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Haunted: In the Pines (2021)
Season 3, Episode 1
The lowest point of the series
17 May 2021
Definitely this was the worst episode of the series, yet. The story made no sense, it was all over the place and had nothing scary about it. Although it had a pretty decent song. Bad, bad, bad.
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Haunted: Spirits from Below (2019)
Season 2, Episode 4
Too dark
17 May 2021
This story could have been scary, but the picture was so dark, I bearly saw a thing.
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Haunted: Ward of Evil (2019)
Season 2, Episode 2
Not believable at all
17 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So Netflix really thinks, people should believe that it's a true story. Well, I really don't believe that in America if a resident in a nursing home stops eating, drinking and urinating for weeks, they just let them suffer, and never bring them to a hospital. Or if a resident of a nursing home starts attacking the employees, they would still do nothing, don't ask for psychological help, or give them tranquilizers or something, no, they just let them rampage. Yah, not that believable.
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Haunted: Demon in the Dark (2018)
Season 1, Episode 3
17 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So, the storyteller say she had nightmares as a child, but some nightmares are more real then the others. Plus she sees a demon every time when life gets hard: has to move to a basement, because mom's illness, and later in life has to move back to the family(in a different house) because of the same reason. However this "demon" does not bother her, when her life is a-okay. Ah. Sorry honey, but everyone is fighting with those kind of demons, nothing scary about that, it's called life.
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Riverdale (2017–2023)
it is bad
27 February 2020
Started watching the show because I wanted something light and fun. And the first season gave me that. It was interesting, I cared for the characters, the mystery got me hooked. It had its own questions, like how is that the chock lit shop is open 24/7 and no matter when they get in, morning, evening or midnight there's always Pop behind the counter. I mean, doesn't he sleep at all? But it wasn't really annoying.

On the second season however the writers started using some kind of drug or consumed way more alcohol than they should have and story started to collapse. The mystery line was OK, it was interesting at first, but the season was much longer than the first one and there just wasn't enough life on that story. The characters on the other hand started to become dull and unreasonable. I don't mind if a tv show don't necessarily follow the rules of the real world as long as it makes sense in its own universe. But it wasn't the case here. For example there's a motorcycle gang with adult gang members in it and suddenly they do as a teenager said. Because... Don't know why.

And there's the third season. Uh. I think the writers switched to really heavy drugs writing the episodes. Now nothing makes sense. The characters should be teenagers but at this point nobody goes to school and it doesn't seem to bother anyone. They like 16 and no one has a world that they own and run a pub, or just disappear for month. And there's a "bad guy" who is doing bad guy stuff and everybody knows that and none of them thinks about going to the FBI or just posting a video of it on the internet. It is so stupid, that it hurts to watch.

Now I'm in the middle of the third season and I would really like to watch it for some masochistic reasons, but I just can't. It's soooo dumb, I just can't.
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I don't get the hate
17 January 2017
I really don't understand why this film is hated so much. It's a comedy. It's only purpose to be funny and entertaining and it is. Yes, some jokes are over the top, but the whole film and the plot is over the top, so there's nothing wrong with that. I liked the original version, but honestly I like this one even more. The female leads were funny and every one of them has a different personality (yes, over the top personalities but still it's fine) I think people want to be more than it is: it's a comedy that sole purpose is to entertain and make you forget your daily problems for a few hours, and it definitely achieves that purpose.
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Sully (2016)
29 November 2016
First of all, I want to say that this is a great movie with great acting - and not just from Tom Hanks, but from everyone. The film was interesting and although I knew what was going to happen, it still made me anxious. Most part of the movie was like watching the plane crash documentary series on National Geographic, but with much nicer looking people and an inside view about the actions. And that is a really good thing. The only thing I had a problem with was the first part of the film, the first half hour. I cannot understand why they did it like that. It wasn't a problem for me that they didn't start with the flight and the landing on Hudson, I think it was a great move, but I felt they couldn't make that first 30 minutes interesting, the scenes were good in that first 30 minutes, but it may needed some more editing. Other than that great movie and I definitely think I'm going to watch it again - maybe the first part will get better for the second time :)
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Mike & Molly (2010–2016)
Was good, jumped the shark with the "new" concept
19 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I really really liked this show when it started. It was about two people falling in love, who are happen to be fat, but most of all just your average human beings, with insecurities about life and how to live it. It was great to watch these characters clumsiness and struggles through funny but still somewhat believable situations. I remember watching the ending of the 3rd season (I think it was the 3rd, right before the new Mike & Molly), when Molly told Mike she was pregnant. I couldn't wait for the new season, so before the new season started, I binge watched the whole first 3 seasons, and then came the surprise, at the end Molly's pregnancy bomb was not there - it turned out, it wasn't even aired in the US, it was only in the first Canadian version, which I saw. And then started this whole "new" thing which is exactly the opposite of the earlier seasons. The characters are unbearable and not a slightly bit lovable. I just stopped watching after a few episodes. Came back for a few glimpses, but nah. I wish they would went with the pregnancy and starting a family line, that would have been so great. Seriously can't understand why they choose this path. So the first few seasons are a 8 or maybe even 9 for me, the latter are 1 or 2.
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Interstellar (2014)
Definitely a nobrainer
28 August 2016
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It has so many unrealistic aspects, let's see a few of them: 1. If the people are starving on Earth why wouldn't the scientists try to do anything (birth control, artificial foods, move in a closed place with controlled and filtered air etc.) No, they just send a couple of people through a wormhole. 2. If the Earth is dying why the scientists work in small groups. Wouldn't it be logical to not work as individual countries but as a whole like they do in real life? 3. Why they send an unknown guy, who just stumbled through the door, the captain a mission? 4. They sent the first group through the wormhole and after 10 years they send another because no answer was received from the first group - just like they don't receive messages from the second group, but that's not a problem... 5. In the beginning they say they can only send and receive small binary info through the wormhole but later they can send HD videos too (but it's just a one way road obviously) 6. If there's no chance for survival in Earth why would they send only less than 10 people (and just one girl)? And not send the DNA database they already have? 7. If in the first planet the time is slow -because of the black hole's gravity- why is it the same as on Earth in the spaceship which is just a few thousand kilometers from that planet? 8. Why would the old guy work in something that is surely a dead end and burn resources instead of doing something useful? 9. Why do I need to listen to so many whining and crying and "emotional" conversations? Seeing crying people should make me cry too? Well, it doesn't. 10.The scientific explanations are like 4th grade elementary school. +1 The music is really bad. There was endless possibilities with this movie and I feel it just stayed in the starting line. If someone who didn't care about science get's interested based on that movie, that's great, but I cannot say anything else positive about this movie.
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Definitely not for those how like a logical plot
27 August 2016
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A good science fiction is the best thing in the world, but if it's done poorly it is a pain in the butt. And this one has so many unexplainable aspects, it's hard to watch. They seem to know exactly what happen, even if this is the first time they've met with an alien life form. Why would anyone send the team, risking more lives to search for a dead body? They tell the base station that they find and alien life form and what the HQ does? Yeah, nothing. How can someone with severe claustrophobia be an astronaut? Probably they never tested that during training, really realistic. It seems they have 1 first aid kit for the whole mission so if they didn't carry it to the rover, there's no way they can deal with a simple cut. Oh, and the girl can't walk unless they but a bandage to her really small cut. The girl's space suite was cut with a knife, but if she doesn't pull the knife out, the oxygen can not go out of the suite, yeah right. And it goes on and on and on and on. It could be a small budget film, still they should be able to find someone with a sense of logic. I give it a 5 because I live space mission movies, but it was bad
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Bad Moms (2016)
What did I just watch?
24 August 2016
Oh my, oh my, where to start. It was supposed to be a comedy still I did not smile ones during the film - and I love smiling so that shouldn't be an impossible mission. At one point I considered I may cry a little because it was so pathetic - the uncircumcised penis scene - but it wasn't even pathetic enough for that. The whole film was nothing - well, at least the first hour, I just couldn't watch the rest of it. It didn't make itself believable enough to be enjoyable as a comedy, because even with a comedy you have to care about the characters or at least believe they could exist in some universe. And if it tried to go the more satiric road than it was too believable for that. I don't know what it was, other than a really bad movie and a complete waste of time and money.
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The dude looks 40
21 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If you are looking for some backup noise while you do some housework this is great for that. Other than that it's really bad. The main character is so irritating and awful, every scene he was in I couldn't help but think This dude looks 40, what the hell is he doing in a high school? He suppose to be someone who don't really care about school only cars, yet he learns perfect Japanese in a few weeks. And this is just one annoying thing, the story has so many plot holes , I stopped counting. Why is he sent to Japan in the first place, who sends criminals to live in a foreign country as a punishment? If his father is in military why don't they live in the military base? And why does the Yakusa have any interest in high school drifting? And so on.... Its just bad, yet somehow better than the first sequence because that was even worse.
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