
17 Reviews
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The Flash (2014–2023)
Grant Gustin Deserved Better
25 May 2023
I'm giving this a 10 purely for the enjoyment I got out of the first two seasons.

What happened? This show went to hell after crisis. The only redeeming factor of the later seasons is Grant Gustin. His screen presence elevates the show exponentially. Every other character and the writing post crisis SUCKED.

After a catastrophic final 3 seasons, this show has finally concluded, and I'm glad that Grant can move on. This show had so much potential but the horrifically low budget, terrible writing, and horrendous acting from the new side characters absolutely soiled it.

Unlike Arrow, The Flash couldn't stick the landing. It's a shame because I really did love this show. But good God these later seasons are awful.
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WandaVision: The Series Finale (2021)
Season 1, Episode 9
Why fan theories do not deserve attention
5 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This finale was great. Anyone who expected more did not understand the themes and the story of this show. Yes there was no appearance of Mephisto, No X-Men tie-ins, no Tobey Maguire, no Doctor Strange etc. But if anyone who expected those things had actually been paying attention to the show they would have known that it was never about any of those things. The show at its core is a story about Wanda dealing with her grief following the events of Endgame and learning to control her power. Never was the show meant to be about integrating the X-Men or any other universe into the MCU. To review this episode poorly solely based on the fact that you watched one Emergency Awesome or IGN video and those theories had no payoff, is just wrong. This finale perfectly wrapped up the story that the show has been trying to tell, and set up future events well. Very much looking forward to Multiverse of Madness and seeing how the events of this show affect that movie.
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
Carry On Wayward Son
20 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I started Supernatural for the first time in October of 2019. From then until now I've watched all 14 seasons on Netflix and caught up to Season 15 in time to watch the last couple episodes. I'd say it was time well spent. When discussing my overall thoughts on the show I'd like to talk about: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.

The Good

-Sam and Dean Winchester (and the characters around them), are some of the most iconic characters in TV history in my opinion. No matter how over dramatic or boring the story around them gets, they always make it enjoyable.

-The Music, sets the tone of the show perfectly and adds to the characters in significant ways.

-Out of 15 seasons, not one of them is "Bad" in my opinion. Season 7 is by far the worst to me but even then the show is enjoyable.

-The Villains, Azazel, Lucifer, Crowley, Metatron, God, Lilith and a bunch of the "Monster of the Week" villains all make the seasons they're in really enjoyable. (Not Amara or the Leviathans though)

-The chemistry between the cast and characters. Jared and Jensen really make Sam and Dean feel like brothers. The dynamics between all the characters whether it's Dean and Castiel, Sam and Jack, or even Rowena and Crowley are all fantastic.

-The final moments of the show in Heaven is probably the most fitting ending the boys could get.

The Bad

-Season 5 should have been the end. While I do love a lot of what comes after season 5, it really would have been a perfect spot to end the series. (And the way they kept it going at the beginning of season 6 was very awkward)

-The way that they nerfed certain powerful characters: Taking away the angels' wings, taking away Jack and Lucifer's grace at certain points, telling Jack he can't use his powers, was really aggravating. They didn't have to make these awesome characters weaker and it was just really pointless.

-The pointless deaths of characters like Charlie and Eileen, was just so unnecessary.

-Bland villains like Amara, The British Men of Letters, and some boring monsters just made the show feel like a drag at certain points.

-Bringing back alternate versions of Bobby and Charlie felt kind of forced and really had no purpose.

-The underuse of Jack, he was a very cool character and they just didn't use him as much as I thought they should.

-The Death of Mary Winchester was poorly executed.

-Filler at bad points in the show, season 15 had many filler episodes towers the end of the show that did nothing good for the pacing of the season as a whole.

-Deans death was cheesy but not horrible.

The Ugly

-The special effects in the early seasons are brutal, though this is mostly excused due to when they came out.

-The Leviathans in season 7 were just really bad villains and are the main reason that was my least favorite season.

-There's roughly 4 or 5 episodes I consider to be unwatchable, (mainly the failed attempt at a back door pilot for a spinoff) these episodes really shouldn't have been made.

-Jared's wig in the finale (Jk)

In Conclusion

Overall Supernatural is one of my favorite shows of all time. It managed to always be entertaining for 15 years. That in itself is worthy of praise. Even at its worst, I do not regret watching this show in the slightest. 10/10 for me for sure.
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Supernatural: Despair (2020)
Season 15, Episode 18
Misha Collins
6 November 2020
Misha's acting in this episode was fantastic. Possibly his best scene in his 11 season run on the show. This episode was tense, emotional and it set up the finale perfectly. It really looks like the show will absolutely end on a high note.
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Supernatural: Drag Me Away (From You) (2020)
Season 15, Episode 16
Not horrible, by no means good
23 October 2020
This episode feels like it could've taken place in season 2 and it would have been received better. It is an average monster of the week episode. The reason there is so many 1 star reviews is because this episode comes with 5 episodes left in the series. I suppose it was cool to get one last episode of Sam and Dean working a case before it all ends, but the timing was just poor. The modern day scenes were good but the flashback scenes were a little hard to watch because the child actors are simply not good. The most entertaining parts of the episode are the parts that actually relate to the season's plot, and those parts make up about 5 minutes of the episode. So overall, nothing overtly horrible about this episode. Really just nothing great about it either. I did enjoy the acting by Jensen and Jared at the end, looking forward to the next few episodes. Would give this a 7.5 if I could.
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Supernatural: Baby (2015)
Season 11, Episode 4
Genuinely Perfect
8 February 2020
There's not much to say about this episode. It's perfect in every way. It is filled with Season 1 type moments, great acting, hilarious writing, amazing music and incredible directing. There are so many small details that actually matter throughout the episode and it all feels so amazing to watch. After watching 10 seasons and 4 episodes so far, this has been my absolute favorite episode of the series.
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Supernatural: Bitten (2012)
Season 8, Episode 4
Such a sad waste of potential
2 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this episode knowing that it was one of lowest rated episodes of the show. Regardless of that I kept an open mind and tried to see what I can get from this episode.

The first 15-20 minutes were promising. I saw that they were doing something out of the ordinary and I was down for it. The episodes style reminded me a lot of the season 3 episode "Ghostfacers" which was one of the best episodes of that season. This episodes story had me hooked at the beginning because I was curious to see what was happening. I though some of dialogue was a little off but overall the first half was good and could have been a top episode if it kept this quality. It didn't.

The next half of the episode was one of the biggest wastes of potential I've ever seen in a TV show. The 3 kids that the story was told from the perspective of, were dreadful actors. Their line delivery was horrible and unbelievable. Also the dialogue and plot they had to work with were the most boring, ridiculous, and contrived this show has ever presented. Characters actions, (specifically Kate's when Michael turned and killed Scott) made absolutely no sense. No real person would talk or act this way when placed in these situations, which was particularly disappointing because this show usually nails it when it comes to making characters feel real.

The lack of Sam and Dean doesn't bother me but the scenes they were in just so happened to be the best in the episode so I do think it was a mistake to leave them out for the majority of it.

In conclusion, they had a great, interesting, and unique concept that could have made for a top 10 episode of the show. However, they blew it when it came to the casting and writing of the characters they chose to follow. Overall a really disappointing episode that could have been so much better.
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The Flash: Into the Void (2019)
Season 6, Episode 1
New Show-runner is great
9 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great first episode, everything I could've asked for: an interesting plot, good set up for Bloodwork, Iris being a reporter, great acting, good action, and some COIE setup.

Great premiere.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
If only the whole show was like this.
21 August 2019
This season was the first good season after seven years of hot trash. The writing was on point, plot was interesting, and the acting was masterclass, this all culminates in an epic series finale that left me extremely satisfied. Well done Game of Thrones, you redeemed yourself after such a garbage run and I can say that this finale will go down in history as one of the best. It fits perfectly into the top three best finales along with How I Met Your Mother and Dexter. The team behind this show deserves applause.
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The Flash: All Doll'd Up (2018)
Season 5, Episode 5
27 June 2019
I've found myself laughing through this whole season, it's so over the top, it's so goofy, it's so ridiculous, that it's genuinely funny. In a way that is making me enjoy it more than I enjoyed seasons 3 or 4. It's actually hilarious watching this all unfold and it's honestly quite entertaining while also being cringe worthy and crazy. Whole thing is just dumb fun while Arrow around this time in the show was dark and gritty, it's funny comparing the two shows.
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Arrow: The Slabside Redemption (2018)
Season 7, Episode 7
Top 3 Episode of Arrow
26 June 2019
I feel as though this was a Top 3 episode of Arrow of all time, if not the best. The action was top notch, the writing was exciting and interesting, the acting was perfect. This episode could have been a season finale on its own. I honestly think they could've made this a 7 episode season similar to something like Game of Thrones. It was a perfect ending to the Diaz storyline and the Oliver in prison storyline. This was hands down one of the best episodes of the entire show and I'm excited to see where the season goes from here.
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Daredevil: A New Napkin (2018)
Season 3, Episode 13
The Man Without Fear
28 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say about this season other than wow. From start to finish this season was by far the best thing I have ever watched in my entire life. From the acting and writing to the directing and shooting, season 3 of Daredevil was an absolute masterpiece. Throughout the season Matt battles himself about whether he wants to go back to his old life as Matt Murdock and let his friends back in or if he wants to let the devil out and leave Matt Murdock behind. He also battles with the idea of how far he would have to go to stop Wilson Fisk. This was a perfect direction for his character and a great story arc for him to go through throughout the season. Vincent D'Onofrio has once again proven that Wilson's Fisk is the best villain the Marvel Universe has to offer. His performance is unforgettable, he is both interesting and terrifying every time he is on screen. The side characters this season all go through their own important journeys that all come together in the end. Original characters such as Foogy and Karen as well as new characters, Maggie and Ray Nadeem all go through a lot this season and give amazing performances. Daredevil has always had the best, and most memorable fight scenes and this continues this season with episodes 4,6,10, and 13 having some of the best fight scenes in the entire series. They are perfectly choreographed and acted and those things blend together to form something that makes it impossible to look away while watching this show. What Matt says at father Lantom's funeral was one of my favorite things about the season, he said that Lantom told him to be a "man without fear" and as a fan of the comics, this was an amazing moment. This season is easily my favorite season of any show I've ever watched. It is a perfect comic book adaptation and I can say with 100% certainty that it was worth the 2 and 1/2 year wait for this season.
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Iron Fist: Snow Gives Way (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
Greatest show known to man
30 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this whole show then came back to review the pilot and what can I say except that I have just witnessed greatness. Everything from the dastardly deeds of Harold Meechum to the zany adventures of Danny Rand with his best buds Joy and Ward. This show is a light hearted take on the classic superhero story and is full of positive themes and messages, not to mention the fact that the writing and acting is probably the best of any of the marvel shows. The only word that describes this show is Wow. I'm so pumped for season 2 and I look forward to rewatching this show thousands of times on the clutch with my family after work. Nicely done Finn Jones and company, you bring tears of joy to my eyes.
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This show.....
30 July 2018
I've never witnessed something worse than this show, terrible acting, writing, and all around production. So often I hear that this is the best show on television though after watching up to this point I can say that it is nothing other than criminally overrated and mediocre at its best points. This show makes me miss shows like black lighting and iron fist.
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Daredevil: A Cold Day in Hell's Kitchen (2016)
Season 2, Episode 13
This show is amazing.
5 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Daredevil is the best show I have watched in a while and I am willing to say that it is my favorite show ever.

This season while not as good as first one (which is literally impossible) is amazing. The storyline with the Punisher was perfectly executed because it didn't feel like a setup for a spin-off show. The writers did it perfectly and in a way that made me happy every time the Punisher was even mentioned.

The Hand/Elektra story was not as strong and felt like a setup for defenders however it was still a good plot and a good continuation of Matt's backstory. I enjoy the fact that Wilson Fisk is still present in the show but will lot always be a driving force in the show like season one, this is much better than Jessica Jones where they immediately killed off Kilgrave or Luke Cage where they killed off cottonmouth.

This ended on a cliffhanger that was continued in defenders (which I'm not entirely happy about) but I still look forward to seeing it resolved and how the events of defenders play into season 3 which may possibly be the season of television that I am most excited for ever.
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The Flash: We Are the Flash (2018)
Season 4, Episode 23
I don't like where we're heading.
5 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Seasons 1 and 2 of this show were very good and borderline amazing. 3 and 4 . . . Not so much. 3 was a very different tone that didn't really fit the show which was normally a fun energetic show, it now was dark and depressing. Season 4 was a somewhat return to form though it still had some of the same elements, specifically from Barry. The main downfall of the show has been caused by Iris West, I have no problem with Candice Patton because I think she is doing her best with a poorly written character.

Iris has gone from a normal reporter and citizen of central city to the leader of team flash and at one point during this season, a speedster herself. There were 2 episodes this season that I skipped, they were both feminist episodes that were met with immense criticism which was well deserved. Nobody ever wanted to see Iris in this position, that's not where her character works and that needs to change if the show is to improve.

I did enjoy the thinker as a villain this season and thought it was a good change of pace from the typical speedster that pushes Barry to go faster. This season Devoe pushes Barry to outthink him which of course he does, however the final showdown with Barry, Ralph and devoe was poorly executed.

Overall this was a lackluster season and not a good sign for the future of the show, I thouroughly hope that they can pull and "Arrow" and pull out a good season 5 and bring the show back to what makes it good.
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Arrow: Life Sentence (2018)
Season 6, Episode 23
It's been a rough road getting here.
5 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This season much like this show is very up and down, seasons 1,2, and 5 are amazing, 3,4, and 6 range from mediocre to bad. The first half of this season was rather boring with bad villains such as Caden James and Black Siren, I think they were interesting characters but they were terribly acted.

On the other hand you have a storyline with Team Arrow going through a breakup. This started off interesting though towards the end it became boring filler plot for Oliver's arc about him being the Green Arrow affecting his personal life and those around him.

The finale was good and left off on a good cliffhanger though I thought Quentin's death was forced and poorly executed. I still plan on watching season 7 but they need to greatly improve their storylines and villains to match or even surpass the quality of seasons 1,2, and 5.
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