he's willing to go against his own race and murder hisown pple cuz he likes tom?
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Insecure (2016–2021)
Love this show entirely!...but sometimes the sex scenes are SO extra
18 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I loved awkward black girl when it was on youtube and I sincerely love this show, the acting, the exploration of LA, the comedy, the drama, the soundtrack, the depiction of black culture and aspects of black culture that aren't normally shown etc. etc. etc.....

BUT there are gratuitous amounts of sex FOR NO REASON sometimes. Like I get it, it's HBO...half their shows are essentially soft-core porn so it's not like I'm expecting it to be some squeaky clean family friendly show. HOWEVER, I feel like sex scenes, especially when they're super explicit, should have purpose and not just be added for shock value. Sure there are some points where a long sex scene makes sense because something is being explored between the characters, like this is the first time or there's going to be an awkward moment or an argument or something adding value to the general storyline that requires more from the scene than usual. But most of the time, the audience can get the point without a whole 60 seconds of bouncing boobs and grinding especially when it's between a main character and someone who doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of things.

Like the latest episode (for season 3) had a Lawrence flashback so we could kind of see what he's been up to since the last convo with Issa, and literally the first 3-4 mins of the episode was just super explicit sex scenes of him with diff women. And on the one hand, I get that they were trying to show him in his hoe lifestyle and it definitely had a stronger affect than if they wouldve only shown him talking to a bunch of different girls in a bar for example. However, there were other ways to have that same effect without almost 4mins of a 30min show being strictly dedicated to him in diff sex positions on a couch grinding against women with their boobs out. For example scenes of them kissing, or closing a door behind them, or leaving a bar etc. would show us the same thing, "Lawrence is now a hoe" without me feeling like I'm just watching porn. And even if your down with explicit sex scenes, when they take up so much of the show it just feels like a waste the very limited minutes of the show on scenes with no real value (when we could be getting into some of the other drama I'm actually interested in).

This may be an unpopular opinion, maybe people are actually into gratuitous amounts of useless sex scenes, but for me it makes the show an 8 when it has the potential to be a 10.
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Not terrible, but there are a lot of holes
18 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
They did a good job on the cinematography, and the acting is well done for what the script is. It's definitely an interesting concept, and I was intrigued enough to watch the whole thing, but there are a lot of holes in the story.

For example, they do a lot of flashbacks for the main character about his dad who it seems used to be a traditional fireman, eventually had his books burned and the main character was raised as a child by the new "firemen" who indoctrinated and brainwashed him to believe in this whole goal to eliminate all books in the world. However, despite these flashbacks going on throughout the movie there's no point where he actually confronts or acknowledges the memories except in maybe a single line when he's beginning to question his mission. He says something about having confusing memories of his dad, but then it's not acknowledged beyond that. Then throughout the movie they're emphasizing the bond between him and his Captain. It's clear he raised him, and his Captain has made him believe his Dad was a 'fireman' and would have wanted his son to get as high as he can in this line of work. But after all that set up, they just gloss over the big reveal that the Captain was not in fact his father's friend and essentially kidnapped and brainwashed him. There's a semi-emotional moment, some facial expressions when he realizes but no confrontation, no exchange between these two characters regarding the big lie, there's just a flash of a memory and he angrily continues what he's doing ultimately sacrificing himself. Then the relationship with the girl is very superficial, like suddenly they're in love after reading a book together one night and the very next day they're suddenly this "ride or die" couple with no real look into why (beyond him finding her attractive while stalking her for work). Then beyond the big things there are so many little (but important) things about the world itself that they don't fill in, like what does it mean to "erase someone's life", what's the goal of the true elite behind the agenda to burn all books, what does all of this technology mean (for example it's clear he's popular on the internet or whatever the tv thing is, and people watch and follow him as an agent and as the firemen burn things but there's no real context for it)...etc. etc.

I feel like it had potential...good actors...well shot...good scoring but there were just too many plot holes to make it complete. I probably have a less harsh rating because I haven't read the book so I had no expectations that the movie would follow a certain script or that characters would be a certain way. From the previews I somewhat expected it to be like Equilibrium. But with all these plot holes that I'm sure the book deeply explored, I can see why fans of the book would dislike the adaptation.
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Michelle Wolf: Nice Lady (2017 TV Special)
Hilarious, but men won't have as much fun with it
26 August 2018
Michelle Wolf was hilarious, intelligent, and REAL. Most of the negative written reviews on here are by men who hate her "feminist jokes" or who think she's a "feminist hypocrite" because she made some jokes about testicles being gross and apparently that's body shaming. The truth is a lot of the stand-up (though definitely not all of it) was her bluntly and hilariously talking about the random struggles of being a woman and she did it tastefully (with still a touch of raunchiness cause we're all adults here). But if youre scared of period jokes, and youre anti-political comedy then it's probably not going to be something your into.
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